/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the ActivityService. ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201511.ActivityService); int totalResultsCounter = 0; try { StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage(); do { // Get activities by statement. page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Display results. if (page.results != null) { foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Activity with ID \"{1}\", name \"{2}\" and type \"{3}\" " + "was found.\n", totalResultsCounter, activity.id, activity.name, activity.type); totalResultsCounter++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}.", totalResultsCounter); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get activities. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the ActivityService. ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201502.ActivityService); // Create a statement to select active activities. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("status = :status") .OrderBy("id") .Limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT) .AddValue("status", ActivityStatus.ACTIVE.ToString()); ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage(); try { do { page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Display results. if (page.results != null) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Activity with ID \"{1}\", name \"{2}\", and type \"{3}\" " + "was found.", i, activity.id, activity.name, activity.type); i++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}.", page.totalResultSetSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get activities. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> public void Run(DfpUser dfpUser) { using (ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService)dfpUser.GetService(DfpService.v201708.ActivityService)) { // Create a statement to select activities. int pageSize = StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT; StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(pageSize); // Retrieve a small amount of activities at a time, paging through until all // activities have been retrieved. int totalResultSetSize = 0; do { ActivityPage page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement( statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Print out some information for each activity. if (page.results != null) { totalResultSetSize = page.totalResultSetSize; int i = page.startIndex; foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine( "{0}) Activity with ID {1} and name \"{2}\" was found.", i++, activity.id, activity.name ); } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(pageSize); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}", totalResultSetSize); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> public void Run(AdManagerUser user) { using (ActivityService activityService = user.GetService <ActivityService>()) { // Create a statement to select activities. int pageSize = StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT; StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("status = :status") .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(pageSize) .AddValue("status", ActivityStatus.ACTIVE.ToString()); // Retrieve a small amount of activities at a time, paging through until all // activities have been retrieved. int totalResultSetSize = 0; do { ActivityPage page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Print out some information for each activity. if (page.results != null) { totalResultSetSize = page.totalResultSetSize; int i = page.startIndex; foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine( "{0}) Activity with ID {1}, name \"{2}\", and type \"{3}\" was " + "found.", i++, activity.id, activity.name, activity.type); } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(pageSize); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}", totalResultSetSize); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the ActivityService. ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201408.ActivityService); int totalResultsCounter = 0; try { StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage(); do { // Get activities by statement. page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Display results. if (page.results != null) { foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Activity with ID \"{1}\", name \"{2}\" and type \"{3}\" " + "was found.\n", totalResultsCounter, activity.id, activity.name, activity.type); totalResultsCounter++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}.", totalResultsCounter); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get contacts. Exception says \"{0}\"", ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the ActivityService. ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201311.ActivityService); int totalResultsCounter = 0; try { Statement filterStatement = new StatementBuilder("").ToStatement(); ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage(); int offset = 0; do { filterStatement.query = "ORDER BY id LIMIT 500 OFFSET " + offset; // Get activities by statement. page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(filterStatement); // Display results. if (page.results != null) { foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Activity with ID \"{1}\", name \"{2}\" and type \"{3}\" " + "was found.\n", totalResultsCounter, activity.id, activity.name, activity.type); totalResultsCounter++; } } offset += 500; } while (offset < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}.", totalResultsCounter); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get contacts. Exception says \"{0}\"", ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> public void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the ActivityService. ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService)user.GetService(DfpService.v201705.ActivityService); // Set the ID of the activity to update. int activityId = int.Parse(_T("INSERT_ACTIVITY_ID_HERE")); try { // Get the activity. StatementBuilder statemetnBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("id = :id") .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(1) .AddValue("id", activityId); ActivityPage page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement( statemetnBuilder.ToStatement()); Activity activity = page.results[0]; // Update the expected URL. activity.expectedURL = "https://www.google.com"; // Update the activity on the server. Activity[] activities = activityService.updateActivities(new Activity[] { activity }); foreach (Activity updatedActivity in activities) { Console.WriteLine("Activity with ID \"{0}\" and name \"{1}\" was updated.", updatedActivity.id, updatedActivity.name); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to update activities. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The DFP user object running the code example.</param> public override void Run(DfpUser user) { // Get the ActivityService. ActivityService activityService = (ActivityService) user.GetService(DfpService.v201511.ActivityService); // Create a statement to select active activities. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("status = :status") .OrderBy("id") .Limit(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT) .AddValue("status", ActivityStatus.ACTIVE.ToString()); ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage(); try { do { page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); // Display results. if (page.results != null) { int i = page.startIndex; foreach (Activity activity in page.results) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Activity with ID \"{1}\", name \"{2}\", and type \"{3}\" " + "was found.", i, activity.id, activity.name, activity.type); i++; } } statementBuilder.IncreaseOffsetBy(StatementBuilder.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT); } while (statementBuilder.GetOffset() < page.totalResultSetSize); Console.WriteLine("Number of results found: {0}.", page.totalResultSetSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get activities. Exception says \"{0}\"", e.Message); } }
/* public Issue GetIssueNote() * { * * ActivityPage = NewIssuePage.GoToProjectsPage().ViewOverallactivity(); * Issue issue = new Issue("subj"); * issue = ActivityPage.ReturnNewIssueNote(issue); * return issue; * * }*/ public Note GetNote(string number) { return(ActivityPage.GetCreatedIssueNote(number)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取新的完整状态树 /// </summary> /// <param name="state">当前 UI 状态</param> /// <param name="userManager"><see cref="KeylolUserManager"/></param> /// <param name="dbContext"><see cref="KeylolDbContext"/></param> /// <param name="coupon"><see cref="CouponProvider"/></param> /// <param name="cachedData"><see cref="CachedDataProvider"/></param> /// <param name="pointIdCode">据点识别码</param> /// <param name="authorIdCode">作者识别码</param> /// <param name="userIdCode">用户识别码</param> /// <param name="sidForAuthor">文章在作者名下的序号</param> /// <param name="keyword">搜索关键字</param> /// <returns>完整状态树</returns> public static async Task <Root> Locate(string state, [Injected] KeylolUserManager userManager, [Injected] KeylolDbContext dbContext, [Injected] CouponProvider coupon, [Injected] CachedDataProvider cachedData, string pointIdCode = null, string authorIdCode = null, string userIdCode = null, int sidForAuthor = 0, string keyword = null) { var root = new Root(); var currentUserId = StateTreeHelper.GetCurrentUserId(); var isOperator = StateTreeHelper.GetCurrentUser().IsInRole(KeylolRoles.Operator); if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(CurrentUser))) { var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(currentUserId); root.CurrentUser = await CurrentUser.CreateAsync(user, userManager, dbContext, coupon, cachedData); } switch (state) { case "entrance": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Auto, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "entrance.discovery": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Discovery, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "entrance.points": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Points, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "entrance.timeline": root.Entrance = await EntranceLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, States.Entrance.EntrancePage.Timeline, dbContext, cachedData); break; case "aggregation.point": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Auto, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.frontpage": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Frontpage, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.intel": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Intel, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.product": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Product, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.timeline": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.Timeline, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.edit.info": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.EditInfo, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.point.edit.style": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { Point = await PointLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, pointIdCode, States.Aggregation.Point.EntrancePage.EditStyle, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "aggregation.user": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Auto, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.dossier": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Dossier, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.people": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.People, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.timeline": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Timeline, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "aggregation.user.edit": root.Aggregation = new AggregationLevel { User = await UserLevel.CreateAsync(currentUserId, userIdCode, EntrancePage.Edit, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "content.article": root.Content = new ContentLevel { Article = await States.Content.Article.ArticlePage.CreateAsync(authorIdCode, sidForAuthor, currentUserId, isOperator, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "content.activity": root.Content = new ContentLevel { Activity = await ActivityPage.CreateAsync(authorIdCode, sidForAuthor, currentUserId, isOperator, dbContext, cachedData, userManager) }; break; case "post-office.unread": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { Unread = await UnreadPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } ; break; case "post-office.social-activity.comment": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { SocialActivity = new SocialActivityLevel { Comment = await CommentPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } } ; break; case "post-office.social-activity.like": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { SocialActivity = new SocialActivityLevel { Like = await LikePage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } } ; break; case "post-office.social-activity.subscriber": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { SocialActivity = new SocialActivityLevel { Subscriber = await SubscriberPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } } ; break; case "post-office.missive": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(PostOffice))) { root.PostOffice = new PostOfficeLevel { Missive = await MissivePage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } ; break; case "coupon.detail": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(Coupon))) { root.Coupon = new CouponLevel { Detail = await DetailPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, userManager) } } ; break; case "coupon.store": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(Coupon))) { root.Coupon = new CouponLevel { Store = await StorePage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData, userManager, coupon) } } ; break; case "coupon.ranking": if (await StateTreeHelper.CanAccessAsync <Root>(nameof(Coupon))) { root.Coupon = new CouponLevel { Ranking = await RankingPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, dbContext, cachedData) } } ; break; case "search.point": root.Search = new SearchLevel { Point = await PointPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, keyword, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "search.article": root.Search = new SearchLevel { Article = await ArticlePage.CreateAsync(keyword, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; case "search.user": root.Search = new SearchLevel { User = await UserPage.CreateAsync(currentUserId, keyword, dbContext, cachedData) }; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported state."); } return(root); }