private bool SendNotifyLetterMethod(HrUnitOfWork _hrUnitOfWork, string UserName, int EmpID, string ID, out string ErrorMessage) { ErrorMessage = ""; int CompanyID = User.Identity.GetDefaultCompany(); string CurrentURL = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority; string DownloadAPKUrl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadAPKUrl"]; DateTime Today = DateTime.Now.Date; string Language = HttpContext.User.Identity.GetLanguage(); NotifyLetter NL = new NotifyLetter() { CompanyId = CompanyID, EmpId = EmpID, NotifyDate = Today, NotifySource = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls(Db.Persistence.Constants.Sources.UserProfile, Language), SourceId = ID, Sent = true, EventDate = Today, Description = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls("User Name", Language) + " : " + UserName + " " + MsgUtils.Instance.Trls("Website", Language) + " : " + CurrentURL + " " + MsgUtils.Instance.Trls("Download APK", Language) + " : " + DownloadAPKUrl }; AddNotifyLetters AddNotifyLetters = new AddNotifyLetters(_hrUnitOfWork, NL, Language); bool Result = AddNotifyLetters.Run(out ErrorMessage); return(Result); }
public static bool ExtendContractMethod(IHrUnitOfWork unitofwork, string Language, out string ErrorMessage) { bool Result = false; ErrorMessage = ""; try { // Get All employees The will Send Email to whose contract Finish and before No of days var Employments = unitofwork.EmployeeRepository.SendMailEmployees(); List <NotifyLetter> NotifyLettersList = new List <NotifyLetter>(); foreach (var item in Employments) { string NotifySource = "", Description = ""; if (item.Renew) { NotifySource = Constants.Sources.RenewContract; Description = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls("Contract has been renewed", Language); } else { NotifySource = Constants.Sources.ContractFinish; Description = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls("Contract has been finished", Language); } bool IsSentBefore = unitofwork.NotifyLetterRepository.IsNotificationSent(item.EmpId, DateTime.Today.Date, NotifySource); if (!IsSentBefore) { NotifyLetter NL = new NotifyLetter() { CompanyId = item.CompanyId, EmpId = item.EmpId, NotifyDate = DateTime.Today, NotifySource = NotifySource, SourceId = item.Id.ToString(), Sent = false, EventDate = item.EndDate, Description = Description }; NotifyLettersList.Add(NL); //unitofwork.NotifyLetterRepository.Add(NL); } } string DefaultErrorMessage = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls("NotifyLetterNotSent", Language); AddNotifyLetters AddNotifyLetters = new AddNotifyLetters(unitofwork, NotifyLettersList, Language); Result = AddNotifyLetters.Run(out ErrorMessage, DefaultErrorMessage); } catch { } return(Result); }