public void TestGetContentForAdmin() { string con = "This is bad content."; _contentRep.Setup(x => x.Content).Returns(con); _svc = new AdminContentService(_contentRep.Object, _negContentRep.Object); Assert.AreEqual(_svc.GetContent(), con); }
public void TestNegContentCountForAdmin() { string con = "This is bad content."; _contentRep.Setup(x => x.Content).Returns(con); _negContentRep.Setup(x => x.Content).Returns("bad swine"); _svc = new AdminContentService(_contentRep.Object, _negContentRep.Object); Assert.AreEqual(_svc.CountNegativeWords(), 2); }
public void TestFindNegContentForAdmin() { string con = "This is a horrible bad weather."; _contentRep.Setup(x => x.Content).Returns(con); _negContentRep.Setup(x => x.Content).Returns("bad horrible"); _svc = new AdminContentService(_contentRep.Object, _negContentRep.Object); var words = _svc.FindNegativeWordsInContent(); Assert.AreEqual(words[0], "horrible"); Assert.AreEqual(words[1], "bad"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter number corresponds to your user type:\n1 Admin\n2 User\n3 Reader\n4 ContentCurator"); string userType = Console.ReadLine(); UserType ut; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userType)) { try { ut = (UserType)Enum.Parse(typeof(UserType), userType); ContentFactory fac = new ContentFactory(ut); if (ut == UserType.Admin) { string negWords = string.Empty; AdminContentService svc = (AdminContentService)fac.GetServiceInstance(); Console.WriteLine("Enter number corresponds to the following action you'd like to do: \n1 Show content\n2 Show negative words\n3 Add negative word\n4 Show negative word\n5 Exit"); string adminAction = string.Empty; while (adminAction != "5") { adminAction = Console.ReadLine(); if (adminAction == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Displaying content: "); Console.WriteLine(svc.GetContent()); } else if (adminAction == "2") { negWords = string.Empty; Console.WriteLine("Displaying negative words: "); svc.GetNegativeWords().ForEach(x => negWords += string.Format("{0}\n", x)); Console.WriteLine(negWords); } else if (adminAction == "3") { Console.WriteLine("Enter a word to add a list of negative words: "); string badword = Console.ReadLine(); svc.AddNegativeWord(badword); } else if (adminAction == "4") { Console.WriteLine("Enter a word to remove from the list of negative words: "); string badword = Console.ReadLine(); svc.RemoveNegativeWord(badword); } } } else if (ut == UserType.User) { //Similar to above implemention as per rules specific to this user //not implemented due to time constraint } else if (ut == UserType.Reader) { //Similar to above implemention as per rules specific to this user //not implemented due to time constraint } else if (ut == UserType.ContentCurator) { //Similar to above implemention as per rules specific to this user //not implemented due to time constraint } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press ANY key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } Console.WriteLine("Press ANY key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void ClearData() { _contentRep = null; _negContentRep = null; _svc = null; }