private bool checkDuesPending()
        bool          result        = false;
        string        TenantsMobile = Session["TenantMobile"].ToString();
        SqlDataReader sdr           = uc.GetPendingDues(TenantsMobile);

        if (sdr.HasRows)
            if (sdr.Read())
                string tenantName     = sdr["d_PayeeText"].ToString();
                string d_RoomNo       = sdr["d_RoomNo"].ToString();
                string d_t_Mobile     = sdr["d_t_Mobile"].ToString();
                string d_DuesTypeText = sdr["d_DuesTypeText"].ToString();
                string d_DuesAmount   = sdr["d_DuesAmount"].ToString();
                string text           = "The due of " + tenantName + "(" + d_t_Mobile + ") Room no " + d_RoomNo + " Due type " + d_DuesTypeText + " of Rs." + d_DuesAmount + " is pending you can not delete it";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "Warning", "<script>showpoperror('" + text + "')</script>", false);
                result = true;
            result = false;