object Grid_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        int    chatUserID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameter, 0);
        string name       = sourceName.ToLowerCSafe();

        switch (name)
        case "chatroomuserchatuserid":
            ChatUserInfo user = ChatUserInfoProvider.GetChatUserInfo(chatUserID);

            return(ChatUIHelper.GetCMSDeskChatUserField(this, user));

        case "adminlevel":
            AdminLevelEnum adminLevel = (AdminLevelEnum)parameter;


        case "onlinestatus":
            if (parameter == DBNull.Value)
                parameter = null;

            DateTime?joinTime = (DateTime?)parameter;

            string input = "<span class=\"{0}\">{1}</span>";

            return(String.Format(input, (joinTime.HasValue) ? "StatusEnabled" : "StatusDisabled", GetString(joinTime.HasValue ? "general.yes" : "general.no")));

        case "action_kick":
        case "action_revoke":
        case "action_edit":
            //Gets the value of the UserName column from the current data row
            DataRow row = ((DataRowView)((GridViewRow)parameter).DataItem).Row;

            bool visible = true;
            CMSGridActionButton actionButton = (CMSGridActionButton)sender;

            // Can't perform any action in one to one support room
            if (ChatRoom.IsOneToOneSupport)
                visible = false;
                if (name == "action_kick")
                    if (row["ChatRoomUserJoinTime"] == DBNull.Value)
                        visible = false;
                    actionButton.IconCssClass = "icon-arrow-right-rect";
                else if (name == "action_revoke")
                    // Can't revoke access to the creator of the room
                    // Can't revoke access to the public room
                    if (!ChatRoom.ChatRoomPrivate || ((int)row["ChatRoomUserAdminLevel"] == (int)AdminLevelEnum.Creator))
                        visible = false;
                    actionButton.IconCssClass = "icon-times-circle color-red-70";
                else if (name == "action_edit")
                    actionButton.IconCssClass = "icon-edit";
                    actionButton.IconStyle    = GridIconStyle.Allow;

            if (!visible)
                actionButton.Visible = false;
            else if (!HasUserModifyPermission)
                actionButton.Enabled = false;

