public void CanLimitTasksPerUpdate( ) { int i = 0; um = new UnityManager(2); for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { ITask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => i++, false); um.EnqueueTask(task); } um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(2, i, "Didn't just run 2."); um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(4, i, "Didn't just run 2."); um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Didn't run last one correctly."); i = 0; um = new UnityManager(1); for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { ITask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => i++, false); um.EnqueueTask(task); } for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(j + 1, i, "Didn't just run 1."); } }
public void CanNapTask( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => _.IsNapping = true, false); task.Extend(( _ ) => i = 5); tm.EnqueueTask(task); tm.UnsafeUpdate(); for ( int ms = 0; ms < 1000; ms += 1 ) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if ( task.IsNapping ) break; } Assert.IsTrue(task.IsNapping, "Task not napping."); Assert.AreEqual(0, i, "Task extension ran even though it's napping."); task.IsNapping = false; tm.UnsafeUpdate(); for ( int ms = 0; ms < 1000; ms += 1 ) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if ( task.IsCompleted ) break; } Assert.IsTrue(task.IsCompleted, "Task never completed."); Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Task thought it completed, but did not run"); }
public void CancelExtensionsOnAbortSets( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false, true); Assert.IsTrue(a.CancelExtensionsOnAbort); a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false, false); Assert.IsFalse(a.CancelExtensionsOnAbort); }
public void CanRunSomething( ) { int i = 0; ITask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => i = 5, false); um.EnqueueTask(task); um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(task.IsCompleted, "Task never completed."); Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Task thought it completed, but did not run"); }
public void CreateAndExecute() { Counter counter = new Counter(); ActionTask<Counter> action = new ActionTask<Counter>(counter, c => { c.Increment(); }); Assert.AreEqual(0, counter.Count); action.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(1, counter.Count); }
public static async Task ActionFunctionCalledWhenExecuted() { bool wasCalled = false; var task = new ActionTask(() => wasCalled = true); var context = Substitute.For<ITaskContext>(); await task.ExecuteAsync(context); wasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void CanCancelExtensionsOnAbort( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask b = new ActionTask(( task ) => { i = 2; task.Abort(); }, false, true); b.Extend(( task ) => i = 4); (b as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(2, i, "Task didn't correctly cancel extensions when aborted."); }
public void CanCancelExtensions( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => { i = 1; task.CancelExtensions(); }, false); a.Extend(( task ) => i = 3); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(1, i, "Task didn't correctly cancel extensions."); }
public void CanContinueInTask( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false); a.Extend(( task ) => { i++; task.Extend(( task2 ) => i++); }); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(3, i, "Looks like an extended task doesn't actually continue, when extended in the task."); }
public void CanCancelExtensions( ) { ActionTask t = new ActionTask(( _ ) => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0), false); EnumeratorTask a = new EnumeratorTask(SampleTaskWithYield(t), false); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsNapping, "Doesn't think it's napping..."); Assert.IsFalse(a.IsCompleted, "Thinks its done while napping."); Assert.AreEqual(6, i, "Ran extensions while napping or didn't run start before napping."); a.CancelExtensions(); a.IsNapping = false; (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(6, i, "Task didn't correctly cancel extensions when aborted."); }
public void DoesNotForceAwakeByDefault( ) { ActionTask t = new ActionTask(( _ ) => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0), false); EnumeratorTask a = new EnumeratorTask(SampleTaskWithYield(t), false); bool result = (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsNapping, "Doesn't think it's napping..."); Assert.IsFalse(a.IsCompleted, "Thinks its done while napping."); Assert.AreEqual(6, i, "Ran extensions while napping or didn't run start before napping."); a.IsNapping = false; Assert.IsTrue(a.IsNapping, "Forced awake by default."); (t as ITask).Start(); result = (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(8, i, "After napping didn't continue correctly."); Assert.IsFalse(result, "Reported it was still napping once finished."); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsCompleted, "Doesn't think its done after napping."); }
public void CanNapTask( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => _.IsNapping = true, false); task.Extend(( _ ) => i = 5); um.EnqueueTask(task); um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(task.IsNapping, "Task not napping."); Assert.AreEqual(0, i, "Task extension ran even though it's napping."); task.IsNapping = false; um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(task.IsCompleted, "Task never completed."); Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Task thought it completed, but did not run"); }
public void CanRunSomething( ) { int i = 0; ITask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => i = 5, false); tm.EnqueueTask(task); tm.UnsafeUpdate(); for ( int ms = 0; ms < 10000; ms += 1 ) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if ( task.IsCompleted ) break; } Assert.IsTrue(task.IsCompleted, "Task never completed."); Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Task thought it completed, but did not run"); }
public void CanAbort( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false); a.Abort(); Assert.IsTrue(a.Aborted, "Task doesn't think it was aborted."); ActionTask b = new ActionTask(( task ) => { i = 2; task.Abort(); }, false); b.Extend(( task ) => { if ( !task.Aborted ) i = 3; }); (b as ITask).Start(); Assert.IsTrue(b.Aborted, "Task doesn't think it was aborted after continuation."); Assert.IsTrue(b.IsCompleted, "Task thinks it didn't complete after abortion."); Assert.AreEqual(2, i, "Task's aborted flag didn't set correctly."); }
public void Should_Create_Edges_Between_Dependencies() { // Given var task1 = new ActionTask("A"); var task2 = new ActionTask("B"); task2.AddDependency("A"); var tasks = new List <CakeTask> { task1, task2 }; var graph = CakeGraphBuilder.Build(tasks); // When var result = graph.Edges.SingleOrDefault(); // Then Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("A", result.Start); Assert.Equal("B", result.End); }
[TestCategory("Scheduler_NonDeterministic_Weak")] // May time-out and be inconclusive. public void Scheduler_TestPausedScheduler() { using var scheduler = _root.CreateChildScheduler(); scheduler.PauseAsync().Wait(); var worked = new AutoResetEvent(false); scheduler.Schedule(ActionTask.Create( s => { worked.Set(); return(true); }, 0)); WaitForNever(worked); // NB: This is non-deterministic, but should not be flaky in the happy case. scheduler.Continue(); WaitForSoon(worked); // NB: This is non-deterministic. }
public IEnumerator GetFirstStartableTask_ReturnsNullWhenItsAlreadyStarted() { using (var test = StartTest()) { var task = new ActionTask(test.TaskManager, () => { }); // wait for the tasks to finish foreach (var frame in StartAndWaitForCompletion(task)) { yield return(frame); } var task2 = new TestActionTask(test.TaskManager, _ => { }); var task3 = new TestActionTask(test.TaskManager, _ => { }); task.Then(task2).Then(task3); var top = task3.Test_GetFirstStartableTask(); Assert.AreSame(null, top); } }
private IHelperSettings GetSettings(ICakeContext context) { SingletonFactory.Context = context; var settings = SingletonFactory.GetHelperSettings(); settings.TaskTargetFunc = taskName => { var task = new ActionTask(taskName); return(new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(task)); }; settings.RunTargetFunc = targetName => { var report = new CakeReport { { targetName, TimeSpan.Zero, CakeTaskExecutionStatus.Executed } }; return(report); }; return(settings); }
public void Should_Aggregate_Exceptions_From_Actions() { // Given var task = new ActionTask("task"); var builder = new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(task); var context = new CakeContextFixture().CreateContext(); // When builder.Does(() => throw new NotImplementedException()); builder.Does(() => throw new NotSupportedException()); builder.Does(() => throw new OutOfMemoryException()); builder.DeferOnError(); var result = Record.Exception(() => builder.Task.Execute(context)); // Then Assert.IsType <AggregateException>(result); var ex = result as AggregateException; Assert.Contains(ex.InnerExceptions, x => x.GetType() == typeof(NotImplementedException)); Assert.Contains(ex.InnerExceptions, x => x.GetType() == typeof(NotSupportedException)); Assert.Contains(ex.InnerExceptions, x => x.GetType() == typeof(OutOfMemoryException)); }
internal void Execute(IActionResultHandler resultHandler) { if (Handler.ValidateRPS()) { Handler.IncrementRequest(); if (Handler.ThreadQueue == null || Handler.ThreadQueue.Type == ThreadQueueType.None) { if (Handler.Async) { OnAsyncExecute(resultHandler); } else { OnExecute(resultHandler); } } else { ActionTask actionTask = new ActionTask(this, resultHandler); var queue = Handler.ThreadQueue.GetQueue(this.HttpContext); if (Handler.ThreadQueue.Enabled(queue)) { this.HttpContext.Queue = queue; queue.Enqueue(actionTask); } else { Handler.IncrementError(); resultHandler.Error(new Exception($"{Handler.SourceUrl} process error,out of queue limit!"), EventArgs.LogType.Warring, 500); } } } else { Handler.IncrementError(); resultHandler.Error(new Exception($"{Handler.SourceUrl} process error,out of max rps!"), EventArgs.LogType.Warring, 509); } }
// Defines tasks for turtle movement. private void SendTriggeredBirdHome(int curWarblerNum = -1, bool disableAtEnd = false) { if (curWarblerNum == -1) { curWarblerNum = GetTriggeredWarbler(); } NPC childNPC = _warblerNPC[curWarblerNum]; childNPC.GetComponentInChildren <NPCCollider>().transform.localScale =; Task start = new ActionTask(() => { childNPC.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetBool(Str.Moving, true); childNPC.enabled = false; // sound? }); Task prev = start; for (int i = 0; i < _warblerRoutes[curWarblerNum].Length; i++) { Task next = WarblerMove(curWarblerNum, childNPC.transform, _warblerRoutes[curWarblerNum].route[i]); prev = prev.Then(next); } Task finish = new ActionTask(() => { if (disableAtEnd) { childNPC.gameObject.SetActive(false); } childNPC.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetBool(Str.Moving, false); childNPC.transform.rotation = _warblerRoutes[curWarblerNum].route[_warblerRoutes[curWarblerNum].route.Length - 1].rotation; }); prev.Then(finish); _taskManager.Do(start); }
private Task DefineSequence() { Task start = new ActionTask(() => { Context.ResetInputs(); Context.inPlaceForSequence = false; }); Task moveToInitPos = Context.PlayerMoveToTransform( Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetStep1PlayerPosition, // Position target for player Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetItemPosition, // direction target for player Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetItemPosition); // Not totally sure. start.Then(moveToInitPos); Task phase2Start = Context.LastTask(moveToInitPos); Task reset1 = new ActionTask(() => { Context.inPlaceForSequence = false; }); Task moveToMidPos = Context.PlayerMoveToTransform( Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetStep2PlayerPosition, Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetItemPosition, Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetItemPosition); phase2Start.Then(reset1).Then(moveToMidPos); Task phase3Start = Context.LastTask(moveToMidPos); Task reset2 = new ActionTask(() => { Context.inPlaceForSequence = false; }); Task wait4Secs = new WaitTask(4f); Task forceFinalTransform = new ActionTask(() => { Context.ForceTransform(Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetStep4PlayerPosition.position, Services.QuestItemRepository.TargetStep4PlayerPosition.rotation); Services.UIManager.HideItemPickupPrompt(); }); phase3Start.Then(reset2).Then(wait4Secs).Then(forceFinalTransform); return(start); }
public IEnumerator NestedProcessShouldChainCorrectly() { using (var test = StartTest()) { var expected = new List <string> { "BeforeProcess", "ok", "AfterProcess", "ProcessFinally", "AfterProcessFinally" }; var results = new List <string>(); var beforeProcess = new ActionTask(test.TaskManager, _ => results.Add("BeforeProcess")) { Name = "BeforeProcess" }; var processTask = new HelperProcessTask(test.TaskManager, test.ProcessManager, TestApp, @"--sleep 1000 --data ""ok"""); var processOutputTask = new FuncTask <string, int>(test.TaskManager, (b, previous) => { results.Add(previous); results.Add("AfterProcess"); return(1234); }) { Name = "AfterProcess" }; var innerChain = processTask.Then(processOutputTask).Finally((b, exception) => results.Add("ProcessFinally"), "ProcessFinally"); var outerChain = beforeProcess.Then(innerChain).Finally((b, exception) => results.Add("AfterProcessFinally"), "AfterProcessFinally"); // wait for the tasks to finish foreach (var frame in StartAndWaitForCompletion(innerChain, outerChain)) { yield return(frame); } results.Matches(expected); } }
private void ScheduleExecutionCore(ScheduleCommandRequest request) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Scheduling command {0} on {1}", request.Command.CommandText, request.Command.ClientName)); var task = new ActionTask(() => ExecuteCommandCore(request.Command)); switch (request.Trigger) { case Trigger.Single: task.AddTrigger(new ExactTimeTrigger(request.FirstDateTime)); break; case Trigger.Daily: task.AddTrigger(new DailyTrigger(request.FirstDateTime.TimeOfDay)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } _taskManager.AddTask(task); Trace.WriteLine("Command will be executed at {0}\r\n" + task.NextTime); }
[TestCategory("Scheduler_NonDeterministic_Strong")] // Relies on timing. public void Scheduler_DisposeChildSchedulers() { IScheduler parent, child; using var ev = new AutoResetEvent(false); using (parent = _root.CreateChildScheduler()) { child = parent.CreateChildScheduler(); child.Schedule( DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMilliseconds(200), ActionTask.Create( s => { ev.Set(); return(true); }, 0)); } Assert.IsTrue(!ev.WaitOne(1000)); }
[TestCategory("Scheduler_NonDeterministic_Strong")] // Tests timing. public void Scheduler_TestAbsoluteTimer() { var ltDueTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1); var eqDueTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2); var gtDueTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3); using var scheduler = _root.CreateChildScheduler(); var worked = new AutoResetEvent(false); DateTimeOffset offset = DateTime.UtcNow + eqDueTime; scheduler.Schedule(offset, ActionTask.Create( s => { worked.Set(); return(true); }, 0)); Assert.IsFalse(worked.WaitOne(ltDueTime)); // NB: This is non-deterministic. Assert.IsTrue(worked.WaitOne(gtDueTime)); // NB: This is non-deterministic. }
private static Task DefineEndSequence() { ActionTask firstSequence = new ActionTask(() => { Services.UIManager.CutsceneFadeIn(); inCutscene = true; }); Task waitForTime1 = new WaitTask(2f); ActionTask secondSequence = new ActionTask(() => { Services.UIManager.CutsceneFadeOut(); Services.UIManager.HideAllUI(); PlayerAnimation.Sitting(true); FModMusicManager.EndCutscene(); cutsceneObjectsManager.EndNPCs(); }); Task waitForTime2 = new WaitTask(14f); ActionTask thirdSequence = new ActionTask(() => { Services.UIManager.CutsceneFadeIn(); }); Task waitForTime3 = new WaitTask(4f); Task endGame = new ActionTask(() => { inCutscene = false; FModMusicManager.EndMusicLayers(); UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene(2); }); firstSequence.Then(waitForTime1).Then(secondSequence).Then(waitForTime2).Then(thirdSequence).Then(waitForTime3).Then(endGame); return(firstSequence); }
public void Scheduler_BigStepForHumanKindSmallStepForTimerKind() { var err = default(Exception); var h = new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler((o, e) => { err = (Exception)e.ExceptionObject; }); try { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += h; using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create(); using var lg = new LogicalScheduler(ph); // The BCL has a limit on 0xfffffffe milliseconds, which is some 49 days (see Worker.NormalizeForTimer). // If not handled correctly in Worker.cs, those attempts at scheduling would cause the worker to die. lg.Schedule(TimeSpan.FromDays(50), ActionTask.Create(_ => true, 1)); lg.Schedule(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(50), ActionTask.Create(_ => true, 1)); // Ensure disposal doesn't happen before the worker thread had a chance to evaluate timer expirations, // which is what would cause the test process to die on an invalid call to Timer.Change. var e = new ManualResetEvent(false); lg.Schedule(ActionTask.Create(_ => { e.Set(); return(true); }, 1)); e.WaitOne(); } finally { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException -= h; } if (err != null) { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(err).Throw(); } }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { base.Start(); scale = 0; totalHp = hp; currentPhase = Phase.Default; gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); taskManager = new TaskManager(); scaleUpTask = new ProgressionTask(ScaleUp, 0); enterAppearPhaseTask = new ActionTask(EnterAppearPhase); enterSpawnPhaseTask = new ActionTask(EnterSpawnPhase); enterFirePhaseTask = new ActionTask(EnterFirePhase); enterChasePhaseTask = new ActionTask(EnterChasePhase); enterDeadPhaseTask = new ActionTask(Die); spawnTask = new ProgressionTask(Spawn, 0); idleTask = new WaitTask(3f); moveTask = new ProgressionTask(Move, 0); attackTask = new ProgressionTask(Attack, 0); Services.EnemyManager.AddBoss(gameObject); }
public void CanNapTask( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask task = new ActionTask((_) => _.IsNapping = true, false); task.Extend((_) => i = 5); tm.EnqueueTask(task); tm.UnsafeUpdate(); for (int ms = 0; ms < 1000; ms += 1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if (task.IsNapping) { break; } } Assert.IsTrue(task.IsNapping, "Task not napping."); Assert.AreEqual(0, i, "Task extension ran even though it's napping."); task.IsNapping = false; tm.UnsafeUpdate(); for (int ms = 0; ms < 1000; ms += 1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if (task.IsCompleted) { break; } } Assert.IsTrue(task.IsCompleted, "Task never completed."); Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Task thought it completed, but did not run"); }
public void UnityFlagFunctional( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask((task) => { if (task.OnUnityThread) { i = 1; } }, true); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(1, i, "OnUnityThread reported false, when should be true."); a = new ActionTask((task) => { if (task.OnUnityThread) { i = 2; } }, false); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(1, i, "OnUnityThread reported true, when should be false."); }
public ActionTask Put(ActionTask item) { try { //var identity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity; //int compid = 0, userid = 0; //foreach (Claim claim in identity.Claims) //{ // if (claim.Type == "compid") // { // compid = int.Parse(claim.Value); // } // if (claim.Type == "userid") // { // userid = int.Parse(claim.Value); // } //} //logger.Info("User ID : {0} , Company Id : {1}", compid, userid); //if (compid > 0) { var edit = context.ActionTaskDb.Where(x => x.ActionTaskid == item.ActionTaskid).SingleOrDefault(); edit.Description = item.Description; edit.Status = item.Status; edit.UpdatedDate = indianTime; context.ActionTaskDb.Attach(edit); context.Entry(edit).State = EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); return(item); //} //return null; } catch { return(null); } }
public void CanExtendTwice( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false); a.Extend(( task ) => i++); a.Extend(( task ) => i++); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(3, i, "Looks like a continued task doesn't actually continue multiple times."); }
private void StopActions() { ActionTask.StopTestInvokeAction(); }
/// <summary> /// Do something! What you do is determined by the argument. /// Treats a string as a single character. Wow! /// Recognizes a regular expression if it is preceded by ( or , or =. /// </summary> /// <param name="d"> /// 1 Output A. Copy B to A. Get the next B. /// 2 Copy B to A. Get the next B. (Delete A). /// 3 Get the next B. (Delete B). /// </param> private static void Action(ActionTask d) { if (d.Equals(ActionTask.OutputA)) { Put(_theA); } if (d.Equals(ActionTask.OutputA) || d.Equals(ActionTask.CopyBtoA)) { _theA = _theB; if (_theA.Equals('\'') || _theA.Equals('"')) { for (;;) { Put(_theA); _theA = Get(); if (_theA == _theB) { break; } if (_theA <= '\n') { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error: JSMIN unterminated string literal: {0}\n", _theA)); } if (_theA.Equals('\\')) { Put(_theA); _theA = Get(); } } } } //if (d.Equals(ActionTask.OutputA) || d.Equals(ActionTask.CopyBtoA) || d.Equals(ActionTask.GetNextB)) //{ _theB = Next(); if (_theB.Equals('/') && (_theA.Equals('(') || _theA.Equals(',') || _theA.Equals('=') || _theA.Equals('[') || _theA.Equals('!') || _theA.Equals(':') || _theA.Equals('&') || _theA.Equals('|') || _theA.Equals('?'))) { Put(_theA); Put(_theB); for (;;) { _theA = Get(); if (_theA.Equals('/')) { break; } else if (_theA.Equals('\\')) { Put(_theA); _theA = Get(); } else if (_theA <= '\n') { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error: JSMIN unterminated Regular Expression literal : {0}.\n", _theA)); } Put(_theA); } _theB = Next(); } //} }
public void DoesNotDespawnWorkingThread( ) { ThreadManager tm = new ThreadManager(0, 1, TimeSpan.MinValue, TimeSpan.MaxValue, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)); tm.SpawnThread(); ActionTask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500), false); tm.EnqueueTask(task); tm.UnsafeUpdate(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); tm.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(1, tm.NumThreads, "Despawned a thread while working."); }
public void DedicatedTasksContinueAfterNapping( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => _.IsNapping = true, false); task.Extend(( _ ) => i = 5); tm.SpawnDedicatedThread(task); for ( int ms = 0; ms < 1000; ms += 1 ) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if ( task.IsNapping ) break; } Assert.IsTrue(task.IsNapping, "Task didn't nap."); Assert.AreEqual(0, i, "Task ran while napping."); task.IsNapping = false; for ( int ms = 0; ms < 1000; ms += 1 ) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); if ( task.IsCompleted ) break; } Assert.AreEqual(5, i, "Task didn't run after napping."); }
protected override BehaviorTask createTask() { ActionTask pTask = new ActionTask(); return(pTask); }
public void NappingTestsDontCountTowardsLimit( ) { int i = 0; um = new UnityManager(1); ActionTask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => _.IsNapping = true, false); task.Extend(( _ ) => i = 100); um.EnqueueTask(task); for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { ITask t = new ActionTask(( _ ) => i++, false); um.EnqueueTask(t); } um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(task.IsNapping, "Task didn't start napping."); for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(j + 1, i, "Didn't just run 1."); } task.IsNapping = false; um.UnsafeUpdate(); Assert.AreEqual(100, i, "Didn't run awakened task."); }
public void IsCompletedFunctional( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false); Assert.IsFalse(a.IsCompleted, "Task thinks its completed before it ran."); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsCompleted, "Looks like the task doesn't register when it's completed."); }
public void NappingFunctions( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => task.IsNapping = true, false); a.Extend(( task ) => i++); a.Extend(( task ) => i++); bool result = (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsNapping, "Doesn't think it's napping..."); Assert.IsFalse(a.IsCompleted, "Thinks its done while napping."); Assert.AreEqual(0, i, "Ran extensions while napping."); Assert.IsTrue(result, "Didn't report it was napping."); a.IsNapping = false; result = (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(2, i, "After napping didn't continue correctly."); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsCompleted, "Doesn't think its done after napping."); Assert.IsFalse(result, "Reported it was still napping."); }
public void DoesTask( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false); bool result = (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(1, i, "Looks like the task didn't execute when instantiated with an action."); Assert.IsFalse(result, "Task reported it was sleeping after completing."); }
public void ExtendsTask( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => i = 1, false); a.Extend(( task ) => i++); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(2, i, "Looks like a continued task doesn't actually continue."); }
public void Scheduler_PerformanceCounters_NoTime() { using var scheduler = _root.CreateChildScheduler(); const int N = 10; for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { var worked = new AutoResetEvent(false); // // Schedule work without due time, and wait for its completion. // scheduler.Schedule(ActionTask.Create( s => { worked.Set(); return(true); }, 0)); // // Resume the scheduler if we were previously paused. This accummulates PausedTime to assert on. // if (i > 0) { scheduler.Continue(); } // // Wait for the work to be completed. // worked.WaitOne(); // // Pause the scheduler to wait for all the worker threads to stop processing work. // // NB: This is critical for the asserts, because accounting happens after the user work completes, // and our user code signals an event, so we end up with a race between threads. By pausing, we // ensure the tasks have drained completely. // scheduler.PauseAsync().Wait(); } // // Check the counters of the child scheduler. // var childCounters = ((ISchedulerPerformanceCountersProvider)scheduler).QueryPerformanceCounters(includeChildren: false); Assert.AreEqual(N, childCounters.TaskExecutionCount); Assert.AreEqual(0, childCounters.TimerTickCount); Assert.IsTrue(childCounters.Uptime > TimeSpan.Zero); Assert.IsTrue(childCounters.PausedTime > TimeSpan.Zero); // // Check the counters of the root scheduler. // var rootCounters = _root.QueryPerformanceCounters(includeChildren: true); Assert.AreEqual(N, rootCounters.TaskExecutionCount); Assert.AreEqual(0, rootCounters.TimerTickCount); // // Assert struct math on SchedulerPerformanceCounters. // AssertStructMath(childCounters); AssertStructMath(rootCounters); }
//The action list gui public void ShowListGUI() { if (ownerSystem == null){ Debug.LogError("Owner System = null !"); return; } EditorUtils.TaskSelectionButton<ActionTask>(ownerSystem, (a)=>{ AddAction(a); }); ValidateList(); if (actions.Count == 0){ EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No Actions", MessageType.None); return; } if (actions.Count == 1) return; //show the actions EditorUtils.ReorderableList(actions, delegate(int i){ var action = actions[i]; GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.25f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal("box"); GUI.color = action.isActive? new Color(1,1,1,0.8f) : new Color(1,1,1,0.25f); action.isActive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(action.isActive, GUILayout.Width(18)); GUI.backgroundColor = action == currentViewAction? Color.grey : Color.white; if (GUILayout.Button(EditorUtils.viewIcon, GUILayout.Width(25), GUILayout.Height(18))) currentViewAction = action == currentViewAction? null : action; EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), MouseCursor.Link); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUILayout.Label( (action.isPaused? "<b>||</b> " : action.isRunning? "► " : "") + action.summaryInfo, GUILayout.MinWidth(0), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (!Application.isPlaying && GUILayout.Button("X", GUILayout.Width(20))){ Undo.RecordObject(ownerSystem.baseObject, "List Remove Task"); actions.RemoveAt(i); } EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), MouseCursor.Link); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.color = Color.white; }); executionMode = (ActionsExecutionMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(executionMode); }
private IEnumerable <CakeTask> defineTasks() { var circularTaskA = new ActionTask("circ-a"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(circularTaskA) .IsDependentOn("circ-b"); yield return(circularTaskA); var circularTaskB = new ActionTask("circ-b"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(circularTaskB) .IsDependentOn("circ-c"); yield return(circularTaskB); var circularTaskC = new ActionTask("circ-c"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(circularTaskC) .IsDependentOn("circ-a"); yield return(circularTaskC); var taskA = new ActionTask("a"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskA) .Does(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000); _sb.Append("a"); }); yield return(taskA); var taskB = new ActionTask("b"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskB) .IsDependentOn("a") .Does(() => _sb.Append("b")); yield return(taskB); var taskC = new ActionTask("c"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskC) .IsDependentOn("a") .Does(() => _sb.Append("c")); yield return(taskC); var taskD = new ActionTask("d"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskD) .Does(() => _sb.Append("d")); yield return(taskD); var taskE = new ActionTask("e"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskE) .IsDependentOn("d") .Does(() => _sb.Append("e")); yield return(taskE); var taskF = new ActionTask("f"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskF) .IsDependentOn("e") .Does(() => { _sb.Append("f"); return(Task.CompletedTask); }); yield return(taskF); var taskG = new ActionTask("g"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskG) .IsDependentOn("a") .IsDependentOn("b") .IsDependentOn("c") .IsDependentOn("e") .IsDependentOn("f") .Does(() => _sb.Append("g")); yield return(taskG); var taskh1 = new ActionTask("h1"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskh1) .Does(() => _sb.Append("h1")); yield return(taskh1); var taskh2 = new ActionTask("h2"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskh2) .Does(() => _sb.Append("h2")); yield return(taskh2); var taskh = new ActionTask("h"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(taskh) .IsDependentOn("h1") .IsDependeeOf("h2") .Does(() => _sb.Append("h")); yield return(taskh); var broken = new ActionTask("broken"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(broken) .Does(() => { throw new Exception(); }); yield return(broken); var error = new ActionTask("error"); new CakeTaskBuilder <ActionTask>(error) .IsDependentOn("b") .IsDependentOn("broken") .Does(() => {}); yield return(error); }
public async Task ExceptionPropagatesOutIfNoFinally() { var task = new ActionTask(Token, _ => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }) .Catch(_ => { }); await task.StartAsAsync(); }
/* * 1. Move player to position. Move camera behind player. ~2s * 2. Move Camera to cutsceneCamera, have camera slowly focus on item. Make player walk to tree. ~2s * 3. Trigger Quest item repository to take item, trigger sounds and particle effects, smoothly animate it into position and have large particle effect. 2s * 4. Fade to white? black? 2s * 5. stay there for a sec as music fades. Place player into new position. 3s * 6. Fade back in and have player turned around as environment changes are triggered. 2s * 7. 1 sec later have player get up and return to normal controls. 1s // turns around! */ private static Task DefineMidSequence() { // 1. Move player to position. Move camera behind player. ~2s Task enterSequence = new DelegateTask(() => { inCutscene = true; }, () => { Services.UIManager.HideItemPickupPrompt(); return(Services.PlayerMovement.inPlaceForSequence); }); Task waitForTime1 = new WaitTask(1f); // 2. Move Camera to cutsceneCamera, have camera slowly focus on item. Make player walk to tree. ~2s Task secondSequence = new DelegateTask(() => { // Trigger particles? // Trigger music? }, () => { Services.UIManager.HideItemPickupPrompt(); return(Services.PlayerMovement.inPlaceForSequence); }); Task dropItem = new ActionTask(() => { Services.PlayerItemHolder.DropItem(); }); Task waitForTime2 = new WaitTask(.66f); // 3.Trigger Quest item repository to take item, trigger sounds and particle effects, smoothly animate it into position and have large particle effect. 2s ActionTask thirdSequence = new ActionTask(() => { Services.QuestItemRepository.StartSequence(); FModMusicManager.ReturnedItem(); // Quest item Repository takes Item. // trigger other stuff. }); // Add in phase here to show plants growing????????????????????????????????????? Task waitForTime3 = new WaitTask(1.5f); // 4. Fade to white? black? 2s ActionTask fourthSequence = new ActionTask(() => { // Fade out? Services.UIManager.CutsceneFadeIn(); }); // 5. stay there for a sec as music fades. Place player into new position. 3s Task waitForTime4 = new WaitTask(4.5f); // 6. Fade back in and have player turned around as environment changes are triggered. 2s ActionTask fifthSequence = new ActionTask(() => { Services.PostProcessingManager.AdvanceStage(); PlayerAnimation.Sitting(true); // Fade in? Services.UIManager.CutsceneFadeOut(); Services.UIManager.HideDialogueEnterPrompt(); }); Task waitForTime5 = new WaitTask(1f); ActionTask triggerPlantAnims = new ActionTask(() => { cutsceneObjectsManager.Transition(); }); Task waitForTime6 = new WaitTask(10.5f); // 7. 1 sec later have player get up and return to normal controls. 1s ActionTask sixthSequence = new ActionTask(() => { PlayerAnimation.Sitting(false); NPCInteractionManager.FindClosestNPC(); Services.GameManager.EnterDialogue(); inCutscene = false; }); enterSequence.Then(waitForTime1).Then(secondSequence).Then(dropItem).Then(waitForTime2).Then(thirdSequence).Then(waitForTime3).Then(fourthSequence).Then(waitForTime4).Then(fifthSequence).Then(waitForTime5).Then(triggerPlantAnims).Then(waitForTime6).Then(sixthSequence); return(enterSequence); }
public async Task StartAwaitSafelyAwaits() { var task = new ActionTask(Token, _ => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }) .Catch(_ => { }); await task.StartAwait(_ => { }); }
public void UnityFlagFunctional( ) { int i = 0; ActionTask a = new ActionTask(( task ) => { if ( task.OnUnityThread ) i = 1; }, true); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(1, i, "OnUnityThread reported false, when should be true."); a = new ActionTask(( task ) => { if ( task.OnUnityThread ) i = 2; }, false); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(1, i, "OnUnityThread reported true, when should be false."); }
public IActionResult Execute() { var operationResult = ActionResult ?? ActionTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return(ExecutePrivate(operationResult)); }
void OnGUI() { DemoGUIHelpers.setupGUIButtons(); if (_springTween == null) { _duration = DemoGUIHelpers.durationSlider(_duration); if (GUILayout.Button("Custom Property Tween (wackyDoodleWidth)")) { PropertyTweens.floatPropertyTo(this, "wackyDoodleWidth", 6f, _duration) .setFrom(1f) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Position via Property Tween")) { PropertyTweens.vector3PropertyTo(cube, "position", new Vector3(5f, 5f, 5f), _duration) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Tween Party (color, position, scale and rotation)")) { var party = new TweenParty(_duration); party.addTween(cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo( .addTween(cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f))) .addTween(cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f))) .addTween(cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Tween Chain (same props as the party)")) { var chain = new TweenChain(); chain.appendTween(cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f,, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Chaining Tweens Directly (same props as the party)")) { cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .setNextTween ( cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong).setNextTween ( cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong).setNextTween ( cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f,, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) ) ) ) .start(); } GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Position")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.Position, cube.position); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Position (overdamped)")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.Position, cube.position); _springTween.dampingRatio = 1.5f; _springTween.angularFrequency = 20f; } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Scale")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.LocalScale, cube.localScale); } GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Run Action Every 1s After 2s Delay")) { ActionTask.every(2f, 1f, this, task => { // by using the context we get away with not allocating when passing this Action around! (task.context as ZestKitOtherGoodies).methodCalledForDemonstrationPurposes(); }); } if (GUILayout.Button("ActionTask Interoperability")) { Debug.Log("The Story: An ActionTask with a 2s delay will be created with a continueWith ActionTask appended to it that will tick every 0.3s for 2s. The original ActionTask will have a waitFor called that is an ActionTask with a 1s delay. Follow?"); Debug.Log("--- current time: " + Time.time); ActionTask.afterDelay(2f, this, task => { Debug.Log("--- root task ticked: " + Time.time); }).continueWith ( ActionTask.create(this, task => { Debug.Log("+++ continueWith task elapsed time: " + task.elapsedTime); if (task.elapsedTime > 2f) { task.stop(); } }) .setDelay(1f) .setRepeats(0.3f) ).waitFor ( ActionTask.afterDelay(1f, this, task => { Debug.Log("--- waitFor ticked: " + Time.time); }) ); } DemoGUIHelpers.easeTypesGUI(); } else { GUILayout.Label("While the spring tween is active the cube will spring to\n" + "whichever location you click or scale x/y to that location\n" + "if you chose a scale spring. The sliders below let you tweak\n" + "the spring contants.\n\n" + "For the scale tween, try clicking places on a horizontal or vertical\n" + "axis to get a feel for how it works."); springSliders(); var prefix = _springTween.targetType == TransformTargetType.Position ? "Spring position to:" : "Spring scale to:"; var mousePosWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); var labelText = string.Format("{0}\nx: {1:F1}\ny: {2:F1}", prefix, mousePosWorld.x, mousePosWorld.y); GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - 50f, 130f, 50f), labelText); if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Spring")) { _springTween.stop(); _springTween = null; cube.position = new Vector3(-1f, -2f); cube.localScale =; } } }
public void LetsOthersUseNappingThreadsCorrectly( ) { int i = 0; object _lock = new object(); ThreadManager tman = new ThreadManager(1, 1); // Using this to test interaction very specifically. tman.WaitForThreadSpawns(); ActionTask task = new ActionTask(( _ ) => { _.IsNapping = true; }, false); task.Extend(( _ ) => i = 100); tman.EnqueueTask(task); for ( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) tman.EnqueueTask(new ActionTask(( _ ) => { lock ( _lock ) i++; }, false)); tman.UnsafeUpdate(); for ( int j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) if ( task.IsNapping ) break; else System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); for ( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) { tman.UnsafeUpdate(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); lock ( _lock ) Assert.AreEqual(j + 1, i, "Ran some number other than 1 of the Tasks at once on update #" + j); } task.IsNapping = false; tman.UnsafeUpdate(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); Assert.AreEqual(100, i, "Did not run awakened Task."); tman.Dispose(); }
public bool Wakeup(Action action) { ActionTask task = new ActionTask(action); return(Wakeup(task)); }
public void ForceAwakeningFunctions( ) { ActionTask t = new ActionTask(( _ ) => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0), false); EnumeratorTask a = new EnumeratorTask(SampleTaskWithYield(t), false); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsNapping, "Doesn't think it's napping..."); Assert.IsFalse(a.IsCompleted, "Thinks its done while napping."); Assert.AreEqual(6, i, "Ran extensions while napping or didn't run start before napping."); a.ForceAwaken(); (a as ITask).Start(); Assert.AreEqual(8, i, "After napping didn't continue correctly."); Assert.IsTrue(a.IsCompleted, "Doesn't think its done after napping."); }
private void DoSchedule(ActionTask task) { _context.Scheduler.Schedule(task); _context.TraceSource.StartWith_Scheduling(_context.InstanceId, _valuesIndex, Params._values.Length); }
void AddAction(ActionTask action) { if (action is ActionList){ Debug.LogWarning("Adding an ActionList within an ActionList is not allowed for clarity"); return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying){ Undo.RecordObject(ownerSystem.baseObject, "List Add Task"); currentViewAction = action; } #endif actions.Add(action); action.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); }
public void ShowNestedActionsGUI() { if (actions.Count == 1) currentViewAction = actions[0]; if (currentViewAction != null){ EditorUtils.Separator(); Task.ShowTaskInspectorGUI(currentViewAction, (a)=> { if (a == null){ var i = actions.IndexOf(currentViewAction); actions.RemoveAt(i); } currentViewAction = (ActionTask)a; }); } }
protected override BehaviorTask createTask() { ActionTask pTask = new ActionTask(); return pTask; }
public void DoLoadPreset() { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER var path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load Preset", "Assets", "actionList"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)){ var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); var list = JSON.Deserialize<ActionList>(json); this.actions = list.actions; this.executionMode = list.executionMode; this.currentViewAction = null; foreach(var a in actions){ a.SetOwnerSystem(this.ownerSystem); } } #else Debug.LogWarning("Preset loading is not possible with WebPlayer as active platform"); #endif }