예제 #1
        public string GetLaunchParameters(LauncherPath gameFileDirectory, LauncherPath tempDirectory,
                                          IGameFile gameFile, ISourcePort sourcePort, bool isGameFileIwad)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            List <IGameFile> loadFiles = AdditionalFiles.ToList();

            if (isGameFileIwad)
            else if (!loadFiles.Contains(gameFile))

            if (IWad != null)
                if (!AssertFile(gameFileDirectory.GetFullPath(), gameFile.FileName, "game file"))
                if (!HandleGameFileIWad(IWad, sb, gameFileDirectory, tempDirectory))

            List <string> launchFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (IGameFile loadFile in loadFiles)
                if (!AssertFile(gameFileDirectory.GetFullPath(), loadFile.FileName, "game file"))
                if (!HandleGameFile(loadFile, launchFiles, gameFileDirectory, tempDirectory, sourcePort, true))

            string[] extensions = sourcePort.SupportedExtensions.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            launchFiles = SortParameters(launchFiles, extensions).ToList();

            BuildLaunchString(sb, sourcePort, launchFiles);

            if (Map != null)

                if (Skill != null)
                    sb.Append(string.Format(" -skill {0}", Skill));

            if (Record)
                RecordedFileName = Path.Combine(tempDirectory.GetFullPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                sb.Append(string.Format(" -record \"{0}\"", RecordedFileName));

            if (PlayDemo && PlayDemoFile != null)
                if (!AssertFile(PlayDemoFile, "", "demo file"))
                sb.Append(string.Format(" -playdemo \"{0}\"", PlayDemoFile));

            if (ExtraParameters != null)
                sb.Append(" " + ExtraParameters);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePort.ExtraParameters))
                sb.Append(" " + sourcePort.ExtraParameters);

예제 #2
        public string GetLaunchParameters(LauncherPath gameFileDirectory, LauncherPath tempDirectory,
                                          IGameFile gameFile, ISourcePortData sourcePortData, bool isGameFileIwad)
            ISourcePort   sourcePort = SourcePortUtil.CreateSourcePort(sourcePortData);
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();

            List <IGameFile> loadFiles = AdditionalFiles.ToList();

            if (isGameFileIwad)
            else if (!loadFiles.Contains(gameFile))

            if (IWad != null)
                if (!AssertFile(gameFileDirectory.GetFullPath(), gameFile.FileName, "game file"))
                if (!HandleGameFileIWad(IWad, sourcePort, sb, gameFileDirectory, tempDirectory))

            List <string> launchFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (IGameFile loadFile in loadFiles)
                if (!AssertFile(gameFileDirectory.GetFullPath(), loadFile.FileName, "game file"))
                if (!HandleGameFile(loadFile, launchFiles, gameFileDirectory, tempDirectory, sourcePortData, true))

            string[] extensions = sourcePortData.SupportedExtensions.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            launchFiles = SortParameters(launchFiles, extensions).ToList();

            BuildLaunchString(sb, sourcePort, launchFiles);

            if (Map != null)
                sb.Append(sourcePort.WarpParameter(new SpData(Map)));

                if (Skill != null)
                    sb.Append(sourcePort.SkillParameter(new SpData(Skill)));

            if (Record)
                RecordedFileName = Path.Combine(tempDirectory.GetFullPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                sb.Append(sourcePort.RecordParameter(new SpData(RecordedFileName)));

            if (PlayDemo && PlayDemoFile != null)
                if (!AssertFile(PlayDemoFile, "", "demo file"))
                sb.Append(sourcePort.PlayDemoParameter(new SpData(PlayDemoFile)));

            if (ExtraParameters != null)
                sb.Append(" " + ExtraParameters);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePortData.ExtraParameters))
                sb.Append(" " + sourcePortData.ExtraParameters);

            IStatisticsReader statsReader = sourcePort.CreateStatisticsReader(gameFile, new IStatsData[] { });

            if (SaveStatistics && statsReader != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(statsReader.LaunchParameter))
                sb.Append(" " + statsReader.LaunchParameter);

        public override bool ExecuteTask()
            var    packagingDir      = CreateEmptyOutputDirectory(IntermediateOutputFolderName);
            string outputZipFileName = Path.Combine(packagingDir, "resources.zip");

            // we want to put module content, and resx files, in the resources zip that will get deployed to module install (desktop modules) folder dir.

            ITaskItem[] resourcesZipContentItems = ResourceFiles != null
                ? ResourcesZipContent.Concat(ResourceFiles).ToArray()
                : ResourcesZipContent.ToArray();

            // create a resources zip containing install files, without source.
            CreateResourcesZip(outputZipFileName, resourcesZipContentItems);

            // copy the manifests to packaging dir root
            foreach (var item in ManifestFileItems)
                var manifestFilePath = item.GetFullPath(this.ProjectDirectory);
                CopyFile(manifestFilePath, packagingDir);

            // Ensure packagingdir\bin dir
            string binFolder = Path.Combine(packagingDir, "bin");


            // copy assemblies to packagingdir\bin
            CopyFileTaskItems(ProjectDirectory, Assemblies, binFolder);

            // copy symbols to packagingdir\bin
            if (DebugSymbols)
                CopyFileTaskItems(ProjectDirectory, Symbols, binFolder, true);

            // copy AdditionalFiles directly into packagingdir (keeping same relative path from new parent dir)
            if (AdditionalFiles.Length > 0)
                // This item array is initialised with a dummy item, so that its easy for
                // for consumers to override and add in their own items.
                // This means we have to take care of removing the dummy entry though.
                var dummyItem = AdditionalFiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ItemSpec == "_DummyEntry_.txt");
                if (dummyItem != null)
                    var filesList = AdditionalFiles.ToList();
                    AdditionalFiles = filesList.ToArray();

            CopyFileTaskItems(ProjectDirectory, AdditionalFiles, packagingDir, false, true);

            // find any
            // .sqldataprovider files
            // .lic files
            // "ReleaseNotes.txt" file
            // and copy them to the same relative directory in the packaging dir.
            ITaskItem[] specialPackageContentFiles =
                FindContentFiles(t =>
                                 Path.GetExtension(t.ItemSpec).ToLowerInvariant() == ".sqldataprovider" ||
                                 Path.GetExtension(t.ItemSpec).ToLowerInvariant() == ".lic" ||
                                 Path.GetFileName(t.ItemSpec).ToLowerInvariant() == ReleaseNotesFileName.ToLowerInvariant()
            CopyFileTaskItems(ProjectDirectory, specialPackageContentFiles, packagingDir, false, true);

            // otpional: check that if a lic file is referenced in manifest that it exists in packagingdir
            // otpional: check that if a releasenotes file is referenced in manifest that it exists in packagingdir
            // otpional: run variable substitution against manifest?
            // otpional: ensure manifest has a ResourceFile component that references Resources.zip?

            // zip up packagingdir to  OutputDirectory\OutputZipFileName
            string installZipFileName = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, OutputZipFileName);

            CompressFolder(packagingDir, installZipFileName);
            InstallPackage = new TaskItem(installZipFileName);

            var buildServerArtifacts = new List <ITaskItem>();


            // now, if sources are also provided, create another package, but this time, include sources in the resources zip file as well.
            if (SourceFiles != null && SourceFiles.Any())
                resourcesZipContentItems = resourcesZipContentItems.Concat(SourceFiles).ToArray();
                // create a resources zip that also contains source files.
                CreateResourcesZip(outputZipFileName, resourcesZipContentItems);
                // create sources zip.
                string sourcesZipFileName = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, OutputSourcesZipFileName);
                CompressFolder(packagingDir, sourcesZipFileName);
                SourcesPackage = new TaskItem(sourcesZipFileName);

            // publish assets to build server.