public ActionResult Import(AdminImportVM vm, IFormCollection nouse) { if (vm.ErrorListVM.EntityList.Count > 0 || !vm.BatchSaveData()) { return(PartialView(vm)); } else { return(FFResult().CloseDialog().RefreshGrid().Alert("成功导入 " + vm.EntityList.Count.ToString() + " 行数据")); } }
public ActionResult IndexPostSave(AdminImportVM vm) { _remoteConfigRepository.Create(new RemoteSiteConfigRecord { Url = vm.Url, Username = vm.Username, Password = vm.Password }); _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T("The remote site details have been saved. You can now sync with that site with a single click by using the 'Sync with this config' link next to the site config in the table below.")); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }