protected void btnFindClubs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtHomeAirport.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(txtHomeAirport.Text).ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Trim(); SearchResults.Clear(); bool fAdmin = Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && util.GetIntParam(Request, "a", 0) != 0 && MyFlightbook.Profile.GetUser(Page.User.Identity.Name).CanManageData; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHomeAirport.Text)) { SearchResults.AddRange(Club.AllClubs(fAdmin)); } else { AirportList al = new AirportList(txtHomeAirport.Text); List <airport> lst = new List <airport>(al.GetAirportList()); lst.RemoveAll(ap => !ap.IsPort); if (lst.Count == 0) { lblErr.Text = Resources.Club.errHomeAirportNotFound; return; } mfbGoogleMapManager2.Map.SetAirportList(al); SearchResults.AddRange(Club.ClubsNearAirport(hdnMatchingHomeAirport.Value = lst[0].Code, fAdmin)); } DisplaySearchResults(); }
protected void doSearch() { airport[] rgap = m_alResults.GetAirportList(); MfbGoogleMapManager1.Visible = rgap.Length > 0; // avoid excess map loads gvResults.DataSource = rgap; gvResults.DataBind(); MfbGoogleMapManager1.Map.SetAirportList(m_alResults); lnkZoomOut.NavigateUrl = MfbGoogleMapManager1.ZoomToFitScript; lnkZoomOut.Visible = (rgap.Length > 0); }
public override void ExamineFlight(ExaminerFlightRow cfr) { if (cfr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cfr)); } decimal ifrTraining = Math.Min(cfr.Dual, cfr.IMC + cfr.IMCSim); // Aeronautical experience - can be in any aircraft or certified sim if (cfr.fIsCertifiedIFR) // includes real aircraft { miAeronauticalExperience.AddEvent(Math.Max(cfr.GroundSim, cfr.Total)); } // total pilot time and IFR time can both be in any real aircraft if (miPilotTime != null && cfr.fIsRealAircraft) { miPilotTime.AddEvent(cfr.Total); } miDualInstrumentTime.AddEvent((cfr.fIsRealAircraft || cfr.fIsCertifiedIFR) ? ifrTraining : 0); // everything else must be in a matching category AND must be in a real aircraft if (IsMatchingCategory(cfr.idCatClassOverride) && cfr.fIsRealAircraft) { decimal soloTime = 0.0M; cfr.FlightProps.ForEachEvent(pf => { if (pf.PropertyType.IsSolo) { soloTime += pf.DecValue; } }); miTimeInCategory.AddEvent(cfr.Total); miSoloTimeInCategory.AddEvent(soloTime); miSoloXCTimeInCategory.AddEvent(Math.Min(soloTime, cfr.XC)); miDualInstrumentTimeInCategory.AddEvent(ifrTraining); bool fAllowLongXC = (soloTime > 0 || (!fLongCrossCountryMustBeSolo && cfr.PIC > 0)); // solo is always OK for cross country, otherwise need PIC. if (fAllowLongXC && !miSoloLongCrossCountry.IsSatisfied) { AirportList al = AirportListOfRoutes.CloneSubset(cfr.Route, true); int cRequiredLandings = fXCLandingsMustBeFullStop ? cfr.cFullStopLandings + cfr.cFullStopNightLandings : cfr.cLandingsThisFlight; if (al.DistanceForRoute() >= reqXCDistance && al.GetAirportList().Length >= 3 && cRequiredLandings >= 2) { miSoloLongCrossCountry.MatchFlightEvent(cfr); } } } }
protected void fvClub_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } Page.Validate("valEditClub"); if (Page.IsValid) { Club c = ActiveClub ?? new Club(); c.City = (string)e.NewValues["City"]; c.ContactPhone = (string)e.NewValues["ContactPhone"]; c.Country = (string)e.NewValues["Country"]; c.Description = Controls_mfbHtmlEdit.FixHtml((string)e.NewValues["Description"]); c.HomeAirportCode = (string)e.NewValues["HomeAirportCode"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.HomeAirportCode)) { AirportList al = new AirportList(c.HomeAirportCode); List <airport> lst = new List <airport>(al.GetAirportList()); airport ap = lst.FirstOrDefault(a => a.IsPort); c.HomeAirportCode = ap == null ? c.HomeAirportCode : ap.Code; } c.Name = (string)e.NewValues["Name"]; c.StateProvince = (string)e.NewValues["StateProvince"]; c.URL = (string)e.NewValues["URL"]; c.ID = Convert.ToInt32(e.NewValues["ID"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); c.RestrictEditingToOwnersAndAdmins = Convert.ToBoolean(e.NewValues["RestrictEditingToOwnersAndAdmins"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); c.IsPrivate = Convert.ToBoolean(e.NewValues["IsPrivate"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); c.PrependsScheduleWithOwnerName = Convert.ToBoolean(e.NewValues["PrependsScheduleWithOwnerName"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); c.DeleteNotifications = (Club.DeleteNoficiationPolicy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Club.DeleteNoficiationPolicy), (string)e.NewValues["DeleteNotifications"]); c.DoubleBookRoleRestriction = (Club.DoubleBookPolicy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Club.DoubleBookPolicy), (string)e.NewValues["DoubleBookRoleRestriction"]); c.AddModifyNotifications = (Club.AddModifyNotificationPolicy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Club.AddModifyNotificationPolicy), (string)e.NewValues["AddModifyNotifications"]); c.TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById((string)e.NewValues["TimeZone.Id"]); if (c.IsNew) { c.Creator = Page.User.Identity.Name; } if (c.FCommit()) { if (ClubChanged != null) { ClubChanged(this, new ClubChangedEventsArgs(ActiveClub)); } this.ActiveClub = c; } else { lblErr.Text = c.LastError; } } }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AirportList al = new AirportList(txtAirport.Text); airport[] rgAirports = al.GetAirportList(); if (rgAirports.Length == 0) { lblSearchResult.Text = Resources.Airports.errNoAirportsFound; } else { txtLat.Text = rgAirports[0].LatLong.LatitudeString; txtLon.Text = rgAirports[0].LatLong.LongitudeString; } }
public override void ExamineFlight(ExaminerFlightRow cfr) { if (cfr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("cfr"); } // no provision for training devices. if (!cfr.fIsRealAircraft) { return; } // Must be a glider; motorgliders ("powered sailplanes") are subsets of gliders if (cfr.idCatClassOverride != CategoryClass.CatClassID.Glider) { return; } // Treat TMG time as if it were a training device. miTotal.AddTrainingEvent(cfr.Total, maxTMGTime, cfr.fMotorGlider); miDual.AddEvent(cfr.Dual); decimal soloTime = 0.0M; bool fInstructorOnBoard = false; decimal dutiesOfPICTime = 0.0M; cfr.ForEachEvent(pf => { if (pf.PropertyType.IsSolo) { soloTime += pf.DecValue; } if (pf.PropTypeID == (int)CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropInstructorOnBoard && !pf.IsDefaultValue) { fInstructorOnBoard = true; // instructor-on-board time only counts if you are acting as PIC } if (pf.PropTypeID == (int)CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropDutiesOfPIC && !pf.IsDefaultValue) { dutiesOfPICTime += pf.DecValue; } }); if (fInstructorOnBoard) { soloTime += Math.Max(Math.Min(dutiesOfPICTime, cfr.Total - cfr.Dual), 0); // dual received does NOT count as duties of PIC time here } miSolo.AddEvent(soloTime); miLandings.AddEvent(cfr.cLandingsThisFlight); if (!miCrossCountry.IsSatisfied) { AirportList al = AirportListOfRoutes.CloneSubset(cfr.Route); double distance = al.GetAirportList().Length > 1 ? al.DistanceForRoute() : 0.0; if ((soloTime > 0.0M && distance > minSoloXC) || (cfr.Dual > 0 && distance > minDualXC)) { miCrossCountry.MatchFlightEvent(cfr); } } }
public override void ExamineFlight(ExaminerFlightRow cfr) { if (cfr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("cfr"); } // no provision for training devices. if (!cfr.fIsRealAircraft) { return; } if (MatchesClassDual(cfr)) { miMinDualInClass.AddEvent(cfr.Dual); } if (MatchesSoloOrTotalDual(cfr)) { miMinTime.AddEvent(cfr.Total); decimal soloTime = 0.0M; bool fInstructorOnBoard = false; decimal dutiesOfPICTime = 0.0M; cfr.ForEachEvent(pf => { if (pf.PropertyType.IsSolo) { soloTime += pf.DecValue; } if (pf.PropTypeID == (int)CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropInstructorOnBoard && !pf.IsDefaultValue) { fInstructorOnBoard = true; // instructor-on-board time only counts if you are acting as PIC } if (pf.PropTypeID == (int)CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropDutiesOfPIC && !pf.IsDefaultValue) { dutiesOfPICTime += pf.DecValue; } }); if (fInstructorOnBoard) { soloTime += Math.Max(Math.Min(dutiesOfPICTime, cfr.Total - cfr.Dual), 0); // dual received does NOT count as duties of PIC time here } if (soloTime > 0.0M) { miMinSolo.AddEvent(soloTime); miMinSoloXC.AddEvent(Math.Min(soloTime, cfr.XC)); if (cfr.cFullStopLandings >= 1 && !miMinSoloXCMinDist.IsSatisfied) { AirportList al = AirportListOfRoutes.CloneSubset(cfr.Route); if (al.GetAirportList().Length > 1 && al.DistanceForRoute() >= MinSoloDistance) { miMinSoloXCMinDist.MatchFlightEvent(cfr); } } } } }
public override void ExamineFlight(ExaminerFlightRow cfr) { bool fIsMatch = CatClassMatchesRatingSought(cfr.idCatClassOverride); bool fIsSim = cfr.fIsCertifiedIFR && !cfr.fIsRealAircraft; if (!fIsMatch || !cfr.fIsCertifiedIFR) { return; } miTotal.AddTrainingEvent(Math.Min(cfr.Dual, cfr.fIsRealAircraft ? cfr.Total : cfr.GroundSim), JAASimSub, fIsSim); // Everything below here must be done in a real aircraft if (!cfr.fIsRealAircraft) { return; } miDual.AddEvent(cfr.Dual); miInstrumentDual.AddEvent(Math.Min(cfr.Dual, cfr.IMC + cfr.IMCSim)); // Get solo time decimal soloTime = 0.0M; decimal instructorOnBoardTime = 0.0M; bool fInstructorOnBoard = false; decimal dutiesOfPICTime = 0.0M; int nightTakeoffs = 0; cfr.ForEachEvent(pf => { if (pf.PropertyType.IsSolo) { soloTime += pf.DecValue; } if (pf.PropTypeID == (int)CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropInstructorOnBoard && !pf.IsDefaultValue) { fInstructorOnBoard = true; // instructor-on-board time only counts if you are acting as PIC } if (pf.PropTypeID == (int)CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropDutiesOfPIC && !pf.IsDefaultValue) { dutiesOfPICTime += pf.DecValue; } if (pf.PropertyType.IsNightTakeOff) { nightTakeoffs += pf.IntValue; } }); if (fInstructorOnBoard) { instructorOnBoardTime = Math.Max(Math.Min(dutiesOfPICTime, cfr.Total - cfr.Dual), 0); // dual received does NOT count as duties of PIC time here } decimal supervisedSolo = soloTime + Math.Min(instructorOnBoardTime, dutiesOfPICTime); miSolo.AddEvent(supervisedSolo); miSoloXC.AddEvent(Math.Min(supervisedSolo, cfr.XC)); AirportList al = null; if (!miSoloLongXC.IsSatisfied && supervisedSolo > 0) { al = AirportListOfRoutes.CloneSubset(cfr.Route); if (al.DistanceForRoute() >= (double)miSoloLongXC.Threshold && al.GetAirportList().Length >= 3 && (cfr.cFullStopLandings + cfr.cFullStopNightLandings) >= 2) { miSoloLongXC.MatchFlightEvent(cfr); } } // Night - optional if (cfr.Night > 0) { miNightTime.AddEvent(cfr.Night); decimal nightDual = Math.Min(cfr.Night, cfr.Dual); miNightDual.AddEvent(nightDual); miNightXC.AddEvent(Math.Min(nightDual, cfr.XC)); if (soloTime > 0) { miNightSoloTakeoffs.AddEvent(nightTakeoffs); miNightSoloLandings.AddEvent(cfr.cFullStopNightLandings); } if (nightDual > 0) { if (al == null) { al = AirportListOfRoutes.CloneSubset(cfr.Route); } if (al.DistanceForRoute() > (double)JAALongNightXCDistanceAirplane) { miNightLongXC.MatchFlightEvent(cfr); } } } }
// Handle the slower queries. Spawns a new thread; don't bother waiting for result. private void RefreshSlowData() { m_lstAirports.Clear(); HashSet <string> hsAirportCodes = new HashSet <string>(); HashSet <string> hsCountries = new HashSet <string>(); Dictionary <string, AirportStats> dictVisited = new Dictionary <string, AirportStats>(); new Thread(() => { Refresh30DayPublicFlights(); RefreshUserCounts(); RefreshAircraftAndModels(); // Get all of the airports recorded for the last 30 days DBHelper dbh = new DBHelper(@"SELECT f.route, f.username, ac.tailnumber, CONCAT(man.manufacturer, ' ', IF(m.typename = '', IF( = '', m.model,, m.typename)) AS family FROM flights f INNER JOIN aircraft ac ON f.idaircraft = ac.idaircraft INNER JOIN models m ON ac.idmodel = m.idmodel INNER JOIN manufacturers man ON m.idmanufacturer = man.idmanufacturer WHERE f.Date > ?dateMin AND f.Date < ?dateMax AND ac.InstanceType = 1"); dbh.ReadRows((comm) => { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMin", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-MaxDays)); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }, (dr) => { foreach (string szCode in airport.SplitCodes(util.ReadNullableString(dr, "route").ToUpperInvariant())) { hsAirportCodes.Add(szCode); } }); // OK, now we have all of the airport codes - get the actual airports AirportList alMaster = new AirportList(String.Join(" ", hsAirportCodes)); foreach (airport ap in alMaster.GetAirportList()) { if (!ap.IsPort) { continue; } dictVisited[ap.GeoHashKey] = new AirportStats(ap); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ap.Country)) { hsCountries.Add(ap.Country); } } CountriesVisited = hsCountries.Count; // Now go through the flights a 2nd time and find longest route and the furthest route. dbh.ReadRows((comm) => { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMin", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-MaxDays)); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }, (dr) => { string szRoute = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "route").ToUpperInvariant(); string szUser = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "username"); string szTail = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "tailnumber"); string szFamily = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "family"); AirportList al = alMaster.CloneSubset(szRoute, true); foreach (airport ap in al.UniqueAirports) { if (dictVisited.ContainsKey(ap.GeoHashKey)) { dictVisited[ap.GeoHashKey].Visit(szUser, szFamily, szTail); } } }); m_lstAirports.Clear(); m_lstAirports.AddRange(dictVisited.Values); // Sort the list by number of visits, descending, and remove anything that never matched to an airport. m_lstAirports.Sort((ap1, ap2) => { return(dictVisited[ap2.GeoHashKey].Visits.CompareTo(dictVisited[ap1.GeoHashKey].Visits)); }); // Popular models const string szPopularModels = @"SELECT man.manufacturer, IF(m.typename='', IF( = '', m.model,, m.typename) AS icao, COUNT(f.idflight) AS num FROM flights f INNER JOIN aircraft ac ON f.idaircraft = ac.idaircraft INNER JOIN models m ON ac.idmodel = m.idmodel INNER JOIN manufacturers man ON m.idmanufacturer = man.idmanufacturer WHERE > ?dateMin AND <= ?dateMax AND ac.InstanceType = 1 GROUP BY icao ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 30"; m_lstPopularModels.Clear(); dbh.CommandText = szPopularModels; dbh.ReadRows( (comm) => { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMin", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-MaxDays)); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }, (dr) => { m_lstPopularModels.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.LocalizedText.DefaultPageRecentStatsModelInfo, dr["manufacturer"], dr["icao"], dr["num"])); }); HasSlowInformation = true; }).Start(); }