public void CMD_Ban(Client client, Client player, string grund) { Players tarInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); Players p = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); BanLog Banlog = PlayerHelper.BanLogs(client); if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation!"); return; } if (p.username == null) { client.SendNotification("Le joueur n'existe pas!"); } tarInfo.ban = 1; Database.Update(tarInfo); tarInfo.Update(); player.SendChatMessage("~r~Vous avez été banni!"); NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"[~r~SERVER~w~]Le joueur {player.Name} à cause de: {grund}, ~r~ban"); client.SendNotification($"Vous avez ban le joueur { player.Name} avec succès!"); Banlog = new BanLog(); Banlog.banned = player.Name; Banlog.bannedby = client.Name; Banlog.grund = grund; Database.Upsert(Banlog); player.Kick(); }
public void CMD_UnBan(Client client, Client player) { Players tarInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation!"); return; } if (tarInfo == null) { client.SendNotification("Le joueur n'a pas pu être trouvé dans la base de données."); return; } if (tarInfo.ban <= 0 && tarInfo.ban >= 2) { client.SendNotification("Le joueur n'est pas banni!"); return; } if (tarInfo.ban == 1) { tarInfo.ban = 0; client.SendNotification("Le joueur a été deban avec succès!"); tarInfo.Update(); } }
public void CMD_MakeAdmin(Client client, string playerName, int rank) { Client player = NAPI.Player.GetPlayerFromName(playerName); if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 3)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } if (player != null) { if (AdminSystem.SetRank(client, playerName, rank)) { client.SendNotification("Rank wurde gesetzt!"); return; } else { client.SendNotification("Rank wurde NICHT gesetzt!"); return; } } else { client.SendChatMessage("Spieler wurde nicht gefunden!"); return; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { Admin admin = new Admin(); admin.UserName = UserName.Text.ToString(); admin.Password = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(Password.Text.ToString(), "MD5"); admin.LastLoginIP = Request.UserHostAddress; admin.LastLoginTime = DateTime.Now; AdminSystem adminSystem = new AdminSystem(); if (!adminSystem.Login_Admin(admin.UserName)) { if (adminSystem.Add_Admin(admin) > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功');location.href='Get_admin.aspx';</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加失败');location.href='Get_admin.aspx';</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('管理员已存在');history.back(1);</script>"); } } }
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (sValidator == Code.Text.ToString()) { AdminSystem adminSystem = new AdminSystem(); Admin admin = new Admin(); admin = adminSystem.Get_SingAdmin(UserName.Text.ToString()); if (admin.UserName == UserName.Text.ToString()) { if (FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(PassWord.Text.ToString(), "MD5") == admin.Password.ToString()) { Session["Admin_User"] = UserName.Text.ToString(); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('管理员密码错误');location.href='login.aspx';</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('管理员不存在');location.href='login.aspx';</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('验证码错误');location.href='login.aspx';</script>"); } } }
public void CMD_Ban(Client client, Client player, string grund) { Players tarInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); Players p = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); BanLog Banlog = PlayerHelper.BanLogs(client); if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } if (p.username == null) { client.SendNotification("Spieler existiert nicht!"); } tarInfo.ban = 1; Database.Update(tarInfo); tarInfo.Update(); player.SendChatMessage("~r~Du wurdest gebannt!"); NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"[~r~SERVER~w~]Der Spieler {player.Name} wurde wegen: {grund}, ~r~gebannt!"); client.SendNotification($"Du hast den Spieler {player.Name} erfolgreich gebannt!"); Banlog = new BanLog(); Banlog.banned = player.Name; Banlog.bannedby = client.Name; Banlog.grund = grund; Database.Upsert(Banlog); player.Kick(); }
public void CMD_DelWarn(Client client, Client player) { //Spieler Statistiken PlayerInfo leaderInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayerStats(client); Players playerInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); //Abfrage ob man ein Leader ist if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Tu n'es pas Admin."); return; } if (client.Name == player.Name) { client.SendNotification("~r~Vous ne pouvez pas vous spécifier vous même"); return; } if (playerInfo.warn == 0) { player.SendNotification("Le joueur n'a pas d'avertissement"); return; } playerInfo.warn -= 1; playerInfo.Update(); player.SendChatMessage($"[~r~Server~w~]: un avertissement à été suppriméx. Il possède maintenant {playerInfo.warn} avertissement(s)."); }
public void CMD_DelWarn(Client client, Client player) { //Spieler Statistiken PlayerInfo leaderInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayerStats(client); Players playerInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); //Abfrage ob man ein Leader ist if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du bist kein Admin!"); return; } if (client.Name == player.Name) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du kannst dich nicht selber angeben!"); return; } if (playerInfo.warn == 0) { player.SendNotification("Spieler besitzt keine Warn's!"); return; } playerInfo.warn -= 1; playerInfo.Update(); player.SendChatMessage($"[~r~Server~w~]: Eine Verwarnung wurde entfernt! du besitzt nun {playerInfo.warn} Verwarnungen."); }
public void CMD_MakeAdmin(Client client, string playerName, int rank) { Client player = NAPI.Player.GetPlayerFromName(playerName); if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 3)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation!"); return; } if (player != null) { if (AdminSystem.SetRank(client, playerName, rank)) { client.SendNotification("Le rang à était défini!"); return; } else { client.SendNotification("Le rang n'a pas était défini!"); return; } } else { client.SendChatMessage("Le joueur n'a pas été trouvé!"); return; } }
public void CMD_Warn(Client client, Client player) { //Spieler Statistiken PlayerInfo leaderInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayerStats(client); PlayerInfo playerInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayerStats(player); //Abfrage ob man ein Leader ist if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du bist kein Admin!"); return; } if (client.Name == player.Name) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du kannst dich nicht selber angeben!"); return; } playerInfo.warn += 1; playerInfo.Update(); player.SendChatMessage($"[~r~Server~w~]: Du bekamst eine Verwarnung und besitzt nun ~r~{playerInfo.warn}~w~ Verwarnungen."); if (playerInfo.warn == 3) { player.SendChatMessage("[~r~Server~w~]: Du besitzt zu viele Verwarnungen weswegen du auf diesem Server gesperrt wurdest!"); playerInfo.ban = 1; playerInfo.Update(); player.Kick(); } }
private void SaveMultiDocUpload(string dbConnectionString, string dbPwd, byte sid, bool overwrite) { if (Request.Files.Count > 0 && Request.Files[0].FileName != string.Empty) { byte[] dc; using (System.IO.BinaryReader sm = new BinaryReader(Request.Files[0].InputStream)) { dc = new byte[Request.Files[0].InputStream.Length]; sm.Read(dc, 0, dc.Length); sm.Close(); } // In case DocId has not been saved properly, always find the most recent to replace as long as it has the same file name: string DocId = string.Empty; DocId = new AdminSystem().GetDocId(Request.QueryString["key"], Request.QueryString["tbl"], Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[0].FileName), base.LUser.UsrId.ToString(), dbConnectionString, dbPwd); if (DocId == string.Empty || !overwrite) { DocId = new AdminSystem().AddDbDoc(Request.QueryString["key"], Request.QueryString["tbl"], Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[0].FileName), Request.Files[0].ContentType, dc.Length, dc, dbConnectionString, dbPwd, base.LUser); } else { new AdminSystem().UpdDbDoc(DocId, Request.QueryString["tbl"], Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[0].FileName), Request.Files[0].ContentType, dc.Length, dc, dbConnectionString, dbPwd, base.LUser); } Response.Buffer = true; Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); string json = "{\"newDocId\":\"" + DocId + "\"}"; Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; Response.Write(json); Response.End(); } }
public void CMD_UnBan(Client client, Client player) { Players tarInfo = PlayerHelper.GetPlayer(player); if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } if (tarInfo == null) { client.SendNotification("Spieler konnte in der Datenbank NICHT gefunden werden."); return; } if (tarInfo.ban <= 0 && tarInfo.ban >= 2) { client.SendNotification("Spieler ist nicht gebannt!"); return; } if (tarInfo.ban == 1) { tarInfo.ban = 0; client.SendNotification("Spieler wurde erfolgreich entbannt!"); tarInfo.Update(); } }
protected void Admin_List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int nID = Int32.Parse(Admin_List.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString()); AdminSystem adminSystem = new AdminSystem(); adminSystem.Delete_Admin(nID); BinData(); }
public IActionResult DeleteBackupByFname([FromQuery] string fname) { if (Backup.DeleteBackupByFname(fname)) { AdminSystem.AddLog(GetAdminName(), "删除时间为" + fname + "的备份"); return(Json(new { code = 0, msg = "删除成功!" })); } return(Json(new { code = -1, msg = "删除失败!" })); }
public IActionResult Restore([FromQuery] string fname) { if (Backup.Load(fname)) { AdminSystem.AddLog(GetAdminName(), "恢复数据库为当前状态"); return(Json(new { code = 0, msg = "恢复成功!" })); } return(Json(new { code = -1, msg = "恢复失败!" })); }
public IActionResult Backups() { if (Backup.Save()) { AdminSystem.AddLog(GetAdminName(), "备份当前数据库"); return(Json(new { code = 0, msg = "备份成功!" })); } return(Json(new { code = -1, msg = "备份失败!" })); }
public PlayerTab() { _adminSystem = EntitySystem.Get <AdminSystem>(); RobustXamlLoader.Load(this); RefreshPlayerList(_adminSystem.PlayerList); _adminSystem.PlayerListChanged += RefreshPlayerList; OverlayButtonOn.OnPressed += _adminSystem.AdminOverlayOn; OverlayButtonOff.OnPressed += _adminSystem.AdminOverlayOff; }
public void BinData() { AdminSystem adminSystem = new AdminSystem(); List <Admin> List_Admin = new List <Admin>(); List_Admin = adminSystem.Get_Admin(); Admin_List.DataSource = List_Admin; Admin_List.DataBind(); }
public void CMD_AC(Client client, string message) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Vous n'avez aucune autorisation!"); return; } NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"[~r~AC~w~] {client.Name} dit: {message}"); }
public void CMD_SetHealth(Client client, int wert) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 3)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } client.Health = wert; }
public void CMD_AC(Client client, string message) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"[~r~AC~w~] {client.Name} sagt: {message}"); }
public void CMD_GetWeapon(Client client, WeaponHash hash) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } client.GiveWeapon(hash, 999); }
public void CMD_Teleport(Client client, Client player1, Client player2) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } player1.Position = player2.Position; }
public void CMD_GoTo(Client client, Client player) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } client.Position = player.Position; }
public void CMD_SetWeather(Client client, string weather) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du bist dazu nicht befugt!"); return; } NAPI.World.SetWeather(weather); }
private void TranslateItems() { DataTable dtLabel = GetLabels(); AdminSystem adm = new AdminSystem(); if (dtLabel != null) { TranslateItem(cImage, dtLabel.Rows, "cHelpImg"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAdmins([FromQuery] AdminDtoParameters parameters) { if (!JudgeRoles(1)) { return(Json(new { code = -1, msg = "您没有权限进行此操作!" })); } var admins = await AdminSystem.GetAdminsAsync(parameters); return(Ok(new { code = 0, data = new { items = admins, total = admins.TotalCount } })); }
public void CMD_SetTime(Client client, int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 2)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du bist dazu nicht befugt!"); return; } NAPI.World.SetTime(hours, minutes, seconds); }
public void CMD_SetHealth(Client client, int wert) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 3)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Vous n'avez aucune autorisation!"); return; } client.Health = wert; }
public void CMD_GetHere(Client client, Client player1, Client player2) { if (!AdminSystem.HasRank(client, 1)) { client.SendNotification("~r~Du hast dazu keine Berechtigung!"); return; } player1.Position = new Vector3(player2.Position.X, player2.Position.Y, player2.Position.Z); }