예제 #1
        public ActionResult Addresses()
            var userId    = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var addresses = _addressRepository.GetAddresses(userId);

예제 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetAddresses(string country    = "",
                                                       string state      = "",
                                                       string zip        = "",
                                                       string city       = "",
                                                       string street     = "",
                                                       int CustomerAddID = -1)
            var AddressList = await _repo.GetAddresses(country,

            List <AddressData> addressListToReturn = new List <AddressData>();

            foreach (var item in AddressList)
                var newAddress = new AddressData
                    Country       = item.Country,
                    State         = item.State,
                    ZipCode       = item.ZipCode,
                    City          = item.City,
                    Street        = item.Street,
                    AptNum        = item.AptNum,
                    AddressCustID = item.AddressCustID


예제 #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> getAdressesOfCustomer(int id)
            var addresses = await _repo.GetAddresses(id);

            if (addresses == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException($"id {id} is not valid");

예제 #4
        public void GetAddresses()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <AddressContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Addresses").Options;
            var context = new AddressContext(options);

            context.Addresses.AddRange(new Address[] { a, b, c });
            var repository = new AddressRepository(context);

            // Act
            var output = repository.GetAddresses();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, output.Count());

        public static void Main()
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PizzaOrdersContext>();

            var options = optionsBuilder.Options;

            var                dbContext          = new PizzaOrdersContext(options);
            UserRepository     userRepository     = new UserRepository(dbContext);
            OrderRepository    orderRepository    = new OrderRepository(dbContext);
            ProductsRepository productsRepository = new ProductsRepository(dbContext);
            AddressRepository  addressRepository  = new AddressRepository(dbContext);
            StoreRepository    storeRepository    = new StoreRepository(dbContext);

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Ita D'Pizza!");
            List <Order> orderAddressList = orderRepository.DisplayOrderHistoryAddress(1).ToList();

            List <User> userList = userRepository.GetUsers().ToList();

            bool bigLoop = true;

            while (bigLoop == true)
                for (int i = 1; i < userList.Count() + 1; i++)
                    User   userlist            = userList[i - 1];
                    string userFirstNameString = $"{i}: \"{userlist.firstName}\"";
                    string userLastNameString  = $"\"{userlist.lastName}\"";
                    Console.Write(userFirstNameString + " ");

                Console.WriteLine("Please sign in.");
                Console.WriteLine("To exit, type 'exit' as either a first name or a last name");
                Console.Write("First Name: ");
                string signInFName = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("Last Name: ");
                string signInLName = Console.ReadLine();
                if (signInFName.ToLower() == "exit" || signInLName.ToLower() == "exit")
                // exception handling for not a valid sign in name
                // also include way to exit the console app

                List <User> signedInList = userRepository.GetUsersByName(signInFName, signInLName).ToList();
                User        signedIn     = signedInList[0];

                bool smallLoop = true;
                while (smallLoop == true)
                    Console.WriteLine("What do you want to do?");
                    Console.WriteLine("o - place an order");
                    Console.WriteLine("u - look up a user");
                    Console.WriteLine("h - display order history");
                    Console.WriteLine("x - go back to login screen");
                    string choice = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (choice == "o")
                        List <Order> orderSuggestList = orderRepository.DisplayOrderHistoryUser(signedIn.userID).OrderByDescending(o => o.orderDate).ToList();
                        Order        orderSuggest     = orderSuggestList[0];
                        Console.WriteLine("So you want to place an order?");
                        Console.WriteLine("Your most recent order on record is ");
                        string orderSuggestID = $"\"{"Order ID: " + orderSuggest.orderID}\"";

                        string orderSuggestTotalCost = $"\"{"Total Cost: " + orderSuggest.totalCost}\"";
                        string orderSuggestStoreID   = $"\"{"Store ID: " + orderSuggest.storeId}\"";
                        Console.Write("Products ");
                        // what is there is no previous order? simple loop/conditional
                        // still need to figure out how to populate orderProducts from OrderHeader
                        List <Product> productListToPrint = orderRepository.GetProductsOfOrderByID(orderSuggest.orderID).ToList();
                        foreach (var item in productListToPrint)
                            Console.Write(item.productName + " ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Would you like to resubmit this order? Type 'yes' or 'no'.");
                        string resubmit = Console.ReadLine();
                        while (!(resubmit.ToLower() == "yes" || resubmit.ToLower() == "no"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Not an available choice.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to resubmit this order? Type 'yes' or 'no'.");
                            resubmit = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (resubmit.ToLower() == "yes")
                            Order order1 = new Order();
                            order1.orderAddressID = orderSuggest.orderAddressID;
                            order1.userID         = signedIn.userID;
                            order1.totalCost      = 0;
                            order1.orderDate      = DateTime.Now;
                            order1.storeId        = orderSuggest.storeId;
                            List <Product> listOfProductsToAdd = orderRepository.GetProductsOfOrderByID(orderSuggest.orderID).ToList();
                            foreach (var item in listOfProductsToAdd)
                            Console.WriteLine("Successfully recreated the order");
                            Console.WriteLine("Your order details");
                        else if (resubmit.ToLower() == "no")
                            Console.WriteLine("Okay, we will build a new order for you.");

                            // Instantiating new order with default values
                            Order order1 = new Order();
                            order1.orderAddressID = orderSuggest.orderAddressID;
                            order1.userID         = signedIn.userID;
                            order1.totalCost      = 0;
                            order1.orderDate      = DateTime.Now;
                            order1.storeId        = orderSuggest.storeId;

                            // displaying available addresses
                            Console.WriteLine("Here are our available addresses.");
                            List <Library.Address> addressList = addressRepository.GetAddresses().ToList();
                            for (int i = 1; i < addressList.Count() + 1; i++)
                                Library.Address addresslist          = addressList[i - 1];
                                string          addressIdString      = $"{i}: \"{addresslist.addressID}\"";
                                string          addressLine1String   = $"{i}: \"{addresslist.addressLine1}\"";
                                string          addressLine2String   = $"{i}: \"{addresslist.addressLine2}\"";
                                string          addressCityString    = $"{i}: \"{addresslist.city}\"";
                                string          addressStateString   = $"{i}: \"{addresslist.state}\"";
                                string          addressZipCodeString = $"{i}: \"{addresslist.zipCode}\"";
                                Console.Write(addressIdString + " ");
                                Console.Write(addressLine1String + " ");
                                Console.Write(addressLine2String + " ");
                                Console.Write(addressCityString + " ");
                                Console.Write(addressStateString + " ");
                            // Parsing addressID choice
                            Console.WriteLine("Please type the Address ID of the address you would like the order to be delivered to.");
                            string addressAddChoice    = Console.ReadLine();
                            bool   parseSuccessAddress = Int32.TryParse(addressAddChoice, out int addressAddInt);
                            while (parseSuccessAddress == false || (parseSuccessAddress == true && addressAddInt > addressList.Count()))
                                Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please enter a valid integer.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Please type the Product ID of the product you would like to add to your order.");
                                addressAddChoice    = Console.ReadLine();
                                parseSuccessAddress = Int32.TryParse(addressAddChoice, out addressAddInt);
                            // adding choice to order
                            order1.orderAddressID = addressAddInt;

                            // displaying available stores
                            Console.WriteLine("Here are our available stores.");
                            List <Library.Store> storeList = storeRepository.GetStores().ToList();
                            for (int i = 1; i < addressList.Count() + 1; i++)
                                Library.Store storelist               = storeList[i - 1];
                                string        storeIDString           = $"{i}: \"{storelist.storeID}\"";
                                string        storeAddressLine1String = $"{i}: \"{storelist.sAddressLine1}\"";
                                string        storeAddressLine2String = $"{i}: \"{storelist.sAddressLine2}\"";
                                string        storeCityString         = $"{i}: \"{storelist.sCity}\"";
                                string        storeStateString        = $"{i}: \"{storelist.sState}\"";
                                string        storeZipCodeString      = $"{i}: \"{storelist.sZipCode}\"";
                                Console.Write(storeIDString + " ");
                                Console.Write(storeAddressLine1String + " ");
                                Console.Write(storeAddressLine2String + " ");
                                Console.Write(storeCityString + " ");
                                Console.Write(storeStateString + " ");
                            // Parsing storeID choice
                            Console.WriteLine("Please type the Store ID of the store you would like to order from");
                            string storeAddChoice    = Console.ReadLine();
                            bool   parseSuccessStore = Int32.TryParse(storeAddChoice, out int storeAddInt);
                            while (parseSuccessStore == false || (parseSuccessStore == true && storeAddInt > storeList.Count()))
                                Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please enter a valid integer.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Please type the Store ID of the store you would like to order from.");
                                storeAddChoice    = Console.ReadLine();
                                parseSuccessStore = Int32.TryParse(storeAddChoice, out storeAddInt);
                            // adding choice to order
                            order1.storeId = storeAddInt;

                            // displaying available products
                            Console.WriteLine("Here are our available products.");
                            List <Product> productList = productsRepository.GetProducts().ToList();
                            for (int i = 1; i < productList.Count() + 1; i++)
                                Product productlist       = productList[i - 1];
                                string  productIdString   = $"{i}: \"{productlist.productName}\"";
                                string  productNameString = $"{i}: \"{productlist.productName}\"";
                                Console.Write(productIdString + " ");

                            // deciding if user wants to add a product to order
                            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add a product to your order? Type 'yes' or 'no'.");
                            string addAProduct = Console.ReadLine();
                            while (!(addAProduct.ToLower() == "yes" || addAProduct.ToLower() == "no"))
                                Console.WriteLine("Not an available choice.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add a product to your order? Type 'yes' or 'no'.");
                                addAProduct = Console.ReadLine();

                            // adding product to order
                            if (addAProduct.ToLower() == "yes")
                                while (addAProduct.ToLower() == "yes")
                                    // getting user input for which product to add
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please type the Product ID of the product you would like to add to your order.");
                                    string productAddChoice    = Console.ReadLine();
                                    bool   parseSuccessProduct = Int32.TryParse(productAddChoice, out int productAddInt);
                                    while (parseSuccessProduct == false || (parseSuccessProduct == true && productAddInt > productList.Count()))
                                        Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please enter a valid integer.");
                                        Console.WriteLine("Please type the Product ID of the product you would like to add to your order.");
                                        productAddChoice    = Console.ReadLine();
                                        parseSuccessProduct = Int32.TryParse(productAddChoice, out productAddInt);
                                    Product productToAdd = productsRepository.GetProductByID(productAddInt);

                                    // logic to enable indefinite product adding
                                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add another product to your order? Type 'yes' or 'no'.");
                                    addAProduct = Console.ReadLine();
                                    while (!(addAProduct.ToLower() == "yes" || addAProduct.ToLower() == "no"))
                                        Console.WriteLine("Not an available choice.");
                                        Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add another product to your order? Type 'yes' or 'no'.");
                                        addAProduct = Console.ReadLine();

                                // Inserting, Saving and displaying order
                    else if (choice == "u")
                        Console.WriteLine("So you want to look up a user?");
                        Console.WriteLine("How do you want to look up?");
                        Console.WriteLine("n - Look up by name");
                        Console.WriteLine("i - Look up by user ID");
                        string lookUpChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                        while (!(lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "n" || lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "i"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please select either 'n' or 'i'.");
                            Console.WriteLine("How do you want to look up?");
                            Console.WriteLine("n - Look up by name");
                            Console.WriteLine("i - Look up by user ID");
                            lookUpChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "n")
                            Console.WriteLine("To look up by name, type the first name and last name.");
                            //Console.WriteLine("If you only want to search by first name, leave last name blank.");
                            //Console.WriteLine("If you only want to search by last name, leave first name blank.");
                            Console.Write("First Name: ");
                            string inputFirstNameSearch = Console.ReadLine();
                            Console.Write("Last Name: ");
                            string      inputLastNameSearch = Console.ReadLine();
                            List <User> returnedUsers       = userRepository.GetUsersByName(inputFirstNameSearch, inputLastNameSearch).ToList();
                            for (int i = 1; i < returnedUsers.Count() + 1; i++)
                                int    displayUserID        = returnedUsers[i - 1].userID;
                                string displayUserFirstName = returnedUsers[i - 1].firstName;
                                string displayUserLastName  = returnedUsers[i - 1].lastName;
                                Console.WriteLine(displayUserID + " " + displayUserFirstName + " " + displayUserLastName);
                        //else if (lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "i")
                        //    Console.WriteLine("To look up by user ID, type the user ID");
                        //    Console.Write("User ID: ");
                        //    string inputUserIDSearch = Console.ReadLine();
                        //    bool parseSuccess = Int32.TryParse(inputUserIDSearch, out int userIdSearchInt);
                        //    while (parseSuccess == false)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please enter a valid integer.");
                        //        Console.WriteLine("To look up by user ID, type the user ID");
                        //        Console.Write("User ID: ");
                        //        inputUserIDSearch = Console.ReadLine();
                        //        parseSuccess = Int32.TryParse(inputUserIDSearch, out userIdSearchInt);
                        //    }
                    else if (choice == "h")
                        Console.WriteLine("So you want to look up order history.");
                        Console.WriteLine("How do you want to look up orders?");
                        Console.WriteLine("l - location");
                        Console.WriteLine("u - user");
                        Console.WriteLine("s - sort all");
                        string lookUpChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                        while (!(lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "l" || lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "u" || lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "s"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please type either 'l', 'u', or 's'.");
                            Console.WriteLine("How do you want to look up orders?");
                            Console.WriteLine("l - location");
                            Console.WriteLine("u - user");
                            Console.WriteLine("s - sort all");
                            lookUpChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "l")
                            Console.WriteLine("Please provide store ID");
                            Console.Write("Store ID: ");
                            string storeIdToLookUp = Console.ReadLine();
                            bool   parseSuccess    = Int32.TryParse(storeIdToLookUp, out int storeIdToLookUpInt);
                            while (parseSuccess == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please enter a valid Store ID.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Please provide Store ID");
                                Console.Write("Store ID: ");
                                storeIdToLookUp = Console.ReadLine();
                                parseSuccess    = Int32.TryParse(storeIdToLookUp, out storeIdToLookUpInt);
                            List <Order> orderHistory = orderRepository.DisplayOrderHistoryStore(storeIdToLookUpInt).ToList();
                            Console.Write("(Order ID) ");
                            Console.Write("(Order Address ID) ");
                            Console.Write("(Total Cost) ");
                            Console.Write("(Order DateTime) ");
                            Console.Write("(Order Store ID) ");
                            for (int i = 1; i < orderHistory.Count() + 1; i++)
                                Order  orderhistory         = orderHistory[i - 1];
                                string orderIdString        = $"{i}: \"{orderhistory.orderID}\"";
                                string orderAddressIdString = $"\"{orderhistory.orderAddressID}\"";
                                string orderTotalCostString = $"\"{orderhistory.totalCost}\"";
                                string orderDateTimeString  = $"\"{orderhistory.orderDate}\"";
                                string orderStoreIdString   = $"\"{orderhistory.storeId}\"";
                                Console.Write(orderIdString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderAddressIdString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderTotalCostString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderDateTimeString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderStoreIdString + " ");
                        else if (lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "u")
                            Console.WriteLine("Please provide User ID");
                            Console.Write("User ID: ");
                            string userIdToLookUp = Console.ReadLine();
                            bool   parseSuccess   = Int32.TryParse(userIdToLookUp, out int userIdToLookUpInt);
                            while (parseSuccess == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice. Please enter a valid User ID.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Please provide User ID");
                                Console.Write("User ID: ");
                                userIdToLookUp = Console.ReadLine();
                                parseSuccess   = Int32.TryParse(userIdToLookUp, out userIdToLookUpInt);
                            List <Order> orderHistory = orderRepository.DisplayOrderHistoryUser(userIdToLookUpInt).ToList();
                            Console.Write("(Order ID) ");
                            Console.Write("(Order Address ID) ");
                            Console.Write("(Total Cost) ");
                            Console.Write("(Order DateTime) ");
                            Console.Write("(Order Store ID) ");
                            for (int i = 1; i < orderHistory.Count() + 1; i++)
                                Order  orderhistory         = orderHistory[i - 1];
                                string orderIdString        = $"{i}: \"{orderhistory.orderID}\"";
                                string orderAddressIdString = $"\"{orderhistory.orderAddressID}\"";
                                string orderTotalCostString = $"\"{orderhistory.totalCost}\"";
                                string orderDateTimeString  = $"\"{orderhistory.orderDate}\"";
                                string orderStoreIdString   = $"\"{orderhistory.storeId}\"";
                                Console.Write(orderIdString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderAddressIdString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderTotalCostString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderDateTimeString + " ");
                                Console.Write(orderStoreIdString + " ");
                        else if (lookUpChoice.ToLower() == "s")
                            Console.WriteLine("So you want to look up all users.");
                            Console.WriteLine("How would you like to sort the results?");
                            Console.WriteLine("e - earliest first");
                            Console.WriteLine("l - latest first");
                            Console.WriteLine("c - cheapest first");
                            Console.WriteLine("x - most expensive first");
                            string lookUpSortChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                            while (!(lookUpSortChoice.ToLower() == "e" || lookUpSortChoice.ToLower() == "l" || lookUpSortChoice.ToLower() == "c" || lookUpSortChoice.ToLower() == "x"))
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please type either 'e', 'l' 'c', or 'x'.");
                                Console.WriteLine("How would you like to sort the results?");
                                Console.WriteLine("e - earliest first");
                                Console.WriteLine("l - latest first");
                                Console.WriteLine("c - cheapest first");
                                Console.WriteLine("x - most expensive first");
                                lookUpSortChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                            List <Order> collectionOfOrders = orderRepository.DisplayOrderHistory(lookUpSortChoice).ToList();
                            foreach (var item in collectionOfOrders)
                                Console.Write("Order ID: " + item.orderID + " ");
                                Console.Write("User ID: " + item.userID + " ");
                                Console.Write("Order Address ID: " + item.orderAddressID + " ");
                                Console.Write("Total Cost: " + item.totalCost + " ");
                                Console.Write("Order DateTime: " + item.orderDate + " ");
                                Console.Write("Store ID: " + item.storeId);
                    else if (choice == "x")
                        smallLoop = false;
예제 #6
 public List <Address> GetAddresses(int id)