private void btsummary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Client client = new Client(tbxFirstname.Text, tbxSurname.Text, tbxAdress.Text, tbxPostcode.Text, tbxPhoneNum.Text, tbxEmail.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Please check personal information! Something is missing!", "Error"); return; } if (flight_type.SelectedItem == null || room_type.SelectedItem == null || board_type.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbofferdest.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please check whether everything is selected!", "Error"); } else { String price_number = Regex.Match(tbPrice.Text, @"\d+").Value; String people_number = lbClients.Items.Count.ToString(); String Firstname = (tbxFirstname.Text); String Surname = (tbxSurname.Text); int final_number; int final_price; int price = Int32.Parse(price_number); Flight_types ft = (Flight_types)flight_type.SelectedItem; Accomodation ac = (Accomodation)room_type.SelectedItem; Board_types bt = (Board_types)board_type.SelectedItem; if (ft == Flight_types.Economy) { price += 100; } else if (ft == Flight_types.FirstClass) { price += 500; } else { price += 0; } if (ac == Accomodation.Double) { price += 50; } else if (ac == Accomodation.Extra) { price += 100; } else { price += 0; } if (bt == Board_types.Half) { price += 50; } else if (bt == Board_types.Standard) { price += 100; } else if (bt == Board_types.Full) { price += 200; } else { price += 0; } if (people_number == "0") { final_number = 1; final_price = price; } else { int x = Int32.Parse(people_number); final_number = 1 + x; final_price = price * final_number; } richTextBox.AppendText( "Client: " + tbxFirstname.Text + " " + tbxSurname.Text + "\nOffer: " + tbofferdest.Text + " " + "(" + tbDepDate.Text + " - " + tbRetDate.Text + ")" + "\nBooking information: " + ft.ToString() + " flight, " + ac.ToString() + " room, " + bt.ToString() + " board" + "\nNumber of people: " + final_number + "\nReminder: Standard flight, Single room and None board are included in the offer price, other types will raise the price." + "\nFinal price: " + final_price ); } }