예제 #1
        public Task Upload(WebPage webpage)
            // 1.   wait for previous operation (either CREATE TABLE or EXEC p_ActionWebPage) to complete, then perform TRUNCATE
            //await DoAsync(truncateCmd, truncateCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync).ConfigureAwait(true);    // trash all our #WebPagesStaging table data at Sql Server
            AdoWip.WaitBombIf();               // wait for previous operation (e.g. "CREATE TABLE #WebpagesStaging" or "exec dbo.p_ActionWebPage")
#if WIP
            LastAdoCmd = AdoWipEnum.Truncate;
            AdoWip     = Policy.ExecuteAsync(() => truncateCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()); // TRUNCATE TABLE must complete before we can do BULK INSERT

            // 2.    wait for TRUNCATE, then perform BULK INSERT to upload into #Staging
            AdoWip.WaitBombIf();                                            // wait for previous TRUNCATE operation to complete
            LastAdoCmd = AdoWipEnum.Bulk;
            AdoWip     = _bulk.WriteToServerAsync(dataCaches[ActiveData]);  // upload current batch [but no Polly retry as not idempotent and atomic]
            AdoWip = Policy.ExecuteAsync(() =>                              // idempotent : if BULKINSERT fails then re-reun TRUNCATE
                                         truncateCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync() // TRUNCATE TABLE #WebpagesStaging
                                         .ContinueWith(t => _bulk.WriteToServerAsync(dataCaches[ActiveData]), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion));

            // 3.   advance pointer so caller can continue
            ActiveData = ++ActiveData % CACHELEN;                   // round-robin advance to next DataTable
            dataCaches[ActiveData].Clear();                         // hose all local data from any previous operation
                                                                    // the caller is now free to re-use this zeroed dataCache (i.e. invoke AddDataRow)

예제 #2
        public BulkRepository(Webstore.WebModel dbctx, IAsyncPolicy retryPolicy)
            Policy = retryPolicy;
            Debug.Assert(stagingNames.Length == (int)Staging_enum.NumberOfColumns &&
                         stagingTypes.Length == (int)Staging_enum.NumberOfColumns,
                         "Staging_enum metadata is incorrect");
            Debug.Assert(p_ActionWebPageParams.Length == (int)Action_enum.NumberOfColumns, "Action_enum metadata is incorrect");

            //EF component (single context, but SaveChangesAsync after request[I] can overlap request[I+1] doing its Downloader work in parallel
            EfDomain = dbctx;
            //  var ObjCtx = (EfDomain as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
            //  ObjCtx.SavingChanges += OnSavingChanges;

            // ADO component
            var csb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(EfDomain.Database.Connection.ConnectionString)
                ApplicationName = "DICKBULKSPROC",
                // AsynchronousProcessing = false,
                ConnectRetryCount        = 10,
                ConnectRetryInterval     = 2,
                ConnectTimeout           = 60,
                MultipleActiveResultSets = false,
                Pooling = false

            _conn = new SqlConnection(csb.ConnectionString);       // independent SPID so EF & ADO can free-run

            truncateCmd = new SqlCommand("truncate table " + TGTTABLE, _conn);
            addLinksCmd = new SqlCommand("exec dbo.p_ActionWebPage @PageId,@Url", _conn);
            _bulk = new SqlBulkCopy(_conn)
                DestinationTableName = TGTTABLE, BatchSize = 500, BulkCopyTimeout = 45

#if WIP
            LastAdoCmd = AdoWipEnum.Open;
            AdoWip = (_conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                ? Policy.ExecuteAsync(() => _conn.OpenAsync())  // start the OPEN handshake async so we can do setup stuff in parallel
                : Task.FromResult <bool>(true);

            dataCaches[0] = MakeStagingTable();                 // does not need _conn to be open yet run
            for (var i = 1; i < CACHELEN; i++)
                dataCaches[i] = dataCaches[0].Clone();          // copy structure (but not data)
            // wait for OPEN then create remote table on SQL asynchronously
            AdoWip = AdoWip.ContinueWith(
                t => Policy.ExecuteAsync(() => CreateStagingAsync()),
                TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion | TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     execute the p_ActionWebPage sproc to upsert the data in #Staging table
        /// </summary>
        ///     Upload method has already uploaded the data into #Staging table, but deferred until after SaveChanges completes
        ///      to ensure redirect WebPage has been persisted (i.e. nz PageId)
        /// <remarks>
        ///     1.  .Wait for previous BULK INSERT operation to complete
        ///     2.  prepare sproc params (now the PageId value has been assigned by Sql+EF)
        ///     3.  exec dbo.p_ActionWebPage sproc
        /// </remarks>
        void SaveLinks(WebPage webpage)
            AdoWip.WaitBombIf();                        // wait for parallel ADO to quiesce (e.g. BULKINSERT)
            p_ActionWebPageParams[(int)Action_enum.PageId].Value = webpage.PageId;
            p_ActionWebPageParams[(int)Action_enum.Url].Value    = webpage.Url;

#if WIP
            LastAdoCmd = AdoWipEnum.Action;
            // code is idempotent safe as sproc checks if Depends row pre-exists
            AdoWip = Policy.ExecuteAsync(() => addLinksCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()); // import #WebStaging data into WebPages and Depends tables

            //AdoWip.WaitBombIf();                      // wait for parallel ADO to quiesce (e.g. p_ActionWebPage sproc) TODO: double-check ?
            // caller can now populate next buffer in the ring (whilst SqlServer runs sproc)
예제 #4
        Task CreateStagingAsync()                       // EF will OPEN() then initiate [but DON'T WAIT for] CREATE
#if WIP
            LastAdoCmd = AdoWipEnum.CreateStaging;

#pragma warning disable CA2100                                                                      // "Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities" has been done
            var createCmd = new SqlCommand(
                $"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {TGTTABLE};\n" +                                             // drop any pre-existing table (allow Polly to be idempotent)
                $"CREATE TABLE {TGTTABLE}\n" +
                $"(\t[Url]\t\tnvarchar({WebPage.URLSIZE})\t{COLLATION}\tNOT NULL\tPRIMARY KEY,\n" + // N.B. PKCI on Url for Staging (noPageId column here)
                $"\tDraftFilespec\tnvarchar({WebPage.FILESIZE})\t{COLLATION}\tNULL)", _conn);
#pragma warning restore CA2100                                                                      // Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities