public ActionResult CreatePage(AdminPagesVm model)
            //Validaate the model state
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            using (MyDb db = new MyDb())
                //Declare the Slug
                string slug;

                //Initialize the PageDTO
                PageDTO dTO = new PageDTO();

                //Display the DTO Title
                dTO.Title = model.Title;

                //Check and Set the Slug
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Slug))
                    slug = model.Title.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower();
                    slug = model.Slug.Replace(" ", " ").ToLower();
                //Make sure the Title and Slug are Unique from each other
                if (db.Pages.Any(x => x.Title == model.Title) || db.Pages.Any(x => x.Slug == slug))
                    ModelState.AddModelError(" ", "The Title or Slug entered already exist. ");
                //DTO the rest of the pages

                dTO.Slug       = slug;
                dTO.Body       = model.Body;
                dTO.HasSidebar = model.HasSidebar;
                dTO.Sorting    = 100;

                //Save the pageDTO
            //Save the temporary message

            TempData["SM"] = "You have successfully added a new page!";
            //Redirect the page
 public ActionResult EditPage(AdminPagesVm model)
     //Check model State
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
     using (MyDb db = new MyDb())
         //Get the Page Id
         int id = model.Id;
         //Delcare Slug
         string slug = "home";
         //Get the Page
         PageDTO dTO = db.Pages.Find(id);
         //Reference DTO to the Page Title
         dTO.Title = model.Title;
         //Check for the Slug on the page and set it if there is need
         if (model.Slug != "home")
             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Slug))
                 slug = model.Title.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower();
                 slug = model.Slug.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower();
         //Make sure the Title and Slug are unique
         if (db.Pages.Where(x => x.Id != id).Any(x => x.Title == model.Title) ||
             db.Pages.Where(x => x.Id != id).Any(x => x.Slug == slug))
             ModelState.AddModelError(" ", "The Slug or Title requested already exists!");
         //DTO the rest of the Pages
         dTO.Slug       = slug;
         dTO.Body       = model.Body;
         dTO.HasSidebar = model.HasSidebar;
         //Save the DTO
     //Set Temp data message
     TempData["SM"] = "You have successfully Edited the page!";
     //Redirect the pages
        public ActionResult EditPage(int id)
            //Declare the page view model
            AdminPagesVm model;

            using (MyDb db = new MyDb())
                //Get the Page

                PageDTO dTO = db.Pages.Find(id);
                //Confirm if the page exist

                if (dTO == null)
                    return(Content("The Page requested does not exist!"));
                //Initialize the page view model
                model = new AdminPagesVm(dTO);
            //Return the view with the model