/// <summary> Check if a folder has a BibID restriction ( i.e., incoming items must start with 'XYZ..' ) and then checks each package
        /// found in that folder has a valid BibID, or moves it to the failures folder </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
            // If this folder is limited on what BibID roots it accepts, check that now
            if (BuilderFolder.BibID_Roots_Restrictions.Length > 0)
                if ((Directory.Exists(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder)) && (Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder).Length > 0))
                    // Get the list of all packages in the processing folder
                    List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> packages = BuilderFolder.Packages_For_Processing;

                    // Step through each package
                    foreach (Incoming_Digital_Resource resource in packages)
                        string[] starts = BuilderFolder.BibID_Roots_Restrictions.Split("|,;".ToCharArray());
                        bool     okay   = starts.Any(ThisStart => resource.Folder_Name.IndexOf(ThisStart, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                        // If not okay.. it is a failure
                        if (!okay)
                            OnError("Package " + resource.Folder_Name + " has invalid BibID for " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " incoming folder ( " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " )", resource.BibID + ":" + resource.VID, "INCOMING", -1);

                            // Move this resource
                            if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.BibID + ":" + resource.VID, resource.METS_Type_String, -1);
        /// <summary> Check if a folder has a BibID restriction ( i.e., incoming items must start with 'XYZ..' ) and then checks each package
        /// found in that folder has a valid BibID, or moves it to the failures folder </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
            // If this folder is limited on what BibID roots it accepts, check that now
            if (BuilderFolder.BibID_Roots_Restrictions.Length > 0)
                if ((Directory.Exists(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder)) && (Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder).Length > 0))
                    // Get the list of all packages in the processing folder
                    List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> packages = BuilderFolder.Packages_For_Processing;

                    // Step through each package
                    foreach (Incoming_Digital_Resource resource in packages)
                        string[] starts = BuilderFolder.BibID_Roots_Restrictions.Split("|,;".ToCharArray());
                        bool okay = starts.Any(ThisStart => resource.Folder_Name.IndexOf(ThisStart, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

                        // If not okay.. it is a failure
                        if (!okay)
                            OnError("Package " + resource.Folder_Name + " has invalid BibID for " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " incoming folder ( " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " )", resource.BibID + ":" + resource.VID, "INCOMING", -1);

                            // Move this resource
                            if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.BibID + ":" + resource.VID, resource.METS_Type_String, -1);
        /// <summary> Check for appropriately aged folders and moves them into the related processing folder </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
                // Move all eligible packages from the FTP folders to the processing folders
                if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                    OnProcess("Worker_BulkLoader.Move_Appropriate_Inbound_Packages_To_Processing: Checking incoming folder " + BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                if (BuilderFolder.Items_Exist_In_Inbound)
                    if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                        OnProcess("Worker_BulkLoader.Move_Appropriate_Inbound_Packages_To_Processing: Found either files or subdirectories in " + BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                        OnProcess("Checking inbound packages for aging and possibly moving to processing", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    String outMessage;
                    if (!BuilderFolder.Move_From_Inbound_To_Processing(out outMessage))
                        if (outMessage.Length > 0) OnError(outMessage, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        OnError("Unspecified error moving files from inbound to processing", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        if ((Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag) && (outMessage.Length > 0))
                            OnProcess(outMessage, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    // Try to get rid of any empty folders
                        string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder);
                        foreach (string thisSubdir in subdirs)
                            if ((Directory.GetFiles(thisSubdir).Length == 0) && (Directory.GetDirectories(thisSubdir).Length == 0))
                    catch {  }

                else if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                    OnProcess("Worker_BulkLoader.Move_Appropriate_Inbound_Packages_To_Processing: No subdirectories or files found in incoming folder " + BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("Error in harvesting packages from inbound folders to processing\n" + ee.Message, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
        /// <summary> Check for folders that are not named in BibID or BibiD/VID format and do not have metadata.  For 
        /// these items, creates a BibID/VID folder with minimal metadata from the folder name.  </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
            string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder);
            foreach ( string thisSubDir in subdirs)
                    string thisSubDirName = (new DirectoryInfo(thisSubDir)).Name;

                    // Must have some files to continue
                    if (Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir).Length == 0)

                    // Need to check if this MAY be a valid BibID.
                    // Need to make this a bit more specific in the future, as it will skip ANY folders
                    // that are ten digits long right now.
                    if ((thisSubDir.Length == 10) || ((thisSubDir.Length == 16) && (thisSubDirName[0] == '_')))

                    // Look for a METS file or any source of metadata in the folder
                    if ((Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir, "*.mets").Length > 0) || (Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir, "*.xml").Length > 0))

                    // Clean any additional periods in the filenames first
                    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir);
                    foreach (string thisFile in allFiles)
                        string fileName = Path.GetFileName(thisFile);
                        if (Regex.Matches(fileName, "\\.").Count > 1)
                            string newFileName = fileName;
                            while (Regex.Matches(newFileName, "\\.").Count > 1)
                                char[] charArr = newFileName.ToCharArray();
                                charArr[newFileName.IndexOf(".")] = '_'; // freely modify the array
                                newFileName = new string(charArr);

                            File.Move(thisFile, Path.Combine(thisSubDir, newFileName));

                    // Create the new object
                    SobekCM_Item newItem = new SobekCM_Item();
                    newItem.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type = TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.Archival;
                    newItem.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title = thisSubDirName;
                    newItem.Bib_Info.Source.Code = Arguments[1];
                    newItem.Bib_Info.Source.Statement = Arguments[2];
                    newItem.BibID = Arguments[0];
                    newItem.VID = "00001";

                    // Save this item, for the necessary bibid
                    SobekCM_Item_Database.Save_New_Digital_Resource(newItem, false, false, "Builder", "Created BibID folder from '" + thisSubDirName + "'", -1);

                    string newFolderName = newItem.BibID + "_" + newItem.VID;
                    string newFolder = Path.Combine(BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, newFolderName);
                    Directory.Move(thisSubDir, newFolder);

                    newItem.Source_Directory = newFolder;
                catch (Exception ee)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error moving directory " + ee.Message);
예제 #5
        /// <summary> Check for folders that are not named in BibID or BibiD/VID format and do not have metadata.  For
        /// these items, creates a BibID/VID folder with minimal metadata from the folder name.  </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
            string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder);
            foreach (string thisSubDir in subdirs)
                    string thisSubDirName = (new DirectoryInfo(thisSubDir)).Name;

                    // Must have some files to continue
                    if (Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir).Length == 0)

                    // Need to check if this MAY be a valid BibID.
                    // Need to make this a bit more specific in the future, as it will skip ANY folders
                    // that are ten digits long right now.
                    if ((thisSubDir.Length == 10) || ((thisSubDir.Length == 16) && (thisSubDirName[0] == '_')))

                    // Look for a METS file or any source of metadata in the folder
                    if ((Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir, "*.mets").Length > 0) || (Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir, "*.xml").Length > 0))

                    // Clean any additional periods in the filenames first
                    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(thisSubDir);
                    foreach (string thisFile in allFiles)
                        string fileName = Path.GetFileName(thisFile);
                        if (Regex.Matches(fileName, "\\.").Count > 1)
                            string newFileName = fileName;
                            while (Regex.Matches(newFileName, "\\.").Count > 1)
                                char[] charArr = newFileName.ToCharArray();
                                charArr[newFileName.IndexOf(".")] = '_'; // freely modify the array
                                newFileName = new string(charArr);

                            File.Move(thisFile, Path.Combine(thisSubDir, newFileName));

                    // Create the new object
                    SobekCM_Item newItem = new SobekCM_Item();
                    newItem.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type     = TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.Archival;
                    newItem.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title = thisSubDirName;
                    newItem.Bib_Info.Source.Code      = Arguments[1];
                    newItem.Bib_Info.Source.Statement = Arguments[2];
                    newItem.BibID = Arguments[0];
                    newItem.VID   = "00001";

                    // Save this item, for the necessary bibid
                    SobekCM_Item_Database.Save_New_Digital_Resource(newItem, false, false, "Builder", "Created BibID folder from '" + thisSubDirName + "'", -1);

                    string newFolderName = newItem.BibID + "_" + newItem.VID;
                    string newFolder     = Path.Combine(BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, newFolderName);
                    Directory.Move(thisSubDir, newFolder);

                    newItem.Source_Directory = newFolder;
                catch (Exception ee)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error moving directory " + ee.Message);
        /// <summary> Validates the metadata for each folder and classified as package either adding 
        /// a new item or updating an existing item versus a package requesting a delete </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
            if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                OnProcess("ValidateAndClassifyModule.Perform_BulkLoader: Begin validating and classifying packages in incoming/process folders", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

            // If the maximum number of (incoming, non-delete) packages have already been set aside to process, no need to continue on this folder
            if ((MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit > 0) && (IncomingPackages.Count >= MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit))
                OnProcess("...Package validation aborted - maximum number of packages ( " + MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit + " ) reached", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                // Only continue if the processing folder exists and has subdirectories
                if ((Directory.Exists(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder)) && (Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder).Length > 0))
                    // Get the list of all packages in the processing folder
                    if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                        OnProcess("....Validate packages for " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> packages = BuilderFolder.Packages_For_Processing;
                    if (packages.Count > 0)
                        // Create the METS validation objects
                        if (thisMetsValidator == null)
                            if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                                OnProcess("ValidateAndClassifyModule.Constructor: Created Validators", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                            thisMetsValidator = new SobekCM_METS_Validator(String.Empty);
                            metsSchemeValidator = new METS_Validator_Object(false);

                        // Step through each package
                        foreach (Incoming_Digital_Resource resource in packages)
                            // Validate the categorize the package
                            if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                                OnProcess("........Checking '" + resource.Folder_Name + "'", "Verbose", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), String.Empty, -1);

                            // If there is no METS file, use special code to check this
                            if (Directory.GetFiles(resource.Resource_Folder, "*.mets*").Length == 0)
                                DirectoryInfo noMetsDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(resource.Resource_Folder);
                                string vid = noMetsDirInfo.Name;
                                if (noMetsDirInfo.Parent != null) // Should never be null
                                    string bibid = noMetsDirInfo.Parent.Name;
                                    if ((vid.Length == 16) && (vid[10] == '_'))
                                        bibid = vid.Substring(0, 10);
                                        vid = vid.Substring(11, 5);

                                    // Is this allowed in this incomnig folder?
                                    if (BuilderFolder.Allow_Folders_No_Metadata)
                                        if (itemTable == null)
                                            DataSet itemListFromDb = SobekCM_Database.Get_Item_List(true, null);

                                            // Reload the settings
                                            if (itemListFromDb == null)
                                                OnError("ValidateAndClassifyModule : Unable to pull the item table from the database", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                                            // Save the item table
                                            itemTable = itemListFromDb.Tables[0];

                                        DataRow[] selected = itemTable.Select("BibID='" + bibid + "' and VID='" + vid + "'");
                                        if (selected.Length > 0)
                                            resource.BibID = bibid;
                                            resource.VID = vid;
                                            resource.Resource_Type = Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.FOLDER_OF_FILES;
                                            OnError("METS-less folder is not a valid BibID/VID combination", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);

                                            // Move this resource
                                            if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                                OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);
                                        OnError("METS-less folders are not allowed in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, bibid + ":" + vid, "NONE", -1);

                                        // Move this resource
                                        if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                            OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);
                                long validateId = OnProcess("....Validating METS file for " + resource.Folder_Name, "Folder Process", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "UNKNOWN", -1);
                                string validation_errors = Validate_and_Read_METS(resource, thisMetsValidator, metsSchemeValidator);

                                // Save any errors to the main log
                                if (validation_errors.Length > 0)
                                    // Save the validation errors to the main log
                                    Save_Validation_Errors_To_Log(validation_errors, resource.Source_Folder.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), validateId);

                                    // Move this resource
                                    if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                        OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);
                                    // Categorize remaining packages by type
                                    switch (resource.Resource_Type)
                                        case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.PARTIAL_PACKAGE:
                                        case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.COMPLETE_PACKAGE:

                                        case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.METADATA_UPDATE:
                                            if (BuilderFolder.Allow_Metadata_Updates)
                                                OnError("Metadata update is not allowed in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "METADATA UPDATE", -1);

                                                // Move this resource
                                                if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                                    OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " to failures", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), String.Empty, -1);

                                        case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.DELETE:
                                            if (BuilderFolder.Allow_Deletes)
                                                OnError("Delete is not allowed in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "DELETE", -1);

                                                // Move this resource
                                                if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                                    OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " to failures", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), String.Empty, -1);

                            // If the maximum number of (incoming, non-delete) packages has now been met, no need to classify anymore
                            if ((MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit > 0) && (IncomingPackages.Count >= MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit))
                                OnProcess("...Package validation aborted - maximum number of packages ( " + MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit + " ) reached", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("Error in harvesting packages from processing : " + ee.Message + "\n" + ee.StackTrace , String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
 /// <summary> Method performs the work of the folder-level builder module </summary>
 /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
 /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
 /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
 public abstract void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes);
예제 #8
        /// <summary> Check for appropriately aged folders and moves them into the related processing folder </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
                // Move all eligible packages from the FTP folders to the processing folders
                if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                    OnProcess("Worker_BulkLoader.Move_Appropriate_Inbound_Packages_To_Processing: Checking incoming folder " + BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                if (BuilderFolder.Items_Exist_In_Inbound)
                    if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                        OnProcess("Worker_BulkLoader.Move_Appropriate_Inbound_Packages_To_Processing: Found either files or subdirectories in " + BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                        OnProcess("Checking inbound packages for aging and possibly moving to processing", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    String outMessage;
                    if (!BuilderFolder.Move_From_Inbound_To_Processing(Settings, out outMessage))
                        if (outMessage.Length > 0)
                            OnError(outMessage, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        OnError("Unspecified error moving files from inbound to processing", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        if ((Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag) && (outMessage.Length > 0))
                            OnProcess(outMessage, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    // Try to get rid of any empty folders
                        string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder);
                        foreach (string thisSubdir in subdirs)
                            if ((Directory.GetFiles(thisSubdir).Length == 0) && (Directory.GetDirectories(thisSubdir).Length == 0))
                    catch {  }
                else if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                    OnProcess("Worker_BulkLoader.Move_Appropriate_Inbound_Packages_To_Processing: No subdirectories or files found in incoming folder " + BuilderFolder.Inbound_Folder, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("Error in harvesting packages from inbound folders to processing\n" + ee.Message, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
        /// <summary> Validates the metadata for each folder and classified as package either adding
        /// a new item or updating an existing item versus a package requesting a delete </summary>
        /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
        /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
        /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
            if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                OnProcess("ValidateAndClassifyModule.Perform_BulkLoader: Begin validating and classifying packages in incoming/process folders", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

            // If the maximum number of (incoming, non-delete) packages have already been set aside to process, no need to continue on this folder
            if ((MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit > 0) && (IncomingPackages.Count >= MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit))
                OnProcess("...Package validation aborted - maximum number of packages ( " + MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit + " ) reached", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                // Only continue if the processing folder exists and has subdirectories
                if ((Directory.Exists(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder)) && (Directory.GetDirectories(BuilderFolder.Processing_Folder).Length > 0))
                    // Get the list of all packages in the processing folder
                    if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                        OnProcess("....Validate packages for " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                    List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> packages = BuilderFolder.Packages_For_Processing;
                    if (packages.Count > 0)
                        // Create the METS validation objects
                        if (thisMetsValidator == null)
                            if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                                OnProcess("ValidateAndClassifyModule.Constructor: Created Validators", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                            thisMetsValidator   = new SobekCM_METS_Validator(String.Empty);
                            metsSchemeValidator = new METS_Validator_Object(false);

                        // Step through each package
                        foreach (Incoming_Digital_Resource resource in packages)
                            // Validate the categorize the package
                            if (Settings.Builder.Verbose_Flag)
                                OnProcess("........Checking '" + resource.Folder_Name + "'", "Verbose", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), String.Empty, -1);

                            // If there is no METS file, use special code to check this
                            if (Directory.GetFiles(resource.Resource_Folder, "*.mets*").Length == 0)
                                DirectoryInfo noMetsDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(resource.Resource_Folder);
                                string        vid           = noMetsDirInfo.Name;
                                if (noMetsDirInfo.Parent != null) // Should never be null
                                    string bibid = noMetsDirInfo.Parent.Name;
                                    if ((vid.Length == 16) && (vid[10] == '_'))
                                        bibid = vid.Substring(0, 10);
                                        vid   = vid.Substring(11, 5);

                                    // Is this allowed in this incomnig folder?
                                    if (BuilderFolder.Allow_Folders_No_Metadata)
                                        if (itemTable == null)
                                            DataSet itemListFromDb = Engine_Library.Database.Engine_Database.Item_List(true, null);

                                            // Reload the settings
                                            if (itemListFromDb == null)
                                                OnError("ValidateAndClassifyModule : Unable to pull the item table from the database", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                                            // Save the item table
                                            itemTable = itemListFromDb.Tables[0];

                                        DataRow[] selected = itemTable.Select("BibID='" + bibid + "' and VID='" + vid + "'");
                                        if (selected.Length > 0)
                                            resource.BibID         = bibid;
                                            resource.VID           = vid;
                                            resource.Resource_Type = Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.FOLDER_OF_FILES;
                                            OnError("METS-less folder is not a valid BibID/VID combination", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);

                                            // Move this resource
                                            if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                                OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);
                                        OnError("METS-less folders are not allowed in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, bibid + ":" + vid, "NONE", -1);

                                        // Move this resource
                                        if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                            OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);
                                long   validateId        = OnProcess("....Validating METS file for " + resource.Folder_Name, "Folder Process", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "UNKNOWN", -1);
                                string validation_errors = Validate_and_Read_METS(resource, thisMetsValidator, metsSchemeValidator);

                                // Save any errors to the main log
                                if (validation_errors.Length > 0)
                                    // Save the validation errors to the main log
                                    Save_Validation_Errors_To_Log(validation_errors, resource.Source_Folder.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), validateId);

                                    // Move this resource
                                    if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                        OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name + " to the failures folder", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "NONE", -1);
                                    // Categorize remaining packages by type
                                    switch (resource.Resource_Type)
                                    case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.PARTIAL_PACKAGE:
                                    case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.COMPLETE_PACKAGE:

                                    case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.METADATA_UPDATE:
                                        if (BuilderFolder.Allow_Metadata_Updates)
                                            OnError("Metadata update is not allowed in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "METADATA UPDATE", -1);

                                            // Move this resource
                                            if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                                OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " to failures", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), String.Empty, -1);

                                    case Incoming_Digital_Resource.Incoming_Digital_Resource_Type.DELETE:
                                        if (BuilderFolder.Allow_Deletes)
                                            OnError("Delete is not allowed in " + BuilderFolder.Folder_Name, resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "DELETE", -1);

                                            // Move this resource
                                            if (!resource.Move(BuilderFolder.Failures_Folder))
                                                OnError("Unable to move folder " + resource.Folder_Name + " to failures", resource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), String.Empty, -1);

                            // If the maximum number of (incoming, non-delete) packages has now been met, no need to classify anymore
                            if ((MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit > 0) && (IncomingPackages.Count >= MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit))
                                OnProcess("...Package validation aborted - maximum number of packages ( " + MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instance_Package_Limit + " ) reached", "Verbose", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("Error in harvesting packages from processing : " + ee.Message + "\n" + ee.StackTrace, String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
예제 #10
 /// <summary> Method performs the work of the folder-level builder module </summary>
 /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
 /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
 /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
 public abstract void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes);
 /// <summary> Check if there are very large JPEGs which should be converted to TIFF for JPEG2000 and smaller JPEG creation </summary>
 /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
 /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
 /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
 public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List <Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 /// <summary> Check if there are very large JPEGs which should be converted to TIFF for JPEG2000 and smaller JPEG creation </summary>
 /// <param name="BuilderFolder"> Builder folder upon which to perform all work </param>
 /// <param name="IncomingPackages"> List of valid incoming packages, which may be modified by this process </param>
 /// <param name="Deletes"> List of valid deletes, which may be modifyed by this process </param>
 public override void DoWork(Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder BuilderFolder, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> IncomingPackages, List<Incoming_Digital_Resource> Deletes)
     throw new NotImplementedException();