public object Clone() { AdventureData ad = (AdventureData)base.Clone(); ad.buttons = new List <CustomButton>(); foreach (CustomButton cb in buttons) { ad.buttons.Add((CustomButton)cb.Clone()); } foreach (CustomArrow ca in arrows) { ad.arrows.Add((CustomArrow)ca.Clone()); } //ad.chapters = new List<Chapter>(); //for (Chapter c : chapters) // ad.chapters.Add((Chapter) c.Clone()); ad.commentaries = commentaries; ad.contents = new List <ChapterSummary>(); foreach (ChapterSummary cs in contents) { ad.contents.Add((ChapterSummary)cs.Clone()); } ad.cursors = new List <CustomCursor>(); foreach (CustomCursor cc in cursors) { ad.cursors.Add((CustomCursor)cc.Clone()); } ad.description = description; ad.guiCustomized = guiCustomized; ad.guiType = guiType; ad.playerMode = playerMode; ad.playerName = (playerName != null ? playerName : null); ad.title = (title != null ? title : null); return(ad); }
public SelectCursorPathTool(AdventureData adventureData, int t) : base(createResources(adventureData, t), createAssetInfoArray(t), Controller.ACTION_CUSTOM, 0) { this.adventureData = adventureData; this.t = t; this.type = DescriptorData.getCursorTypeString(t); }
public void StartAdventure(int pupilId) { var data = new AdventureData(); data.PupilId = pupilId; Data = data; }
public static AdventureData GetDefaultAdventure1() { var adventureData = new AdventureData { Name = "Adventure1", Triggers = new BaseTriggerData[] { new TextTriggerData { Name = "StartTile", Text = "Life is normally difficult in the Underdark, but the spider goddess Lolth's demand for your sacrifice has made it impossible. You are left with one choice: You must fight your way through the Underdark and find your way to the surface." }, new TextTriggerData { Name = "SurfaceHollow", Text = "The sound of running water is a welcome respite from the silence of the caves. After days of traveling through the dark, you see the soft glow of sunlight ahead. Only a few monsters stand between you and freedom!" }, new PlaceDoubleTileTriggerData { Name = "UndergroundRiver", DoubleTileName = "SurfaceHollow", TileToAttach = "UndergroundRiver" } }, WinningCondition = new StandNearSquareConditionData { RelatedTileName = "SurfaceHollow_2", Type = TerrainTypes.Exit, Distanse = 1 } }; return(adventureData); }
public DungeonViewModel(AdventureData d) { data = d; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(AdventureType)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Region)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Size)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(PrimaryMonster)); }
public GameState(AdventureData data) { this.removedElements = new List <string>(); this.inventoryItems = new List <string>(); = data; varFlags = new Dictionary <string, int>(); elementContexts = new Dictionary <string, List <ElementReference> >(); varFlagChangeAmbits = new Stack <List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > >(); }
public void TestATestAdventureDataBuilder_TestBuild() { AdventureDataBuilder builder = new AdventureDataBuilder(_inputFilePath); builder.Build(); AdventureData data = builder.GetAdventureData(); Assert.IsNotNull(data); }
public void Build() { //Deserialize the yaml file that holds the hikers and bridges data var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder() .WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance) .Build(); _adventureData = deserializer.Deserialize <AdventureData>(File.OpenText(_inputFilePath)); }
public GUIProvider(AdventureData data) { this.guitype = data.getGUIType(); ResourcesUni auxResource; buttons = new Dictionary <int, ResourcesUni> (); //We add a resource for each button parsed in descriptor file foreach (CustomButton cb in data.getButtons()) { if (buttons.ContainsKey(ActionNameWrapper.IDs [cb.getAction()])) { buttons [ActionNameWrapper.IDs [cb.getAction()]].addAsset(new Asset(cb.getType(), cb.getPath())); } else { auxResource = new ResourcesUni(); auxResource.addAsset(new Asset(cb.getType(), cb.getPath())); buttons.Add(ActionNameWrapper.IDs [cb.getAction()], auxResource); } } //For each button that isn on descriptor file we try to find the default assets; Texture2D auxTexture; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> button in ActionNameWrapper.Names) { if (!buttons.ContainsKey(button.Key)) { if (DefaultActionAssetWrapper.Assets.ContainsKey(button.Key)) { string selected = ""; foreach (string name in DefaultActionAssetWrapper.Assets[button.Key]) { auxTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.getImage(GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + name + ".png"); if (auxTexture != null) { selected = name; break; } } if (selected != "") { auxResource = new ResourcesUni(); auxResource.addAsset(DescriptorData.NORMAL_BUTTON, GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + selected + ".png"); auxResource.addAsset(DescriptorData.HIGHLIGHTED_BUTTON, GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + selected + "Highlighted.png"); auxResource.addAsset(DescriptorData.PRESSED_BUTTON, GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + selected + "Pressed.png"); buttons.Add(button.Key, auxResource); } } } } }
/** * Constructor which creates an adventure data with default title and * description, traditional GUI and one empty chapter (with a scene). * * @param adventureTitle * Default title for the adventure * @param chapterTitle * Default title for the chapter * @param sceneId * Default identifier for the scene */ public AdventureDataControl(string adventureTitle, string chapterTitle, string sceneId, int playerMode) { adventureData = new AdventureData(); adventureData.setTitle(adventureTitle); adventureData.setDescription(""); adventureData.setGUIType(DescriptorData.GUI_CONTEXTUAL); adventureData.setPlayerMode(playerMode); adventureData.addChapter(new Chapter(chapterTitle, sceneId)); }
/** * Constructor gith given parameters. * * @param title * Title of the adventure * @param description * Description of the adventure * @param guiType * Type of the GUI * @param chapters * Chapters of the adventure */ public AdventureDataControl(string title, string description, List <Chapter> chapters) { adventureData = new AdventureData(); adventureData.setTitle(title); adventureData.setDescription(description); adventureData.setGUIType(DescriptorData.GUI_TRADITIONAL); adventureData.setChapters(chapters); adventureData.setGraphicConfig(DescriptorData.GRAPHICS_WINDOWED); adventureData.setPlayerMode(DescriptorData.MODE_PLAYER_3RDPERSON); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param zipFile * Path to the zip file which helds the chapter files */ public AdventureHandler(InputStreamCreator isCreator, List <Incidence> incidences) { this.isCreator = isCreator; assessmentPaths = new List <string>(); adaptationPaths = new List <string>(); getXMLFilePaths(isCreator, assessmentPaths, adaptationPaths); adventureData = new AdventureData(); this.incidences = incidences; chapters = new List <Chapter>(); }
void Start() { if (Game.GameToLoad != "") { gameName = Game.GameToLoad; gamePath = ResourceManager.Instance.getCurrentDirectory() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Games" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; useSystemIO = true; } selected_path = gamePath + gameName; selected_game = selected_path + "/"; //Controller.getInstance ().init ("Games/Fire.eap"); List <Incidence> incidences = new List <Incidence>(); data = new AdventureData(); AdventureHandler_ adventure = new AdventureHandler_(data); switch (getLoadingType()) { case ResourceManager.LoadingType.RESOURCES_LOAD: adventure.Parse(gameName + "/descriptor"); break; case ResourceManager.LoadingType.SYSTEM_IO: adventure.Parse(selected_game + "descriptor.xml"); break; } /*Texture2DHolder holder = new Texture2DHolder (data.getChapters () [0].getScenes () [0].getResources () [0].getAssetPath (Scene.RESOURCE_TYPE_BACKGROUND)); * * if (!holder.Loaded ()) * Debug.Log ("no se ha cargado");*/ if (data.getCursors().Count == 0) { loadDefaultCursors(); } guiprovider = new GUIProvider(data); if (!forceScene) { renderScene(data.getChapters()[current_chapter].getInitialGeneralScene().getId()); } else { renderScene(scene_name); } TimerController.Instance.Timers = getTimers(); TimerController.Instance.Run(); }
protected void Awake() { if (FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Game)).Length > 1) { Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); DontDestroyOnLoad(Camera.main); executeStack = new Stack <KeyValuePair <Interactuable, ExecutionEvent> >(); skin = Resources.Load("basic") as GUISkin; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gamePath)) { ResourceManager = ResourceManagerFactory.CreateExternal(gamePath + gameName); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameName)) { ResourceManager = ResourceManagerFactory.CreateLocal(gameName, useSystemIO ? ResourceManager.LoadingType.SystemIO : ResourceManager.LoadingType.ResourcesLoad); } else { ResourceManager = ResourceManagerFactory.CreateLocal("CurrentGame/", useSystemIO ? ResourceManager.LoadingType.SystemIO : ResourceManager.LoadingType.ResourcesLoad); } } if (Game.GameToLoad != "") { gameName = Game.GameToLoad; gamePath = ResourceManager.getCurrentDirectory() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Games" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; useSystemIO = true; } AdventureData data = new AdventureData(); var incidences = new List <Incidence>(); AdventureHandler adventure = new AdventureHandler(data, ResourceManager, incidences); adventure.Parse("descriptor.xml"); game_state = new GameState(data); bookDrawer = new BookDrawer(ResourceManager); gameExtensions = new List <GameExtension>(); foreach (var gameExtension in GetAllSubclassOf(typeof(GameExtension))) { gameExtensions.Add(gameObject.AddComponent(gameExtension) as GameExtension); } }
/** * Constructor which creates an adventure data with default title and * description, traditional GUI and one empty chapter (with a scene). * * @param adventureTitle * Default title for the adventure * @param chapterTitle * Default title for the chapter * @param sceneId * Default identifier for the scene */ public AdventureDataControl(string adventureTitle, string chapterTitle, string sceneId, int playerMode) { adventureData = new AdventureData(); adventureData.setTitle(adventureTitle); adventureData.setDescription(""); adventureData.setGUIType(DescriptorData.GUI_CONTEXTUAL); adventureData.setPlayerMode(playerMode); var chapter = new Chapter(chapterTitle, sceneId); chapter.getObjects <Scene>().Add(new Scene(sceneId)); adventureData.addChapter(chapter); }
/// <summary> /// 將字典傳入,依json表設定資料 /// </summary> public static void SetData(Dictionary <int, AdventureData> _dic) { string jsonStr = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("Json/Adventure").ToString(); JsonData jd = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonStr); JsonData items = jd["Adventure"]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { AdventureData armorData = new AdventureData(items[i]); int id = int.Parse(items[i]["ID"].ToString()); _dic.Add(id, armorData); } }
public GameState(AdventureData data) { this.removedElements = new List <string>(); this.inventoryItems = new List <string>(); = data; varFlags = new Dictionary <string, int>(); elementContexts = new Dictionary <string, List <ElementReference> >(); varFlagChangeAmbits = new Stack <List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > >(); memories = new Dictionary <string, Memory>(); currentChapter = 0; playerContext = null; currentTarget = data.getChapters()[currentChapter].getInitialChapterTarget().getId(); lastTarget = null; }
public GUIProvider(AdventureData data) { this.guitype = data.getGUIType (); = data; ResourcesUni auxResource; buttons = new Dictionary<int, ResourcesUni> (); cursores = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>(); //We add a resource for each button parsed in descriptor file foreach (CustomButton cb in data.getButtons()) { if (buttons.ContainsKey (ActionNameWrapper.IDs [cb.getAction ()])) { buttons [ActionNameWrapper.IDs [cb.getAction ()]].addAsset (new Asset (cb.getType (), cb.getPath ())); }else{ auxResource = new ResourcesUni (); auxResource.addAsset (new Asset (cb.getType (), cb.getPath ())); buttons.Add (ActionNameWrapper.IDs [cb.getAction ()], auxResource); } } //For each button that isn on descriptor file we try to find the default assets; Texture2D auxTexture; foreach (KeyValuePair<int,string> button in ActionNameWrapper.Names) { if (!buttons.ContainsKey (button.Key)) { if (DefaultActionAssetWrapper.Assets.ContainsKey (button.Key)) { string selected = ""; foreach (string name in DefaultActionAssetWrapper.Assets[button.Key]) { auxTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.getImage (GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + name + ".png"); if (auxTexture != null) { selected = name; break; } } if (selected != "") { auxResource = new ResourcesUni (); auxResource.addAsset (DescriptorData.NORMAL_BUTTON, GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + selected + ".png"); auxResource.addAsset (DescriptorData.HIGHLIGHTED_BUTTON, GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + selected + "Highlighted.png"); auxResource.addAsset (DescriptorData.PRESSED_BUTTON, GUIProvider.DEFAULT_ASSET_DIRECTORY + selected + "Pressed.png"); buttons.Add (button.Key, auxResource); } } } } if(data.getCursors().Count == 0) loadDefaultCursors (); }
/** * Loads the adventure data from the given ZIP file. * * @param zipFile * Path to the zip file which holds the adventure * @return The adventure data, null if there was an error */ public static AdventureData loadAdventureData(InputStreamCreator isCreator, List <Incidence> incidences) { AdventureData adventureDataTemp = null; try { // Set the adventure handler AdventureHandler adventureParser = new AdventureHandler(isCreator, incidences); //factory.setValidating(false); //SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); // Read and close the input stream string descriptorIS = isCreator.buildInputStream("descriptor.xml"); adventureParser.Parse(descriptorIS); //descriptorIS.close(); // Load the assessment and adaptation profiles. It must be after parse // the adventure data because the profile's load from xml inserts each profile // in each chapter. adventureParser.loadProfiles(); // Store the adventure data adventureDataTemp = adventureParser.getAdventureData(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } //catch (ParserConfigurationException e) //{ // incidences.add(Incidence.createDescriptorIncidence(Language.GetText("Error.LoadDescriptor.SAX"), e)); //} //catch (SAXException e) //{ // incidences.add(Incidence.createDescriptorIncidence(Language.GetText("Error.LoadDescriptor.SAX"), e)); //} //catch (IOException e) //{ // incidences.add(Incidence.createDescriptorIncidence(Language.GetText("Error.LoadDescriptor.IO"), e)); //} //catch (IllegalArgumentException e) //{ // incidences.add(Incidence.createDescriptorIncidence(Language.GetText("Error.LoadDescriptor.NoDescriptor"), e)); //} return(adventureDataTemp); }
/// <summary> /// Reads the adventures json and stores them into text assets. /// </summary> List <Adventure> ReadAdventures() { AdventureData loadedData = new AdventureData(); string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "Adventures.json"); Debug.Log("Path:" + filePath); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath); loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <AdventureData>(dataAsJson); } else { Debug.LogError("Cannot find file!"); } Debug.Log(loadedData.adventures.Length); return(loadedData.ConvertToAdventure()); }
static byte NextEvent; //下一個事件索引 /// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> public void Init(AdventureData _adventure, MilestoneEvent[] _events, int[] _eventMiles, bool[] _unknownEvents) { MyAdventure = _adventure; RTransfrom = transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); RTransfrom.anchoredPosition = StartPos; NextEvent = 1; Events = _events; EventMiles = _eventMiles; UnknownEvents = _unknownEvents; EventCount = (byte)_events.Length; if (EventMiles.Length != EventCount || UnknownEvents.Length != EventCount || _unknownEvents.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("傳入的事件數量錯誤"); return; } SpawnMilestone(); //里程設定 Mile = 0; MaxMIle = EventMiles[EventCount - 1]; }
/// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> public void Init(AdventureData _adventure, MilestoneEvent[] _events, int[] _eventMiles, bool[] _unknownEvents) { MyAdventure = _adventure; RTransfrom = transform.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); RTransfrom.anchoredPosition = StartPos; NextEvent = 1; Events = _events; EventMiles = _eventMiles; UnknownEvents = _unknownEvents; EventCount = (byte)_events.Length; if (EventMiles.Length != EventCount || UnknownEvents.Length != EventCount || _unknownEvents.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("傳入的事件數量錯誤"); return; } SpawnMilestone(); //里程設定 Mile = 0; MaxMIle = EventMiles[EventCount - 1]; }
protected static ResourcesUni createResources(AdventureData adventureData, string type) { ResourcesUni resources = new ResourcesUni(); bool introduced = false; for (int i = 0; i < adventureData.getArrows().Count; i++) { CustomArrow customArrow = adventureData.getArrows()[i]; if (customArrow.getType().Equals(type)) { resources.addAsset(type, customArrow.getPath()); introduced = true; break; } } if (!introduced) { resources.addAsset(type, null); } return(resources); }
protected static ResourcesUni createResources(AdventureData adventureData, string action, string type) { ResourcesUni resources = new ResourcesUni(); bool introduced = false; for (int i = 0; i < adventureData.getButtons().Count; i++) { CustomButton customButton = adventureData.getButtons()[i]; if (customButton.getType().Equals(type) && customButton.getAction().Equals(action)) { resources.addAsset(action + "#" + type, customButton.getPath()); introduced = true; break; } } if (!introduced) { resources.addAsset(action + "#" + type, /*"NULL"*/ null); } return(resources); }
protected static ResourcesUni createResources(AdventureData adventureData, int t) { string type = DescriptorData.getCursorTypeString(t); ResourcesUni resources = new ResourcesUni(); bool introduced = false; for (int i = 0; i < adventureData.getCursors().Count; i++) { if (adventureData.getCursors()[i].getType().Equals(type) && adventureData.getCursors()[i].getPath() != null) { resources.addAsset(type, adventureData.getCursors()[i].getPath()); introduced = true; break; } } if (!introduced) { resources.addAsset(type, null); } return(resources); }
void Awake() { Game.instance = this; style = Resources.Load("basic") as GUISkin; optionlabel = new GUIStyle(style.label); if (Game.GameToLoad != "") { gameName = Game.GameToLoad; gamePath = ResourceManager.Instance.getCurrentDirectory() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Games" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; useSystemIO = true; } selected_path = gamePath + gameName; selected_game = selected_path + "/"; List <Incidence> incidences = new List <Incidence>(); AdventureData data = new AdventureData(); AdventureHandler_ adventure = new AdventureHandler_(data); switch (getLoadingType()) { case ResourceManager.LoadingType.RESOURCES_LOAD: adventure.Parse(gameName + "/descriptor"); ResourceManager.Instance.Path = gameName; break; case ResourceManager.LoadingType.SYSTEM_IO: adventure.Parse(selected_game + "descriptor.xml"); ResourceManager.Instance.Path = selected_game; break; } game_state = new GameState(data); }
public DeleteCursorTool(AdventureData adventureData, int index) { this.adventureData = adventureData; this.index = index; }
public SelectArrowTool(AdventureData adventureData, string type) : base(createResources(adventureData, type), createAssetInfoArray(type), Controller.RESOURCES, 0) { this.adventureData = adventureData; this.type = type; }
void Awake() { Game.instance = this; //Load tracker data SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); bool loaded = false; #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL #elif UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE #else if (useSystemIO) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("")); hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("57d81d5585b094006eab04d6ndecvjlvjss8aor")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } loaded = true; } #endif try { if (loaded) { = hostfile["host"]; Tracker.T.trackingCode = hostfile["trackingCode"]; //End tracker data loading } } catch { } style = Resources.Load("basic") as GUISkin; optionlabel = new GUIStyle(style.label); if (Game.GameToLoad != "") { gameName = Game.GameToLoad; gamePath = ResourceManager.Instance.getCurrentDirectory() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Games" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; useSystemIO = true; } if (editor_mode) { gameName = "CurrentGame"; } selected_path = gamePath + gameName; selected_game = selected_path + "/"; // TODO incidences are unused, why? //List<Incidence> incidences = new List<Incidence>(); AdventureData data = new AdventureData(); AdventureHandler_ adventure = new AdventureHandler_(data); switch (getLoadingType()) { case ResourceManager.LoadingType.RESOURCES_LOAD: adventure.Parse(gameName + "/descriptor"); ResourceManager.Instance.Path = gameName; break; case ResourceManager.LoadingType.SYSTEM_IO: adventure.Parse(selected_game + "descriptor.xml"); ResourceManager.Instance.Path = selected_game; break; } game_state = new GameState(data); CompletableController.Instance.setCompletables(GameState.getCompletables()); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param zipFile * Path to the zip file which helds the chapter files */ public AdventureHandler(InputStreamCreator isCreator, List<Incidence> incidences) { this.isCreator = isCreator; assessmentPaths = new List<string>(); adaptationPaths = new List<string>(); getXMLFilePaths(isCreator, assessmentPaths, adaptationPaths); adventureData = new AdventureData(); this.incidences = incidences; chapters = new List<Chapter>(); }
public GameState(AdventureData data) { = data; }
public GameState(AdventureData data) { = data; flags = new Dictionary<string, int>(); variables = new Dictionary<string, int>(); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param zipFile * Path to the zip file which helds the chapter files */ public AdventureHandler_(AdventureData adventuredata) { adventureData = adventuredata; chapters = new List<Chapter>(); }
///** // * Controller for LOM data (only required when exporting games to LOM) // */ //private LOMDataControl lomController; ///** // * Controller for IMS data (only required when exporting games to SCORM) // */ //private IMSDataControl imsController; ///** // * Controller for LOM-ES data (require to export games as ODE) // */ //private LOMESDataControl lomesController; /** * Assessment file data controller */ //private AssessmentProfilesDataControl assessmentProfilesDataControl; /** * Adaptation file data controller */ //private AdaptationProfilesDataControl adaptationProfilesDataControl; /** * Constructs the data control with the adventureData */ public AdventureDataControl(AdventureData data) : this() { adventureData = data; checkContextualButtons(); }
/** * Empty constructor. Sets all values to null. */ public AdventureDataControl() { adventureData = new AdventureData(); }
/// <summary> /// 將字典傳入,依json表設定資料 /// </summary> public static void SetData(Dictionary<int, AdventureData> _dic) { string jsonStr = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("Json/Adventure").ToString(); JsonData jd = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonStr); JsonData items = jd["Adventure"]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { AdventureData armorData = new AdventureData(items[i]); int id = int.Parse(items[i]["ID"].ToString()); _dic.Add(id, armorData); } }
/** * @param adventureData * the adventureData to set */ public static void setAdventureData(AdventureData adventureData) { Loader.adventureData = adventureData; }
void Awake() { Game.instance = this; style = Resources.Load("basic") as GUISkin; optionlabel = new GUIStyle(style.label); if (Game.GameToLoad != "") { gameName = Game.GameToLoad; gamePath = ResourceManager.Instance.getCurrentDirectory () + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Games" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; useSystemIO = true; } selected_path = gamePath + gameName; selected_game = selected_path + "/"; List<Incidence> incidences = new List<Incidence>(); AdventureData data = new AdventureData (); AdventureHandler_ adventure = new AdventureHandler_ (data); switch (getLoadingType ()) { case ResourceManager.LoadingType.RESOURCES_LOAD: adventure.Parse (gameName + "/descriptor"); ResourceManager.Instance.Path = gameName; break; case ResourceManager.LoadingType.SYSTEM_IO: adventure.Parse (selected_game + "descriptor.xml"); ResourceManager.Instance.Path = selected_game; break; } game_state = new GameState(data); }