void OnEnable() { if (achievementHandler == null) { achievementHandler = GameObject.Find("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); } //minus 3 because the default pieceset, splitter, and symbol piecesets are unlocked at the start int totalTally = achievementHandler.splittersUnlocked.Length + achievementHandler.piecesetsUnlocked.Length - 3; int unlockedTally = -3; foreach (bool isUnlocked in achievementHandler.splittersUnlocked) { if (isUnlocked) { unlockedTally++; } } foreach (bool isUnlocked in achievementHandler.piecesetsUnlocked) { if (isUnlocked) { unlockedTally++; } } UnlockedText.text = unlockedTally.ToString(); OutOfText.text = totalTally.ToString(); }
public RuntimeAnimatorController Get_Splitter_Animation() { if (achievementHandler == null) { achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); } int index = achievementHandler.Splitter_Lookup_Index_by_Name(PlayerPrefs.GetString("Splitter Type", "Default")); return(SplitterAnimations [index]); }
//returns sprite for currently active splitter public Sprite Get_Splitter() { if (achievementHandler == null) { achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); } int index = achievementHandler.Splitter_Lookup_Index_by_Name(PlayerPrefs.GetString("Splitter Type", "Default")); return(Splitters [index]); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); if (PieceSet == "") { PieceSet = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Piece Set", "Default"); } if (SplitterType == "") { SplitterType = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Splitter Type", "Default"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameObject.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = GameObject.Find("Piece Sprite Holder").GetComponent <Piece_Sprite_Holder> ().Get_Splitter(); pieceSpriteHolder = GameObject.Find("Piece Sprite Holder").GetComponent <Piece_Sprite_Holder> (); htpSplitter.sprite = pieceSpriteHolder.Get_Splitter(); achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); headerText.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Splitter Type", "Default"); index = achievementHandler.Splitter_Lookup_Index_by_Name(headerText.text); image = gameObject.GetComponent <Image> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); headerText.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Piece Set", "Default"); switch (headerText.text) { case "Default": index = 0; break; case "Arcane": index = 1; break; case "Retro": index = 2; break; case "Programmer": index = 3; break; case "Blob": index = 4; break; case "Domino": index = 5; break; case "Present": index = 6; break; case "Pumpkin": index = 7; break; case "Symbol": index = 8; break; case "Techno": index = 9; break; default: index = 0; break; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GameObject GPGHObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Google Play"); if (GPGHObject == null) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } else { gpgh = GPGHObject.GetComponent <GPG_Handler>(); } bts = GetComponent <Button_Image_Swapper> (); if (gpgh.isLoggedIn) { GPActive = true; bts.Change_Image(0); } else { GPActive = false; bts.Change_Image(1); } // make sure the button has the correct functions loaded Button button = GetComponent <Button> (); switch (type) { case "Games": button.onClick.AddListener(() => gpgh.Show_Notification()); break; case "Leaderboards": button.onClick.AddListener(() => gpgh.Show_Leaderboards()); break; case "Achievements": achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script>(); button.onClick.AddListener(() => gpgh.Show_Achievements()); button.onClick.AddListener(() => achievementHandler.Sync_With_Google_Play()); break; default: button.onClick.AddListener(() => gpgh.Show_Notification()); break; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { animator = GetComponent <Animator> (); spriteRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); achievementHandler = GameObject.Find("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); SplitterType = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Splitter Type", "Default"); if (SplitterType == "Programmer") { Destroy(gameObject); return; } index = achievementHandler.Splitter_Lookup_Index_by_Name(SplitterType); animator.runtimeAnimatorController = wedgeAnimators [index]; spriteRenderer.sprite = IdleSprites [index]; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameController> (); if (gameController.gameType != "Wiz" && gameController.gameType != "Holy") { Destroy(gameObject); return; } foreach (GameObject yse in yellowSpellEffects) { yse.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = null; } achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); spellHandler = GameObject.Find("Spell Handler").GetComponent <SpellHandler> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { highScoreCalculator = GameObject.Find("High Score Calculator").GetComponent <High_Score_Calculator> (); //first check if they're using the most recent version of the game if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Version", 0) != versionNumber) { highScoreCalculator.Reset_All_Scores(); foreach (High_Score_Displayer hsd in hsds) { hsd.update_scores(); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Version", versionNumber); } achievementHandler = GameObject.Find("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); gpgNotification = GameObject.Find("Google Play Notification").GetComponent <GPG_Notification> (); Goto_Game_Mode_Layer(); shutter.Begin_Vertical_Open(); GameObject MCobject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Music Controller"); mc = MCobject.GetComponent <Music_Controller> (); mc.Play_Music("Menu"); //just in case this is the first time playing, set Wiz to be for sure unlocked PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Wiz unlocked", 1); //tell achievmement handler to check gamemodes that are supposed to be active achievementHandler.Check_Gamemode_Unlocked(); activeMode = 0; prevMode = 0; ScrollDown.BroadcastMessage("FadeOut", null, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { OrigButtonSprite[i] = GameButtons[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite; OrigDescText[i] = Descriptions[i].GetComponent <Text>().text; } GameMode_Unlocker(); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Played Before", 0) == 1) { Destroy(HTPEmphasizer); } }
// Use this for initialization void OnEnable() { if (achievementHandler == null) { achievementHandler = GameObject.Find("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); } NameText = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text> (); HintText = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text> (); UnlockableImage = transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <Image> (); //check if it's unlocked depending on what it is if (isSplitter) { unlocked = achievementHandler.is_Splitter_Unlocked(unlockable); } else { unlocked = achievementHandler.is_Pieceset_Unlocked(unlockable); } //if it's unlocked, update with the right info if (unlocked) { NameText.text = AchievementName; HintText.text = AchievementCondition; UnlockableImage.sprite = UnlockableSprite; UnlockableImage.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); } //if it isn't unlocked, hide it and give the player the hint found in the unity GUI for this gameobject else { NameText.text = "???????"; HintText.text = AchievementHint; UnlockableImage.sprite = UnlockableSprite; UnlockableImage.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); } }
void Awake() { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Split Title Scene") { SceneManager.UnloadScene("Split Title Scene"); } achievementHandler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achievement Handler").GetComponent <Achievement_Script> (); //begin with the assumption that you're not in quick mode and there's not countdown isCountingDown = false; switch (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Mode", 0)) { case 0: gameType = "Wiz"; break; case 1: gameType = "Quick"; break; case 2: gameType = "Wit"; break; case 3: gameType = "Holy"; break; } mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera> (); //let's grab the music controller GameObject MCobject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Music Controller"); mc = MCobject.GetComponent <Music_Controller> (); //reposition score to wherever it may be scoreText.transform.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D> ().offset = (mainCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(scoreText.transform.position)) - scoreText.transform.position; multiRun = false; //instantiate the grids with their appropriate starting values for (int r = 0; r <= 7; r++) { for (int c = 0; c <= 15; c++) { grid[r, c] = null; colorGrid[r, c] = null; checkGrid[r, c] = false; } cluster[r] = null; } multiplier = 1; checkGameOver = false; piecesPlaced = 0; checkFlag = false; movesMade = 0; score = 0; //load the splitter with the spawned splitter object GameObject splitterObject = GameObject.Find("Splitter"); if (splitterObject != null) { splitter = splitterObject.GetComponent <Splitter_script>(); } gameOver = false; //load the side columns if they exist sideColumns [0] = null; sideColumns [1] = null; GameObject[] scols = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Side Column"); GameObject spellHandlerObject = GameObject.Find("Spell Handler"); spellHandler = spellHandlerObject.GetComponent <SpellHandler> (); if (gameType == "Wit") { availableCount = 8; //no powers in Wit Destroy(spellHandlerObject); //Wit does not use the sidecolumns, get rid of them Destroy(scols[1]); Destroy(scols[0]); mc.Play_Music(gameType); } else if (gameType == "Quick") { availableCount = 4; if (scols [0] != null && scols [1] != null) { //make sure they're loaded properly, left is 0, right is 1 if (scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>().sideInt == 0) { sideColumns[0] = scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); sideColumns[1] = scols[1].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); } else { sideColumns[0] = scols[1].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); sideColumns[1] = scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); } } quickMoveSides = false; StartCoroutine("StartingCountDown"); splitter.setState("canShoot", false); // no powers in Quick, only Holy and Wiz Destroy(spellHandlerObject); } else if (gameType == "Wiz") { //powers are in Wiz, start out with 5 kinds of blocks availableCount = 5; if (scols [0] != null && scols [1] != null) { //make sure they're loaded properly, left is 0, right is 1 if (scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>().sideInt == 0) { sideColumns[0] = scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); sideColumns[1] = scols[1].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); } else { sideColumns[0] = scols[1].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); sideColumns[1] = scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); } } spellHandler.redReady = true; spellHandler.orangeReady = false; spellHandler.yellowReady = true; spellHandler.greenReady = true; spellHandler.blueReady = true; spellHandler.purpleReady = true; spellHandler.cyanReady = false; spellHandler.whiteReady = false; mc.Play_Music(gameType); } else if (gameType == "Holy") { //Holy has everything at once. Essentially hard mode availableCount = 8; if (scols [0] != null && scols [1] != null) { //make sure they're loaded properly, left is 0, right is 1 if (scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>().sideInt == 0) { sideColumns[0] = scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); sideColumns[1] = scols[1].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); } else { sideColumns[0] = scols[1].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); sideColumns[1] = scols[0].GetComponent <SideColumn>(); } } spellHandler.redReady = true; spellHandler.orangeReady = true; spellHandler.yellowReady = true; spellHandler.greenReady = true; spellHandler.blueReady = true; spellHandler.purpleReady = true; spellHandler.cyanReady = true; spellHandler.whiteReady = true; mc.Play_Music(gameType); } if (gameType != "Wit" && sideColumns != null && sideColumns[0].side == "Right") { SideColumn temp = sideColumns[0]; sideColumns[0] = sideColumns[1]; sideColumns[1] = temp; } sidesChecked = false; //initially update the moves and scores updateMoves(); updateScore(); //get the pause stuff in order isPaused = false; GameOverLayer.SetActive(false); shutter.Begin_Horizontal_Open(); //high score stuff newHighScore = false; HighScoreText.text = ""; tipText.text = ""; Score_Text_Canvas = GameObject.Find("Score Text Canvas"); }