protected void OrderNotesGrid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("AddNote")) { string[] data = ((string)e.CommandArgument).Split(':'); int orderId = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(data[0]); HiddenOrderId.Value = orderId.ToString(); AddDialogCaption.Text = String.Format(AddDialogCaption.Text, data[1]); List <string> history = new List <string>(); Order order = EntityLoader.Load <Order>(orderId); if (order != null) { IList <OrderNote> notes = order.Notes; notes.Sort(new PropertyComparer("CreatedDate", CommerceBuilder.Common.SortDirection.DESC)); foreach (OrderNote note in notes) { if (note.NoteType != NoteType.SystemPrivate && note.NoteType != NoteType.SystemPublic) { StringBuilder historyEntry = new StringBuilder(); historyEntry.Append("<i>On " + note.CreatedDate.ToString("g") + ", "); historyEntry.Append(note.User.PrimaryAddress.FullName); historyEntry.Append(note.NoteType == NoteType.Public ? " wrote" : " whispered"); historyEntry.Append(":</i><br />"); historyEntry.Append(note.Comment); history.Add(historyEntry.ToString()); } } } NoteHistory.Text = string.Join("<hr>", history.ToArray()); AddPopup.Show(); NoteText.Focus(); } }
private void ShowAddForm(string fileName) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_DigitalGoodPath, fileName)); ServerFileName.Text = fileName; ServerFileSize.Text = FileHelper.FormatFileSize(fi.Length); Name.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); DownloadName.Text = fileName; ActivationMode.SelectedIndex = 2; AddPopup.Show(); }
protected void ShowProductForm(Product product) { if (product.IsSubscription) { if (product.SubscriptionPlan.IsRecurring && product.SubscriptionPlan.PaymentFrequencyType == PaymentFrequencyType.Optional) { string value = Request.Form[AutoDeliveryInterval.UniqueID]; BindAutoDelieveryOptions(product); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { ListItem item = AutoDeliveryInterval.Items.FindByValue(value); if (item != null) { item.Selected = true; } } } else { AutoDeliveryPH.Visible = false; } OptionalSubscription.Visible = product.SubscriptionPlan.IsOptional; } else { trSubscriptionRow.Visible = false; } AddPopup.Show(); //SET NAME AND PRICE AddProductName.Text = product.Name; // SET QUANTITY TO ONE IF NOT SPECIFIED if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddProductQuantity.Text) || AddProductQuantity.Text == "0") { AddProductQuantity.Text = "1"; } AddProductId.Value = product.Id.ToString(); //BUILD PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES _SelectedOptions = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.BuildProductOptions(product, phOptions, true); //BUILD PRODUCT CHOICES AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.BuildProductChoices(product, phOptions); //BUILD KIT OPTIONS, IGNORING INVENTORY _SelectedKitProducts = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.BuildKitOptions(product, phOptions, true); //SET PRICE string optionList = ProductVariantDataSource.GetOptionList(product.Id, _SelectedOptions, true); // IF ALL OPTIONS HAVE A VALUE SELECTED, SHOW THE BASKET CONTROLS AddProductSaveButton.Visible = (_SelectedOptions.Count == product.ProductOptions.Count); }
protected void ShowDisplayOptions_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ShowDisplayOptions.Visible = false; HideDisplayOptions.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions1a.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions1b.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions2.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions3a.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions3b.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions4a.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions4b.Visible = true; trDisplayOptions5.Visible = true; AddPopup.Show(); }
protected void ShowAddDialog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddPopup.Show(); AddComment.Focus(); }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // CHECK IF PAGE IS VALID if (Page.IsValid) { // MAKE SURE PASSWORD VALIDATES AGAINST POLICY if (ValidatePassword()) { // ATTEMPT TO CREATE THE USER MembershipCreateStatus status; User newUser = UserDataSource.CreateUser(AddEmail.Text, AddEmail.Text, AddPassword.Text, string.Empty, string.Empty, true, 0, out status); if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { // FORCE PASSWORD EXPIRATION newUser.Passwords[0].ForceExpiration = ForceExpiration.Checked; newUser.Passwords[0].Save(); // ASSIGN GROUPS TO NEW USER IList <Group> availableGroups = SecurityUtility.GetManagableGroups(); int groupId = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(AddGroup.SelectedValue); if (groupId > 0) { int index = availableGroups.IndexOf(groupId); if (groupId > -1) { // ADD THE GROUP ASSOCIATION FOR THE NEW USER newUser.UserGroups.Add(new UserGroup(newUser, availableGroups[index])); newUser.Save(); } } // REDIRECT TO EDIT FORM IF INDICATED if (((Button)sender).ID == "AddEditButton") { Response.Redirect("EditUser.aspx?UserId=" + newUser.Id.ToString()); } // NO REDIRECT, DISPLAY A CONFIRMATION FOR CREATED USER UserAddedMessage.Text = string.Format(UserAddedMessage.Text, newUser.UserName); UserAddedMessage.Visible = true; // RESET THE ADD FORM FIELDS AddEmail.Text = String.Empty; AddPassword.Text = String.Empty; AddConfirmPassword.Text = String.Empty; AddGroup.SelectedIndex = -1; //REBIND THE SEARCH UserGrid.DataBind(); } else { // CREATE USER FAILED WITHIN THE API switch (status) { case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail: case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName: AddCustomValidationError(phEmailValidation, AddEmail, "The email address is already registered."); break; case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidEmail: case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidUserName: AddCustomValidationError(phEmailValidation, AddEmail, "The email address is invalid."); break; case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidPassword: AddCustomValidationError(phPasswordValidation, AddPassword, "The password is invalid."); break; default: AddCustomValidationError(phEmailValidation, AddEmail, "Unexpected error: " + status.ToString()); break; } AddPopup.Show(); } } else { AddPopup.Show(); } } else { AddPopup.Show(); } }
protected void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (!DigitalGoodNameExists(Name.Text)) { // SET THE DIGITAL GOOD PATH string digitalGoodPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "App_Data\\DigitalGoods"); // SAVE THE BINARY FILE DATA HttpPostedFile file = null; if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { file = Request.Files[0]; } bool fileUploaded = ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0)); if (fileUploaded) { string fileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UploadFileName.Text) ? Path.GetFileName(file.FileName) : UploadFileName.Text; string filePath = Path.Combine(digitalGoodPath, fileName); if (FileHelper.IsExtensionValid(fileName, AbleContext.Current.Store.Settings.FileExt_DigitalGoods)) { if (!File.Exists(filePath) || UploadOverwrite.Checked) { int fileLength = file.ContentLength; Byte[] buffer = new byte[fileLength]; file.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, fileLength); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, buffer); // RECORD THE DIGITAL GOOD DigitalGood dg = new DigitalGood(); dg.ServerFileName = fileName; dg.Name = Name.Text; dg.FileSize = fileLength; dg.FileName = fileName; dg.ActivationModeId = AlwaysConvert.ToByte(ActivationMode.SelectedValue); dg.MaxDownloads = AlwaysConvert.ToByte(MaxDownloads.Text); int tempDays = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(ActivationTimeoutDays.Text); int tempHours = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(ActivationTimeoutHours.Text); int tempMinutes = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(ActivationTimeoutMinutes.Text); if ((tempDays > 0) || (tempHours > 0) || (tempMinutes > 0)) { dg.ActivationTimeout = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", tempDays, tempHours, tempMinutes); } else { dg.ActivationTimeout = string.Empty; } tempDays = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(DownloadTimeoutDays.Text); tempHours = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(DownloadTimeoutHours.Text); tempMinutes = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(DownloadTimeoutMinutes.Text); if ((tempDays > 0) || (tempHours > 0) || (tempMinutes > 0)) { dg.DownloadTimeout = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", tempDays, tempHours, tempMinutes); } else { dg.DownloadTimeout = string.Empty; } dg.Save(); // SEE WHETHER WE ARE SUPPOSED TO EDIT AFTER SAVING if (((WebControl)sender).ID == "AddAndEditButton") { // REDIRECT TO THE EDIT PAGE Response.Redirect("~/Admin/DigitalGoods/EditDigitalGood.aspx?DigitalGoodId=" + dg.Id); } else { // REDIRECT BACK TO THIS PAGE TO PREVENT REFRESH ISSUES WITH FILE UPLOAD Response.Redirect(Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"]); } } else { CustomValidator overwrite = new CustomValidator(); overwrite.IsValid = false; overwrite.ControlToValidate = "UploadFileName"; overwrite.ErrorMessage = "The target file '" + fileName + "' already exists. Either allow overwrite or use an alternate file name."; overwrite.Text = "*"; overwrite.ValidationGroup = "Add"; phUploadOverwrite.Controls.Add(overwrite); AddPopup.Show(); } } else { CustomValidator filetype = new CustomValidator(); filetype.IsValid = false; filetype.ControlToValidate = "UploadFileName"; filetype.ErrorMessage = "The target file '" + fileName + "' does not have a valid file extension."; filetype.Text = "*"; filetype.ValidationGroup = "Add"; phUploadFileTypes.Controls.Add(filetype); AddPopup.Show(); } } UploadFileName.Text = string.Empty; UploadOverwrite.Checked = false; } else { CustomValidator uniqueName = new CustomValidator(); uniqueName.IsValid = false; uniqueName.ControlToValidate = "Name"; uniqueName.ErrorMessage = "The specified display name already exists. You must use an alternate name."; uniqueName.Text = "*"; uniqueName.ValidationGroup = "Add"; phUniqueName.Controls.Add(uniqueName); AddPopup.Show(); } } else { AddPopup.Show(); } }
protected void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (!DigitalGoodNameExists(Name.Text)) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(ServerFileName.Text); DigitalGood dg = new DigitalGood(); dg.ServerFileName = _RelativeDigitalGoodPath + fileName; dg.Name = Name.Text; dg.FileSize = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_DigitalGoodPath, fileName)).Length; dg.FileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DownloadName.Text) ? fileName : DownloadName.Text; dg.ActivationModeId = AlwaysConvert.ToByte(ActivationMode.SelectedValue); dg.MaxDownloads = AlwaysConvert.ToByte(MaxDownloads.Text); int tempDays = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(ActivationTimeoutDays.Text); int tempHours = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(ActivationTimeoutHours.Text); int tempMinutes = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(ActivationTimeoutMinutes.Text); if ((tempDays > 0) || (tempHours > 0) || (tempMinutes > 0)) { dg.ActivationTimeout = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", tempDays, tempHours, tempMinutes); } else { dg.ActivationTimeout = string.Empty; } tempDays = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(DownloadTimeoutDays.Text); tempHours = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(DownloadTimeoutHours.Text); tempMinutes = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(DownloadTimeoutMinutes.Text); if ((tempDays > 0) || (tempHours > 0) || (tempMinutes > 0)) { dg.DownloadTimeout = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", tempDays, tempHours, tempMinutes); } else { dg.DownloadTimeout = string.Empty; } dg.Save(); // SEE WHETHER WE ARE SUPPOSED TO EDIT AFTER SAVING if (((WebControl)sender).ID == "AddAndEditButton") { // REDIRECT TO THE EDIT PAGE Response.Redirect("~/Admin/DigitalGoods/EditDigitalGood.aspx?DigitalGoodId=" + dg.Id); } // UPDATE THE FILE LIST int index = IndexOfFile(fileName); if (index > -1) { FileDigitalGood fdg = _FileList[index]; if (fdg.DigitalGoods == null) { fdg.DigitalGoods = new List <DigitalGood>(); } fdg.DigitalGoods.Add(dg); } // REBIND THE FILE GRID BindFileGrid(); } else { CustomValidator uniqueName = new CustomValidator(); uniqueName.IsValid = false; uniqueName.ControlToValidate = "Name"; uniqueName.ErrorMessage = "The specified name already exists. You must use an alternate name."; uniqueName.Text = "*"; uniqueName.ValidationGroup = "Add"; phUniqueName.Controls.Add(uniqueName); AddPopup.Show(); } } else { AddPopup.Show(); } }