/// <param name="subject">Юнит, совершивший действие.</param> /// <param name="obj">Юнит, к которому применено действие.</param> /// <param name="action">Тип воздействия.</param> public ActionResult(IUnit subject, IUnit obj, ActionResultType action) { Subject = subject; Object = obj; Action = action; Message = String.Empty; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of an ActionResult /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">the message</param> /// <param name="loc">the location</param> public ActionResult(string msg, Location loc) { this.msg = msg; this.loc = loc; type = ActionResultType.Info; this.code = string.Empty; }
private void CheckActionResult(ActionResultType result) { if (result != ActionResultType.OK) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } }
public static ActionResultType CheckResult(ActionResultType actionResult) { if (actionResult != ActionResultType.OK) { Logger.Instance.AddInfoMessage($"{Environment.StackTrace}: {actionResult}"); } return(actionResult); }
public void StartWorkflow() { System.DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; String originalQueryString = ((!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UrlOriginal)) ? ((UrlOriginal.Split('?').Length > 0) ? UrlOriginal.Split('?')[1] : String.Empty) : String.Empty); // CREATE WORKFLOW START REQUEST Mercury.Server.Application.WorkflowStartRequest workflowStartRequest = new Server.Application.WorkflowStartRequest(); workflowStartRequest.Arguments = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <String, Object> (); workflowStartRequest.WorkflowId = WorkflowId; workflowStartRequest.WorkflowInstanceId = WorkflowInstanceId; workflowStartRequest.WorkflowName = WorkflowName; // LOAD ARGUMENTS FROM ORIGINAL QUERY STRING for (Int32 currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < originalQueryString.Split('&').Length; currentIndex++) { String parameter = originalQueryString.Split('&')[currentIndex]; String parameterName = ((parameter.Contains("=")) ? parameter.Split('=')[0] : String.Empty); String parameterValue = ((parameter.Contains("=")) ? parameter.Split('=')[1] : String.Empty); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterName)) { workflowStartRequest.Arguments.Add(parameterName, parameterValue); } } // CALL WORKFLOW START ON MERCURY SERVER workflowResponse = MercuryApplication.WorkflowStart(workflowStartRequest); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WorkflowStart: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString()); WorkflowInstanceId = workflowResponse.WorkflowInstanceId; // ASSIGN NEW WORKFLOW INSTANCE ID FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (CONTINUE AND RESUME) startTime = DateTime.Now; HandleWorkflowResponse(); actionResultType = Models.ActionResultType.Control; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WorkflowStart_HandleResponse: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString()); return; }
/// <summary> /// Конструктор для состояний Ok и Error, то есть для случаев, когда необходимо вывести сообщение. /// </summary> /// <param name="action">Состояние Ok или Error.</param> /// <param name="message">Текст сообщения.</param> public ActionResult(ActionResultType action, string message) { if (action != ActionResultType.Ok && action != ActionResultType.Error) { throw new ArgumentException("Expected ActionResultType.Ok or ActionResultType.Error", nameof(action)); } Subject = null; Object = null; Action = action; Message = message; }
public ActionResultType <DataTable> DynamicInsertUpdate(ObjectInfoModel model) { DataTable tbResult = null; var res = new ActionResultType <DataTable>() { Data = null, Success = false }; var tableInfo = GetTableInfo(model.TableName); var columnNames = tableInfo.ColumnInfos.Select(c => c.ColumnName.ToLower()); var idField = model.Fields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName.ToLower() == "id"); var mappingFields = model.Fields.Where(c => columnNames.Contains(c.FieldName.ToLower()) && string.Compare(c.FieldName, "Id", true) != 0).ToList(); if (!(idField != null && idField.FieldValue.ToString() != "0")) { var command = $"insert into [{model.TableName}] "; var insertColumns = new List <string>(); var valueParams = new List <string>(); var paramaters = new List <SqlParameter>(); foreach (var field in mappingFields) { insertColumns.Add($"[{field.FieldName}]"); valueParams.Add($"@{field.FieldName}"); paramaters.Add(new SqlParameter($"@{field.FieldName}", field.FieldValue)); } command += "(" + (string.Join(" , ", insertColumns)) + " ) "; command += $"values({string.Join(", ", valueParams)})"; command += " SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int);"; var newId = context.ExecScalar(command, paramaters); tbResult = context.ExecDataTable($"select * from [{model.TableName}] where id=@id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@id", newId)); } else { var command = $"update [{model.TableName}] set "; var listSetValues = new List <string>(); var paramaters = new List <SqlParameter>(); foreach (var field in mappingFields) { listSetValues.Add($"[{field.FieldName}]=@{field.FieldName}"); paramaters.Add(new SqlParameter($"@{field.FieldName}", field.FieldValue)); } paramaters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Id", idField.FieldValue)); command += (string.Join(" , ", listSetValues)); command += $" where id=@id"; context.ExecScalar(command, paramaters); tbResult = context.ExecDataTable($"select * from [{model.TableName}] where id=@id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@id", idField.FieldValue)); } return(new ActionResultType <DataTable>() { Success = true, Data = tbResult }); }
private IAimpPlaylist CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref ActionResultType result, bool isActive = true) { var playlistResult = Player.ServicePlaylistManager.CreatePlaylistFromFile(PlaylistPath, isActive); this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, playlistResult.ResultType, "playlistResult.ResultType"); this.NotNull(playlistResult.Result, "playlistResult.Result"); result = playlistResult.ResultType; return(playlistResult.ResultType == ActionResultType.OK ? playlistResult.Result : default);
protected void CreateNotification(ActionResultType resultType) { switch (resultType) { case ActionResultType.Success: TempData[resultType.ToString()] = "İşleminiz başarıyla gerçekleşti!"; break; case ActionResultType.Failure: TempData[resultType.ToString()] = "İşleminiz gerçekleştirilirken bir hata oluştu"; break; } }
public void Sort_OK(PlaylistSort sort) { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { result = pl.Sort(sort).ResultType; this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, result); } }); }
public void Delete_IncorrectIndex_IncorrectArgument() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result, false); if (pl != null) { result = pl.Delete(-1).ResultType; this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.InvalidArguments, result); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void generateColor() { List <object> modifiableUI = new List <object>(); modifiableUI.Add(sprite); modifiableUI.Add(label); if (stateMachine.CurrentState.Token == bc.ColorGeneratorFSMStateTokens.GenerateColor) { ActionResultType result = stateMachine.PerformAction(bc.ColorGeneratorFSMActionTokens.Next, modifiableUI); if (result == ActionResultType.Success) { countDown = waitingTime; } } }
public void Get_ShouldReadValues(string path) { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType r = ActionResultType.Fail; if (path.EndsWith("Float")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsFloat(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual((float)1.1, () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("Int")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsInt32(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual(1, () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("Int64")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsInt64(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual(2, () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("String")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsString(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual("SomeString", () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("Stream")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsStream(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.NotNull(() => result.Result); byte[] buf = new byte[result.Result.GetSize()]; result.Result.Read(buf, buf.Length); this.AreEqual(3, buf.Length); r = result.ResultType; } this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, r); }); }
private void Render(ActionResultType actionResultType) { var errorMessage = _htmlHelper.ViewContext.TempData[actionResultType.ToString()]; var ulError = new TagBuilder("ul"); if (errorMessage != null) { var li = new TagBuilder("li"); li.SetInnerText(errorMessage.ToString()); ulError.InnerHtml += li; _htmlHelper.RenderPartial("Widget/_Notification" , new NotificationModel(actionResultType, ulError.ToString())); } }
public void DeleteAll_OK() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { result = pl.DeleteAll().ResultType; this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, result, "result"); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void GetItemCount_ShouldReturnItemCount() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { var items = pl.GetItemCount(); this.AreEqual(4, items); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of an ActionResult /// </summary> /// <param name="type">result type</param> /// <param name="line">line number</param> /// <param name="column">column</param> /// <param name="message">the message</param> /// <param name="filename">the filename</param> /// <param name="code">The code.</param> public ActionResult(ActionResultType type, int line, int column, string message, string filename, string code) { this.code = code; loc = new Location(line, column, 0, column + 1, filename); switch (type) { case ActionResultType.Error: loc.Error = true; break; case ActionResultType.Warning: loc.Warning = true; break; } this.type = type; msg = message; }
public void FocusedGroup_ShouldReturnSelectedFocusedGroup() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { pl.FocusIndex = 0; var item = pl.FocusedGroup; this.NotNull(item); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void Delete_PlayListItem_ShouldReturnOK() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result, false); var getItemResult = pl.GetItem(0); this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, getItemResult.ResultType, "Unable to get item from playlist"); result = pl.Delete(getItemResult.Result).ResultType; this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, result, "Unable delete playlist item from playlist"); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); }); }
public void Get_NotExist_ShouldReturnDefault(string path) { ExecuteInMainThread( () => { ActionResultType r = ActionResultType.Fail; if (path.EndsWith("Float")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsFloat(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual(default(float), () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("Int")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsInt32(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual(default(int), () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("Int64")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsInt64(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.AreEqual(default(Int64), () => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("String")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsString(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.Null(() => result.Result); r = result.ResultType; } else if (path.EndsWith("Stream")) { var result = Player.ServiceConfig.GetValueAsStream(path); this.NotNull(() => result); this.Null(() => result.Result); } this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.Fail, r); }); }
public void ContinueWorkflow(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection form) { System.DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; Mercury.Server.Application.WorkflowUserInteractionResponseBase userInteractionResponse = null; // COMING BACK IN FROM A POSTBACK (AJAX REQUEST) // USE THE SELECTED WORKFLOW CONTROL TO RESTORE STATE AND VALIDATE System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Workflow Control - Continue Workflow: " + workflowControl); // AT THIS POINT, THE WORKFLOW CONTROL HAS BEEN REBUILT AND UPDATED FROM THE CLIENT if (workflowControl.Contains("ContactEntity")) { userInteractionResponse = HandleUserInteraction_ContactEntity(form); } // IF USER INTERACTION RESPONSE AVAILABLE, CONTINUE WORKFLOW, OR REBUILD EXISTING PAGE if (userInteractionResponse != null) { WorkflowControl = String.Empty; workflowResponse = MercuryApplication.WorkflowContinue(WorkflowName, WorkflowInstanceId, userInteractionResponse); HandleWorkflowResponse(); actionResultType = Models.ActionResultType.Control; } else { actionResultType = Models.ActionResultType.View; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WorkflowContinue_HandleResponse: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString()); return; }
public void GetFiles_All_ShouldAllFiles() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { var getFilesResult = pl.GetFiles(PlaylistGetFilesFlag.All); result = getFilesResult.ResultType; this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, getFilesResult.ResultType, "result.ResultType"); this.NotNull(getFilesResult.Result); this.AreEqual(4, getFilesResult.Result.Count); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
private void Render(ActionResultType actionResultType) { var modelStates = _htmlHelper.ViewData.ModelState .Where(x => x.Key == actionResultType.ToString()).ToList(); var ul = new TagBuilder("ul"); if (modelStates.Any()) { foreach (var modelState in modelStates) { var li = new TagBuilder("li"); li.SetInnerText(modelState.Value.Errors.FirstOrDefault().ErrorMessage); ul.InnerHtml += li; } _htmlHelper.RenderPartial("Widget/_Notification" , new NotificationModel(actionResultType, ul.ToString())); } }
public void Group_Select_ShouldToggleSelect() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { var getGroupResult = pl.GetGroup(0); this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, getGroupResult.ResultType); this.NotNull(getGroupResult.Result); this.IsFalse(getGroupResult.Result.Selected); getGroupResult.Result.Selected = true; this.IsTrue(getGroupResult.Result.Selected); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void Group_GetItem() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { var group = GetGroup(pl, 0, ref result); if (group != null) { var getItemResult = group.GetItem(0); this.AreEqual(ActionResultType.OK, getItemResult.ResultType); this.NotNull(getItemResult.Result); } pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void Group_Expanded_ShouldToggleGroup() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { var group = GetGroup(pl, 0, ref result); if (group != null) { this.IsTrue(group.Expanded); group.Expanded = !group.Expanded; this.IsFalse(group.Expanded); } pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void GetGroup_ShouldReturnGroup() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { var group = GetGroup(pl, 0, ref result); if (group != null) { this.IsTrue(group.Name.EndsWith(@"Plugins\AimpTestRunner\resources")); this.AreEqual(0, group.Index); this.AreEqual(4, group.Count); this.IsFalse(group.Selected); this.IsTrue(group.Expanded); } pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
public void Delete_ByFilter_ShouldExecuteCallback() { ExecuteInMainThread(() => { var executed = false; ActionResultType result = ActionResultType.Fail; var pl = CreatePlaylistFromFile(ref result); if (pl != null) { result = pl.Delete(PlaylistDeleteFlags.None, "track", (item, o) => { executed = true; return(false); }).ResultType; this.IsTrue(executed); pl.Close(PlaylistCloseFlag.ForceRemove); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">The ex.</param> /// <param name="resultType">Type of the result.</param> /// <param name="operationName">Name of the operation.</param> /// <param name="sourceFilePath">The source file path.</param> /// <param name="sourceLineNumber">The source line number.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual ActionResult HandleException(Exception ex, ActionResultType resultType = ActionResultType.PartialView, [CallerMemberName] string operationName = null, [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = null, [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0) { var exception = ex?.Handle(new { routeData = ControllerContext.RequestContext.RouteData.ToJson() }, operationName: operationName, sourceFilePath: sourceFilePath, sourceLineNumber: sourceLineNumber); ActionResult result = null; if (exception != null) { if (exception.Code.Major == ExceptionCode.MajorCode.OperationFailure) { Framework.ApiTracking?.LogException(exception.ToExceptionInfo()); } switch (resultType) { case ActionResultType.PartialView: result = PartialView(defaultErrorPartialView, exception.ToSimpleExceptionInfo()); break; case ActionResultType.View: result = View(defaultErrorView, exception.ToSimpleExceptionInfo()); break; case ActionResultType.Default: case ActionResultType.Json: default: this.PackageResponse(null, exception); result = null; break; } } return(result); }
public static string GetNotificationTypeClassName(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, ActionResultType notificationType) { switch (notificationType) { case ActionResultType.Success: return("success"); case ActionResultType.Failure: return("danger"); default: return(string.Empty); } }