public static void testGetGPIOMonitor() { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); byte spiData1 = 0x0; byte spiData2 = 0x0; byte monitorIndex; int monitorMask; byte retmonitorIndex = 0; byte retmonitorMask = 0; Link.Mykonos.setupGpio(0x00FF, Mykonos.GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MONITOR_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MONITOR_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MONITOR_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MONITOR_MODE, Mykonos.GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MONITOR_MODE); for (monitorIndex = 0; monitorIndex <= 0x35; monitorIndex++) { //Console.WriteLine("monitorIndex: " + monitorIndex); for (monitorMask = 0; monitorMask <= 0xFF; monitorMask++) { Console.WriteLine("monitorIndex: " + monitorIndex); Console.WriteLine("monitorMask: " + monitorMask); Link.spiWrite(0xB40, monitorIndex); Link.spiWrite(0xB41, (byte)monitorMask); Link.Mykonos.getGpioMonitorOut(ref retmonitorIndex, ref retmonitorMask); Assert.AreEqual(monitorIndex, retmonitorIndex, "Monitor Index not as expected"); Assert.AreEqual(monitorMask, retmonitorMask, "Monitor Mask not as expected"); } //monitorIndex++; } Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void EnableTxNCO() { /* not working yet */ AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); string firPath = @"C:\svn\software\projects\mykonos\Filters\"; //TODO: replace with dynamic string txFirFile = firPath + ""; //Link.Mykonos.programFir(Mykonos.FIR.TX1TX2_FIR, txFirFile); //Link.Mykonos.setEnsmPinMode(0); //Link.Mykonos.setEnsmState(Mykonos.ENSM_STATE.TX_RX); //Link.Mykonos.powerUpTxPath(Mykonos.TXCHANNEL.TX1_TX2); //Move to Radio On ARM state Link.Mykonos.radioOn(); byte spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x1B0); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x1B0 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x1B3); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x1B3 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); Link.spiWrite(0xC40, 0x80); //enable Tx NCO Link.spiWrite(0x9CB, 0x5); //freq Link.spiWrite(0x9CC, 0x5); //freq Link.spiWrite(0x9CD, 0x5); //freq Link.spiWrite(0x9CE, 0x5); //freq Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void testsetGpio3v3SourceCtrl() { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); byte spiData1 = 0x0; byte spiData2 = 0x0; UInt16 gpio3v3Oe = 0x0; UInt16 readGpioSrc = 0; foreach (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode3_0 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE))) { foreach (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode7_4 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE))) { foreach (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE gpio3v3Mode11_8 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE))) { Link.Mykonos.setGpio3v3SourceCtrl((UInt16)(((byte)gpio3v3Mode3_0 & 0x0F) | (((byte)gpio3v3Mode7_4 & 0x0F) << 4) | (((byte)gpio3v3Mode11_8 & 0x0F) << 8))); Link.spiWrite(0xB06, (byte)(((byte)gpio3v3Mode3_0 & 0x0F) | (((byte)gpio3v3Mode7_4 & 0x0F) << 4))); Link.spiWrite(0xB07, (byte)((byte)gpio3v3Mode11_8 & 0x0F)); spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB06); Console.WriteLine("0xB06: " + spiData1.ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Mode3_0, (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)(spiData1 & 0x0F), "lower byte lower nibble readback not as expexted"); spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB06); Console.WriteLine("0xB06: " + spiData1.ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Mode7_4, (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)((spiData1 & 0xF0) >> 4), "lower byte upper nibble readback not as expexted"); spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xB07); Console.WriteLine("0xB07: " + spiData1.ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(gpio3v3Mode11_8, (Mykonos.GPIO3V3_MODE)(spiData1 & 0x00F), "upper byte lower nibble readback not as expexted"); } } } Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void CheckTxFirFilter([Values(Mykonos.FIR.TX1_FIR, Mykonos.FIR.TX2_FIR)] Mykonos.FIR txFirMode) { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); byte spiData1 = 0x0; byte firMSB = 0; byte firLSB = 0; string txFirFile = settings.resourcePath + @"\DigitalFilters\" + ""; Link.Mykonos.programFir(txFirMode, txFirFile); //Select PFIR to RX1 if (txFirMode == Mykonos.FIR.TX1_FIR) { spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xDFF); Link.spiWrite(0xDFF, (byte)(spiData1 & 0xF1)); } else if (txFirMode == Mykonos.FIR.TX2_FIR) { spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0xDFF); Link.spiWrite(0xDFF, (byte)(spiData1 & 0xF2)); } else { throw new ArgumentException(); } //Readback Filter data //Read Configured TX Gain //Read Read Number of Taps //Cross reference Coeffecients spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x910); Console.WriteLine("Myk:Tx Filter Gain: " + (spiData1 & 0x03).ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(0x1, ((spiData1 & 0x01)), "Myk: Tx Filter Gain: not as expected"); spiData1 = Link.spiRead(0x10); Console.WriteLine("Myk: Tx Filter NumOf Taps: " + (spiData1).ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(0x00, ((spiData1 & 0xE0) >> 5), "Myk: Tx Filter NumOf Taps not as expected"); Int16[] coefs = new Int16[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Link.spiWrite(0xE01, (byte)(i * 2)); firLSB = Link.spiRead(0xE00); Link.spiWrite(0xE01, (byte)(i * 2 + 1)); firMSB = Link.spiRead(0xE00); coefs[i] = (Int16)(((UInt16)(firMSB) << 8) | (UInt16)(firLSB)); Console.WriteLine("Coef[" + i + "]: " + coefs[i]); Assert.AreEqual(TxFirCoeffs[i], coefs[i], "Myk: Tx FilterCoeff" + i.ToString("d") + "not as expected"); } Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void EnableRxFramerPrbs([Values(Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS31)] Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER prbsorder) { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); //reset the device Link.Mykonos.resetDevice(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //setting SPI channel for 4-wire mode Link.setSpiChannel(1); Link.spiWrite(0x000, 0x18); Link.Mykonos.enableRxFramerPrbs(prbsorder, 1); byte PRBSspi = Link.spiRead(0x72); if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7) { Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0x01, "PRBS7 mismatch"); } else if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15) { Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0x03, "PRBS15 mismatch"); } else { Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0x05, "PRBS31 mismatch"); } Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void EnableDeframerPrbsChecker([Values(Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS31)] Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER prbsorder) { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); //setting SPI channel for 4-wire mode Link.setSpiChannel(1); Link.spiWrite(0x000, 0x18); Link.Mykonos.enableDeframerPrbsChecker(0xF, prbsorder, 1); byte PRBSspi = Link.spiRead(0xA5); if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7) { Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0xF1, "PRBS7 mismatch"); } else if (prbsorder == Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15) { Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0xF3, "PRBS15 mismatch"); } else { Assert.AreEqual(PRBSspi, 0xF5, "PRBS31 mismatch"); } Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void ReadRxGainTable() { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); byte spiReg1 = 0; byte spiReg2 = 0; byte index = 0; byte feGain = 0; byte extControl = 0; byte digGain = 0; byte enableAtten = 0; Link.setSpiChannel(1); Link.spiWrite(0x00A, 0x84); spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0x00A); Console.WriteLine("Scratch Reg Test: " + spiReg1.ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(0x84, spiReg1, "SPI not working"); Link.spiWrite(0x516, 0x0C); //Enable Rx1 gain table for readback Int16[] coefs = new Int16[128]; for (byte i = 255; i > 128; i--) { Link.spiWrite(0x500, i); index = Link.spiRead(0x50A); feGain = Link.spiRead(0x50B); extControl = Link.spiRead(0x50C); spiReg2 = Link.spiRead(0x50D); digGain = (byte)(spiReg2 & 0x7F); enableAtten = (byte)(spiReg2 >> 7); Console.WriteLine(index + ", " + feGain + ", " + extControl + ", " + digGain + ", " + enableAtten); } Link.spiWrite(0x516, 0x08); //Enable Rx1 gain table for readback Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void ReadFirFilter() { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); byte spiReg1 = 0; byte spiReg2 = 0; Link.spiWrite(0x00A, 0x84); //Enable readback of RX1 FIR spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0x00A); Console.WriteLine("Scratch Reg Test: " + spiReg1.ToString("X")); Link.spiWrite(0xDFF, 0x84); //Enable readback of RX1 FIR spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0xDFF); Console.WriteLine("Filter Select: " + spiReg1.ToString("X")); spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0x410); Console.WriteLine("Rx #taps: " + (spiReg1).ToString("X")); spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0x411); Console.WriteLine("Rx Filter Gain: " + (spiReg1 & 0x03).ToString("X")); spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0x412); Console.WriteLine("DPD Rx Filter Gain: " + (spiReg1 & 0x03).ToString("X")); Console.WriteLine("Sniffer Rx Filter Gain: " + ((spiReg1 >> 5) & 0x03).ToString("X")); Int16[] coefs = new Int16[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { Link.spiWrite(0xE01, (byte)(i * 2)); spiReg1 = Link.spiRead(0xE00); Link.spiWrite(0xE01, (byte)(i * 2 + 1)); spiReg2 = Link.spiRead(0xE00); coefs[i] = (Int16)((UInt16)(spiReg1) | ((UInt16)(spiReg2) << 8)); Console.WriteLine("Coef[" + i + "]: " + coefs[i]); } Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void TestMykonosSerializerPrbs() { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); Link.spiWrite(0xDC0, 0x3); //hold obsRx framer in reset Link.spiWrite(0xDC7, 0x00); //Disable lane FIFOs in ObsRx framer Link.spiWrite(0xDC1, 0x00); //disable ObsRx framer clocks Link.fpgaWrite(0x400, 0x400); //Enable all Rx and Tx lanes in FPGA Link.fpgaWrite(0x40C, 0xE4E4E4); Link.spiWrite(0x78, 0x00); //Lane polarity Link.spiWrite(0x72, 1); //enable prbs 20 Link.spiWrite(0xB1, 0x90); //enable all serializer lanes //Link.spiWrite(0xB3, 0x20); //slow down lane rate by /2 //Link.spiWrite(0x11A, 0x00); //divide serializer some Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, 0x08); //Clear Error counters Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, 0x01); //enable PRBS7 checker Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, 0x11); //Enable PRBS7 error counters UInt32 fpgaReg = 0; byte spiReg = 0; spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x059); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x059 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x05A); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x05A = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x060); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x060 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x061); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x061 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x062); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x062 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x059); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x059 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x110); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x110 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B3); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B3 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x11A); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x11A = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B0); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B0 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B1); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B1 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B2); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B2 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B3); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B3 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B4); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B4 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x0B5); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x0B5 = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); spiReg = Link.spiRead(0x224); Console.WriteLine("RCAL result = " + spiReg.ToString("X")); fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x404); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x404 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X")); fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x41C); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x41C = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X")); fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x420); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x420 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X")); fpgaReg = Link.fpgaRead(0x14); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x14 = " + fpgaReg.ToString("X")); Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void TestMCS() { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); byte mcsStatus = 0; Link.setSpiChannel(1); Link.spiWrite(0x120, 0x00); Link.Mykonos.enableMultichipSync(1, ref mcsStatus); Link.Ad9528.requestSysref(true); Link.Ad9528.requestSysref(true); Link.Ad9528.requestSysref(true); Link.Ad9528.requestSysref(true); Link.Mykonos.enableMultichipSync(0, ref mcsStatus); Link.Disconnect(); }
public static void ORxGainSweep([Values(Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RX1_TXLO, Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RX2_TXLO)] Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL channel) { //Initialize param structure with Hardcoded Values double[] profileInfo = Helper.SetOrxProfileInfo(channel); double samplingFreq_MHz = profileInfo[0] / 1000; double freqLo_MHz = profileInfo[1] / 1000000; double profileBW_MHz = profileInfo[2] / 1000000; double testFreq = 2510; double amplitude_dBm = -20; string[] pcbInfo; //TODO: Hard coded, may want to read the gain tables instead if custom ones are loaded //Number of known indicies in the gain index table. //Should a customer provide a custom gain table, we should determine the number of valid gain indicies // and this array size should correspond to that number. int numIndices = 19; double[,] amplitudeData = new double[numIndices, 3]; double[,] amplitudeDiffData = new double[numIndices - 1, 2]; short[] rxDataArray = new short[16384]; Console.WriteLine("Detected LO Frequency: " + freqLo_MHz); Console.WriteLine("Profile BW: " + profileBW_MHz); switch (channel) { case Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RX1_TXLO: case Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RX2_TXLO: testFreq = freqLo_MHz + 10; break; case Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_SNIFFER_A: case Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_SNIFFER_B: case Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_SNIFFER_C: testFreq = freqLo_MHz + 5; amplitude_dBm = -30; break; } //ESG Configuration SG_AgilentESG esg = new SG_AgilentESG(measEquipment.ESGAddress); Console.WriteLine(measEquipment.ESGAddress); Console.WriteLine(esg.Identify()); esg.SetFrequency(testFreq); esg.SetAmplitude(amplitude_dBm); esg.SetRfOutput(true); //Test Sequence byte gainIndex = 255; AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; AdiMath.FftAnalysis analysisData = new AdiMath.FftAnalysis(); for (int i = 0; i < (numIndices + 1); i++) { try { Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); Link.spiWrite(0x4F1, 0x80); gainIndex = (byte)(255 - i); Console.WriteLine("Initial gain index = " + Link.Mykonos.getObsRxGain()); Link.Mykonos.setObsRxManualGain(channel, gainIndex); //There is currently an error in the API. Console.WriteLine("Set gain index = " + gainIndex); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine("Invalid Gain index reached" + i); //Need to figure out a better way to exit the loop when invalid gain reached Console.WriteLine(e); break; } finally { Link.Disconnect(); } rxDataArray = Helper.MykonosOrxCapture(channel, 8192); //Grab data from the FPGA byte sampleBitWidth = 16; double[] data = AdiMath.complexfftAndScale(rxDataArray, samplingFreq_MHz, sampleBitWidth, true, out analysisData); amplitudeData[i, 0] = (double)gainIndex; amplitudeData[i, 1] = analysisData.FundamentalPower_dBFS; if (i == 0) { amplitudeData[i, 2] = analysisData.FundamentalPower_dBFS; } else { amplitudeData[i, 2] = amplitudeData[i - 1, 2] - 1; amplitudeDiffData[i - 1, 0] = (double)gainIndex; amplitudeDiffData[i - 1, 1] = amplitudeData[i - 1, 1] - amplitudeData[i, 1]; Console.WriteLine(" Gain index :" + amplitudeDiffData[i - 1, 0]); Console.WriteLine(" Differential Amplitude" + amplitudeDiffData[i - 1, 1]); } } #if WR_RES_TO_PDF string path = ObsRxRfTests.ResPath + "ORxGainSweep"; if (channel == Mykonos.OBSRXCHANNEL.OBS_RX1_TXLO) { path = path + "OBS_RX1_TXLO"; } else { path = path + "OBS_RX2_TXLO"; } var doc1 = new Document(); iTextSharp.text.Image[] container = new iTextSharp.text.Image[2]; string[] timeLabels = new string[] { "Rx Gain Sweep versus Amplitude for " + channel.ToString(), "Gain Index (byte)", "Amplitude (dBFS)", "Amplitude: " + amplitude_dBm + "dBm", "Perfect 1dB Gain Index Steps" }; string[] timeLabels2 = new string[] { "Difference between consecutive gain entries " + channel.ToString(), "Gain Index", "Amplitude delta (dB, comparing A(n + 1) - A(n))", "Amplitude: " + amplitude_dBm + "dBm" }; pcbInfo = Helper.PcbInfo(); container[0] = Helper.MakeChartObject(amplitudeData, timeLabels, path); container[1] = Helper.MakeChartObject(amplitudeDiffData, timeLabels2, path + "2"); Helper.AddAllChartsToPdf(container, path + ".pdf", pcbInfo); //Open Result PDF System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path + ".pdf"); for (int i = 1; i < (numIndices); i++) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(((amplitudeDiffData[i - 1, 1] < 1) && (amplitudeDiffData[i - 1, 1] > 0))); } #endif }
public static void TxLoopbackRx1Rx2Capture(int amp_dbm1, int OffSet1, int IQExptVal1, int amp_dbm2, int OffSet2, int IQExptVal2) { //Retrieve Profile Information, samplingFreq_Hz, ProfileBW, LO Frequency Information double[] rxprofileInfo = new double[3]; rxprofileInfo[0] = settings.rxProfileData.IqRate_kHz; rxprofileInfo[1] = settings.rxPllLoFreq_Hz; rxprofileInfo[2] = settings.rxProfileData.PrimarySigBw_Hz; double[] txprofileInfo = new double[3]; txprofileInfo[0] = settings.txProfileData.IqRate_kHz; txprofileInfo[1] = settings.txPllLoFreq_Hz; txprofileInfo[2] = settings.txProfileData.PrimarySigBw_Hz; double samplingFreq_Hz = rxprofileInfo[0] * 1000; double profileBW_MHz = rxprofileInfo[2] / 1000000; Console.WriteLine("Rx Sampling Freq (Hz): " + samplingFreq_Hz); Console.WriteLine("Rx Profile Bandwdith (MHz): " + profileBW_MHz); double freqLo_kHz = rxprofileInfo[1] / 1000; Console.WriteLine("Rx LO Frequency (kHz): " + freqLo_kHz); //Define DataCapture Parameters const int NUM_SAMPLES = 8192; short[] rx1DataArray = new short[NUM_SAMPLES * 2]; double[,] rx1timeDomainData = new double[NUM_SAMPLES / 2, 3]; short[] rx2DataArray = new short[NUM_SAMPLES * 2]; double[,] rx2timeDomainData = new double[NUM_SAMPLES / 2, 3]; //Enable Mykonos Rx and Tx Datapaths AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); #if false //Debug To check Test works- messup ADC Sampler Crossbar byte dataRb; dataRb = Link.spiRead(0x082); Console.Write(dataRb.ToString("X")); Link.spiWrite(0x082, 0xF0); dataRb = Link.spiRead(0x082); Console.Write(dataRb.ToString("X")); #endif #if false //Debug To check Test works- messup Lane Crossbar byte dataRb; dataRb = Link.spiRead(0x083); Console.Write(dataRb.ToString("X")); Link.spiWrite(0x083, 0xE0); dataRb = Link.spiRead(0x083); Console.Write(dataRb.ToString("X")); #endif Link.Mykonos.radioOn(); Link.Disconnect(); //Generate Loopback Tone Helper.GenerateTxTone(Mykonos.TXCHANNEL.TX1, txprofileInfo, OffSet1 * 100000, amp_dbm1); Helper.GenerateTxTone(Mykonos.TXCHANNEL.TX2, txprofileInfo, OffSet2 * 100000, amp_dbm2); //Capture Rx Data Tone System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); rx1DataArray = Helper.MykonosRxCapture(Mykonos.RXCHANNEL.RX1, NUM_SAMPLES); rx2DataArray = Helper.MykonosRxCapture(Mykonos.RXCHANNEL.RX2, NUM_SAMPLES); //Frequency Domain Data Processing for Rx1 AdiMath.FftAnalysis analysisData = new AdiMath.FftAnalysis(); double samplingFreq_MHz = samplingFreq_Hz / 1000000; byte sampleBitWidth = 16; double[] data = AdiMath.complexfftAndScale(rx1DataArray, samplingFreq_MHz, sampleBitWidth, true, out analysisData); //Define the 2D array to store frequency bins corresponding to fft data double[,] fftFreqAmp = new double[data.Length, 2]; double binSize = (samplingFreq_MHz / NUM_SAMPLES); double minFreq = samplingFreq_MHz / 2 * (-1); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { fftFreqAmp[i, 0] = minFreq + (binSize * 2 * i); fftFreqAmp[i, 1] = data[i]; } //Time Domain Data Processing int numSamplesDiv2 = (int)NUM_SAMPLES / 2; for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesDiv2; i++) { rx1timeDomainData[i, 0] = i; rx1timeDomainData[i, 1] = rx1DataArray[2 * i]; rx1timeDomainData[i, 2] = rx1DataArray[2 * i + 1]; } //Frequency Domain Data Processing for Rx2 data = AdiMath.complexfftAndScale(rx2DataArray, samplingFreq_MHz, sampleBitWidth, true, out analysisData); //Define the 2D array to store frequency bins corresponding to fft data fftFreqAmp = new double[data.Length, 2]; binSize = (samplingFreq_MHz / NUM_SAMPLES); minFreq = samplingFreq_MHz / 2 * (-1); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { fftFreqAmp[i, 0] = minFreq + (binSize * 2 * i); fftFreqAmp[i, 1] = data[i]; } //Time Domain Data Processing numSamplesDiv2 = (int)NUM_SAMPLES / 2; for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesDiv2; i++) { rx2timeDomainData[i, 0] = i; rx2timeDomainData[i, 1] = rx2DataArray[2 * i]; rx2timeDomainData[i, 2] = rx2DataArray[2 * i + 1]; } //Check IQ Data For Rx1 var IMin = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx1timeDomainData[i, 1]).Min(); var IMax = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx1timeDomainData[i, 1]).Max(); var QMin = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx1timeDomainData[i, 2]).Min(); var QMax = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx1timeDomainData[i, 2]).Max(); Console.WriteLine("I Max, Min:" + IMax.ToString() + "," + IMin.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Q Max, Min:" + QMax.ToString() + "," + QMin.ToString()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(IMin, ((-1) * (IQExptVal1 + ((IQExptVal1 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(IMin, (IQExptVal1 * (-1))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(IMax, ((IQExptVal1 + ((IQExptVal1 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(IMax, IQExptVal1); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(QMin, ((-1) * (IQExptVal1 + ((IQExptVal1 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(QMin, (IQExptVal1 * (-1))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(QMax, ((IQExptVal1 + ((IQExptVal1 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(QMax, IQExptVal1); //Check IQ Data For Rx2 IMin = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx2timeDomainData[i, 1]).Min(); IMax = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx2timeDomainData[i, 1]).Max(); QMin = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx2timeDomainData[i, 2]).Min(); QMax = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, numSamplesDiv2).Select(i => rx2timeDomainData[i, 2]).Max(); Console.WriteLine("I Max, Min:" + IMax.ToString() + "," + IMin.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Q Max, Min:" + QMax.ToString() + "," + QMin.ToString()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(IMin, ((-1) * (IQExptVal2 + ((IQExptVal2 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(IMin, (IQExptVal2 * (-1))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(IMax, ((IQExptVal2 + ((IQExptVal2 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(IMax, IQExptVal2); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(QMin, ((-1) * (IQExptVal2 + ((IQExptVal2 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(QMin, (IQExptVal2 * (-1))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Less(QMax, ((IQExptVal2 + ((IQExptVal2 * 10) / 100)))); NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(QMax, IQExptVal2); #if false string path = JesdRfTests.ResPath + "Rx_JESD_FFT_TimeDomain_Plots"; path = path + "RX2"; string[] timeLabels = new string[] { "Time Domain Response of " + "RX2", "Sample Number", "ADC Codes", "I data", "Q data" }; string[] fftLabels = new string[] { "Frequency Domain Response of " + "RX2", "Frequency (MHz)", "Amplitude (dBFS)", "FFT DATA" }; // Should be >=4 long. var doc1 = new Document(); iTextSharp.text.Image[] container = new iTextSharp.text.Image[2]; container[0] = Helper.MakeChartObject(rx2timeDomainData, timeLabels, path); container[1] = Helper.MakeChartObject(fftFreqAmp, fftLabels, path); string[] pcbInfo; pcbInfo = Helper.PcbInfo(); Helper.AddAllChartsToPdf(container, path + ".pdf", pcbInfo); // open result pdf System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path + ".pdf"); #endif }
public static void RxFramerInjectPrbsErrorCheck([Values(Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15, Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS31)] Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER PrbsOrder) { AdiCommandServerClient Link = AdiCommandServerClient.Instance; Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); UInt32 fpgaData = 0; byte mykData = 0; UInt32 FpgaLane0ErrCnt = 0; UInt32 FpgaLane1ErrCnt = 0; mykData = Link.spiRead(0x78); Console.WriteLine("SPI Reg x78 = " + mykData.ToString("X")); //Initialise System and JESD Links TestSetup.PrbsRxTestSetupInit(settings); Link.hw.Connect(TestSetupConfig.ipAddr, TestSetupConfig.port); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x410); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg x410: REFCLK Frequency Detect = 0x" + fpgaData.ToString("X") + " = " + fpgaData.ToString()); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x10); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Version x10:" + fpgaData.ToString("X")); //Enable PRBS Test Mode ON Mykonos and FPGA //Clear FPGA PRBS counters //Then Check error count is 0 following some delay Link.Mykonos.enableRxFramerPrbs(PrbsOrder, 1); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x404); switch (PrbsOrder) { case Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS7: fpgaData |= 0x1; break; case Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS15: fpgaData |= 0x2; break; case Mykonos.MYK_PRBS_ORDER.PRBS31: fpgaData |= 0x4; break; default: Assert.Fail("Invalid PRBS Order"); break; } //GTX PRBS Check Counter + GTX PRBS Config //Disable PRBS Error Counter Reset //Read Counters for Lane 0 & 1 //Check Reset Was Successful //Let PRBS Checker Run //Check there are no errors Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, fpgaData | 0x18); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x404); Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, (fpgaData & 0xFFFFFFF7)); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x404); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg 0x404 = " + fpgaData.ToString("X")); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x41C); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg 0x41C = " + fpgaData.ToString("X")); Assert.AreEqual(fpgaData, 0x0); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x41C); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg 0x41C = " + fpgaData.ToString("X")); FpgaLane0ErrCnt = (fpgaData & 0xFFFF); FpgaLane1ErrCnt = (fpgaData >> 16); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Lane 0 Error = " + FpgaLane0ErrCnt.ToString("X")); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Lane 1 Error = " + FpgaLane1ErrCnt.ToString("X")); Assert.Less(FpgaLane0ErrCnt, 0x1); Assert.Less(FpgaLane1ErrCnt, 0x1); //Reset Counters Link.spiWrite(0xA5, 0xF9); //enable prbs checker in Mykonos, clear error counters Link.spiWrite(0xA5, 0xF1); //enable prbs checker in Mykonos Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, (fpgaData | 0x8)); //Reset PRBS Error Counter fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x404); Link.fpgaWrite(0x404, (fpgaData & 0xFFFFFFF7)); //Reset PRBS Error Counter fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x404); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg 0x404 = " + fpgaData.ToString("X")); //Start Injecting Prbs Errors //Then Check FPGA error count Link.Mykonos.rxInjectPrbsError(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x41C); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg 0x41C = " + fpgaData.ToString("X")); Link.Mykonos.rxInjectPrbsError(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Link.Mykonos.rxInjectPrbsError(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); fpgaData = Link.fpgaRead(0x41C); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Reg 0x41C = " + fpgaData.ToString("X")); FpgaLane0ErrCnt = (fpgaData & 0xFFFF); FpgaLane1ErrCnt = (fpgaData >> 16); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Lane 0 Error = " + FpgaLane0ErrCnt.ToString("X")); Console.WriteLine("FPGA Lane 1 Error = " + FpgaLane1ErrCnt.ToString("X")); Assert.LessOrEqual(FpgaLane0ErrCnt + FpgaLane1ErrCnt, 0x3); Assert.GreaterOrEqual(FpgaLane0ErrCnt + FpgaLane1ErrCnt, 0x1); Link.Disconnect(); }