public static Action_Type MapBuildingToAction(Building.Building_Type bt) { Action_Type at_ = Action_Type.NOTHING; switch (bt) { case Building.Building_Type.Dwelling: at_ = Action_Type.Build_Dwelling; break; case Building.Building_Type.Trading_Post: at_ = Action_Type.Build_TP; break; case Building.Building_Type.Stronghold: at_ = Action_Type.Build_Stronghold; break; case Building.Building_Type.Temple: at_ = Action_Type.Build_Temple; break; case Building.Building_Type.Sanctuary: at_ = Action_Type.Build_Sanctuary; break; } return(at_); }
//Point bonus with varying points given. public PointBonus(Action_Type at_, int[] pointBonus_) { PointBonusAr = pointBonus_; pointBonus = 1; at = at_; Array = true; }
/// <summary> /// 新增,刪除,修改 A96 最後交易日 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public MSGReturnModel saveA96Trade(A96TradeViewModel data, Action_Type type) { MSGReturnModel result = new MSGReturnModel(); result.RETURN_FLAG = false; using (IFRS9DBEntities db = new IFRS9DBEntities()) { var reportDate = TypeTransfer.stringToDateTime(data.Report_Date); if (type == Action_Type.Add) { db.Bond_Spread_Trade_Info.Add( new Bond_Spread_Trade_Info() { Report_Date = reportDate, Last_Date = TypeTransfer.stringToDateTime(data.Last_Date), Create_User = _UserInfo._user, Create_Date = _UserInfo._date, Create_Time = _UserInfo._time, LastUpdate_User = _UserInfo._user, LastUpdate_Date = _UserInfo._date, LastUpdate_Time = _UserInfo._time }); result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.save_Success.GetDescription(); } else if (type == Action_Type.Dele) { db.Bond_Spread_Trade_Info.Remove(db.Bond_Spread_Trade_Info.First(x => x.Report_Date == reportDate)); result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.delete_Success.GetDescription(); } else if (type == Action_Type.Edit) { var _trade = db.Bond_Spread_Trade_Info.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Report_Date == reportDate); if (_trade != null) { _trade.Last_Date = TypeTransfer.stringToDateTime(data.Last_Date); _trade.LastUpdate_User = _UserInfo._user; _trade.LastUpdate_Date = _UserInfo._date; _trade.LastUpdate_Time = _UserInfo._time; } result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.save_Success.GetDescription(); } try { db.SaveChanges(); result.RETURN_FLAG = true; } catch (Exception ex) { result.DESCRIPTION = ex.exceptionMessage(); } } return(result); }
public static Action_Type verify_action(Action_Type allowed, Action_Type attempted) { if ((allowed & attempted) != 0) { return(attempted); } else { attempted &= 0x0; } return(attempted); }
/// <summary> /// save A95_1 (產業別對應Ticker補登檔) /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public MSGReturnModel saveA95_1(A95_1ViewModel data, Action_Type type) { MSGReturnModel result = new MSGReturnModel(); result.RETURN_FLAG = false; var _tableName = Table_Type.A95_1.tableNameGetDescription(); if (data == null || data.Bond_Number.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.parameter_Error.GetDescription(_tableName); return(result); } using (IFRS9DBEntities db = new IFRS9DBEntities()) { if ((type & Action_Type.Edit) == Action_Type.Edit) { var _edit = db.Assessment_Sub_Kind_Ticker.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Bond_Number == data.Bond_Number); if (_edit == null) { result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.already_Change.GetDescription(_tableName); return(result); } _edit.Bloomberg_Ticker = data.Bloomberg_Ticker; _edit.Security_Des = data.Security_Des; _edit.LastUpdate_User = _UserInfo._user; _edit.LastUpdate_Date = _UserInfo._date; _edit.LastUpdate_Time = _UserInfo._time; result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.update_Success.GetDescription(_tableName); } else if ((type & Action_Type.Dele) == Action_Type.Dele) { var _dele = db.Assessment_Sub_Kind_Ticker.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Bond_Number == data.Bond_Number); if (_dele == null) { result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.already_Change.GetDescription(_tableName); return(result); } db.Assessment_Sub_Kind_Ticker.Remove(_dele); result.DESCRIPTION = Message_Type.delete_Success.GetDescription(_tableName); } try { db.SaveChanges(); result.RETURN_FLAG = true; } catch (DbUpdateException ex) { result.DESCRIPTION = ex.exceptionMessage(); } } return(result); }
public JsonResult saveA96Trade(A96TradeViewModel data, string action, string reportDate) { MSGReturnModel result = new MSGReturnModel(); Action_Type _action = EnumUtil.GetValues <Action_Type>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToString() == action); DateTime?dt = null; DateTime _dt = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateTime.TryParse(reportDate, out _dt)) { dt = _dt; } result = A9Repository.saveA96Trade(data, _action); if (result.RETURN_FLAG) { var datas = A9Repository.getA96Trade(dt); Cache.Invalidate(CacheList.A96TradeDbfileData); //清除 Cache.Set(CacheList.A96TradeDbfileData, datas); //把資料存到 Cache } return(Json(result)); }
public static Building.Building_Type MapActionToBuilding(Action_Type at_) { Building.Building_Type bt = Building.Building_Type.NOTHING; switch (at_) { case Action_Type.Have_Dwelling: bt = Building.Building_Type.Dwelling; break; case Action_Type.Have_TP: bt = Building.Building_Type.Trading_Post; break; case Action_Type.Have_Temple: bt = Building.Building_Type.Temple; break; case Action_Type.Have_Sanctuary: bt = Building.Building_Type.Sanctuary; break; case Action_Type.Have_Stronghold: bt = Building.Building_Type.Stronghold; break; } return(bt); }
public void SetAction(Action_Type a) { action = a; }
void Update() { //avoid capturing key events twice if (global_index != last_global_index) { last_global_index = global_index; return; } if (index == global_index || (index == global_count - 1 && global_index == global_count)) { //Select Tracker if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha8)) { global_index++; if (global_index > global_count) { global_index = 0; } tracker.ApplyTracking = savedApply; tracker.ShowDebug = savedDebug; } } if (index == global_index && tracker != null) { Action_Type priorState = state; //Save to prefab if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha9)) { sensorPosition = tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition; sensorRotation = tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation; if (Camera.main != null) { fieldOfView = Camera.main.fieldOfView; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0)) { tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = sensorPosition; tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation = sensorRotation; if (Camera.main != null) { Camera.main.fieldOfView = fieldOfView; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus)) { gain -= 1; if (gain <= 0) { gain = 1; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Equals)) { gain += 1; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I)) { if (state == Action_Type.FieldOfView) { state = Action_Type.None; } else { state = Action_Type.FieldOfView; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) { if (state == Action_Type.Rotate) { state = Action_Type.None; } else { state = Action_Type.Rotate; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { if (state == Action_Type.XYAxis) { state = Action_Type.None; } else { state = Action_Type.XYAxis; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket)) { if (state == Action_Type.XZAxis) { state = Action_Type.None; } else { state = Action_Type.XZAxis; } } if (priorState == Action_Type.None && (int)state > 0) { savedApply = tracker.ApplyTracking; savedDebug = tracker.ShowDebug; if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) { tracker.ApplyTracking = VRPNTracker.Transform_Type.None; } trackerPosition = tracker.GetPosition(); trackerRotation = tracker.GetRotation(); tracker.ShowDebug = true; } else if (state != priorState) { tracker.ApplyTracking = savedApply; tracker.ShowDebug = savedDebug; } if (state == Action_Type.FieldOfView) { float fov = Camera.main.fieldOfView; fov += gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); if (Camera.main != null) { Camera.main.fieldOfView = fov; if (plane != null) { Vector3 pos = plane.localPosition; pos.z = (float)(5.0 * plane.localScale.z / Math.Tan(Math.PI * (double)fov / 360.0f)); plane.localPosition = pos; } } } else if (state == Action_Type.Rotate) { if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) { tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(trackerRotation) * tracker.GetRotation(); tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation *= sensorRotation; } else { Vector3 right = tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation * Vector3.right; Vector3 up = tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation * Vector3.up; Quaternion mouseXRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"), up); Quaternion mouseYRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"), right); tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation *= mouseXRotation * mouseYRotation; } } else if (state == Action_Type.XYAxis) { if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) { Vector3 pos = tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition; pos.x += gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); pos.y += gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = pos; } else { tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = tracker.GetPosition() - trackerPosition; } } else if (state == Action_Type.XZAxis) { if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) { Vector3 pos = tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition; pos.x += gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); pos.z += gain * 0.01f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = pos; } else { tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = tracker.GetPosition() - trackerPosition; } } } }
void Update () { //avoid capturing key events twice if (global_index != last_global_index) { last_global_index = global_index; return; } if (index == global_index || (index == global_count-1 && global_index == global_count)) { //Select Tracker if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha8)) { global_index++; if (global_index > global_count) global_index = 0; tracker.ApplyTracking = savedApply; tracker.ShowDebug = savedDebug; } } if (index == global_index && tracker != null) { Action_Type priorState = state; //Save to prefab if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha9)) { sensorPosition = tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition; sensorRotation = tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation; if (Camera.main != null) fieldOfView = Camera.main.fieldOfView; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0)) { tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = sensorPosition; tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation = sensorRotation; if (Camera.main != null) Camera.main.fieldOfView = fieldOfView; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus)) { gain -= 1; if (gain <= 0) gain = 1; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Equals)) { gain += 1; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I)) { if (state == Action_Type.FieldOfView) state = Action_Type.None; else state = Action_Type.FieldOfView; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) { if (state == Action_Type.Rotate) state = Action_Type.None; else state = Action_Type.Rotate; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { if (state == Action_Type.XYAxis) state = Action_Type.None; else state = Action_Type.XYAxis; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket)) { if (state == Action_Type.XZAxis) state = Action_Type.None; else state = Action_Type.XZAxis; } if (priorState == Action_Type.None && (int)state > 0) { savedApply = tracker.ApplyTracking; savedDebug = tracker.ShowDebug; //if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) // tracker.ApplyTracking = VRPNTracker.Transform_Type.None; trackerPosition = tracker.GetPosition(); trackerRotation = tracker.GetRotation(); tracker.ShowDebug = true; } else if (state != priorState) { tracker.ApplyTracking = savedApply; tracker.ShowDebug = savedDebug; } if (state == Action_Type.FieldOfView) { float fov = Camera.main.fieldOfView; fov += gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); if (Camera.main != null) { Camera.main.fieldOfView = fov; if (plane != null) { Vector3 pos = plane.localPosition; pos.z = (float)(5.0*plane.localScale.z/Math.Tan(Math.PI*(double)fov/360.0f)); plane.localPosition = pos; } } } else if (state == Action_Type.Rotate) { //if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) //{ // tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(trackerRotation)*tracker.GetRotation(); // tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation *= sensorRotation; //} //else //{ // Vector3 right = tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation * Vector3.right; // Vector3 up = tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation * Vector3.up; // Quaternion mouseXRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"),up); // Quaternion mouseYRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"),right); // tracker.SensorOffset.localRotation *= mouseXRotation * mouseYRotation; //} } else if (state == Action_Type.XYAxis) { //if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) //{ // Vector3 pos = tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition; // pos.x += gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); // pos.y += gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); // tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = pos; //} //else // tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = tracker.GetPosition() - trackerPosition; } else if (state == Action_Type.XZAxis) { //if (tracker.TrackerType == VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode) //{ // Vector3 pos = tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition; // pos.x += gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); // pos.z += gain*0.01f*Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); // tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = pos; //} //else // tracker.SensorOffset.localPosition = tracker.GetPosition() - trackerPosition; } } }
/** * Returns true if the Action_Type is classified as a reactive action */ public static bool CheckReactive(Action_Type at_) { return((int)at_ <= 7); //5 and below are all reactive }
public bool Equals(Action_Type at_) { return((int)at == (int)at_); }
//Default point bonus public PointBonus(Action_Type at_, int pointBonus_) { pointBonus = pointBonus_; at = at_; Array = false; }