private void pnPoupup_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ismove) { this.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro; this.TransparencyKey = Color.Gainsboro; pnPoupup.Location = new Point(pnPoupup.Location.X - (x - e.X), pnPoupup.Location.Y - (y - e.Y)); int pnx = pnPoupup.Location.X; int pny = pnPoupup.Location.Y; if (checkInZoneClosed(pnx, pny)) { pnClose.BackColor = Color.IndianRed; } else { pnClose.BackColor = Color.White; } ismoveControls(); isfirsMove = true; isMoveTrue = true; Aero.EnableAcrylic(blureForm.frmBlueGone, Color.Transparent); } }
private static readonly Rgb white = new Rgb(60, 255, 90); // white point. public static async Task Main() { using (Aero aero = new Aero()) { Ite829XRgbController rgb = (Ite829XRgbController)aero.Keyboard.Rgb; byte[] image = new byte[512]; double hStart = 0.0; for (;;) { double h = hStart; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { Rgb color = HsvToRgb(h, 1.0, 1.0); image[4 * i + 0] = (byte)i; image[4 * i + 1] = (byte)(color.R * white.R / 255); image[4 * i + 2] = (byte)(color.G * white.G / 255); image[4 * i + 3] = (byte)(color.B * white.B / 255); h += 2.0; } await rgb.SetImageAsync(0, image); hStart += 20.0; } } }
void Update() { Aero air = FindObjectOfType <Aero>(); if (air != null) { if ( == false) { = = = true; } air.WindVelocity.x = WindX.value; air.WindVelocity.y = WindY.value; air.WindVelocity.z = WindZ.value; } CreateCloth sp = FindObjectOfType <CreateCloth>(); if (sp != null) { sp.b = DampingForce.value; sp.k = SpringConst.value; } else { = = = false; } }
private void btn_embarque_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cmb_voos.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Preecha todos os campos!", "AVISO!!!"); return; } if (cmb_voos.SelectedItem != null && cmb_voos.SelectedItem is Voo) { if (((Voo)cmb_voos.SelectedItem).getAssentos() <= 0) { ((Voo)cmb_voos.SelectedItem).getPassengerQueue().Enqueue(Passenger); } else { ((Voo)cmb_voos.SelectedItem).addPassenger(Passenger); } Passenger.setEmbarque(((Voo)cmb_voos.SelectedItem).getNumero()); Aero.pUser.Remove(Passenger); Aero.SyncListBox(Aero.lbx_fila, 0); MessageBox.Show("Passageiro: [" + Passenger.getNome() + "] foi embarcado no Voo: [" + ((Voo)cmb_voos.SelectedItem).getNome() + "] de Numero: [" + ((Voo)cmb_voos.SelectedItem).getNumero() + "] !!!"); } this.Close(); ShowPassageiro.Close(); }
private void btn_criar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtb_nome.Text == "" || txtb_origem.Text == "" || txtb_destino.Text == "" || txtb_num.Text == "" || cmb_capc.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Preecha todos os campos!", "AVISO!!!"); return; } Voo vv = new Voo(); vv.setNome(txtb_nome.Text); vv.setDestino(txtb_destino.Text); vv.setOrigem(txtb_origem.Text); vv.setNumero(Convert.ToInt32(txtb_num.Text)); vv.setCapacidade(Convert.ToInt32(cmb_capc.Text)); vv.setAssentos(Convert.ToInt32(cmb_capc.Text)); foreach (var item in Aero.pVoo.Keys) { if (item == vv.getNumero()) { MessageBox.Show("Voo já cadastrado!", "AVISO!!!"); Clear(); return; } } MessageBox.Show("Voo do Nome: [" + vv.getNome() + "] de Numero: [" + vv.getNumero() + "] criado com sucesso!"); Aero.pVoo.Add(vv.getNumero(), vv); Aero.SyncListBox(Aero.lbx_voos, 1); this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Aero效果设置已改变 /// </summary> private void WindowBase_AeroGlassCompositionChanged(object sender, Aero.AeroGlassCompositionChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.GlassAvailable) { Aero.AeroHelper.EnableBlurBehindWindow(this); } }
void SizerMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Aero.ChangeAccent(Handle, new Enums.AccentPolicy { GradientColor = 0xFD70000, AccentState = FormAccent }); Opacity = 1.0; mov = false; }
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //cropElipPanel(); checkIntStyleWinform(); //Properties.Settings.Default.Reset(); SaveSettingForm.IntializeForm(this); blureForm.SetLocations = this.Location; blureForm.SetSize = this.Size; blureForm.Intialization(); Aero.EnableAcrylic(blureForm.frmBlueGone, Color.Transparent); //pnAutoPIP.BackgroundImage = (Properties.Settings.Default.FAutoPIP) ? Properties.Resources.done_red : Properties.Resources.done; if (Properties.Settings.Default.FAutoPIP) { pnAutoPIP.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.done_red; pnDF.BackColor = Color.IndianRed; } else { pnAutoPIP.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.done; pnDF.BackColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen; } toolTipText(); Library.is_openedwindows = true; this.TopMost = Properties.Settings.Default.FIsShowTop; frmShow(); if (!is_showicontray) { is_showicontray = true; frmIconTray frmicon = new frmIconTray(); frmicon.Show(); } Thread thload = new Thread(new ThreadStart((() => { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { load(); }); } else { load(); } }))); thload.Start(); }
private void Drag_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { mouseDown = false; if (Drag) { Control cntrl = (Control)sender; Aero.ChangeAccent(Handle, new Enums.AccentPolicy { GradientColor = 0xFD70000, AccentState = FormAccent }); this.Opacity = 1; cntrl.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void Drag_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { mouseDown = true; lastLocation = e.Location; if (Drag) { Control cntrl = (Control)sender; Aero.ChangeAccent(Handle, new Enums.AccentPolicy { GradientColor = 0xFD70000, AccentState = Enums.AccentState.ACCENT_DISABLED }); this.Opacity = 0.85; cntrl.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { bool run = true; Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) => { e.Cancel = true; run = false; }; var computer = new Computer { IsCpuEnabled = true, IsGpuEnabled = true }; computer.Open(); var cpu = computer.Hardware.First(hw => hw.HardwareType == HardwareType.Cpu); cpu.Update(); foreach (var sens in cpu.Sensors.Where(s => s.SensorType == SensorType.Temperature)) { Console.WriteLine($"{sens.Name} = {sens.Value}"); } computer.Close(); using (HwMonitor hw = new HwMonitor()) using (Aero aero = new Aero()) { //Random rng = new Random(); //IDirectFanSpeedController fans = (IDirectFanSpeedController)aero.Fans; while (run) { hw.Update(); double wmiCpuTemp = await aero.Cpu.GetTemperatureAsync(); double monCpuTemp = hw.CpuTemperature; double monGpuTemp = hw.GpuTemperature; Console.Write($"CPU {wmiCpuTemp:F1}°C \t {monCpuTemp:F1}°C \t GPU {monGpuTemp:F1}°C "); Console.CursorLeft = 0; //fans.SetFixed(0.0 + rng.NextDouble() * 0.3); await Task.Delay(500); } } }
private void btn_desembarcar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Tem certeza que deseja desembarcar?", "AVISO!!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (Passenger.getEmbarque() != 0) { foreach (var item in Aero.pVoo.Keys) { if (Passenger.getEmbarque() == item) { Passenger.setEmbarque(0); Aero.pUser.Add(Passenger); bool Success = Aero.pVoo[item].removePassengerQueue(Passenger); if (Success == false) { Aero.pVoo[item].removePassenger(Passenger); if (Aero.pVoo[item].getPassengerQueue().Count > 0 && Aero.pVoo[item].getAssentos() > 0) { Aero.pVoo[item].addPassenger(Aero.pVoo[item].getPassengerQueue().Dequeue()); } } Aero.SyncListBox(Aero.lbx_fila, 0); Aero.lbx_voos_lista.DataSource = null; Aero.lbx_voos_lista.DataSource = Aero.pVoo[item].getPassengerList(); Aero.lbx_voos_lista.Refresh(); Aero.lbx_voos_lista.Update(); Aero.lbx_voos_fila.DataSource = null; Aero.lbx_voos_fila.DataSource = Aero.pVoo[item].getPassengerQueue().ToList(); Aero.lbx_voos_fila.Refresh(); Aero.lbx_voos_fila.Update(); MessageBox.Show("Passageiro: [" + Passenger.getNome() + "] desembarcou do Voo: [" + Aero.pVoo[item].getNome() + "] de Numero: [" + Aero.pVoo[item].getNumero() + "] !!!"); RefreshAssentos(Aero.form_showvoo, Aero.pVoo[item].getAssentos()); this.Close(); break; } } } } }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); // Create aero and controller. = new Aero(); this.controller = new AeroController(; this.controller.Load(); // Create background update task. this.updateTask = this.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => this.updateLoop(this.cancellationTokenSource.Token), DispatcherPriority.Background).Task; // Get app icon. Icon ico; using (Stream stream = typeof(App).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("AeroCtl.UI.Main.ico")) { ico = new Icon(stream); } // Create tray icon. this.trayIcon = new NotifyIcon { Icon = ico, Text = this.title, Visible = true, }; this.trayIcon.DoubleClick += (s, e2) => { this.showWindow(); }; // Handle Fn key events. += (s, e2) => { this.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => this.handleFnKey(e2)); }; += (s, e2) => { this.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => this.onTouchpadEnabledChanged().AsTask()); }; // To re-apply fan profile after wake up: SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += this.onSessionSwitch; SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += this.onPowerModeChanged; if (!this.controller.StartMinimized || Debugger.IsAttached) { // Show window if 'start minimized' isn't active. this.showWindow(); } }
public static void SetConsoleAsTransparent(bool setOnParentProc = false) { if (!IsAeroGlassEnabled()) { return; } var myproc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (setOnParentProc) { myproc = GetParentProcessById(myproc.Id); } var hwnd = myproc.MainWindowHandle; var margin = new Aero.MARGINS { top = -1, left = -1 }; Aero.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, ref margin); }
private void ismoveControls() { if (ismove) { if (!isfirsMove) { blureForm.SetSize = this.Size; blureForm.SetLocations = this.Location; blureForm.Intialization(); //blureForm.frmBlueGone.Hide(); this.Focus(); pnClose.Show(); this.Focus(); BlueformFrameworkUse.FormNormal(blureForm.frmBlueGone, 15); } } else { pnClose.Visible = false; BlueformFrameworkUse.FormBlure(blureForm.frmBlueGone, 10); tmwait.Stop(); tmwait = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); tmwait.Interval = 170; tmwait.Tick += new EventHandler((object obj, EventArgs e) => { tmwait.Stop(); Aero.DisabledAcrylic(blureForm.frmBlueGone); blureForm.DisponseForm(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); if (isClosetForm) { Show_Close(false); } }); tmwait.Start(); } }
void Update() { Aero.CalAero(ref objectNodes, amount); /* * { * * List<Spring> springs = new List<Spring>(); * // Use this for initialization * void Start () * { * springs.AddRange(FindObjectsOfType<Spring>()); * * } * * // Update is called once per frame * void Update() * { * foreach (Spring s in FindObjectOfType<Spring>()) * { * s.DampingFactor = b; * s.SpringConstant = k; * s.breakLength = breakLength; * } * } * public float k; * public float b; * public float breakLength; * * */ foreach (GameObject s in springs) { if (s != null) { s.GetComponent <Spring>().DampingFactor = b; s.GetComponent <Spring>().SpringConstant = k; s.GetComponent <Spring>().breakLength = breakLength; } } }
void SizerMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { pbResize.Cursor = Resizer ? Cursors.SizeNWSE : Cursors.Default; if (mov && Resizer) { Aero.ChangeAccent(Handle, new Enums.AccentPolicy { GradientColor = 0xFD70000, AccentState = Enums.AccentState.ACCENT_DISABLED }); this.Opacity = 0.85; int t_width = MousePosition.X - Mx + Sw; int t_height = MousePosition.Y - My + Sh; if (t_width >= MinWidth) { Width = t_width; } if (t_height >= MinHeight) { Height = t_height; } } }
private void btn_criar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtb_nome.Text == "" || txtb_cpf.Text == "" || txtb_datnasc.Text == "" || txtb_end.Text == "" || cmb_idade.Text == "" || cmb_estcivil.Text == "" || txtb_rg.Text == "" || (rbtn_fem.Checked == false && rbtn_masc.Checked == false)) { MessageBox.Show("Preecha todos os campos!", "AVISO!!!"); return; } if (txtb_cpf.Text.Length != 11) { MessageBox.Show("Preecha o CPF corretamente!", "AVISO!!!"); return; } if (txtb_rg.Text.Length != 9) { MessageBox.Show("Preecha o RG corretamente!", "AVISO!!!"); return; } if (txtb_datnasc.Text.Length != 8) { MessageBox.Show("Preecha a Data de Nascimento corretamente!", "AVISO!!!"); return; } Passageiro Psg = new Passageiro(); Psg.setNome(txtb_nome.Text); Psg.setCPF(txtb_cpf.Text); Psg.setDataNascimento(txtb_datnasc.Text); Psg.setEndereco(txtb_end.Text); Psg.setIdade(Convert.ToInt32(cmb_idade.Text)); Psg.setEstadoCivil(cmb_estcivil.Text); Psg.setRG(txtb_rg.Text = txtb_rg.Text.ToUpper()); Psg.setEmbarque(0); if (rbtn_fem.Checked == true) { Psg.setSexo("Feminino"); } else if (rbtn_masc.Checked == true) { Psg.setSexo("Masculino"); } foreach (var item in Aero.pUser) { if (Psg.Equals(item)) { MessageBox.Show("Usuario já cadastrado!", "AVISO!!!"); Clear(); return; } } Aero.pUser.Add(Psg); Aero.SyncListBox(Aero.lbx_fila, 0); MessageBox.Show("Passageiro do Nome: [" + Psg.getNome() + "] e Idade: [" + Psg.getIdade() + "] criado com sucesso!"); this.Close(); }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { using (Aero aero = new Aero()) { IRgbController rgb = aero.Keyboard.Rgb; byte r = 40; byte g = 255; byte b = 90; bool showOriginalWhite = false; byte[] image = new byte[512]; for (;;) { for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { image[4 * i + 0] = (byte)i; image[4 * i + 1] = r; image[4 * i + 2] = g; image[4 * i + 3] = b; } if (showOriginalWhite) { Console.WriteLine("white"); await rgb.SetEffectAsync(new RgbEffect { Type = RgbEffectType.Static, Color = RgbEffectColor.White, Brightness = 51 }); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{r}, {g}, {b}"); await rgb.SetEffectAsync(new RgbEffect { Type = RgbEffectType.Custom0, Brightness = 51 }); await rgb.SetImageAsync(0, image); } await Task.Delay(50); switch (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar) { case ' ': showOriginalWhite = !showOriginalWhite; break; case 'r': --r; break; case 'R': ++r; break; case 'g': --g; break; case 'G': ++g; break; case 'b': --b; break; case 'B': ++b; break; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { args[i] = args[i].ToLower(); } //Console.Title = "Bluepill"; BluepillProgressInterface progress = new Aero(); if (args == null || args.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0])) { var res = Dialogs.ShowChoiceDialog(); switch (res) { case Dialogs.Choices.Install: { args = new string[1] { "install" }; break; } case Dialogs.Choices.Uninstall: { args = new string[1] { "uninstall" }; break; } default: { return; } } } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "install": { new BluepillProgress((object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) => { new BPMain(progress).Install(); }, progress); break; } case "uninstall": { new BluepillProgress((object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) => { new BPMain(progress).Uninstall(); }, progress); break; } default: { ShowHelp(); break; } } }
static public void CalAero(ref Dictionary <Vector2, GameObject> nodes, float amount) { Aero aeroObject = FindObjectOfType <Aero>(); if (aeroObject != null && aeroObject.GetComponent <Aero>().WindVelocity != { for (int row = 0; row < amount; row++) { for (int colom = 0; colom < amount; colom++) { if (nodes.ContainsKey(new Vector2(row + 1, colom)) && nodes.ContainsKey(new Vector2(row + 1, colom + 1))) { GameObject p1 = nodes[new Vector2(row, colom)]; GameObject p2 = nodes[new Vector2(row + 1, colom)]; GameObject p3 = nodes[new Vector2(row + 1, colom + 1)]; if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p3 != null) { Vector3 Vsurface = (p1.GetComponent <Node>().vel + p2.GetComponent <Node>().vel + p3.GetComponent <Node>().vel) / 3; Vector3 V = Vsurface - aeroObject.WindVelocity; Vector3 crossProduct = Vector3.Cross(p2.transform.position - p1.transform.position, p3.transform.position - p1.transform.position); Vector3 N = crossProduct / Vector3.Magnitude(crossProduct); float ao = .5f * Vector3.Magnitude(crossProduct); float a = ao * Vector3.Dot(V, N) / Vector3.Magnitude(V); Vector3 faero = -.5f * (aeroObject.p * (Vector3.Magnitude(V) * Vector3.Magnitude(V)) * aeroObject.cdrag * a) * N; p1.GetComponent <Node>().frc = p2.GetComponent <Node>().airfrc = p3.GetComponent <Node>().frc = faero / 3; } } } } for (int row = 0; row < amount; row++) { for (int colom = 0; colom < amount; colom++) { if (nodes.ContainsKey(new Vector2(row, colom + 1)) && nodes.ContainsKey(new Vector2(row + 1, colom + 1))) { GameObject p1 = nodes[new Vector2(row, colom)]; GameObject p2 = nodes[new Vector2(row, colom + 1)]; GameObject p3 = nodes[new Vector2(row + 1, colom + 1)]; if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p3 != null) { Vector3 Vsurface = (p1.GetComponent <Node>().vel + p2.GetComponent <Node>().vel + p3.GetComponent <Node>().vel) / 3; Vector3 V = Vsurface - aeroObject.WindVelocity; Vector3 crossProduct = Vector3.Cross(p2.transform.position - p1.transform.position, p3.transform.position - p1.transform.position); Vector3 N = crossProduct / Vector3.Magnitude(crossProduct); float ao = .5f * Vector3.Magnitude(crossProduct); float a = ao * Vector3.Dot(V, N) / Vector3.Magnitude(V); Vector3 faero = -.5f * (aeroObject.p * (Vector3.Magnitude(V) * Vector3.Magnitude(V)) * aeroObject.cdrag * a) * N; p1.GetComponent <Node>().frc = p2.GetComponent <Node>().airfrc = p3.GetComponent <Node>().frc = faero / 3; } } } } } }
public void endAero() { Aero.DisabledAcrylic(blureForm.frmBlueGone); blureForm.DisponseForm(); }
private void WinForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Resize += new EventHandler(WinForm_Resize); #region Top Panel pnlTop.Size = new Size(560, 30); pnlTop.Dock = DockStyle.Top; pnlTop.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(pnlTop_Paint); AddDrag(pnlTop); //this.Controls.Add(pnlTop); #endregion #region Minimaze Button btnMinimaze.ForeColor = ForeColor; btnMinimaze.BackColor = pnlTop.BackColor; btnMinimaze.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; btnMinimaze.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; btnMinimaze.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.FromArgb(44, 44, 44); btnMinimaze.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 66, 66); btnMinimaze.Size = new Size(52, 30); btnMinimaze.Dock = DockStyle.Right; btnMinimaze.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; btnMinimaze.Font = new Font("Segoe UI Symbol", 9f); btnMinimaze.Text = "─"; btnMinimaze.Click += new EventHandler(Minimaze); pnlTop.Controls.Add(btnMinimaze); #endregion #region Maximize Button btnMaximize.ForeColor = ForeColor; btnMaximize.BackColor = pnlTop.BackColor; btnMaximize.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; btnMaximize.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; btnMaximize.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.FromArgb(44, 44, 44); btnMaximize.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 66, 66); btnMaximize.Size = new Size(52, 30); btnMaximize.Dock = DockStyle.Right; btnMaximize.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; btnMaximize.Font = new Font("Segoe UI Symbol", 9f); btnMaximize.Text = "◻"; btnMaximize.Click += new EventHandler(Maximize); pnlTop.Controls.Add(btnMaximize); #endregion #region Close Button btnClose.ForeColor = ForeColor; btnClose.BackColor = pnlTop.BackColor; btnClose.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; btnClose.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; btnClose.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.DarkRed; btnClose.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.Red; btnClose.Size = new Size(52, 30); btnClose.Dock = DockStyle.Right; btnClose.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; btnClose.Font = new Font("Segoe UI Symbol", 9f); btnClose.Text = "✕"; btnClose.Click += new EventHandler(Close); pnlTop.Controls.Add(btnClose); #endregion #region Program (Picturebox for Icon) pbProgram.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pbProgram.Location = new Point(4, 2); pbProgram.Size = new Size(24, 24); pbProgram.Image = this.Icon.ToBitmap(); AddDrag(pbProgram); pnlTop.Controls.Add(pbProgram); #endregion //#region Program (Label -> Title) //if (this.Icon != null && ShowControlBarIcon) //{ // lblProgram.Location = new Point(33, 8); //} //else //{ // lblProgram.Location = new Point(5, 8); //} //lblProgram.ForeColor = ForeColor; //AddDrag(lblProgram); //pnlTop.Controls.Add(lblProgram); //#endregion #region ResizeGrip (Picturebox) pbResize.MouseDown += SizerMouseDown; pbResize.MouseMove += SizerMouseMove; pbResize.MouseUp += SizerMouseUp; pbResize.Size = new Size(ResizeGripSize, ResizeGripSize); pbResize.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pbResize.Location = new Point(this.Width - pbResize.Size.Width, this.Height - pbResize.Size.Height); //pbResize.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; this.Controls.Add(pbResize); pbResize.BringToFront(); #endregion #region Extra Aero.ChangeAccent(Handle, new Enums.AccentPolicy { GradientColor = 0xFD70000, AccentState = FormAccent }); if (ExtraDropShadow) { Shadow.AddShadow(Handle); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Update state and apply. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <bool> UpdateAsync() { await Task.Delay(5); // Small delay so Control.IsKeyLocked returns the correct value. // Sometimes the keyboard controller seems to get disconnected (e.g. after wake up from sleep), so we try a couple of times. for (int i = 9; i >= 0; --i) { using (Aero aero = new Aero()) { // Read current keyboard state. EffectState state = 0; if (Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.CapsLock)) { state |= EffectState.Caps; } else { state &= ~EffectState.Caps; } if (Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.NumLock)) { state |= EffectState.Num; } else { state &= ~EffectState.Num; } if (Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Scroll)) { state |= EffectState.Scroll; } else { state &= ~EffectState.Scroll; } if (await aero.Display.GetLidStatus() == LidStatus.Closed) { state |= EffectState.LidClosed; } else { state &= ~EffectState.LidClosed; } //Console.WriteLine(state); // Try to apply the effect. if (await applyAsync(aero.Keyboard.Rgb, state, i > 0)) { return(true); } } await Task.Delay(1000); } return(false); }