public static bool AddWebResourceToSolution(CrmServiceClient client, string uniqueName, Guid webResourceId) { try { AddSolutionComponentRequest scRequest = new AddSolutionComponentRequest { ComponentType = 61, SolutionUniqueName = uniqueName, ComponentId = webResourceId }; AddSolutionComponentResponse response = (AddSolutionComponentResponse)client.Execute(scRequest); OutputLogger.WriteToOutputWindow("New Web Resource Added To Solution: " +, MessageType.Info); return(true); } catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> crmEx) { OutputLogger.WriteToOutputWindow( "Error adding web resource to solution: " + crmEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + crmEx.StackTrace, MessageType.Error); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { OutputLogger.WriteToOutputWindow( "Error adding web resource to solution: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace, MessageType.Error); return(false); } }
private bool CreateReport(Guid solutionId, string uniqueName, string name, string filePath, string relativePath, int viewableIndex) { try { CrmConnection connection = CrmConnection.Parse(_connection.ConnectionString); using (_orgService = new OrganizationService(connection)) { Entity report = new Entity("report"); report["name"] = name; report["bodytext"] = File.ReadAllText(filePath); report["reporttypecode"] = new OptionSetValue(1); //ReportingServicesReport report["filename"] = Path.GetFileName(filePath); report["languagecode"] = 1033; //TODO: handle multiple report["ispersonal"] = (viewableIndex == 0); Guid id = _orgService.Create(report); _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Report Created: " + id, Logger.MessageType.Info); //Add to the choosen solution (not default) if (solutionId != new Guid("FD140AAF-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238")) { AddSolutionComponentRequest scRequest = new AddSolutionComponentRequest { ComponentType = 31, SolutionUniqueName = uniqueName, ComponentId = id }; AddSolutionComponentResponse response = (AddSolutionComponentResponse)_orgService.Execute(scRequest); _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("New Report Added To Solution: " +, Logger.MessageType.Info); } NewId = id; NewName = name; NewBoudndFile = relativePath; return(true); } } catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> crmEx) { _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Error Creating Report: " + crmEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + crmEx.StackTrace, Logger.MessageType.Error); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Error Creating Report: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace, Logger.MessageType.Error); return(false); } }
private bool CreateWebResource(Guid solutionId, string uniqueName, int type, string prefix, string name, string displayName, string filePath, string relativePath) { try { var client = new CrmServiceClient(_connection.ConnectionString); Entity webResource = new Entity("webresource"); webResource["name"] = prefix + name; webResource["webresourcetype"] = new OptionSetValue(type); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName)) { webResource["displayname"] = displayName; } if (type == 8) { webResource["silverlightversion"] = "4.0"; } string extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath); List <string> imageExs = new List <string>() { ".ICO", ".PNG", ".GIF", ".JPG" }; string content; //TypeScript if (extension != null && (extension.ToUpper() == ".TS")) { content = File.ReadAllText(Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, ".js")); webResource["content"] = EncodeString(content); } //Images else if (extension != null && imageExs.Any(s => extension.ToUpper().EndsWith(s))) { content = EncodedImage(filePath, extension); webResource["content"] = content; } //Everything else else { content = File.ReadAllText(filePath); webResource["content"] = EncodeString(content); } Guid id = client.OrganizationServiceProxy.Create(webResource); _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("New Web Resource Created: " + id, Logger.MessageType.Info); //Add to the choosen solution (not default) if (solutionId != new Guid("FD140AAF-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238")) { AddSolutionComponentRequest scRequest = new AddSolutionComponentRequest { ComponentType = 61, SolutionUniqueName = uniqueName, ComponentId = id }; AddSolutionComponentResponse response = (AddSolutionComponentResponse)client.OrganizationServiceProxy.Execute(scRequest); _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("New Web Resource Added To Solution: " +, Logger.MessageType.Info); } NewId = id; NewType = type; NewName = prefix + name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName)) { NewDisplayName = displayName; } NewBoundFile = relativePath; NewSolutionId = solutionId; return(true); } catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> crmEx) { _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Error Creating Web Resource: " + crmEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + crmEx.StackTrace, Logger.MessageType.Error); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Error Creating Web Resource: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace, Logger.MessageType.Error); return(false); } }
private bool CreateWebResource(Guid solutionId, string uniqueName, int type, string prefix, string name, string displayName, string filePath, string relativePath) { try { CrmConnection connection = CrmConnection.Parse(_connection.ConnectionString); using (_orgService = new OrganizationService(connection)) { Entity webResource = new Entity("webresource"); webResource["name"] = prefix + name; webResource["webresourcetype"] = new OptionSetValue(type); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName)) { webResource["displayname"] = displayName; } if (type == 8) { webResource["silverlightversion"] = "4.0"; } string content = File.ReadAllText(filePath); webResource["content"] = EncodeString(content); Guid id = _orgService.Create(webResource); _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("New Web Resource Created: " + id, Logger.MessageType.Info); //Add to the choosen solution (not default) if (solutionId != new Guid("FD140AAF-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238")) { AddSolutionComponentRequest scRequest = new AddSolutionComponentRequest { ComponentType = 61, SolutionUniqueName = uniqueName, ComponentId = id }; AddSolutionComponentResponse response = (AddSolutionComponentResponse)_orgService.Execute(scRequest); _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("New Web Resource Added To Solution: " +, Logger.MessageType.Info); } NewId = id; NewType = type; NewName = prefix + name; NewBoudndFile = relativePath; return(true); } } catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> crmEx) { _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Error Creating Web Resource: " + crmEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + crmEx.StackTrace, Logger.MessageType.Error); return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.WriteToOutputWindow("Error Creating Web Resource: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace, Logger.MessageType.Error); return(false); } }