예제 #1
    {   // Form1.load calls ipl mem contains micro cwds, Cvbl has type name and value
        public void ipl(ListBox lBin, List <uint> mem, List <Parser.Cvbl> cVin)
            AdrCtl aC = new AdrCtl(); // AdrCtl generates memory block addresses for exe

            aC.vbls = new VRam();     // Type values used in exe
            foreach (Parser.Cvbl v in cVin)
                aC.vbls.vbls.Add(v.val);    // may need to add non int types
            aC.cV = cVin;
            mem.Add(0);                           // nop pad to prevent out of range exception -- Unnecessary???
            aC.sCwA = new CtlRom(mem);            // maybe unnecessary if mem is used
            aC.sCwA.srom.Capacity = 256;
            aC.sCwA.srom.AddRange(mem.ToArray()); // makes chip memory size a power of two for build

            aC.sCwA.srom.Add(0);                  // nop padding to prevent out of range exception  -- Unnecessary???
            aC.vbls.vbls.Capacity = 256;          // need to calculate for stack size
            while (aC.vbls.vbls.Count < aC.vbls.vbls.Capacity)
            aC.Alu.ac = aC;              // in case Alu needs an aC field
            aC.pec0();                   // executes and formats cycle activity listBox
            foreach (string s in aC.lB1) // maybe pass lBin to aC ??? TBD
예제 #2
            public void pec0()
                // initialize call stack
                cStk.adra  = 0;
                cStk.wrena = true;
                cStk.adrb  = 1;
                cStk.wrenb = true;
                cStk.dina  = ((uint)vbls.vbls.Capacity - 1);
                cStk.dinb  = 0;
                cStk.clka();    // clock stack memory to initialize --

                // start execution
                int    cycle   = 0;
                uint   callPtr = 0;
                string fmt;

                while (lB1.Count < 200) // limit execution to 200 logs
                    if (rtn && !call)   //  end of uCwds
                    // nxtV does nothing, call makes the parm values visible
                    // nxtV(etime, endop, pway, tjmp, fjmp, gtr, eql, less, push, pop, call, rtn);
                    // callCt, base;  stkCt, cwCt;  callCt is the call stack ptr

                    // address calculation for operands
                    vadra = pway ? (sCwA.qb & 0xffff) + (cStk.qb >> 16)
                            : !etime && !call ? (sCwA.qa >> 16) + (cStk.qb >> 16)
                            : etime && call ? cStk.qa
                            : pop ? cStk.qa + 1
                            : etime ? cStk.qa : 0;
                    vadrb = pop ? cStk.qa
                        : (etime || call) && !endop ? sCwA.qb + (cStk.qb >> 16)
                        : (!etime && !call) || endop ? (sCwA.qa & 0xffff) + (cStk.qb >> 16) : 0;

                    // address calculation for cwds
                    sadra = (UInt16)(!etime && !endop ? (cStk.qb & 0xffff) == 0 ? 2 : cStk.qb + 1
                        : etime ? (cmet || call && endop && !rtn) ? sCwA.qb
                        : (endop || push) ? call ? 0 : (cStk.qb + 1) : 0 : cStk.qb + 1);
                    sadrb = (UInt16)(etime && endop || push && !call || !etime && pway ? 0 : cStk.qb + 1);

                    // visualize cycle activity
                    fmt = String.Format("cycle = {0} {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6} Op1 = {7}; {8} Op2 = {9}; Alu = {10} {11} {12}"
                                        , cycle, (Parser.ucdEnum)(sCwA.qb & 0xfff0), (tjmp ? ",tna " : ""), (fjmp ? ",fna " : "") // 0, 1, 2, 3
                                        , (gtr ? ",gtr " : ""), (eql ? ",eql " : ""), (less ? ",less" : "")                       // 4, 5, 6
                                        , vbls.qa, (Parser.ucdEnum)((sCwA.qb >> 16) & 0x01f), vbls.qb, Alu.qa                     // 7, 8, 9
                                        , wrtVa ? (("; wrt " + Alu.qa + " to ") + ((pway && !call) ? (int)vadra < cV.Count ? cV[(int)vadra].name : "vbls[" + vadra + "]" : "TOS")) : ""
                                                                                                                                  //                                                                  ----------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                                  //                                          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                                  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        , cmet ? " cmet " : "");                                                                  //
                    if (lB1.Count >= 100)
                    sCwA.adra = (UInt16)sadra;      // (((UInt16)cStk.qb) == 0 ? 2 : cStk.qb + 1);
                    sCwA.adrb = (UInt16)sadrb;      // (endop ? 0 : cStk.qb + 1);
                    AdrCtl myac = new AdrCtl();
                    //vbls.ac = myac;
                    //myac.vbls = vbls;
                    //int x = vbls.ac.vbls.vbls.Count;
                    // callPtr, base;  stkPtr, cwPtr;
                    // callPtr, stkPtr; base, cwPtr;
                    // caller pushes args, uses caller base to get args, pushes parms to stk
                    // call || push for first arg push call stk stk ct and base;  then push at endop new base and cwCt
                    // at endop stkCt is new base, fn.cwix is new cwCt

                    // look at controls
                    nxtV(etime, endop, pway, tjmp, fjmp, gtr, eql, less, push, pop, call, rtn);

                    //   cStk.qa [callPtr][base]   cStk.qb [stkCt][cwCt]
                    callPtr = call && !rtn && endop ? (cStk.qa >> 16)
                            : call && rtn ? (cStk.qa >> 16)
                            : cStk.qa >> 16;
                    cStk.adra  = call && push ? callPtr + 2 : callPtr;
                    cStk.adrb  = call ? (push || endop) ? callPtr + 1 : callPtr - 1 : callPtr + 1;    // always calllPtr + 1 ????????
                    cStk.wrena = call && rtn ? false : true;
                    cStk.wrenb = call && rtn ? false : true;
                    cStk.dina  = pop ? cStk.qa + 1
                            : call ? push ? (uint)(((callPtr & 0xffff) + 2) << 16) | (UInt16)(cStk.qa - 1)
                            : rtn ? (uint)(((callPtr & 0xffff) - 2) << 16) | (UInt16)(cStk.qa - 1)
                            : (uint)((callPtr & 0xffff) << 16) | (UInt16)(cStk.qa - 1)
                            : push ? cStk.qa - 1 : cStk.qa;
                    cStk.dinb = call && endop && !rtn ? cStk.qa << 16 | (UInt16)sCwA.qb : cStk.qb & 0xffff0000
                                | (UInt16)((cmet || call && endop && !rtn) ? sCwA.qb
                            : cStk.qb + 1);
                    //: endop ? 0 : cStk.qb + 1;
                    //(endop || push) ? call ? 0 : (cStk.qb + 1) : 0);
                    //((push || (call && !rtn) ? (cStk.qa - 0x00010000) : pop ? (cStk.qa + 0x00010000) : cStk.qa
                    //| (call && endop && !rtn ? (cStk.qa & 0xffff0000) | (UInt16)sCwA.qb
                    //: (cStk.qb >> 16) << 16) | (UInt16)(cStk.qb == 0 ? 2 : cmet ? sCwA.qb : cStk.qb + 1)));
                    //callPtr = call ? push ? (cStk.qa >> 16) + 2 : rtn ? (cStk.qa >> 16) - 2 : (cStk.qa >> 16) : (cStk.qa >> 16);
                    //cStk.adra = callPtr;
                    //cStk.adrb = call && !endop ? callPtr - 1 : callPtr + 1;
                    ////| (call && endop && rtn ? callPtr + 1 : 0);
                    //cStk.wrena = call && rtn ? false : true;
                    //cStk.wrenb = call && rtn ? false : true;
                    //cStk.dina = callPtr << 16 | (UInt16)(push || (call && !rtn) ? cStk.qa - 1 : pop ? cStk.qa + 1 : cStk.qa);
                    //cStk.dinb = call && endop && !rtn ? ((cStk.qa) << 16) | (UInt16)(sCwA.qb) : ((cStk.qb >> 16) << 16)
                    //    | (UInt16)((cStk.qb == 0 ? 2 : cmet ? sCwA.qb : cStk.qb + 1));

                    // new values for variables memory
                    vbls.dina  = Alu.qa;
                    vbls.adra  = (UInt16)vadra;
                    vbls.adrb  = (UInt16)vadrb;
                    vbls.wrena = wrtVa ? true : false;
                    if (wrtVa)
                    // two step "clocking" emulates hardware parallelism
                    if (sCwA.qa == 0xffffffff || sCwA.qb == 0xffffffff)
                        // end of of uCwds
                    // two step clock cStk to next, target, call, or return
                    uint dcd = (sCwA.qb >> 16);
                    //   sCwA.adra = 0; sCwA.adrb = 0; vbls.adra = 0; vbls.adrb = 0;
                    String cbits = ((Parser.ucdEnum)(dcd & 0XFFF0)).ToString(), aluCode;      //, sCwd, oCwd;

                    //                    sCwA[2]                                eop ? sCwA[cwCt.qa] : 0
                    //                    sCwB[0]             sCwB[cStk.qb + 1]  eop ? 0
                    //                                                            : sCwB[cStk.qb + 1]
                    //                                        va[sCwA.qa]        pway ? pway@
                    //                                                            : etime ? cStk.qa
                    //                                        vb[pop ? cStk.qa
                    //                                         : etime ? sCwA.qb
                    //                                         : sCwA.qb]
                    //                    cwCt.qa = 2		  cwCtA = cwCt.qa + 1

                    //string a = "adra", b = "adrb", typ, nm;
                    //int flgs = (int)(Parser.ops.etime |Parser.ops.pway | Parser.ops.eop);

                    aluCode = ((Parser.ucdEnum)((sCwA.qb >> 16) & 0X1F)).ToString();

                    //    string curcbits = sCwA.cwAlways[sCwA.cwAlways.Count - 1];
                    //sadra = sadrA; sadrb = sadrB; vadrb = (uint)vadrB;
                    //if (vbls.adra != vadrA || sCwA.adra != sadrA)
                    //{ }