예제 #1
        protected void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Admin", connection);

                //RUN command and dump results into reader
                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                if (reader.Read())
                    //Gets username from table
                    string username = reader["username"].ToString();
                    //Gets password from table
                    string password = reader["password"].ToString();
                    if (usernameTxtbox.Text.Equals(username) && passwordTxtbox.Text.Equals(password))
                        message.Text = "Invalid User";
예제 #2
 public MasterProcessCmdHandler(HttpClient httpClient, AdminAppSession appSession)
     p_HttpClient = httpClient;
     p_AppSession = appSession;
예제 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!AdminAppSession.isLoggedIn())
            titleAdminPage.Text = "Welcome " + AdminAppSession.getUsername();
                using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                    //numbers of questionId for SQL purposes
                    int questionIdState        = 3;
                    int questionIdBank         = 6;
                    int questionIdBankCommbank = 8;
                    int questionIdBankNAB      = 11;
                    int questionIdBankANZ      = 12;
                    int questionIdNewspaper    = 7;
                    int questionIdGender       = 1;
                    int questionIdSports       = 9;
                    int questionIdTravel       = 10;

                    //checking whether the page has been render before, if no then do so.
                    if (!IsPostBack)
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandState = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdState, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderState  = optionCommandState.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderState.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderState["optionText"], optionReaderState["optionId"].ToString());

                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBank = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBank, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBank  = optionCommandBank.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBank.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBank["optionText"], optionReaderBank["optionId"].ToString());


                        //-----Bank Services----
                        //Bank Services Commbank
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBankServicesCommbank = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBankCommbank, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBankServicesCommbank  = optionCommandBankServicesCommbank.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBankServicesCommbank.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBankServicesCommbank["optionText"], optionReaderBankServicesCommbank["optionId"].ToString());


                        //Bank Services NAB
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBankServicesNAB = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBankNAB, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBankServicesNAB  = optionCommandBankServicesNAB.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBankServicesNAB.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBankServicesNAB["optionText"], optionReaderBankServicesNAB["optionId"].ToString());


                        //Bank Services ANZ
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBankServicesANZ = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBankANZ, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBankServicesANZ  = optionCommandBankServicesANZ.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBankServicesANZ.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBankServicesANZ["optionText"], optionReaderBankServicesANZ["optionId"].ToString());


                        //-----Newspaper related-----
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandNewspaper = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdNewspaper, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderNewspaper  = optionCommandNewspaper.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderNewspaper.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderNewspaper["optionText"], optionReaderNewspaper["optionId"].ToString());


                        SqlCommand    optionCommandGender = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdGender, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderGender  = optionCommandGender.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderGender.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderGender["optionText"], optionReaderGender["optionId"].ToString());


                        SqlCommand    optionCommandSports = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdSports, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderSports  = optionCommandSports.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderSports.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderSports["optionText"], optionReaderSports["optionId"].ToString());

                        SqlCommand    optionCommandTravel = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdTravel, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderTravel  = optionCommandTravel.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderTravel.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderTravel["optionText"], optionReaderTravel["optionId"].ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #4
 public DataService(HttpClient httpClient, AdminAppSession appSession)
     p_HttpClient = httpClient;
     p_AppSession = appSession;