예제 #1
 //[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
 protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
     switch (m.Msg)
         case WM_TSAPI_EVENT:
                 short[] wmEventData = Aux.SplitPtr(m.LParam);
                 string logMsg = string.Format("[acsEventNotify Test] Got event: AcsHandle = {0}, EventClass = {1}, EventType = {2}", m.WParam, wmEventData[0], wmEventData[1]);
                 ushort numevents = 1;
                 ushort bufsize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP;
                 var tmpPrivateData = new Acs.PrivateData_t();
                 tmpPrivateData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA;
                 var evtBuf = new Csta.EventBuffer_t();
                 // flush the event
                 while (numevents > 0)
                     Acs.acsGetEventPoll(this.acsHandle, evtBuf, ref bufsize, tmpPrivateData, out numevents);
                     switch (evtBuf.evt.eventHeader.eventType.eventType)
                         case Csta.CSTA_SERVICE_INITIATED:
                                 logMsg = ("CSTA_SERVICE_INITIATED: Cause:" + evtBuf.evt.cstaUnsolicited.serviceInitiated.cause + ", CallId:" + evtBuf.evt.cstaUnsolicited.serviceInitiated.initiatedConnection.callID + ", State:" + evtBuf.evt.cstaUnsolicited.serviceInitiated.localConnectionInfo);
     base.WndProc(ref m);
예제 #2
        private Csta.EventBuffer_t getDeviceList(Acs.ACSHandle_t acsHandle)
            Csta.EventBuffer_t evtBuf = new Csta.EventBuffer_t();
            Acs.PrivateData_t privData = new Acs.PrivateData_t();
            int idx = -1;
            Acs.RetCode_t retCode = Csta.cstaGetDeviceList(acsHandle, new Acs.InvokeID_t(), idx, Csta.CSTALevel_t.CSTA_HOME_WORK_TOP);
            this.privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA;
            ushort eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP * 2;
            ushort numEvents;
                                          ref eventBufSize,
                                          out numEvents);

            idx = evtBuf.evt.cstaConfirmation.getDeviceList.index;
            retCode = Csta.cstaGetDeviceList(acsHandle, new Acs.InvokeID_t(), idx, Csta.CSTALevel_t.CSTA_HOME_WORK_TOP);

            this.privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA;
            eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP;
                                          ref eventBufSize,
                                          out numEvents);
            return evtBuf;
예제 #3
        public static Att.ATTUCID_t[] GetUcid(Csta.DeviceID_t device)
            Acs.ACSHandle_t acsHandle;
            Acs.InvokeID_t invokeId;

            // Set PrivateData request
            var privData = new Acs.PrivateData_t();
            privData.vendor = "VERSION";
            privData.data = new byte[1024];
            privData.data[0] = Acs.PRIVATE_DATA_ENCODING;

            // Get supportedVersion string
            string requestedVersion = "3-7"; // Private Data version request
            System.Text.StringBuilder supportedVersion = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            Acs.RetCode_t attrc = Att.attMakeVersionString(requestedVersion, supportedVersion);
            //Console.WriteLine("attrc = " + attrc + "; supportedVersion = " + supportedVersion);

            for (int i = 0; i < supportedVersion.Length; i++)
                privData.data[i + 1] = (byte)supportedVersion[i];
            privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA;

            Acs.RetCode_t retCode = OpenStream(out acsHandle, out invokeId, ref privData);
            //Console.WriteLine("acsOpenStream retCode = " + retCode + ", Handle = " + acsHandle.ToString());

            retCode = Csta.cstaSnapshotDeviceReq(acsHandle,
                                     ref device,
                                     ref privData);

            privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA;
            Csta.CSTAEvent_t evt = new Csta.CSTAEvent_t();
            ushort eventBufSize = Csta.CSTA_MAX_HEAP;
            ushort numEvents = 0;
            retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle,
                                          out evt,
                                          ref eventBufSize,
                                          ref privData,
                                          out numEvents);

            int callCount = evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData.count;
            Csta.ConnectionID_t[] connections = new Csta.ConnectionID_t[callCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData.count; i++)
                connections[i] = evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData.info[i].callIdentifier;

            if (callCount > 0)
                Att.ATTUCID_t[] ucids = new Att.ATTUCID_t[callCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < callCount; i++)
                    //Csta.ConnectionID_t connection = evt.cstaConfirmation.snapshotDevice.snapshotData.info[i].callIdentifier;

                    retCode = Att.attQueryUCID(ref privData, ref connections[i]);
                    //Console.WriteLine("attQueryUCID retCode = " + retCode);
                    //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length);

                    retCode = Csta.cstaEscapeService(acsHandle, invokeId, ref privData);
                    //Console.WriteLine("cstaEscapeService retCode = " + retCode);
                    //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length);
                    // Set private data length (we'll have to call GetEventBlock otherwise)
                    privData.length = Att.ATT_MAX_PRIVATE_DATA;
                    retCode = Acs.acsGetEventBlock(acsHandle,
                                                 out evt,
                                                 ref eventBufSize,
                                                 ref privData,
                                                 out numEvents);

                    //Console.WriteLine("acsGetEventBlock retCode = " + retCode + " Buffer size = " + eventBufSize + ", numEvents = " + numEvents);
                    //Console.WriteLine("eventClass = " + evt.eventHeader.eventClass);
                    //Console.WriteLine("eventType = " + evt.eventHeader.eventType);
                    //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length);

                    // Decode ATTPrivateData
                    Att.ATTEvent_t attevt;
                    retCode = Att.attPrivateData(ref privData, out attevt);
                    ucids[i] = attevt.queryUCID.ucid;
                    //Console.WriteLine("attPrivateData retCode = " + retCode);
                    //Console.WriteLine("privData.Length = " + privData.length);
                    //Console.WriteLine("ATTeventType  = " + attevt.eventType);
                    //Console.WriteLine("ucid #{0} = {1}", i + 1, attevt.queryUCID.ucid);
                Acs.acsAbortStream(acsHandle, out privData);
                return ucids;
                Console.WriteLine("No active calls");
                Acs.acsAbortStream(acsHandle, out privData);
                return new Att.ATTUCID_t[0];