예제 #1
        static void Postfix(CombatHUDWeaponSlot __instance, ICombatant target, Weapon ___displayedWeapon, CombatHUD ___HUD)
            if (__instance == null || ___displayedWeapon == null || ___HUD.SelectedActor == null || target == null)

            Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("CHUDWS:SHC entered");

            if (___HUD.SelectionHandler.ActiveState.SelectionType == SelectionType.FireMorale)
                int calledShotMod = ActorHelper.CalledShotModifier(___HUD.SelectedActor);
                if (calledShotMod != 0)
                    Traverse addToolTipDetailT = Traverse.Create(__instance)
                                                 .Method("AddToolTipDetail", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) });

                    string localText = new Text(Mod.LocalizedText.Modifiers[ModText.Mod_CalledShot]).ToString();
                    addToolTipDetailT.GetValue(new object[] { localText, calledShotMod });
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Adding calledShot tooltip with text: {localText} and mod: {calledShotMod}");
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Updated TooltipsForFiring for actor: {___HUD.SelectedActor} with mod: {calledShotMod}");
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Not FireMorale, skipping!");
예제 #2
        static void Postfix(ref float __result, bool isCalledShot, AbstractActor attacker)
            if (isCalledShot)
                Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("TH:GAM entered.");

                // Calculate called shot modifier
                int calledShotMod = ActorHelper.CalledShotModifier(attacker);
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Actor: {attacker.DistinctId()} has calledShotMod: {calledShotMod}");
                __result += calledShotMod;
예제 #3
        static void Postfix(ref string __result, bool isCalledShot, AbstractActor attacker)
            if (isCalledShot)
                Mod.Log.Trace?.Write("TH:GAMD entered.");

                // Calculate called shot modifier
                int calledShotMod = ActorHelper.CalledShotModifier(attacker);
                if (calledShotMod != 0)
                    // No need to localize, this is only printed in logs
                    __result = string.Format("{0}CALLED-SHOT {1:+#;-#}; ", __result, (int)calledShotMod);