예제 #1
        private static void AeadExample()
            // Plaintext to encrypt.
            var plaintext = "I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon";

            // Create a 32-byte key.
            var key = Aead.GenerateKey256();

            // Create a 16-byte nonce (optional).
            var nonce = Aead.GenerateNonce(16);

            // Create a new AEAD instance using the AES-CMAC-SIV
            // algorithm. It implements the IDisposable interface,
            // so it's best to create it inside using statement.
            using (var aead = Aead.CreateAesCmacSiv(key))
                // If the message is string, convert it to byte array first.
                var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plaintext);

                // Encrypt the message.
                var ciphertext = aead.Seal(bytes, nonce);

                // To decrypt the message, call the Open method with the
                // ciphertext and the same nonce that you generated previously.
                bytes = aead.Open(ciphertext, nonce);

                // If the message was originally string,
                // convert if from byte array to string.
                plaintext = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

                // Print the decrypted message to the standard output.
예제 #2
        private static Aead CreateAead(string algorithm, byte[] key)
            switch (algorithm)
            case "AES-SIV": return(Aead.CreateAesCmacSiv(key));

            case "AES-PMAC-SIV": return(Aead.CreateAesPmacSiv(key));

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown algorithm.");
    public V7CryptomatorHelper(string password, string vaultPath)
            string masterKeyPath = PathJoin(vaultPath, "masterkey.cryptomator");

            var       jsonString = File.ReadAllText(masterKeyPath);
            MasterKey mkey       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MasterKey>(jsonString);

            if (mkey.Version != 7)
                throw new ArgumentException("Only version 7 vaults are supported");

            byte[] abPrimaryMasterKey = Convert.FromBase64String(mkey.PrimaryMasterKey);
            byte[] abHmacMasterKey    = Convert.FromBase64String(mkey.HmacMasterKey);
            byte[] abScryptSalt       = Convert.FromBase64String(mkey.ScryptSalt);

            kek = SCrypt.ComputeDerivedKey(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password), abScryptSalt, mkey.ScryptCostParam, mkey.ScryptBlockSize, 1, 1, 32);

            masterKey = KeyWrapAlgorithm.UnwrapKey(kek, abPrimaryMasterKey);
            macKey    = KeyWrapAlgorithm.UnwrapKey(kek, abHmacMasterKey);
            sivKey    = macKey.Concat(masterKey).ToArray();

            this.vaultPath = vaultPath;
            siv            = Aead.CreateAesCmacSiv(sivKey);

            byte[] ciphertext  = siv.Seal(new byte[0]);
            byte[] hash        = sha1.ComputeHash(ciphertext);
            string fullDirName = Base32Encoding.ToString(hash);
            physicalPathRoot = PathJoin(fullDirName.Substring(0, 2), fullDirName.Substring(2));
        catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot open master key file (masterkey.cryptomator)", e);

        catch (CryptographicException e)
            throw new CryptographicException("Cannot open vault, possible password error", e);