예제 #1
        // called when a new group is set up, what editor do you want?  and you can alter the condition
        // for new entries, cd = AlwaysTrue. For older entries, the condition
        private ActionPackEditBase SetPackEditorAndCondition(string group, Condition cd)
            if (group == "Voice")
                ActionPackEditVoice ev = new ActionPackEditVoice();
                ev.Height     = 28;
                ev.onEditKeys = onEditKeys;
                ev.onEditSay  = onEditSay;

                // make sure the voice condition is right.. if not, reset.

                if (cd.eventname != Actions.ActionEventEDList.onVoiceInput.TriggerName ||
                    (!cd.Is("VoiceInput", ConditionEntry.MatchType.MatchSemicolonList) && !cd.Is("VoiceInput", ConditionEntry.MatchType.MatchSemicolon)))
                    cd.eventname = Actions.ActionEventEDList.onVoiceInput.TriggerName;
                    cd.Set(new ConditionEntry("VoiceInput", ConditionEntry.MatchType.MatchSemicolonList, "?"));     // Voiceinput being the variable set to the expression

                ActionPackEditEventProgramCondition eb = new ActionPackEditEventProgramCondition();
                eb.autosetcondition += SetEventCondition;
                eb.Height            = 28;
                eb.onEditKeys        = onEditKeys;
                eb.onEditSay         = onEditSay;
예제 #2
        // called when a new group is set up, what editor do you want?  and you can alter the condition
        // for new entries, cd = AlwaysTrue. For older entries, the condition
        private ActionPackEditBase SetPackEditorAndCondition(string group, Condition cd)
            List <string> addnames = new List <string>()
                "{one}", "{two}"

            if (group == "Voice")
                ActionPackEditVoice ev = new ActionPackEditVoice();
                ev.Height     = 28;
                ev.onEditKeys = onEditKeys;
                ev.onEditSay  = onEditSay;

                // make sure the voice condition is right.. if not, reset.

                if (cd.eventname != Actions.ActionEventEDList.onVoiceInput.triggername || !cd.Is("VoiceInput", ConditionEntry.MatchType.Equals))
                    cd.eventname = Actions.ActionEventEDList.onVoiceInput.triggername;
                    cd.Set(new ConditionEntry("VoiceInput", ConditionEntry.MatchType.Equals, "?"));     // Voiceinput being the variable set to the expression

                ActionPackEditEventProgramCondition eb = new ActionPackEditEventProgramCondition();
                eb.autosetcondition += SetEventCondition;
                eb.Height            = 28;
                eb.onEditKeys        = onEditKeys;
                eb.onEditSay         = onEditSay;