protected void PopulateCorrectiveAction() { try { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetCorrectiveAction(); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { chkCorrectiveAction.DataSource = oDV; chkCorrectiveAction.DataValueField = "Id"; chkCorrectiveAction.DataTextField = "Title"; chkCorrectiveAction.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
private void BindGridview(string refNumber, string incidentStatus, string isAnyPersonInjured, string isTreatmentProvided, string fromDate, string toDate, int personID) { try { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GET_InvestigationHistory_Search(refNumber, incidentStatus, isAnyPersonInjured, isTreatmentProvided, fromDate, toDate, personID); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { lblMsg.Text = "No incident found."; lblMsg.Attributes.Add("style", "font-size:40px; color:Red; font-weight:bold;"); gvVDQHistory.DataSource = null; gvVDQHistory.DataBind(); return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { gvVDQHistory.DataSource = oDV; gvVDQHistory.DataBind(); lblMsg.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
protected void PopulateTreatmentLocation() { try { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetTreatmentLocation(); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { rblTreatmentPlace.DataSource = oDV; rblTreatmentPlace.DataValueField = "Id"; rblTreatmentPlace.DataTextField = "Title"; rblTreatmentPlace.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
public void BindGridview() { try { oDS = AdoUDIRS.GetAllInformation(IncidentID); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDS.Tables.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDS.Tables.Count > 0) { gvActionPlan.DataSource = oDS.Tables[3]; gvActionPlan.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } //gvCommentsHistory.DataSource = dt; //gvCommentsHistory.DataBind(); }
protected void PopulateLocation() { try { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetIncidentLocation(); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { ddlLocation.DataSource = oDV; ddlLocation.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlLocation.DataTextField = "Longname"; ddlLocation.DataBind(); ddlLocation.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--Select--", "-1")); } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
protected void PopulateOthers() { try { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetOthersIncident(); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { //cbOthers.Text = oDV[0].Row["Title"].ToString(); chkOthers.DataSource = oDV; chkOthers.DataValueField = "Id"; chkOthers.DataTextField = "Title"; chkOthers.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string personRoleID = string.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["vid"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["vid"].ToString() != string.Empty) { personRoleID = Cryptography.Decrypt(Request.QueryString["vid"].ToString(), "sblw-3hn8-sqoy19"); DataView dv = AdoUDIRS.ActivatePersonRole(personRoleID); if (dv[0]["StatusMsg"] != null) { if (dv[0]["StatusMsg"].ToString() == "UpdatedSuccessfully") { // User activated successfully, Please click here to login. } else { //Failed to activate the user } } } } } }
protected void InsertInvestigation() { //string strIncidentID = "1"; string strPersonID = string.Empty; try { if (UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails != null) { strPersonID = UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails.Id.ToString(); } else { //redirect to login } BuildIncidentInvestigation(); if (PreviousIncidentStatus == ddlStatus.SelectedValue && txtComments.Text == string.Empty && PreviousIncidentComment != string.Empty) { txtComments.Text = PreviousIncidentComment; } // @PersonID , @IncidentID, @IncidentSubInvestigationCausesIDs, @OtherInvestigation, @IncidentStatus, @Comments) oDV = AdoUDIRS.InvestigationData(strPersonID, IncidentID, sbInvestigationSubCategoryIDs.ToString(), txtOthers.Text.Trim(), ddlStatus.SelectedValue, txtComments.Text.Trim()); // string RefId = oDV.ToTable().Rows[0]["IncidentID"].ToString(); if (oDV == null) { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Failed to save incident data.", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem return; } else { DataTable dt = oDV.ToTable(); //RefId = oDV.Table.Rows[0]["IncidentID"].ToString(); //Session["IncidentID"] = RefId; Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); //--Response.Redirect("~/Web/ThankYou.aspx", true); //Message.Success("Incident data saved Successfullyssssssssssss", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem } if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { //RefId = oDV.ToTable().Rows[0]["IncidentID"].ToString(); //Session["PersonID"] = RefId; } } catch (Exception ex) { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Error 221, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError, lbl); ///// Pass label saleem //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
private void InsertActionPlan() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string str = string.Empty; Label lbl = null; TextBox txt1 = null; TextBox txt2 = null; DropDownList ddl = null; foreach (GridViewRow row in gvActionPlan.Rows) { lbl = (Label)row.Cells[0].FindControl("lblID"); txt1 = (TextBox)row.Cells[0].FindControl("txtAction"); txt2 = (TextBox)row.Cells[0].FindControl("txtDeadline"); ddl = (DropDownList)row.Cells[0].FindControl("ddlCompleted"); if (lbl != null && txt1 != null && txt2 != null && ddl != null) { if (lbl.Text != string.Empty || txt1.Text != string.Empty || txt2.Text != string.Empty || ddl.SelectedValue != "-1") { sb.Append(lbl.Text + "|$|"); sb.Append(txt1.Text + "|$|"); sb.Append(txt2.Text + "|$|"); sb.Append(ddl.SelectedValue + "|#|"); } } } str = sb.ToString(); if (str.LastIndexOf("|#|") > -1) { str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 3); } if (str != string.Empty) { oDV = AdoUDIRS.DoActionPlan(IncidentID, str.ToString(), "|#|", "|$|"); } Response.Redirect("~/Web/ThankYou.aspx", true); /* * * using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())) * { * connection.Open(); * using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sb.ToString(), connection)) * { * cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; * cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); * } * } * lblMessage.Text = "Records successfully saved!"; */ }
protected void InsertIncident(string fileName) { try { BuildNatureIncident(); BuildCorrectiveAction(); string strRoleID = string.Empty, strPersonID = string.Empty; strRoleID = UDIRSHelper.PersonRoleDetails.Where(p => p.Shortname == "USE" || p.Shortname == "Other").Select(s => s.RolesID).Single().ToString(); strPersonID = UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails.Id.ToString(); String combinedDateTime; //string selectedval = HiddenField1.Value; combinedDateTime = txtDate.Text + " " + ddlHours.Text + ":" + ddlMinutes.Text; oDV = AdoUDIRS.IncidentData(strRoleID, ddlLocation.SelectedValue, rblTreatmentPlace.SelectedValue, combinedDateTime, txtOtherlocation.Text.Trim(), txtIncidentDesc.Text.Trim(), rblInjured.SelectedValue, txtInjuryDesc.Text.Trim(), rblTreatmentProvided.SelectedValue, txtCorrectiveActionDesc.Text.Trim(), txtAdditionalInformationDesc.Text.Trim(), fileName, sbIncidentSubCategoryIDs.ToString(), txtOthers.Text.Trim(), strCorActionIDs, strPersonID, "PE", strHistorycomments); if (oDV == null) { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Failed to save incident data.", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem return; } else { DataTable dt = oDV.ToTable(); //RefId = oDV.Table.Rows[0]["IncidentID"].ToString(); //Session["IncidentID"] = RefId; Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Response.Redirect("~/Web/ThankYou.aspx", true); //Message.Success("Incident data saved Successfullyssssssssssss", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem } if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { //RefId = oDV.ToTable().Rows[0]["IncidentID"].ToString(); //Session["PersonID"] = RefId; } } catch (Exception ex) { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Error 221, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError, lbl); ///// Pass label saleem //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
protected void BindGridview() { /* * SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=SureshDasari;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=MySampleDB"); * con.Open(); * SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from UserDetails", con); * * SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); * con.Close(); * DataSet ds = new DataSet(); * da.Fill(ds); * gvHistory.DataSource = ds; * gvHistory.DataBind(); */ try { if (UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails != null) { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GET_IncidentsForPerson(UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails.Id.ToString()); } else { //redirect to logon page } if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; lblMsg.Text = "No Incident Reported."; lblMsg.Attributes.Add("style", "font-size:40px; color:Red; font-weight:bold;"); return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { gvHistory.DataSource = oDV; gvHistory.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Email = txtEmailID.Text.ToLower().Trim(); if ((Email.Contains("") || Email.EndsWith(""))) { lblRMsg.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("float", "right"); lblRMsg.Text = "Sorry! University Email address can not be used."; lblRMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else { DataView oDV = new DataView(); oDV = AdoUDIRS.Registration(txtEmailID.Text.Trim(), txtRpwd.Text.Trim(), txtFirstname.Text.Trim(), txtLastname.Text.Trim(), txtContact.Text.Trim(), rdoGender.SelectedItem.Value); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } else { if (oDV.Table.Rows.Count > 0) { if (oDV[0].Row["PersonRoleID"] != null) { if (oDV[0].Row["PersonRoleID"].ToString() == "0") { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Success("User Already exist", lbl);//User Already exist } else { SendEmail(oDV[0].Row["PersonRoleID"].ToString()); } } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Success("Try again after some time.", lbl);// try again after some time. } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetHealthSafety(); string fruits = ""; for (int i = 0; i < oDV.Count; i++) { } //oDV = AdoUDIRS.Regist("Visitor", "*****@*****.**", "j789rt", "Saleem", "Abdul", "23326666", // "05341039", "*****@*****.**", "Male", ""); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { lblMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } // Sub_cat.Text = oDV[0]["Title"].ToString(); }
protected void LoadSession() { try { //oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetIncidentHistory(); oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetReferenceNumber(); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDV.Count == 0) { return; } else if (oDV.Count > 0) { string sValue = oDV.ToTable().Rows[0]["RefNumber"].ToString(); lblRefID.Text = sValue; } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } if (UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails != null) { if (UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails.Fullname != null) { lblName.Text = UDIRSHelper.PersonDetails.Fullname; } } else { //redirect to home or logout } //lblRefID.Text = ReferenceId; }
private bool DeleteActionPlanByID(string actionPlanID) { oDV = AdoUDIRS.DeleteActionPlanByID(actionPlanID); if (oDV == null) { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Failed to delete action plan data.", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem return(false); } else { DataTable dt = oDV.ToTable(); //RefId = oDV.Table.Rows[0]["IncidentID"].ToString(); //Session["IncidentID"] = RefId; Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); //--Response.Redirect("~/Web/ThankYou.aspx", true); Message.Success("Action plan deleted successfully.", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem return(true); } }
private void LoadAllData() { try { oDS = AdoUDIRS.GetAllInformation(IncidentID); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDS.Tables.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDS.Tables.Count > 0) { string mystring = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in oDS.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["NatureOfIncident"] != null) { mystring += dr["NatureOfIncident"] + ", ".ToString(); } } if (mystring.IndexOf(',') > 0) { mystring = mystring.Substring(0, mystring.Length - 2); } lblNature.Text = mystring; string myAction = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in oDS.Tables[1].Rows) { if (dr["Suggestion"] != null) { myAction += dr["Suggestion"] + ", ".ToString(); } } if (myAction.IndexOf(',') > 0) { myAction = myAction.Substring(0, myAction.Length - 2); } lblSuggestion.Text = myAction; lblDateTime.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["IncidentDate"].ToString(); lblIncidentDesc.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["IncidentDescription"].ToString(); lblInjuryDesc.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["InjuryDescription"].ToString(); lblTypeTeatment.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TreatmentLocation"].ToString(); lblAction.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["ActionDescription"].ToString(); lblAddtional.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["AdditionalInfo"].ToString(); lblReference.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["RefNumber"].ToString(); string myfactors = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in oDS.Tables[4].Rows) { if (dr["IncidentInvestigation"] != null) { myfactors += dr["IncidentInvestigation"] + ", ".ToString(); } } if (myfactors.IndexOf(',') > 0) { myfactors = myfactors.Substring(0, myfactors.Length - 2); } lblFactors.Text = myfactors; /* -- Action Taken to prevent * string myprevent = string.Empty; * foreach (DataRow dr in oDS.Tables[3].Rows) * if (dr["ActionDescription"] != null) * myprevent += dr["ActionDescription"] + ", ".ToString(); * if (myprevent.IndexOf(',') > 0) * myprevent = myprevent.Substring(0, myprevent.Length - 2); * lblToPrevent.Text = myprevent; * */ // -- Display Status in Lable slblStatus = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Incident_Status"].ToString(); if (slblStatus == "PE") { lblStatus.Text = "Pending"; } else if (slblStatus == "IP") { lblStatus.Text = "In Progress"; } else if (slblStatus == "EV") { lblStatus.Text = "Escalate to VDQ"; } else if (slblStatus == "CL") { lblStatus.Text = "Closed"; } else if (slblStatus == "RP") { lblStatus.Text = "RMO Pending"; } sLocation = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["UnitName"].ToString(); if (sLocation == "Other") { lblLocation.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["OtherLocation"].ToString(); } else { if (oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["UnitName"] != null) { lblLocation.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["UnitName"].ToString(); } } string sInjured = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["PersonInjured"].ToString(); if (sInjured == "Y") { lblPersonInjured.Text = "Yes"; } else { lblPersonInjured.Text = "NO"; } string sProvided = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TreatmentProvided"].ToString(); if (sInjured == "Y") { lblTreatmentProvided.Text = "Yes"; } else { lblTreatmentProvided.Text = "NO"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { oDV = AdoUDIRS.GetHealthSafety(); }
protected void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserName = txtUserName.Text.ToLower().Trim(); Password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); if (UserName.Contains("") || UserName.Contains("") || !UserName.Contains('@')) { #region Active Directory Login if (IsUserExist()) { string FullName = string.Empty, Email = string.Empty, Phone = string.Empty, Mobile = string.Empty, NationalID = string.Empty; nsWebServices.GetUser[] oArray; oArray = GetUserDetails(); if (oArray != null) { if (oArray[0].ID != null && oArray[0].ID != string.Empty) { #region Person details from webservice NationalID = oArray[0].ID; if (oArray[0].FullName != null) { FullName = oArray[0].FullName; } if (oArray[0].Email != null) { Email = oArray[0].Email; } if (oArray[0].Phone != null) { Phone = oArray[0].Phone; } if (oArray[0].Mobile != null) { Mobile = oArray[0].Mobile; } #endregion DataSet dSet = new DataSet(); dSet = AdoUDIRS.AddUpdateUserDetailsByNationalID(NationalID, FullName, Email, Phone, Mobile); if (dSet != null) { if (dSet.Tables[0] != null) { if (dSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { SetPersonDetails(dSet.Tables[0]); } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Success("PersonRoles does not exist/Database error", lbl);//Person does not exist/Database error } #region Set PersonRoleDetails Entity if (dSet.Tables[1] != null) { if (dSet.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0) { SetPersonRoleDetails(dSet.Tables[1]); Response.Redirect("~/Web/Home.aspx", true); } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("PersonRoles does not exist/Database error", lbl); ///// Pass label saleem//PersonRoles does not exist/Database error } #endregion } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("PersonRoles does not exist/Database error", lbl);//Person does not exist/Database error } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("PersonRoles does not exist/Database error", lbl);//Person does not exist/Database error } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Your NationalID not found, Please contact [email protected] or 31111.", lbl);//Message: Your NationalID not found, Please contact [email protected] or 31111. } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Server not responding, Please try after some time.", lbl);//Message: Server not responding, Please try after some time. } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Failure("Incorrect login credentials", lbl);//Message: incorrect login credentials } #endregion } else { #region Other Login DataSet dSet = new DataSet(); dSet = AdoUDIRS.CheckAndGetDataForOthersLogin(UserName); if (dSet != null) { if (dSet.Tables[0] != null) { if (dSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { SetPersonDetails(dSet.Tables[0]); } else { return; //Person does not exist/Database error } #region Set PersonRoleDetails Entity if (dSet.Tables[1] != null) { if (dSet.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0) { SetPersonRoleDetails(dSet.Tables[1]); Response.Redirect("~/Web/Home.aspx", true); } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Success("PersonRoles does not exist/Database error", lbl);//PersonRoles does not exist/Database error } #endregion } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Success("Incorrect Username/Password", lbl);//Incorrect Username/Password } } else { Label lbl = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblMessage"); Message.Success("Incorrect Username/Password", lbl);//Incorrect Username/Password } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void LoadAllData() { try { oDS = AdoUDIRS.GetAllInformation(IncidentID); if (AdoUDIRS.BlnError) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDS.Tables.Count == 0) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; return; } else if (oDS.Tables.Count > 0) { string mystring = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in oDS.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["NatureOfIncident"] != null) { mystring += dr["NatureOfIncident"] + ", ".ToString(); } } if (mystring.IndexOf(',') > 0) { mystring = mystring.Substring(0, mystring.Length - 2); } lblNature.Text = mystring; string myAction = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in oDS.Tables[1].Rows) { if (dr["Suggestion"] != null) { myAction += dr["Suggestion"] + ", ".ToString(); } } if (myAction.IndexOf(',') > 0) { myAction = myAction.Substring(0, myAction.Length - 2); } lblSuggestion.Text = myAction; lblName.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Fullname"].ToString(); lblContact.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Mobile"].ToString(); lblEmail.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["WorkEmail"].ToString(); lblDateTime.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["IncidentDate"].ToString(); lblIncidentDesc.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["IncidentDescription"].ToString(); lblInjuryDesc.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["InjuryDescription"].ToString(); lblTypeTeatment.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TreatmentLocation"].ToString(); lblAction.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["ActionDescription"].ToString(); lblAddtional.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["AdditionalInfo"].ToString(); lblReference.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["RefNumber"].ToString(); //lblPersonInjured.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["PersonInjured"].ToString(); if (ddlStatus.Items.FindByValue(oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Incident_Status"].ToString()) != null) { ddlStatus.SelectedValue = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Incident_Status"].ToString(); PreviousIncidentStatus = ddlStatus.SelectedValue; } if (oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Comments"] != null && oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Comments"].ToString() != string.Empty) { PreviousIncidentComment = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Comments"].ToString(); } // ____________________________________ Working Retrieve Checkboxlist _____________________________________________ if (oDS.Tables[4].Rows.Count > 0) { BindRMOCheckboxlist(); DisableCheckBoxList(); } // ____________________________________ Working Retrieve Checkboxlist _____________________________________________ if (oDS.Tables[3].Rows.Count > 0) { BindActionPlan(oDS.Tables[3]); } else { SetInitialRow(); } sLocation = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["UnitName"].ToString(); if (sLocation == "Other") { lblLocation.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["OtherLocation"].ToString(); } else { if (oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["UnitName"] != null) { lblLocation.Text = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["UnitName"].ToString(); } } string sInjured = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["PersonInjured"].ToString(); if (sInjured == "Y") { lblPersonInjured.Text = "Yes"; } else { lblPersonInjured.Text = "NO"; } string sProvided = oDS.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TreatmentProvided"].ToString(); if (sInjured == "Y") { lblTreatmentProvided.Text = "Yes"; } else { lblTreatmentProvided.Text = "NO"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //lblRMsg.Text = "Error 40, sorry, an error occured, " + AdoUDIRS.StrError; } }