protected override ActorAction SelectAction(RogueGame game, List <Percept> percepts) { List <Percept> mapPercepts = FilterSameMap(game, percepts); /////////////////////// // 1. Follow order // 2. Normal behavior. /////////////////////// // 1. Follow order #region if (this.Order != null) { ActorAction orderAction = ExecuteOrder(game, this.Order, mapPercepts); if (orderAction == null) { SetOrder(null); } else { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FOLLOWING_ORDER; return(orderAction); } } #endregion // 2. Normal behavior. #region ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEHAVIOR // - FLAGS // "courageous" : has leader, see leader, he is fighting and actor not tired. // - RULES // 0 run away from primed explosives. // 1 throw grenades at enemies. // 2 equip weapon/armor // 3 fire at nearest (always if has leader, half of the time if not) - check directives // 4 fight or flee, shout // 5 use medicine // 6 rest if tired // 7 charge enemy if courageous // 8 eat when hungry (also eat corpses) // 9 sleep when almost sleepy and safe. // 10 drop light/tracker with no batteries // 11 equip light/tracker/scent spray // 12 make room for food items if needed. // 13 get nearby item/trade (not if seeing enemy) - check directives. // 14 if hungry and no food, charge at people for food (option, not follower or law enforcer) // 15 use stench killer. // 16 close door behind me. // 17 use entertainment // 18 follow leader. // 19 take lead (if leadership) // 20 if hungry, tear down barricades & push objects. // 21 go revive corpse. // 22 use exit. // 23 build trap or fortification. // 24 tell friend about latest raid. // 25 tell friend about latest friendly soldier. // 26 tell friend about latest enemy. // 27 tell friend about latest items. // 28 (law enforcer) watch for murderers. // 29 (leader) don't leave followers behind. // 30 explore. // 31 wander. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // don't run by default. m_Actor.IsRunning = false; // get data. List <Percept> enemies = FilterEnemies(game, mapPercepts); bool hasEnemies = enemies != null && enemies.Count > 0; bool checkOurLeader = m_Actor.HasLeader && !DontFollowLeader; bool seeLeader = checkOurLeader && m_LOSSensor.FOV.Contains(m_Actor.Leader.Location.Position); bool isLeaderFighting = checkOurLeader && IsAdjacentToEnemy(game, m_Actor.Leader); bool isCourageous = checkOurLeader && seeLeader && isLeaderFighting && !game.Rules.IsActorTired(m_Actor); // safety counter. if (hasEnemies) { m_SafeTurns = 0; } else { ++m_SafeTurns; } // exploration. m_Exploration.Update(m_Actor.Location); // clear taboo tiles : periodically or when changing maps. if (m_Actor.Location.Map.LocalTime.TurnCounter % WorldTime.TURNS_PER_HOUR == 0 || (PrevLocation != null && PrevLocation.Map != m_Actor.Location.Map)) { ClearTabooTiles(); } // clear trades. if (m_Actor.Location.Map.LocalTime.TurnCounter % WorldTime.TURNS_PER_DAY == 0) { ClearTabooTrades(); } // last enemy saw. if (hasEnemies) { m_LastEnemySaw = enemies[game.Rules.Roll(0, enemies.Count)]; } // 0 run away from primed explosives. #region ActorAction runFromExplosives = BehaviorFleeFromExplosives(game, FilterStacks(game, mapPercepts)); if (runFromExplosives != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FLEEING_FROM_EXPLOSIVE; return(runFromExplosives); } #endregion // 1 throw grenades at enemies. #region // if directive off, unequip. if (!this.Directives.CanThrowGrenades) { // unequip grenade? ItemGrenade eqGrenade = m_Actor.GetEquippedWeapon() as ItemGrenade; if (eqGrenade != null) { ActionUnequipItem unequipGre = new ActionUnequipItem(m_Actor, game, eqGrenade); if (unequipGre.IsLegal()) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(unequipGre); } } } // throw? if (hasEnemies) { ActorAction throwAction = BehaviorThrowGrenade(game, m_LOSSensor.FOV, enemies); if (throwAction != null) { return(throwAction); } } #endregion // 2 equip weapon/armor #region ActorAction equipWpnAction = BehaviorEquipWeapon(game); if (equipWpnAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(equipWpnAction); } ActorAction equipArmAction = BehaviorEquipBodyArmor(game); if (equipArmAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(equipArmAction); } #endregion // 3 fire at nearest enemy #region if (hasEnemies && this.Directives.CanFireWeapons && m_Actor.GetEquippedWeapon() is ItemRangedWeapon) { List <Percept> fireTargets = FilterFireTargets(game, enemies); if (fireTargets != null) { Percept nearestTarget = FilterNearest(game, fireTargets); Actor target = nearestTarget.Percepted as Actor; // flee contact from someone SLOWER with no ranged weapon. if (game.Rules.GridDistance(nearestTarget.Location.Position, m_Actor.Location.Position) == 1 && !HasEquipedRangedWeapon(target) && HasSpeedAdvantage(game, m_Actor, target)) { // flee! ActorAction fleeAction = BehaviorWalkAwayFrom(game, nearestTarget); if (fleeAction != null) { RunIfPossible(game.Rules); m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FLEEING; return(fleeAction); } } // fire ze missiles! ActorAction fireAction = BehaviorRangedAttack(game, nearestTarget); if (fireAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FIGHTING; m_Actor.TargetActor = target; return(fireAction); } } } #endregion // 4 fight or flee, shout #region if (hasEnemies) { // shout? if (game.Rules.RollChance(50)) { List <Percept> friends = FilterNonEnemies(game, mapPercepts); if (friends != null) { ActorAction shoutAction = BehaviorWarnFriends(game, friends, FilterNearest(game, enemies).Percepted as Actor); if (shoutAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(shoutAction); } } } // fight or flee. ActorAction fightOrFlee = BehaviorFightOrFlee(game, enemies, seeLeader, isLeaderFighting, Directives.Courage, m_Emotes); if (fightOrFlee != null) { return(fightOrFlee); } } #endregion // 5 use medicine #region ActorAction useMedAction = BehaviorUseMedecine(game, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2); if (useMedAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(useMedAction); } #endregion // 6 rest if tired #region ActorAction restAction = BehaviorRestIfTired(game); if (restAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(new ActionWait(m_Actor, game)); } #endregion // 7 charge enemy if courageous #region if (hasEnemies && isCourageous) { Percept nearestEnemy = FilterNearest(game, enemies); ActorAction chargeAction = BehaviorChargeEnemy(game, nearestEnemy); if (chargeAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FIGHTING; m_Actor.TargetActor = nearestEnemy.Percepted as Actor; return(chargeAction); } } #endregion // 8 eat when hungry (also eat corpses) #region if (game.Rules.IsActorHungry(m_Actor)) { ActorAction eatAction = BehaviorEat(game); if (eatAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eatAction); } if (game.Rules.IsActorStarving(m_Actor) || game.Rules.IsActorInsane(m_Actor)) { eatAction = BehaviorGoEatCorpse(game, FilterCorpses(game, mapPercepts)); if (eatAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eatAction); } } } #endregion // 9 sleep when almost sleepy and safe. #region if (m_SafeTurns >= MIN_TURNS_SAFE_TO_SLEEP && this.Directives.CanSleep && WouldLikeToSleep(game, m_Actor) && IsInside(m_Actor) && game.Rules.CanActorSleep(m_Actor)) { // secure sleep. ActorAction secureSleepAction = BehaviorSecurePerimeter(game, m_LOSSensor.FOV); if (secureSleepAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(secureSleepAction); } // sleep. ActorAction sleepAction = BehaviorSleep(game, m_LOSSensor.FOV); if (sleepAction != null) { if (sleepAction is ActionSleep) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.SLEEPING; } return(sleepAction); } } #endregion // 10 drop useless light/tracker/spray #region ActorAction dropUseless = BehaviorDropUselessItem(game); if (dropUseless != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(dropUseless); } #endregion // 11 equip light/tracker/spray. #region // tracker : if has leader or is a leader. bool needCellPhone = m_Actor.HasLeader || m_Actor.CountFollowers > 0; // then light. bool needLight = NeedsLight(game); // finally spray. bool needSpray = IsGoodStenchKillerSpot(game, m_Actor.Location.Map, m_Actor.Location.Position); // if tracker/light/spray useless, unequip it. if (!needCellPhone && !needLight && !needSpray) { ActorAction unequipUselessLeftItem = BehaviorUnequipLeftItem(game); if (unequipUselessLeftItem != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(unequipUselessLeftItem); } } // tracker? if (needCellPhone) { ActorAction eqTrackerAction = BehaviorEquipCellPhone(game); if (eqTrackerAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eqTrackerAction); } } // ...or light? else if (needLight) { ActorAction eqLightAction = BehaviorEquipLight(game); if (eqLightAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eqLightAction); } } // ... scent spray? else if (needSpray) { ActorAction eqScentSpray = BehaviorEquipStenchKiller(game); if (eqScentSpray != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eqScentSpray); } } #endregion // 12 make room for food items if needed. // && // 13 get nearby item/trade (not if seeing enemy) // ignore not currently visible items & blocked items. #region if (!hasEnemies && this.Directives.CanTakeItems) { Map map = m_Actor.Location.Map; #region Get nearby item // list visible items. List <Percept> interestingStacks = FilterOut(game, FilterStacks(game, mapPercepts), (p) => (p.Turn != map.LocalTime.TurnCounter) || IsOccupiedByOther(map, p.Location.Position) || IsTileTaboo(p.Location.Position) || !HasAnyInterestingItem(game, p.Percepted as Inventory)); // if some items... if (interestingStacks != null) { // update last percept saw. Percept nearestStack = FilterNearest(game, interestingStacks); m_LastItemsSaw = nearestStack; // 12: make room for food if needed. ActorAction makeRoomForFood = BehaviorMakeRoomForFood(game, interestingStacks); if (makeRoomForFood != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(makeRoomForFood); } // 13: try to grab. ActorAction grabAction = BehaviorGrabFromStack(game, nearestStack.Location.Position, nearestStack.Percepted as Inventory); if (grabAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(grabAction); } // we can't grab the item. mark the tile as taboo. MarkTileAsTaboo(nearestStack.Location.Position); // emote game.DoEmote(m_Actor, "Mmmh. Looks like I can't reach what I want."); } #endregion #region Trade if (Directives.CanTrade) { // get actors we want to trade with. List <Percept> tradingActors = FilterOut(game, FilterNonEnemies(game, mapPercepts), (p) => { if (p.Turn != map.LocalTime.TurnCounter) { return(true); } Actor other = p.Percepted as Actor; // dont bother player or someone we can't trade with or already did trade. if (other.IsPlayer) { return(true); } if (!game.Rules.CanActorInitiateTradeWith(m_Actor, other)) { return(true); } if (IsActorTabooTrade(other)) { return(true); } // dont bother if no interesting items. if (!HasAnyInterestingItem(game, other.Inventory)) { return(true); } if (!((other.Controller as BaseAI).HasAnyInterestingItem(game, m_Actor.Inventory))) { return(true); } // don't reject. return(false); }); // trade with nearest. if (tradingActors != null) { Actor tradeTarget = FilterNearest(game, tradingActors).Percepted as Actor; if (game.Rules.IsAdjacent(m_Actor.Location, tradeTarget.Location)) { ActorAction tradeAction = new ActionTrade(m_Actor, game, tradeTarget); if (tradeAction.IsLegal()) { // remember we tried to trade. MarkActorAsRecentTrade(tradeTarget); // say, so we make sure we spend a turn and won't loop. game.DoSay(m_Actor, tradeTarget, String.Format("Hey {0}, let's make a deal!", tradeTarget.Name), RogueGame.Sayflags.NONE); return(tradeAction); } } else { ActorAction bump = BehaviorIntelligentBumpToward(game, tradeTarget.Location.Position); if (bump != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FOLLOWING; m_Actor.TargetActor = tradeTarget; return(bump); } } } } #endregion } #endregion // 14 if hungry and no food, charge at people for food (option, not follower or law enforcer) #region if (RogueGame.Options.IsAggressiveHungryCiviliansOn && mapPercepts != null && !m_Actor.HasLeader && !m_Actor.Model.Abilities.IsLawEnforcer && game.Rules.IsActorHungry(m_Actor) && HasNoFoodItems(m_Actor)) { Percept targetForFood = FilterNearest(game, FilterActors(game, mapPercepts, (a) => { // reject self, dead and leader/follower. if (a == m_Actor) { return(false); } if (a.IsDead) { return(false); } if (a.Inventory == null || a.Inventory.IsEmpty) { return(false); } if (a.Leader == m_Actor || m_Actor.Leader == a) { return(false); } // actor has food or is standing on food. if (a.Inventory.HasItemOfType(typeof(ItemFood))) { return(true); } Inventory groundInv = a.Location.Map.GetItemsAt(a.Location.Position); if (groundInv == null || groundInv.IsEmpty) { return(false); } return(groundInv.HasItemOfType(typeof(ItemFood))); })); if (targetForFood != null) { ActorAction chargeAction = BehaviorChargeEnemy(game, targetForFood); if (chargeAction != null) { // randomly emote. if (game.Rules.RollChance(HUNGRY_CHARGE_EMOTE_CHANCE)) { game.DoSay(m_Actor, targetForFood.Percepted as Actor, "HEY! YOU! SHARE SOME FOOD!", RogueGame.Sayflags.IS_FREE_ACTION); } // chaaarge! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FIGHTING; m_Actor.TargetActor = targetForFood.Percepted as Actor; return(chargeAction); } } } #endregion // 15 use stench killer. #region if (game.Rules.RollChance(USE_STENCH_KILLER_CHANCE)) { ActorAction sprayAction = BehaviorUseStenchKiller(game); if (sprayAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(sprayAction); } } #endregion // 16 close door behind me. #region ActorAction closeBehindMe = BehaviorCloseDoorBehindMe(game, PrevLocation); if (closeBehindMe != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(closeBehindMe); } #endregion // 17 use entertainment #region if (m_Actor.Model.Abilities.HasSanity) { if (m_Actor.Sanity < 0.75f * game.Rules.ActorMaxSanity(m_Actor)) { ActorAction entAction = BehaviorUseEntertainment(game); if (entAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(entAction); } } ActorAction dropEnt = BehaviorDropBoringEntertainment(game); if (dropEnt != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(dropEnt); } } #endregion // 18 follow leader #region if (checkOurLeader) { Point lastKnownLeaderPosition = m_Actor.Leader.Location.Position; bool isLeaderVisible = m_LOSSensor.FOV.Contains(m_Actor.Leader.Location.Position); int maxDist = m_Actor.Leader.IsPlayer ? FOLLOW_PLAYERLEADER_MAXDIST : FOLLOW_NPCLEADER_MAXDIST; ActorAction followAction = BehaviorFollowActor(game, m_Actor.Leader, lastKnownLeaderPosition, isLeaderVisible, maxDist); if (followAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FOLLOWING; m_Actor.TargetActor = m_Actor.Leader; return(followAction); } } #endregion // 19 take lead (if leadership) #region bool hasLeadership = m_Actor.Sheet.SkillTable.GetSkillLevel((int)Skills.IDs.LEADERSHIP) >= 1; if (hasLeadership) { bool canLead = !checkOurLeader && m_Actor.CountFollowers < game.Rules.ActorMaxFollowers(m_Actor); if (canLead) { Percept nearestFriend = FilterNearest(game, FilterNonEnemies(game, mapPercepts)); if (nearestFriend != null) { ActorAction leadAction = BehaviorLeadActor(game, nearestFriend); if (leadAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; m_Actor.TargetActor = nearestFriend.Percepted as Actor; return(leadAction); } } } } #endregion // 20 if hungry, tear down barricades & push objects. #region if (game.Rules.IsActorHungry(m_Actor)) { ActorAction attackBarricadeAction = BehaviorAttackBarricade(game); if (attackBarricadeAction != null) { // emote. game.DoEmote(m_Actor, "Open damn it! I know there is food there!"); // go! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(attackBarricadeAction); } if (game.Rules.RollChance(HUNGRY_PUSH_OBJECTS_CHANCE)) { ActorAction pushAction = BehaviorPushNonWalkableObject(game); if (pushAction != null) { // emote. game.DoEmote(m_Actor, "Where is all the damn food?!"); // go! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(pushAction); } } } #endregion // 21 go revive corpse. ActorAction revive = BehaviorGoReviveCorpse(game, FilterCorpses(game, mapPercepts)); if (revive != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(revive); } // 22 use exit. #region if (game.Rules.RollChance(USE_EXIT_CHANCE)) { ActorAction useExit = BehaviorUseExit(game, UseExitFlags.DONT_BACKTRACK); if (useExit != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(useExit); } } #endregion // 23 build trap or fortification. #region if (game.Rules.RollChance(BUILD_TRAP_CHANCE)) { ActorAction trapAction = BehaviorBuildTrap(game); if (trapAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(trapAction); } } // large fortification. if (game.Rules.RollChance(BUILD_LARGE_FORT_CHANCE)) { ActorAction buildAction = BehaviorBuildLargeFortification(game, START_FORT_LINE_CHANCE); if (buildAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(buildAction); } } // small fortification. if (game.Rules.RollChance(BUILD_SMALL_FORT_CHANCE)) { ActorAction buildAction = BehaviorBuildSmallFortification(game); if (buildAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(buildAction); } } #endregion // 24 tell friend about latest raid. #region // tell? if (m_LastRaidHeard != null && game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_RAID_CHANCE)) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastRaidHeard); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } #endregion // 25 tell friend about latest soldier. #region // update percept. Percept seeingSoldier = FilterFirst(game, mapPercepts, (p) => { Actor other = p.Percepted as Actor; if (other == null || other == m_Actor) { return(false); } return(IsSoldier(other)); }); if (seeingSoldier != null) { m_LastSoldierSaw = seeingSoldier; } // tell? if (game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_SOLDIER_CHANCE) && m_LastSoldierSaw != null) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastSoldierSaw); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } #endregion // 26 tell friend about latest enemy. #region if (game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_ENEMY_CHANCE) && m_LastEnemySaw != null) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastEnemySaw); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } #endregion // 27 tell friend about latest items. #region if (game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_ITEMS_CHANCE) && m_LastItemsSaw != null) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastItemsSaw); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } #endregion // 28 (law enforcer) watch for murderers. #region if (m_Actor.Model.Abilities.IsLawEnforcer && mapPercepts != null && game.Rules.RollChance(LAW_ENFORCE_CHANCE)) { Actor target; ActorAction lawAction = BehaviorEnforceLaw(game, mapPercepts, out target); if (lawAction != null) { m_Actor.TargetActor = target; return(lawAction); } } #endregion // 29 (leader) don't leave followers behind. #region if (m_Actor.CountFollowers > 0) { Actor target; ActorAction stickTogether = BehaviorDontLeaveFollowersBehind(game, 2, out target); if (stickTogether != null) { // emote? if (game.Rules.RollChance(DONT_LEAVE_BEHIND_EMOTE_CHANCE)) { if (target.IsSleeping) { game.DoEmote(m_Actor, String.Format("patiently waits for {0} to wake up.", target.Name)); } else { if (m_LOSSensor.FOV.Contains(target.Location.Position)) { game.DoEmote(m_Actor, String.Format("Come on {0}! Hurry up!", target.Name)); } else { game.DoEmote(m_Actor, String.Format("Where the hell is {0}?", target.Name)); } } } // go! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(stickTogether); } } #endregion // 30 explore #region ActorAction exploreAction = BehaviorExplore(game, m_Exploration); if (exploreAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(exploreAction); } #endregion // 31 wander. #region m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(BehaviorWander(game)); #endregion #endregion }
protected override ActorAction SelectAction(RogueGame game, List <Percept> percepts) { List <Percept> mapPercepts = FilterSameMap(game, percepts); // DEBUG BOT #if DEBUG bool botBreakpoint = false; bool verboseBotExploreWander = false; if (m_Actor.IsBotPlayer) { botBreakpoint = false; // true; verboseBotExploreWander = false; // true; } #endif // END DEBUG BOT /////////////////////// // 0. Equip best item. // alpha10 // 1. Follow order // 2. Normal behavior. /////////////////////// // alpha10 // don't run by default. m_Actor.IsRunning = false; // 0. Equip best item ActorAction bestEquip = BehaviorEquipBestItems(game, true, true); if (bestEquip != null) { return(bestEquip); } // end alpha10 // 1. Follow order if (this.Order != null) { ActorAction orderAction = ExecuteOrder(game, this.Order, mapPercepts, m_Exploration); if (orderAction == null) { SetOrder(null); } else { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FOLLOWING_ORDER; return(orderAction); } } // 2. Normal behavior. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEHAVIOR // - FLAGS // "courageous" : has leader, see leader, he is fighting and actor not tired. // - RULES // 0 run away from primed explosives. // 1 throw grenades at enemies. // alpha10 OBSOLETE 2 equip weapon/armor // 3 fire at nearest (always if has leader, half of the time if not) - check directives // 4 fight or flee, shout // 5 use medicine // 6 rest if tired // alpha10 obsolete and redundant with rule 4! 7 charge enemy if courageous // 8 eat when hungry (also eat corpses) // 9 sleep when almost sleepy and safe. // 10 drop light/tracker with no batteries // alpha10 OBSOLETE 11 equip light/tracker/scent spray // 12 make room for food items if needed. // 13 get nearby item/trade (not if seeing enemy) - check directives. // 14 if hungry and no food, charge at people for food (option, not follower or law enforcer) // 15 use stench killer. // 16 close door behind me. // 17 use entertainment // 18 follow leader. // 19 take lead (if leadership) // 20 if hungry, tear down barricades & push objects. // 21 go revive corpse. // 22 use exit. // 23 build trap or fortification. // 24 tell friend about latest raid. // 25 tell friend about latest friendly soldier. // 26 tell friend about latest enemy. // 27 tell friend about latest items. // 28 (law enforcer) watch for murderers. // 29 (leader) don't leave followers behind. // 30 explore. // 31 wander. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get data. List <Percept> enemies = FilterEnemies(game, mapPercepts); bool hasEnemies = enemies != null && enemies.Count > 0; bool checkOurLeader = m_Actor.HasLeader && !DontFollowLeader; bool seeLeader = checkOurLeader && m_LOSSensor.FOV.Contains(m_Actor.Leader.Location.Position); bool isLeaderFighting = checkOurLeader && IsAdjacentToEnemy(game, m_Actor.Leader); bool isCourageous = checkOurLeader && seeLeader && isLeaderFighting && !game.Rules.IsActorTired(m_Actor); // safety counter. if (hasEnemies) { m_SafeTurns = 0; } else { ++m_SafeTurns; } // exploration. m_Exploration.Update(m_Actor.Location); // clear taboo tiles : periodically or when changing maps. if (m_Actor.Location.Map.LocalTime.TurnCounter % WorldTime.TURNS_PER_HOUR == 0 || (PrevLocation != null && PrevLocation.Map != m_Actor.Location.Map)) { ClearTabooTiles(); } // clear trades. if (m_Actor.Location.Map.LocalTime.TurnCounter % WorldTime.TURNS_PER_DAY == 0) { ClearTabooTrades(); } // last enemy saw. if (hasEnemies) { m_LastEnemySaw = enemies[game.Rules.Roll(0, enemies.Count)]; } // 0 run away from primed explosives. ActorAction runFromExplosives = BehaviorFleeFromExplosives(game, FilterStacks(game, mapPercepts)); if (runFromExplosives != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FLEEING_FROM_EXPLOSIVE; return(runFromExplosives); } // 1 throw grenades at enemies. // if directive off, unequip. if (!this.Directives.CanThrowGrenades) { // unequip grenade? ItemGrenade eqGrenade = m_Actor.GetEquippedWeapon() as ItemGrenade; if (eqGrenade != null) { ActionUnequipItem unequipGre = new ActionUnequipItem(m_Actor, game, eqGrenade); if (unequipGre.IsLegal()) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(unequipGre); } } } // throw? if (hasEnemies) { ActorAction throwAction = BehaviorThrowGrenade(game, m_LOSSensor.FOV, enemies); if (throwAction != null) { return(throwAction); } } // 3 fire at nearest enemy if (hasEnemies && this.Directives.CanFireWeapons && m_Actor.GetEquippedWeapon() is ItemRangedWeapon) { List <Percept> fireTargets = FilterFireTargets(game, enemies); if (fireTargets != null) { Percept nearestTarget = FilterNearest(game, fireTargets); Actor target = nearestTarget.Percepted as Actor; // flee contact from someone SLOWER with no ranged weapon. if (game.Rules.GridDistance(nearestTarget.Location.Position, m_Actor.Location.Position) == 1 && !HasEquipedRangedWeapon(target) && HasSpeedAdvantage(game, m_Actor, target)) { // flee! ActorAction fleeAction = BehaviorWalkAwayFrom(game, nearestTarget); if (fleeAction != null) { RunIfPossible(game.Rules); m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FLEEING; return(fleeAction); } } // fire ze missiles! ActorAction fireAction = BehaviorRangedAttack(game, nearestTarget); if (fireAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FIGHTING; m_Actor.TargetActor = target; return(fireAction); } } } // 4 fight or flee, shout if (hasEnemies) { // shout? if (game.Rules.RollChance(50)) { List <Percept> friends = FilterNonEnemies(game, mapPercepts); if (friends != null) { ActorAction shoutAction = BehaviorWarnFriends(game, friends, FilterNearest(game, enemies).Percepted as Actor); if (shoutAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(shoutAction); } } } // fight or flee. RouteFinder.SpecialActions allowedChargeActions = RouteFinder.SpecialActions.JUMP | RouteFinder.SpecialActions.DOORS; // alpha10 ActorAction fightOrFlee = BehaviorFightOrFlee(game, enemies, seeLeader, isLeaderFighting, Directives.Courage, m_Emotes, allowedChargeActions); if (fightOrFlee != null) { return(fightOrFlee); } } // 5 use medicine ActorAction useMedAction = BehaviorUseMedecine(game, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2); if (useMedAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(useMedAction); } // 6 rest if tired ActorAction restAction = BehaviorRestIfTired(game); if (restAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(new ActionWait(m_Actor, game)); } // 8 eat when hungry (also eat corpses) if (game.Rules.IsActorHungry(m_Actor)) { ActorAction eatAction = BehaviorEat(game); if (eatAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eatAction); } if (game.Rules.IsActorStarving(m_Actor) || game.Rules.IsActorInsane(m_Actor)) { eatAction = BehaviorGoEatCorpse(game, FilterCorpses(game, mapPercepts)); if (eatAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(eatAction); } } } // 9 sleep when almost sleepy and safe. if (m_SafeTurns >= MIN_TURNS_SAFE_TO_SLEEP && this.Directives.CanSleep && WouldLikeToSleep(game, m_Actor) && IsInside(m_Actor) && game.Rules.CanActorSleep(m_Actor)) { // secure sleep. ActorAction secureSleepAction = BehaviorSecurePerimeter(game, m_LOSSensor.FOV); if (secureSleepAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(secureSleepAction); } // sleep. ActorAction sleepAction = BehaviorSleep(game, m_LOSSensor.FOV); if (sleepAction != null) { if (sleepAction is ActionSleep) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.SLEEPING; } return(sleepAction); } } // 10 drop useless light/tracker/spray ActorAction dropUseless = BehaviorDropUselessItem(game); if (dropUseless != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(dropUseless); } // 12 make room for food items if needed. // && // 13 get nearby item/trade (not if seeing enemy) // ignore not currently visible items & blocked items. if (!hasEnemies && this.Directives.CanTakeItems) { Map map = m_Actor.Location.Map; // alpha10 new common behaviour code, also used by GangAI ActorAction getItemAction = BehaviorGoGetInterestingItems(game, mapPercepts, false, false, CANT_GET_ITEM_EMOTE, true, ref m_LastItemsSaw); if (getItemAction != null) { return(getItemAction); } if (Directives.CanTrade) { // get actors we want to trade with. List <Percept> tradingActors = FilterOut(game, FilterNonEnemies(game, mapPercepts), (p) => { if (p.Turn != map.LocalTime.TurnCounter) { return(true); } Actor other = p.Percepted as Actor; // dont bother player or someone we can't trade with or already did trade. if (other.IsPlayer) { return(true); } if (!game.Rules.CanActorInitiateTradeWith(m_Actor, other)) { return(true); } if (IsActorTabooTrade(other)) { return(true); } // alpha10 dont bother someone who is fighting or fleeing if (other.Activity == Activity.CHASING || other.Activity == Activity.FIGHTING || other.Activity == Activity.FLEEING || other.Activity == Activity.FLEEING_FROM_EXPLOSIVE) { return(true); } // dont bother if no interesting items. if (!HasAnyInterestingItem(game, other.Inventory, ItemSource.ANOTHER_ACTOR)) { return(true); } if (!((other.Controller as BaseAI).HasAnyInterestingItem(game, m_Actor.Inventory, ItemSource.ANOTHER_ACTOR))) { return(true); } // alpha10 reject if unreachable by baseai simple behaviours if (!CanReachSimple(game, other.Location.Position, Tools.RouteFinder.SpecialActions.DOORS | Tools.RouteFinder.SpecialActions.JUMP)) { return(true); } // don't reject. return(false); }); // trade with nearest. if (tradingActors != null) { Actor tradeTarget = FilterNearest(game, tradingActors).Percepted as Actor; if (game.Rules.IsAdjacent(m_Actor.Location, tradeTarget.Location)) { ActorAction tradeAction = new ActionTrade(m_Actor, game, tradeTarget); if (tradeAction.IsLegal()) { // remember we tried to trade. MarkActorAsRecentTrade(tradeTarget); // say, so we make sure we spend a turn and won't loop. game.DoSay(m_Actor, tradeTarget, String.Format("Hey {0}, let's make a deal!", tradeTarget.Name), RogueGame.Sayflags.NONE); return(tradeAction); } } else { ActorAction bump = BehaviorIntelligentBumpToward(game, tradeTarget.Location.Position, false, false); if (bump != null) { // alpha10 announce it to make it clear to the player whats happening but dont spend AP (free action) // might spam for a few turns, but its better than not understanding whats going on. game.DoSay(m_Actor, tradeTarget, String.Format("Hey {0}, let's make a deal!", tradeTarget.Name), RogueGame.Sayflags.IS_FREE_ACTION); m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FOLLOWING; m_Actor.TargetActor = tradeTarget; return(bump); } } } } } // 14 if hungry and no food, charge at people for food (option, not follower or law enforcer) if (RogueGame.Options.IsAggressiveHungryCiviliansOn && mapPercepts != null && !m_Actor.HasLeader && !m_Actor.Model.Abilities.IsLawEnforcer && game.Rules.IsActorHungry(m_Actor) && HasNoFoodItems(m_Actor)) { Percept targetForFood = FilterNearest(game, FilterActors(game, mapPercepts, (a) => { // reject self, dead and leader/follower. if (a == m_Actor) { return(false); } if (a.IsDead) { return(false); } if (a.Inventory == null || a.Inventory.IsEmpty) { return(false); } if (a.Leader == m_Actor || m_Actor.Leader == a) { return(false); } // actor has food or is standing on food. if (a.Inventory.HasItemOfType(typeof(ItemFood))) { return(true); } Inventory groundInv = a.Location.Map.GetItemsAt(a.Location.Position); if (groundInv == null || groundInv.IsEmpty) { return(false); } return(groundInv.HasItemOfType(typeof(ItemFood))); })); if (targetForFood != null) { // alpha10 hungry civs can break and push ActorAction chargeAction = BehaviorChargeEnemy(game, targetForFood, true, true); if (chargeAction != null) { // randomly emote. if (game.Rules.RollChance(HUNGRY_CHARGE_EMOTE_CHANCE)) { game.DoSay(m_Actor, targetForFood.Percepted as Actor, "HEY! YOU! SHARE SOME FOOD!", RogueGame.Sayflags.IS_FREE_ACTION | RogueGame.Sayflags.IS_DANGER); } // chaaarge! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FIGHTING; m_Actor.TargetActor = targetForFood.Percepted as Actor; return(chargeAction); } } } // 15 use stench killer. if (game.Rules.RollChance(USE_STENCH_KILLER_CHANCE)) { ActorAction sprayAction = BehaviorUseStenchKiller(game); if (sprayAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(sprayAction); } } // 16 close door behind me. ActorAction closeBehindMe = BehaviorCloseDoorBehindMe(game, PrevLocation); if (closeBehindMe != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(closeBehindMe); } // 17 use entertainment if (m_Actor.Model.Abilities.HasSanity) { if (m_Actor.Sanity < 0.75f * game.Rules.ActorMaxSanity(m_Actor)) { ActorAction entAction = BehaviorUseEntertainment(game); if (entAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(entAction); } } // TODO -- consider moving this to DropUselessItems() ActorAction dropEnt = BehaviorDropBoringEntertainment(game); if (dropEnt != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(dropEnt); } } // 18 build trap or fortification. // alpha10.1 moved trap/fortification rule before following leader rule so they will do it much more often if (game.Rules.RollChance(BUILD_TRAP_CHANCE)) { ActorAction trapAction = BehaviorBuildTrap(game); if (trapAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(trapAction); } } // large fortification. if (game.Rules.RollChance(BUILD_LARGE_FORT_CHANCE)) { ActorAction buildAction = BehaviorBuildLargeFortification(game, START_FORT_LINE_CHANCE); if (buildAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(buildAction); } } // small fortification. if (game.Rules.RollChance(BUILD_SMALL_FORT_CHANCE)) { ActorAction buildAction = BehaviorBuildSmallFortification(game); if (buildAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(buildAction); } } // 19 follow leader if (checkOurLeader) { Point lastKnownLeaderPosition = m_Actor.Leader.Location.Position; bool isLeaderVisible = m_LOSSensor.FOV.Contains(m_Actor.Leader.Location.Position); int maxDist = m_Actor.Leader.IsPlayer ? FOLLOW_PLAYERLEADER_MAXDIST : FOLLOW_NPCLEADER_MAXDIST; ActorAction followAction = BehaviorFollowActor(game, m_Actor.Leader, lastKnownLeaderPosition, isLeaderVisible, maxDist); if (followAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.FOLLOWING; m_Actor.TargetActor = m_Actor.Leader; return(followAction); } } // 20 take lead (if leadership) bool hasLeadership = m_Actor.Sheet.SkillTable.GetSkillLevel((int)Skills.IDs.LEADERSHIP) >= 1; if (hasLeadership) { bool canLead = !checkOurLeader && m_Actor.CountFollowers < game.Rules.ActorMaxFollowers(m_Actor); if (canLead) { Percept nearestFriend = FilterNearest(game, FilterNonEnemies(game, mapPercepts)); if (nearestFriend != null) { // alpha10 only if unreachable by baseai simple behaviours if (CanReachSimple(game, nearestFriend.Location.Position, Tools.RouteFinder.SpecialActions.DOORS | Tools.RouteFinder.SpecialActions.JUMP)) { ActorAction leadAction = BehaviorLeadActor(game, nearestFriend); if (leadAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; m_Actor.TargetActor = nearestFriend.Percepted as Actor; return(leadAction); } } } } } // 21 if hungry, tear down barricades & push objects. if (game.Rules.IsActorHungry(m_Actor)) { ActorAction attackBarricadeAction = BehaviorAttackBarricade(game); if (attackBarricadeAction != null) { // emote. game.DoEmote(m_Actor, "Open damn it! I know there is food there!", true); // go! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(attackBarricadeAction); } if (game.Rules.RollChance(HUNGRY_PUSH_OBJECTS_CHANCE)) { // alpha10.1 do that only inside where food is more likely to be hidden, pushing cars outside is stupid -_- if (m_Actor.Location.Map.GetTileAt(m_Actor.Location.Position).IsInside) { ActorAction pushAction = BehaviorPushNonWalkableObject(game); if (pushAction != null) { // emote. game.DoEmote(m_Actor, "Where is all the damn food?!", true); // go! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(pushAction); } } } } // 22 go revive corpse. ActorAction revive = BehaviorGoReviveCorpse(game, FilterCorpses(game, mapPercepts)); if (revive != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(revive); } // 23 use exit. if (game.Rules.RollChance(USE_EXIT_CHANCE)) { ActorAction useExit = BehaviorUseExit(game, UseExitFlags.DONT_BACKTRACK); if (useExit != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(useExit); } } // 24 tell friend about latest raid. // tell? if (m_LastRaidHeard != null && game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_RAID_CHANCE)) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastRaidHeard); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } // 25 tell friend about latest soldier. // update percept. Percept seeingSoldier = FilterFirst(game, mapPercepts, (p) => { Actor other = p.Percepted as Actor; if (other == null || other == m_Actor) { return(false); } return(IsSoldier(other)); }); if (seeingSoldier != null) { m_LastSoldierSaw = seeingSoldier; } // tell? if (game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_SOLDIER_CHANCE) && m_LastSoldierSaw != null) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastSoldierSaw); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } // 26 tell friend about latest enemy. if (game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_ENEMY_CHANCE) && m_LastEnemySaw != null) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastEnemySaw); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } // 27 tell friend about latest items. if (game.Rules.RollChance(TELL_FRIEND_ABOUT_ITEMS_CHANCE) && m_LastItemsSaw != null) { ActorAction tellAction = BehaviorTellFriendAboutPercept(game, m_LastItemsSaw); if (tellAction != null) { m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(tellAction); } } // 28 (law enforcer) watch for murderers. if (m_Actor.Model.Abilities.IsLawEnforcer && mapPercepts != null && game.Rules.RollChance(LAW_ENFORCE_CHANCE)) { Actor target; ActorAction lawAction = BehaviorEnforceLaw(game, mapPercepts, out target); if (lawAction != null) { m_Actor.TargetActor = target; return(lawAction); } } // 29 (leader) don't leave followers behind. if (m_Actor.CountFollowers > 0) { Actor target; ActorAction stickTogether = BehaviorDontLeaveFollowersBehind(game, 2, out target); if (stickTogether != null) { // emote? if (game.Rules.RollChance(DONT_LEAVE_BEHIND_EMOTE_CHANCE)) { if (target.IsSleeping) { game.DoEmote(m_Actor, String.Format("patiently waits for {0} to wake up.", target.Name)); } else { if (m_LOSSensor.FOV.Contains(target.Location.Position)) { game.DoEmote(m_Actor, String.Format("Come on {0}! Hurry up!", target.Name)); } else { game.DoEmote(m_Actor, String.Format("Where the hell is {0}?", target.Name)); } } } // go! m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(stickTogether); } } // 30 explore // DEBUG BOT #if DEBUG if (botBreakpoint) { Console.Out.WriteLine("test bot exploration breakpoint"); } #endif // END DEBUG BOT ActorAction exploreAction = BehaviorExplore(game, m_Exploration); if (exploreAction != null) { // VERBOSE BOT #if DEBUG if (verboseBotExploreWander) { game.AddMessage(new Message(">> Bot is Exploring", m_Actor.Location.Map.LocalTime.TurnCounter)); } #endif // END VERBOSE BOT m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(exploreAction); } // 31 wander. // VERBOSE BOT #if DEBUG if (verboseBotExploreWander) { game.AddMessage(new Message(">> Bot is Wandering", m_Actor.Location.Map.LocalTime.TurnCounter)); } #endif // END VERBOSE BOT m_Actor.Activity = Activity.IDLE; return(BehaviorWander(game, m_Exploration)); }