public JsonResult AddEditImage(AddUpdateAdminImageModel model) { model.ByAdmin = false; model.AddedBy = LOGGEDIN_USER.UserID; var result = _imageManager.AddUpdateAdminImage(model); return(JsonResult(result)); }
public ActionResult Dashboard1() { var UploadModel = new AddUpdateAdminImageModel(); UploadModel.Categories = _imageManager.GetImageCategoryDDLList(); ViewBag.UploadModel = UploadModel; return(View()); }
public ActionResult AddAdminImage(int?id) { ViewBag.SelectedTab = SelectedAdminTab.Images; var model = new AddUpdateAdminImageModel(); if (id != null) { model = _imageManager.GetAdminImageById(Convert.ToInt32(id)); } model.Categories = _imageManager.GetImageCategoryDDLList(); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult GetUserDashboardForApp(string Token, int cardid) { var userid = _userManager.GetSessionByToken(Token); if (userid > 0) { var userCards = _userManager.GetUserCardStatus(userid); ViewBag.StepGuidanceStatus = _userManager.GetUserCardStepGuidance(userid); if (userCards.Status == ActionStatus.Successfull) { var UploadModel = new AddUpdateAdminImageModel(); var editorModel = new AddUpdateImageEditorModel(); if (cardid > 0) { var existRecord = _editorManager.GetPostCardDetailsByID(Convert.ToInt32(cardid), userid); if (existRecord.Status == ActionStatus.Successfull) { if (!existRecord.Object.IsOrderPlaced) { editorModel = existRecord.Object; } } else { return(RedirectToAction("GetUserDashboardForApp", "Home", new { Token = Token, cardid = 0 })); } } UploadModel.Categories = _imageManager.GetImageCategoryDDLList(); ViewBag.UploadModel = UploadModel; ActionOutput <ImagesByCategoryViewModel> modal = _imageManager.GetImagesByCategoryWise(userid); ViewBag.RecentlyUsedImageList = _imageManager.GetImagesByCategoryWise(userid, "").List.Where(x => x.IsRecent).ToList(); ViewBag.OrderID = cardid; if (cardid > 0) { editorModel.ID = Convert.ToInt32(cardid); } return(View(editorModel)); } else { TempData["Msg"] = "Greetings! You have used up all your tokens.Would you like to purchase a membership?"; return(RedirectToAction("ErrorPage")); } } else { TempData["Msg"] = "Invalid User"; return(RedirectToAction("ErrorPage")); } }
AddUpdateAdminImageModel IImageManager.GetAdminImageById(int id) { var model = new AddUpdateAdminImageModel(); var existing = Context.AdminImages.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ID == id); if (existing != null) { return(model = Mapper.Map <AdminImage, AddUpdateAdminImageModel>(existing)); } else { return(null); } }
// // GET: /User/Home/ public ActionResult Dashboard(int?cid) { var changeTempUserId = LOGGEDIN_USER.UserID; bool IsCopy = false; ViewBag.IsCopyCard = false; if (Session["CardID"] != null) { IsCopy = true; ViewBag.IsCopyCard = true; cid = (int)Session["CardID"]; Session.Remove("CardID"); } if (Session["DemoCardUserId"] != null) { var userId = (int)Session["DemoCardUserId"]; if (userId > 0) { changeTempUserId = userId; ViewBag.IsCopyCard = true; Session.Remove("DemoCardUserId"); } } var userCards = _userManager.GetUserCardStatus(changeTempUserId); ViewBag.StepGuidanceStatus = _userManager.GetUserCardStepGuidance(changeTempUserId); if (userCards.Status == ActionStatus.Successfull) { var UploadModel = new AddUpdateAdminImageModel(); var editorModel = new AddUpdateImageEditorModel(); if (cid > 0 && cid != null) { var existRecord = _editorManager.GetPostCardDetailsByID(Convert.ToInt32(cid), changeTempUserId); if (existRecord.Status == ActionStatus.Successfull) { if (existRecord.Object.IsOrderPlaced) { // return RedirectToActionPermanent("PostCards", "PostCard", new { Area = "User" }); //cid = null; editorModel = existRecord.Object; ViewBag.IsCopyCard = true; } else { editorModel = existRecord.Object; } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Home")); } } UploadModel.Categories = _imageManager.GetImageCategoryDDLList(); ViewBag.UploadModel = UploadModel; // ActionOutput<ImagesByCategoryViewModel> modal = _imageManager.GetImagesByCategoryWise(LOGGEDIN_USER.UserID); //ViewBag.RecentlyUsedImageList = _imageManager.GetImagesByCategoryWise(LOGGEDIN_USER.UserID, "").List.Where(x => x.IsRecent).ToList(); var cardlList = _editorManager.GetDemoPostCardListing(); if (cardlList.List != null) { ViewBag.AdminCards = _editorManager.GetDemoPostCardListing().List; } else { ViewBag.AdminCards = new List <AddUpdateImageEditorModel>(); } ViewBag.OrderID = cid; if (cid > 0 && cid != null && IsCopy != true) { editorModel.ID = Convert.ToInt32(cid); } return(View(editorModel)); } else { TempData["CardMessage"] = userCards.Message; return(RedirectToAction("PaymentPlans", "Payment", new { area = "User" })); } }
ActionOutput IImageManager.AddUpdateAdminImage(AddUpdateAdminImageModel model) { var existingImage = Context.AdminImages.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ID == model.ID); if (existingImage == null) { var newRecord = new AdminImage(); newRecord = Mapper.Map <AddUpdateAdminImageModel, AdminImage>(model); foreach (var item in model.Image) { if (item.ContentLength > 524288) // 500kb { return(new ActionOutput { Status = ActionStatus.Error, Message = "Upload file of size up to 500kb only" }); } // var fileUName = Utilities.SavePostedFile(AttacmentsPath.AdminImages + "/", item); var saveFileWithThumb = Utilities.SaveImage(item, AttacmentsPath.AdminImages, AttacmentsPath.AdminImagesThumb); newRecord.FilePath = AttacmentsPath.AdminImages + saveFileWithThumb; newRecord.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(saveFileWithThumb); newRecord.Description = model.Description; newRecord.ActivatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; newRecord.AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; newRecord.IsDeleted = false; newRecord.IsActive = true; Context.AdminImages.Add(newRecord); } Context.SaveChanges(); return(new ActionOutput { Status = ActionStatus.Successfull, Message = "Image Added Sucessfully." }); } else { // existingImage = Mapper.Map<AddUpdateAdminImageModel, AdminImage>(model); existingImage.CategoryID = model.CategoryID; existingImage.Description = model.Description; if (model.Image != null) { foreach (var item in model.Image) { if (item.ContentLength > 524288) // 500kb { return(new ActionOutput { Status = ActionStatus.Error, Message = "Upload file of size up to 500kb only" }); } // var fileUName = Utilities.SavePostedFile(AttacmentsPath.AdminImages + "/", item); var saveFileWithThumb = Utilities.SaveImage(item, AttacmentsPath.AdminImages, AttacmentsPath.AdminImagesThumb); existingImage.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(saveFileWithThumb); existingImage.FilePath = AttacmentsPath.AdminImages + saveFileWithThumb; } } Context.SaveChanges(); return(new ActionOutput { Status = ActionStatus.Successfull, Message = "Image Updated Sucessfully." }); } }