public void Buy(AddingToyServiceModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Name cannot be null or whitespace!"); } if (model.Profit < 0 || model.Profit > 5) { throw new ArgumentException("Profit must be higher than 0% and lower than 500%"); } var toy = new Toy() { Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, DistributorPrice = model.Price, Price = model.Price + (model.Price * (decimal)model.Profit), BrandId = model.BrandId, CategoryId = model.CategoryId };;; }
public void BuyFromDistributor(AddingToyServiceModel model) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Name cannot be null or whitespace!"); } // Profit should be in range 0-500% if (model.Profit < 0 || model.Profit > 5) { throw new ArgumentException("Profit must be higher than zero and lowe than 500%"); } Toy toy = new Toy() { Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, DistributorPrice = model.Price, Price = model.Price + (model.Price * (decimal)model.Profit), BrandId = model.BrandId, CategoryId = model.CategoryId, }; this.context.Toys.Add(toy); this.context.SaveChanges(); }
public int BuyFromDistributor(AddingToyServiceModel model) { ValidateToy(model.Name, model.BrandId, model.CategoryId, model.Price); var toy = new Toy() { Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, Price = model.Price, BrandId = model.BrandId, CategoryId = model.CategoryId };;; return(toy.Id); }
public void BuyToyFromDistributor(AddingToyServiceModel model) { ValidateName(model.Name); ValidateProfit(model.Profit); var toy = new Toy() { Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, DistributorPrice = model.Price, Price = model.Price + (model.Price * model.Profit), BrandId = model.BrandId, CategoryId = model.CategoryId };;; }
public void BuyFromDistributor(AddingToyServiceModel model) { if ( => b.Id == model.BrandId) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException(OutputMessages.InvalidBrand); } else if ( => c.Id == model.CategoryId) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException(OutputMessages.InvalidCategory); } var toy = CreateToy(model.Name, model.Description, model.Price, model.Profit, model.Quantity, model.BrandId, model.CategoryId); if (IsValid(toy) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException(OutputMessages.InvalidToy); };; }
public void ByToyByDistributor(AddingToyServiceModel model) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Name cannot be null or whitespace"); } if (model.Profit < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Profit must be figher than zero"); } var toy = new Toy() { Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, DistributorPrice = model.Price, Price = model.Price + (model.Price * model.Profit), BrandId = model.BrandId, CategoryId = model.CategoryId }; }