public place[] getPlacesByKeyword(string str) { String sql = "from place p where "; int id = 1; { string cats = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str); IList <tags> c = ActiveRecordBase <tags> .FindAllByProperty("name", cats); if (c.Count > 0) { sql += " :p" + id + " in elements(p.tags) "; id = id + 1; sql += " or "; } } sql += " 1=0 "; sql += " ORDER BY p.prime_name ASC "; SimpleQuery <place> q = new SimpleQuery <place>(typeof(place), sql); id = 1; { string cats = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(str); IList <tags> c = ActiveRecordBase <tags> .FindAllByProperty("name", cats); if (c.Count > 0) { q.SetParameter("p" + id, c[0]); id = id + 1; } } place[] items = q.Execute(); return(items); }
public bool Perform(ExecuteWhen exec, IEngineContext context, IController controller, IControllerContext controllerContext) { var controllerBase = controller as ControllerBase; if (controllerBase == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The controller must derive from ControllerBase to use the AuthenticationFilter."); } var token = context.Session["token"] as Guid?; if (token.HasValue) { User user = ActiveRecordBase <User> .FindAllByProperty("Token", token).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { controllerBase.CurrentUser = user; controllerBase.PropertyBag["currentUser"] = user; return(true); } } context.Flash["notice"] = "You have been logged out due to inactivity."; context.Response.Redirect("Sessions", "New"); return(false); }
public void natetest() { //Authentication.authenticate(); users user = userService.getUserFull(); // IList<place> places = user.getUserPlaces(1, 5); // PropertyBag["places"] = places; IList <place> temp = new List <place>(); place[] erroredPlaces = ActiveRecordBase <place> .FindAllByProperty("outputError", true); PropertyBag["erroredPlaces"] = erroredPlaces; // PropertyBag["user"] = user; IList <users> activeUser = new List <users>(); users[] _authors = ActiveRecordBase <users> .FindAllByProperty("loggedin", true); foreach (users _author in _authors) { if (_author != null && _author.LastActive > DateTime.Today.AddHours(-1)) { activeUser.Add(_author); } } PropertyBag["activeUsers"] = activeUser; RenderView("../admin/splash"); }
public static object[] alias_exsits(String alias, String typeName) { object[] temp = new object[] { }; try { /* * the switch should be replaced. There has to be a way to * make the class for ActiveRecordBase<> be called by * (string)name */ string type = typeName.Replace("Controller", ""); switch (type) { case "place": { temp = ActiveRecordBase <place> .FindAllByProperty("alias", alias); break; } case "styles": { temp = ActiveRecordBase <styles> .FindAllByProperty("alias", alias); break; } case "view": { temp = ActiveRecordBase <map_views> .FindAllByProperty("alias", alias); break; } case "geometrics": { temp = ActiveRecordBase <geometrics> .FindAllByProperty("alias", alias); break; } } } catch { } return(temp); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the list of character relations of a character /// </summary> /// <param name="charLowId">The character Id</param> /// <returns>The list of relations of the character.</returns> public static BaseRelation[] GetByCharacterId(uint charLowId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRelationRecord> .FindAllByProperty( "_characterId", (long)charLowId) .Select( crr => RelationMgr.CreateRelation(crr)) .ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the list of character relations of a character /// </summary> /// <param name="charLowId">The character Id</param> /// <returns>The list of relations of the character.</returns> public static BaseRelation[] GetByCharacterId(uint charLowId) { return(((IEnumerable <CharacterRelationRecord>)ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRelationRecord> .FindAllByProperty( "_characterId", (object)(long)charLowId)) .Select <CharacterRelationRecord, BaseRelation>( (Func <CharacterRelationRecord, BaseRelation>)(crr => RelationMgr.CreateRelation(crr))) .ToArray <BaseRelation>()); }
/// <summary> /// Finds records based on a property value - automatically converts null values to IS NULL style queries. /// </summary> /// <param name="orderByColumn">The column name to be ordered ASC</param> /// <param name="property">A property name (not a column name)</param> /// <param name="value">The value to be equals to</param> /// <returns></returns> public T[] FindAllByProperty(String orderByColumn, String property, object value) { DetachedCriteria crit = DetachedCriteria.For <T>(); FiltraEmpresaEstab(crit); crit.Add(Expression.Eq(property, value)); crit.AddOrder(Order.Asc(orderByColumn)); return(ActiveRecordBase <T> .FindAllByProperty(orderByColumn, property, value)); }
public static Asda2FishingBook[] LoadAll(Character chr) { Asda2FishingBook[] allByProperty = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2FishingBook> .FindAllByProperty("OwnerId", (object)chr.EntityId.Low); foreach (Asda2FishingBook asda2FishingBook in allByProperty) { asda2FishingBook.InitAfterLoad(); } return(allByProperty); }
public static void Registro() { foreach (var archivo in ActiveRecordBase <ConsumoDto> .FindAllByProperty("Procesado", false)) { var documento = HelperPersona.GetPersona( archivo.Cuit, archivo.TipoCliente, archivo.RazonSocial, archivo.NombrePersona, archivo.NroDocumento, archivo.Empresa); var cliente = HelperCuenta.GetCuenta( archivo.Cuit, archivo.NroDocumento, archivo.Empresa); using (var transac = new TransactionScope()) try { var puntos = HelperPuntos.GetPuntos(archivo.Empresa, archivo.FechaHoraComprobante, archivo.ImportePesosNetoImpuestos); double acelerador = Double.Parse(archivo.Coeficiente) / 100; puntos = acelerador > 0 ? acelerador * puntos : puntos; var cuenta = new CuentaCorrienteDto { FechaCompra = archivo.FechaHoraComprobante.Date, HoraCompra = DateTime.Now, Key = new KeyCuenta { CodEmpresa = archivo.Empresa, NumeroComprobante = archivo.NroComprobante }, MontoCompra = archivo.ImportePesosNetoImpuestos, Movimiento = puntos >= 0 ? HelperMovimiento.FindMovimiento("Suma De Puntos") : HelperMovimiento.FindMovimiento("Anulación Carga"), NumeroDocumento = documento, NumeroCuenta = cliente, Puntos = puntos, Sucursal = HelperSucursal.GetSucursal(), Usuario = "web", Programa = archivo.Programa, Secretaria = archivo.Secretaria, Coeficiente = archivo.Coeficiente }; cuenta.Save(); transac.VoteCommit(); } catch (Exception ex) { archivo.Error = ex.Message; Log.Fatal(ex); transac.VoteRollBack(); } archivo.Procesado = true; archivo.Save(); } }
public static Asda2PetRecord[] LoadAll(Character owner) { Asda2PetRecord[] allByProperty = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2PetRecord> .FindAllByProperty("OwnerId", (object)owner.EntityId.Low); foreach (Asda2PetRecord asda2PetRecord in allByProperty) { asda2PetRecord.Init(owner); } return(allByProperty); }
public static Asda2MailMessage[] LoadAll(Character chr) { Asda2MailMessage[] allByProperty = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2MailMessage> .FindAllByProperty("RecieverId", (object)chr.EntityId.Low); foreach (Asda2MailMessage asda2MailMessage in allByProperty) { asda2MailMessage.Init(); } return(allByProperty); }
public static FunctionItemBuff[] LoadAll(Character chr) { FunctionItemBuff[] allByProperty = ActiveRecordBase <FunctionItemBuff> .FindAllByProperty("OwnerId", (object)chr.EntityId.Low); foreach (FunctionItemBuff functionItemBuff in allByProperty) { functionItemBuff.InitAfterLoad(); } return(allByProperty); }
public static SummonedPetRecord[] LoadSummonedPetRecords(uint ownerId) { try { return(ActiveRecordBase <SummonedPetRecord> .FindAllByProperty("_OwnerLowId", (object)(int)ownerId)); } catch (Exception ex) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); return(ActiveRecordBase <SummonedPetRecord> .FindAllByProperty("_OwnerLowId", (object)(int)ownerId)); } }
public static Asda2DonationItem[] LoadAll(Character chr) { Asda2DonationItem[] array = ((IEnumerable <Asda2DonationItem>)ActiveRecordBase <Asda2DonationItem> .FindAllByProperty("RecieverId", (object)chr.EntryId)).Where <Asda2DonationItem>((Func <Asda2DonationItem, bool>)(d => !d.Recived)) .ToArray <Asda2DonationItem>(); foreach (Asda2DonationItem asda2DonationItem in array) { asda2DonationItem.Init(); } return(array); }
/// <summary>Init a loaded Rank</summary> internal void InitRank() { this.m_BankTabRights = ActiveRecordBase <GuildBankTabRights> .FindAllByProperty("m_GuildRankId", (object)this._id); int length = this.m_BankTabRights.Length; Array.Resize <GuildBankTabRights>(ref this.m_BankTabRights, 6); for (int tabId = length; tabId < this.m_BankTabRights.Length; ++tabId) { this.m_BankTabRights[tabId] = new GuildBankTabRights(tabId, (uint)this._id); } }
/// <summary>Init a loaded Rank</summary> internal void InitRank() { m_BankTabRights = ActiveRecordBase <GuildBankTabRights> .FindAllByProperty("m_GuildRankId", _id); int length = m_BankTabRights.Length; Array.Resize(ref m_BankTabRights, 6); for (int tabId = length; tabId < m_BankTabRights.Length; ++tabId) { m_BankTabRights[tabId] = new GuildBankTabRights(tabId, (uint)_id); } }
public static List <Asda2FriendshipRecord> LoadAll(uint characterId) { Asda2FriendshipRecord[] allByProperty1 = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2FriendshipRecord> .FindAllByProperty("FirstCharacterAccId", (object)characterId); Asda2FriendshipRecord[] allByProperty2 = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2FriendshipRecord> .FindAllByProperty("SecondCharacterAccId", (object)characterId); List <Asda2FriendshipRecord> friendshipRecordList = new List <Asda2FriendshipRecord>(); friendshipRecordList.AddRange((IEnumerable <Asda2FriendshipRecord>)allByProperty1); friendshipRecordList.AddRange((IEnumerable <Asda2FriendshipRecord>)allByProperty2); return(friendshipRecordList); }
private static ParentescoDto GetParentesco(string desc) { var parentesco = ActiveRecordBase <ParentescoDto> .FindAllByProperty("Descripccion", desc); if (parentesco.Length > 0) { return(parentesco[0]); } var nuevo = new ParentescoDto(desc); nuevo.Save(); return(nuevo); }
/// <summary> </summary> public static appuser setUser() { String uname = getNid(); appuser user = null; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uname)) { try { user = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .FindAllByProperty("nid", uname).FirstOrDefault(); } catch { return(null); } } //HttpContext.Current.Session["you"] = user; return(user); }
public void aliasCheck(String alias) { IList <map_views> c = ActiveRecordBase <map_views> .FindAllByProperty("alias", alias); if (c.Count > 0) { RenderText("false"); } else { RenderText("true"); } return; }
public static List <Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord> GetSoulmateRecords(uint accId) { List <Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord> soulmateRelationRecordList = new List <Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord>(); Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord[] allByProperty1 = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord> .FindAllByProperty("AccId", accId); Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord[] allByProperty2 = ActiveRecordBase <Asda2SoulmateRelationRecord> .FindAllByProperty("RelatedAccId", accId); soulmateRelationRecordList.AddRange(allByProperty1); soulmateRelationRecordList.AddRange(allByProperty2); return(soulmateRelationRecordList); }
public bool placesExistByType(string type) { List <AbstractCriterion> baseEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); baseEx.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", ActiveRecordBase <status> .Find(3))); baseEx.Add(Expression.Gt("placeType", ActiveRecordBase <place_types> .FindAllByProperty("Name", type))); place[] places = ActiveRecordBase <place> .FindAll(baseEx.ToArray()); if (places.Length > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static MovimientoDto FindMovimiento(string desc) { var movimiento = ActiveRecordBase <MovimientoDto> .FindAllByProperty("Descripccion", desc); if (movimiento.Length > 0) { return(movimiento[0]); } var nuevo = new MovimientoDto(desc); nuevo.Save(); return(nuevo); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void admin() { appuser user = userService.getUserFull(); if (user != null) { IList <posting> events = user.getUserPostings(5); PropertyBag["events"] = events; IList <posting> temp = new List <posting>(); posting[] erroredEvents = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll().Where(x => x.outputError != null).ToArray(); PropertyBag["erroredEvents"] = erroredEvents; //PropertyBag["user"] = user; IList <appuser> activeUser = new List <appuser>(); appuser[] _users = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .FindAllByProperty("logedin", true); if (_users.ToList().Count > 0) { foreach (appuser _user in _users) { if (_user != null && _user.last_active > DateTime.Today.AddHours(-1)) { activeUser.Add(_user); } } PropertyBag["activeUsers"] = activeUser; } /*ExchangeService _service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1); * _service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("jeremy.bass", "bA03s17s82!"); * _service.AutodiscoverUrl("*****@*****.**");*/ IList <Appointment> tmp = new List <Appointment>(); /*CalendarView calendarView = new CalendarView(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(5)); * foreach (Appointment appointment in _service.FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, calendarView)) { * tmp.Add(appointment); * }*/ PropertyBag["ExchangeService"] = tmp; PropertyBag["activeUsers"] = activeUser; //PropertyBag["analytics"] = seoService.getGAAnalytics(); } //switch to the theme based one so there is customized dashboard RenderView("../admin/splash"); }
/// <summary>Gets the characters for the given account.</summary> /// <param name="account">the account</param> /// <returns>a collection of character objects of the characters on the given account</returns> public static CharacterRecord[] FindAllOfAccount(int accId) { CharacterRecord[] allByProperty; try { allByProperty = ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRecord> .FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", (object)accId); foreach (CharacterRecord characterRecord in allByProperty) { characterRecord.LoadItems(); } } catch (Exception ex) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); allByProperty = ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRecord> .FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", (object)accId); } return(allByProperty); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> internal GuildBank(Guild guild, bool isNew) { this.Guild = guild; this.BankLog = new GuildBankLog(this); if (isNew) { this.bankTabs = new GuildBankTab[1] { new GuildBankTab(this) { BankSlot = 0, Icon = "", Name = "Slot 0", Text = "" } }; } else { this.bankTabs = ActiveRecordBase <GuildBankTab> .FindAllByProperty("_guildId", (object)(int)guild.Id); this.BankLog.LoadLogs(); } }
public static GuildEventLogEntry[] FindAll(Guild guild) { return(ActiveRecordBase <GuildEventLogEntry> .FindAllByProperty("m_GuildId", (object)(int)guild.Id)); }
public static SpellRecord[] LoadAllRecordsFor(uint lowId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <SpellRecord> .FindAllByProperty("m_ownerId", (object)(int)lowId)); }
public void Update([ARDataBind("advertisement", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewInstanceIfInvalidKey)] advertisement advertisement, [ARDataBind("tags", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewInstanceIfInvalidKey)] tags[] tags, String[] newtag, [ARDataBind("images", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewInstanceIfInvalidKey)] media_repo[] images) { if (advertisement.HtmlText == null && (advertisement.Url == null && images.Length == 0)) { Flash["error"] = "You may not set a empty advertisment"; RedirectToReferrer(); return; } //string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(advertisement.limitAds); advertisement.Tags.Clear(); advertisement.Images.Clear(); try { if (newtag != null) { foreach (String oneTag in newtag) { if (oneTag != "") { tags t = new tags(); = oneTag; tags[] temp = ActiveRecordBase <tags> .FindAllByProperty("Name", oneTag); if (temp.Length == 0) { ActiveRecordMediator <tags> .Save(t); advertisement.Tags.Add(t); } } } } foreach (tags tag in tags) { if ( > 0) { advertisement.Tags.Add(tag); } } foreach (media_repo image in images) { if ( > 0) { advertisement.Images.Add(image); } } /*if ( == 0) * { * = 2; * }*/ ActiveRecordMediator <advertisement> .Save(advertisement); } catch (Exception ex) { Flash["error"] = ex.Message; Flash["advertisement"] = advertisement; } RedirectToAction("list"); }
public static PersistentSpellCategoryCooldown[] LoadCategoryCooldownsFor(uint lowId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <PersistentSpellCategoryCooldown> .FindAllByProperty("_charId", (object)(int)lowId)); }