예제 #1
        void AccountInfoRequestHandler(Task t)
            GlobalTask             task = (GlobalTask)t;
            AccountInfoRequestArgs args = (AccountInfoRequestArgs)task.Args;

            // Fetch account from the database
            DBQuery q = AddDBQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email=\"{0}\";", args.Email), task);

            task.Type = (int)GlobalTask.GlobalType.AccountInfoProcess;
예제 #2
        static void gclient_OnAccountInfoRequest(object sender, AccountInfoRequestArgs e)
            GlobalTask gst = new GlobalTask();

            gst.Type   = (int)GlobalTask.GlobalType.AccountInfoRequest;
            gst.Client = (GlobalClient)sender;
            gst.Args   = e;

예제 #3
        void AccountInfoProcessHandler(Task t)
            GlobalTask task         = (GlobalTask)t;
            int        accountId    = -1;
            string     displayName  = "";
            int        hardCurrency = 0;
            string     authString   = "";
            int        vip          = 0;

            AccountInfoRequestArgs args = (AccountInfoRequestArgs)task.Args;
            bool sendAccountInfo        = true;

            if (task.Query.Rows.Count > 0)
                // 0: account_id
                // 1: email
                // 2: password
                // 3: display name
                // 4: hard_currency
                // 5: auth_string
                // 6: vip
                // 7: google_id
                // 8: facebook_id

                // Found the account, check the password
                object[] row = task.Query.Rows[0];
                accountId = (int)row[0];
                string pw          = row[2].ToString();
                string google_id   = (row[7] is DBNull) ? null : row[7].ToString();
                string facebook_id = (row[8] is DBNull) ? null : row[8].ToString();
                if (ValidPassword(args.Password, args.OAuthMode, pw, google_id, facebook_id, args.Email))
                    // password match
                    displayName  = row[3].ToString();
                    hardCurrency = (int)row[4];
                    vip          = (int)row[6];

                    if (row[5] is DBNull)
                        // Auth string doesnt exist, generate it now
                        authString = GenerateAuthString((string)row[1], pw, displayName, accountId);

                        // Store it in the database
                        DBQuery q = AddDBQuery(string.Format("UPDATE accounts SET auth_string=\"{0}\" WHERE account_id={1};", authString, accountId), null);
                        authString = (string)row[5];
                    if (args.OAuthMode == 1 && google_id == null)
                        // Trying to sign in with google but this account isn't associated with google.
                        // Add the google id to the database for this user and try again
                        task.Type = (int)GlobalTask.GlobalType.AccountInfoRequest;
                        AddDBQuery(string.Format("UPDATE accounts SET google_id=\"{0}\" WHERE account_id={1};", args.Password, accountId), task);
                        sendAccountInfo = false;
                    else if (args.OAuthMode == 2 && facebook_id == null)
                        // Trying to sign in with facebook but this account isn't associated with facebook.
                        // Add the facebook id to the database for this user and try again
                        task.Type = (int)GlobalTask.GlobalType.AccountInfoRequest;
                        AddDBQuery(string.Format("UPDATE accounts SET facebook_id=\"{0}\" WHERE account_id={1};", args.Password, accountId), task);
                        sendAccountInfo = false;

                    // password mismatch - displayName stays empty but accountId is filled in
                // Account does not exist
                if (args.DisplayName != null)
                    // This is actually a request to create the account.
                    sendAccountInfo = false;

                    task.Type = (int)GlobalTask.GlobalType.AccountInfoRequest;
                    switch (args.OAuthMode)
                        AddDBQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO accounts SET email=\"{0}\",password=\"{1}\",display_name=\"{2}\",hard_currency={3},vip={4};", args.Email, args.Password, args.DisplayName, 0, 0), task);

                    case 1:     // Google
                        AddDBQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO accounts SET email=\"{0}\",display_name=\"{1}\",hard_currency={2},vip={3},google_id={4};", args.Email, args.DisplayName, 0, 0, args.Password), task);

                    case 2:     // Facebook
                        AddDBQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO accounts SET email=\"{0}\",display_name=\"{1}\",hard_currency={2},vip={3},facebook_id={4};", args.Email, args.DisplayName, 0, 0, args.Password), task);
            if (sendAccountInfo)
                task.Client.SendAccountInfo(args.ClientKey, accountId, displayName, hardCurrency, vip, authString);