예제 #1
        public static string GetAccountDocumentCodeName(bool iraAccount, AccountDocumentModel documentModel)
            switch (iraAccount)
            case true:

예제 #2
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> ParseAllGivenInformationStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var luisResult = (LuisResult)stepContext.Options;

            var documentModel = new AccountDocumentModel
                //get ira or standard account type
                AccountType = GetEntityModelResolution(luisResult, AccountTypeEntity),
                //get account document
                AccountDocument = GetEntityModelResolution(luisResult, DocumentTypeEntity)

            documentModel.SetIsIra(); //determines if account is an IRA acct or Standard

            //if any account type was specified.
            if (documentModel.IsIra.HasValue)
                stepContext.Values[DocumentModelValue] = documentModel;

                //the account requested is an IRA
                if (documentModel.IsIra == 1)
                    return(await DispatchIraAccountDocumentAsync(stepContext, documentModel, cancellationToken));

                //account is standard
                return(await DispatchNonIraAccountDocumentAsync(stepContext, documentModel, cancellationToken));
                //no account has been supplied

                //if the document specified is an IRA transfer form, but the user did not specify IRA
                if (Common.IraOnlyDocumentTypes.Contains(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                    documentModel.AccountType = "ira";
                    stepContext.Values[DocumentModelValue] = documentModel;
                    return(await DispatchIraAccountDocumentAsync(stepContext, documentModel, cancellationToken));

                //otherwise, prompt for which account type.
                var msg = "Which type of account would you like to see ";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                    msg += " documents for?";
                    msg += $" the {documentModel.AccountDocument} application/form for?";

                msg = ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, msg);

                stepContext.Values[DocumentModelValue] = documentModel;

                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync($"{nameof(AccountDocumentsDialog)}.accountType", new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(msg),
                    RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, "Please select a valid account type")),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(AccountTypeChoices)
                }, cancellationToken));
예제 #3
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> DispatchNonIraAccountDocumentAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, AccountDocumentModel documentModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var sendGeneralUrl = false;

            //if the user requested a Standard acct transfer form.
            if (Common.IraOnlyDocumentTypes.Contains(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context,
                                                                                                         $"Sorry, there is currently not a {documentModel.AccountDocument} document/form for Standard accounts."));

                sendGeneralUrl = true;
            //the user requested a specific document, find the URL and respond.
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                var link = ChannelFormattingService.FormatLinkMessageAndSaveToState(stepContext.Context, APIService.GetAccountDocumentURL(documentModel), _botService, cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, $"You can view the Standard {documentModel.AccountDocument} " +
                                                                                                         $"document by clicking {link}"));
                sendGeneralUrl = true;

            //if the user did not specify a document, or the user requested a standard acct. transfer form, lead them to the general document page.
            if (sendGeneralUrl)
                var link = ChannelFormattingService.FormatLinkMessageAndSaveToState(stepContext.Context, Common.PINonIraDocumentUrl, _botService, cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, $"You can view all Standard Account related documents by clicking {link}. " +
                                                                                                         $"You can also ask for a specific document in the same fashion and I can direct you right to it."));

            return(await stepContext.NextAsync(null, cancellationToken));
예제 #4
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> DispatchIraAccountDocumentAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, AccountDocumentModel documentModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //if no document was specified for the account, lead the user to the general documents page
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                var link = ChannelFormattingService.FormatLinkMessageAndSaveToState(stepContext.Context, Common.PIIraDocumentUrl, _botService, cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, $"You can view all Ira-Related Account documents by clicking {link}. " +
                                                                                                         $"You can also ask for a specific document in the same fashion and I can direct you right to it."));
            //if document was originally specified
                //get the URL and respond.
                var link = ChannelFormattingService.FormatLinkMessageAndSaveToState(stepContext.Context, APIService.GetAccountDocumentURL(documentModel), _botService, cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, $"You can view the IRA {documentModel.AccountDocument} document by clicking {link}"));

            return(await stepContext.NextAsync(null, cancellationToken));
예제 #5
        public async Task <CreateAccountCommandResponse> Handle(CreateAccountCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //try  NOTE: Try catch is removed as we have Middleware components  (Core.Infrastructure.Middleware) that capture exceptions as they bubble up the application pipeline
            //           For Console apps and tests: exceptions must be captured at the root

            // When migrating to Event Sourcing you will no longer be using Document Client to store the new account
            // Instead you will create a "AccountCreated" event (events are names in the past tense)
            // THis event will later be used as part of your aggregate to create an Accout "projection" or "aggregate"
            // You will also be seperating your Write store from your Read store as this is the

            // ValidationExceptions can be captured using Middleware. However it is not as testable or portable outside of the MVC framework
            // I prefer using manual/granular validation within each command.

            CreateAccountValidator validator        = new CreateAccountValidator(_mediator);
            ValidationResult       validationResult = validator.Validate(request);

            if (!validationResult.IsValid)
                return(new CreateAccountCommandResponse(validationResult.Errors)
                    Message = "One or more validation errors occurred."


            // Create the Account Document Model
            var accountDocumentModel = new AccountDocumentModel(request.Name);

            accountDocumentModel.Owner.Email     = request.Email;
            accountDocumentModel.Owner.FirstName = request.FirstName;
            accountDocumentModel.Owner.LastName  = request.LastName;

            // Add the ParitionKey to the document (Moved to document constructor)
            //accountDocumentModel.DocumentType = Common.Constants.DocumentType.Account();

            // Generate collection uri
            Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_documentContext.Settings.Database, _documentContext.Settings.Collection);

            ResourceResponse <Document> result;

                // Save the document to document store using the IDocumentContext dependency
                result = await _documentContext.Client.CreateDocumentAsync(
            catch (Exception ex)
                // throw DocumentStoreException (if a custom exception type is desired)
                // ... Will be caught, logged and handled by the ExceptionHandlerMiddleware

                // Pass exception up the chain:
                throw ex;

                // ...Or pass along as inner exception:
                //throw new Exception("An error occured trying to use the document store", ex);
                // Close any open connections, etc...

            if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created)
                // SEND EMAIL
                // Send an email to the new account owner using the IEmailService dependency
                var emailMessage = new EmailMessage
                    ToEmail     = request.Email,
                    ToName      = String.Concat(request.FirstName, " ", request.LastName),
                    Subject     = "Account created",
                    TextContent = String.Concat("Thank you ", String.Concat(request.FirstName, " ", request.LastName), "! your account named ", request.Name, " has been created!"),
                    HtmlContent = String.Concat("Thank you ", String.Concat(request.FirstName, " ", request.LastName), ",<br>Your account named <b>", request.Name, "</b> has been created!")

                    var emailSent = await _emailService.SendEmail(emailMessage);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // throw EmailServiceException (if a custom exception type is desired)
                    // ... Will be caught, logged and handled by the ExceptionHandlerMiddleware

                    // Pass the exception up the chain:
                    throw ex;

                    // ...Or pass along as inner exception:
                    //throw new Exception("An error occured trying to use the email service", ex);
                    // Use alternate communication method...

                // AUTOMAPPER
                // Create our domain model using AutoMapper to be returned within our response object.
                // Add additional mappings into the: Core.Startup.AutoMapperConfiguration class.

                //var account = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<Account>(accountDocumentModel);
                var account = _mapper.Map <Account>(accountDocumentModel);

                // POST COMMAND CHECKLIST
                // 1. CACHING: Update cache.
                // 2. SEARCH INDEX: Update Search index or send indexer request.

                return(new CreateAccountCommandResponse {
                    isSuccess = true, Account = account, Message = "Account created."
                return(new CreateAccountCommandResponse {
                    Message = "Could not save model to document store. Status code: " + result.StatusCode