private static void ProcessFile(string inputFilename, string outputFilename, Regex keep, string keepPattern) { var inputFont = AdafruitGFXFontParser.ReadFile(inputFilename); var bitmap = new MemoryStream(); var glyphs = new List <GFXglyph>(); var currentChar = inputFont.FirstChar; char?firstChar = null; char?lastChar = null; var matchedGlyphsCount = 0; var matchedGlyphsLastCount = 0; foreach (var glyph in inputFont.Glyphs) { if (keep.IsMatch(currentChar.ToString())) { glyphs.Add(new GFXglyph { bitmapOffset = (int)bitmap.Length, width = glyph.width, height = glyph.height, xAdvance = glyph.xAdvance, xOffset = glyph.xOffset, yOffset = glyph.yOffset }); var bitmapSize = (int)Math.Ceiling((glyph.width * glyph.height) / 8.0); bitmap.Write(inputFont.Bitmap, glyph.bitmapOffset, bitmapSize); if (!firstChar.HasValue) { firstChar = currentChar; } lastChar = currentChar; matchedGlyphsCount++; matchedGlyphsLastCount = glyphs.Count; } else if (firstChar.HasValue) { // No gaps are allowed, insert dummy glyph glyphs.Add(new GFXglyph { bitmapOffset = 0, width = 0, height = 0, xAdvance = 0, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0 }); } currentChar++; } if (!firstChar.HasValue) { throw new ArgumentException("No characters match the specified filter"); } // Remove the empty glyphs at the end if (glyphs.Count > matchedGlyphsLastCount) { glyphs.RemoveRange(matchedGlyphsLastCount, glyphs.Count - matchedGlyphsLastCount); } var outputFont = new AdafruitGFXFont { FontName = inputFont.FontName + "Trimmed", FirstChar = firstChar.Value, LastChar = lastChar.Value, YAdvance = inputFont.YAdvance, Bitmap = bitmap.ToArray(), Glyphs = glyphs }; Console.WriteLine($" Kept {matchedGlyphsCount} of {inputFont.Glyphs.Count} glyphs, ~ {inputFont.SizeEstimate} > {outputFont.SizeEstimate} bytes"); Console.WriteLine(); var output = AdafruitGFXFontWriter.WriteString(outputFont); using (var file = new StreamWriter(outputFilename)) { file.WriteLine("/*"); file.WriteLine(""); file.WriteLine(" Generated by AdafruitGFXFontToBitmap"); file.WriteLine(" https: //"); file.WriteLine(""); file.WriteLine(" Source: " + Path.GetFileName(inputFilename)); file.WriteLine(" Filter: " + CommentSafeRegex(keepPattern)); file.WriteLine(""); file.WriteLine("*/"); file.WriteLine(""); file.Write(output); } }
private static void ProcessFile(string inputFilename, string outputFilename) { var font = AdafruitGFXFontParser.ReadFile(inputFilename); var minYOffset = font.Glyphs.Min(g => g.yOffset); var maxYOffset = font.Glyphs.Max(g => g.height + g.yOffset); var totalWidth = font.Glyphs.Sum(g => g.ActualWidth) + (font.Glyphs.Count - 1); var maxHeight = maxYOffset - minYOffset; var cursorY = -minYOffset; var outputBitmap = new Bitmap(totalWidth, maxHeight); var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(outputBitmap); graphics.Clear(Color.Black); var glyphX = 0; foreach (var glyph in font.Glyphs) { var bitmapOffset = glyph.bitmapOffset; var bitmapBit = 0; var yOffset = cursorY + glyph.yOffset; for (var y = glyph.Bounds.Top + yOffset; y < glyph.Bounds.Bottom + yOffset; y++) { for (var x = glyph.Bounds.Left; x < glyph.Bounds.Right; x++) { var pixel = font.Bitmap[bitmapOffset] & (1 << (7 - bitmapBit)); if (pixel > 0) { outputBitmap.SetPixel(glyphX + x, y, Color.White); } bitmapBit++; // ReSharper disable once InvertIf if (bitmapBit > 7) { bitmapOffset++; bitmapBit = 0; } } } glyphX += glyph.ActualWidth; if (glyphX >= outputBitmap.Width) { continue; } // Draw separator line for (var y = 0; y < maxHeight; y++) { outputBitmap.SetPixel(glyphX, y, Color.DimGray); } glyphX++; } outputBitmap.Save(outputFilename, ImageFormat.Bmp); }