// Set/create a custom sheet or sheet set property
        private void SetCustomProperty(IAcSmPersist owner, string propertyName, object propertyValue, PropertyFlags sheetSetFlag)
            // Create a reference to the Custom Property Bag
            AcSmCustomPropertyBag customPropertyBag = default(AcSmCustomPropertyBag);

            if (owner.GetTypeName() == "AcSmSheet")
                AcSmSheet sheet = (AcSmSheet)owner;
                customPropertyBag = sheet.GetCustomPropertyBag();
                AcSmSheetSet sheetSet = (AcSmSheetSet)owner;
                customPropertyBag = sheetSet.GetCustomPropertyBag();

            // Create a reference to a Custom Property Value
            AcSmCustomPropertyValue customPropertyValue = new AcSmCustomPropertyValue();


            // Set the flag for the property

            // Set the value for the property

            // Create the property
            customPropertyBag.SetProperty(propertyName, customPropertyValue);
        public void CreateSheetSet()
            // User Input: editor equals command line
            // To talk to the user you use the command line, aka the editor
            Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            PromptResult pr = ed.GetFileNameForSave("Hello Nadia, Where would you would like to save the new Sheet Set?");

            PromptStringOptions pso = new PromptStringOptions("\nHello Nadia! \nWhat will be the name of the new Sheet Set?");

            pso.AllowSpaces = true;
            PromptResult prSheetSetName = ed.GetString(pso);

            PromptStringOptions psoDescription = new PromptStringOptions("\nHello Nadia! \nWhat will be the description of the new Sheet Set?");

            psoDescription.AllowSpaces = true;
            PromptResult prSheetSetDescription = ed.GetString(psoDescription);

            //pso.DefaultValue = @"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst";
            //pso.UseDefaultValue = true;

            // works...

            // Get a reference to the Sheet Set Manager object
            IAcSmSheetSetMgr sheetSetManager = new AcSmSheetSetMgr();

            // Create a new sheet set file
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase(@"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ExpediaSheetSetDemo.dst", "", true);
            AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase(pr.StringResult, "", true);

            // Get the sheet set from the database
            AcSmSheetSet sheetSet = sheetSetDatabase.GetSheetSet();

            // Attempt to lock the database
            if (LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, true) == true)
                // Set the name and description of the sheet set

                //sheetSet.SetDesc("Aluminum Bronze Fabricator's Sheet Set Object Demo");

                // Unlock the database
                LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, false);

                // Return the name and description of the sheet set
                MessageBox.Show("Sheet Set Name: " + sheetSetDatabase.GetSheetSet().GetName() + "\nSheet Set Description: " + sheetSetDatabase.GetSheetSet().GetDesc());
                // Display error message
                MessageBox.Show("Sheet set could not be opened for write.");

            // Close the sheet set
        public void CreateSheetSet_WithSubset()
            // User Input: editor equals command line
            // To talk to the user you use the command line, aka the editor
            Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            PromptResult pr = ed.GetFileNameForSave("Hello Nadia, Where would you would like to save the new Sheet Set?");

            PromptStringOptions pso = new PromptStringOptions("\nHello Nadia! \nWhat will be the name of the new Sheet Set?");

            pso.AllowSpaces = true;
            PromptResult prSheetSetName = ed.GetString(pso);

            PromptStringOptions psoDescription = new PromptStringOptions("\nHello Nadia! \nWhat will be the description of the new Sheet Set?");

            psoDescription.AllowSpaces = true;
            PromptResult prSheetSetDescription = ed.GetString(psoDescription);

            // Get a reference to the Sheet Set Manager object
            IAcSmSheetSetMgr sheetSetManager = new AcSmSheetSetMgr();

            // Create a new sheet set file
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase("C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dst", "", true);
            AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase(pr.StringResult, "", true);

            // Get the sheet set from the database
            AcSmSheetSet sheetSet = sheetSetDatabase.GetSheetSet();

            // Attempt to lock the database
            if (LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, true) == true)
                // Set the name and description of the sheet set

                // Create two new subsets
                AcSmSubset subset = default(AcSmSubset);
                //subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Plans", "Building Plans", "", "C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dwt", "Sheet", false);
                subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Submittals", "Project Submittals", "", @"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet", false);

                //subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Elevations", "Building Elevations", "", "C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dwt", "Sheet", true);
                subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "As Builts", "Project As Builts", "", @"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet", true);

                // Unlock the database
                LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, false);
                // Display error message
                MessageBox.Show("Sheet set could not be opened for write.");

            // Close the sheet set
예제 #4
        public SheetSet(AcSmDatabase ssDb, SSOptions options)
            this.ssDb    = ssDb;
            this.options = options;
            ss           = ssDb.GetSheetSet();
            if (ss == null)
                throw new Exception("Пустая подшивка");

            Name = ss.GetName();
            File = ssDb.GetFileName();
예제 #5
        private void Update()
            var nodes = new ObservableCollection <ISSNode>();

            ss = ssDb.GetSheetSet();
            foreach (var item in SsToList(ss.GetSheetEnumerator(), e => e.Next()))

            Props = GetProps();
            Nodes = nodes;
        public void SyncProperties()
            // User Input: editor equals command line
            // To talk to the user you use the command line, aka the editor
            Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            PromptResult pr1 = ed.GetFileNameForOpen("Hello Nadia, Please select the Sheet Set you would like to edit.");

            PromptStringOptions pso = new PromptStringOptions("\nHello Nadia! \nWhat version # is the drawing at?");

            //pso.DefaultValue = @"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst";
            //pso.UseDefaultValue = true;
            pso.AllowSpaces = true;
            PromptResult pr            = ed.GetString(pso);
            string       versionNumber = pr.StringResult;

            pso = new PromptStringOptions("\nHello Nadia! \nWhat is the version issue date?");
            pr  = ed.GetString(pso);
            string versionIssueDate = pr.StringResult;

            // Get a reference to the Sheet Set Manager object
            IAcSmSheetSetMgr sheetSetManager = new AcSmSheetSetMgr();

            // Create a new sheet set file
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase("C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dst", "", true);
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase(@"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst", "", true);

            // Open a Sheet Set file
            AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = default(AcSmDatabase);

            //sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.OpenDatabase("C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2010\\Sample\\Sheet Sets\\Architectural\\IRD Addition.dst", false);
            //sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.OpenDatabase(@"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst", false);
            sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.OpenDatabase(pr1.StringResult, false);

            // Get the sheet set from the database
            AcSmSheetSet sheetSet = sheetSetDatabase.GetSheetSet();

            // Attempt to lock the database
            if (LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, true) == true)
                // Get the folder the sheet set is stored in
                string sheetSetFolder = null;
                sheetSetFolder = sheetSetDatabase.GetFileName().Substring(0, sheetSetDatabase.GetFileName().LastIndexOf("\\"));

                // Set the default values of the sheet set
                //SetSheetSetDefaults(sheetSetDatabase, "CP318-4", "AU2009 Sheet Set Object Demo", sheetSetFolder, "C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dwt", "Sheet");
                SetSheetSetDefaults(sheetSetDatabase, "Expedia Sheet Set", "ABF Sheet Set Object Demo", sheetSetFolder, @"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet");

                // Create a sheet set property
                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Project Approved By", "Erin Tasche", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEETSET_PROP);

                // Create sheet properties
                //SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Checked By", "LAA", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                //SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Complete Percentage", "0%", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Version #", versionNumber, PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Version Issue Date", versionIssueDate, PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                //AddSheet(sheetSetDatabase, "Title Page", "Project Title Page", "Title Page", "T1");

                // Create two new subsets
                AcSmSubset subset = default(AcSmSubset);
                //subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Plans", "Building Plans", "", "C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dwt", "Sheet", false);
                subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Submittals", "Project Submittals", "", @"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet", false);

                //subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Elevations", "Building Elevations", "", "C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dwt", "Sheet", true);
                subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "As Builts", "Project As Builts", "", @"C:\Users\Robert\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet", true);

                // Add a sheet property
                //SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Drafted By", "KMA", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                // Add a subset property
                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Count", "0", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEETSET_PROP);

                // Sync the properties of the sheet set with the sheets and subsets

                // Unlock the database
                LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, false);
                // Display error message
                MessageBox.Show("Sheet set could not be opened for write.");

            // Close the sheet set
        public void CreateSheetSet_AddCustomProperty()
            // Get a reference to the Sheet Set Manager object
            IAcSmSheetSetMgr sheetSetManager = new AcSmSheetSetMgr();

            // Create a new sheet set file
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase("C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dst", "", true);
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.CreateDatabase("C:\\Datasets\\CP318-4\\CP318-4.dst", "", true);
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.OpenDatabase(@"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst", true);
            //AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.(@"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst", true);

            // Open a Sheet Set file
            AcSmDatabase sheetSetDatabase = default(AcSmDatabase);

            //sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.OpenDatabase("C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2010\\Sample\\Sheet Sets\\Architectural\\IRD Addition.dst", false);
            sheetSetDatabase = sheetSetManager.OpenDatabase(@"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\Expedia.dst", false);

            // Get the sheet set from the database
            AcSmSheetSet sheetSet = sheetSetDatabase.GetSheetSet();

            // Attempt to lock the database
            if (LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, true) == true)
                // Get the folder the sheet set is stored in
                string sheetSetFolder = null;
                sheetSetFolder = sheetSetDatabase.GetFileName().Substring(0, sheetSetDatabase.GetFileName().LastIndexOf("\\"));

                // Set the default values of the sheet set
                SetSheetSetDefaults(sheetSetDatabase, "My Expedia Sheet Set", "A&B Fabricators Sheet Set Object Demo", sheetSetFolder, @"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet");

                // Create a sheet set property
                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Project Approved By", "Erin Tasche", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEETSET_PROP);

                // Create sheet properties
                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Checked By", "NK", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Complete Percentage", "90%", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Version #", "D", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                SetCustomProperty(sheetSet, "Version Issue Date", "08/29/19", PropertyFlags.CUSTOM_SHEET_PROP);

                //AddSheet(sheetSetDatabase, "Title Page", "Project Title Page", "Title Page", "T1");

                // Create two new subsets
                AcSmSubset subset = default(AcSmSubset);
                subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Plans", "Building Plans", "", @"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet", false);

                //AddSheet(subset, "North Plan", "Northern section of building plan", "North Plan", "P1");

                subset = CreateSubset(sheetSetDatabase, "Elevations", "Building Elevations", "", @"C:\Users\rhale\Documents\AutoCAD Sheet Sets\ABFStylesSS.dwt", "Sheet", true);

                // Sync the properties of the sheet set with the sheets and subsets

                // Unlock the database
                LockDatabase(ref sheetSetDatabase, false);
                // Display error message
                MessageBox.Show("Sheet set could not be opened for write.");

            // Close the sheet set
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //*****parse the command-line arguments*****
            //for now, I will simply hard code these values.
            String nameOfSheetsetFile  = "C:\\work\\ec-18-013_les_schwab_397\\main_sheet_set.dst";
            String nameOfPdfOutputFile = "C:\\work\\ec-18-013_les_schwab_397\\out.pdf";
            //TO DO: parse and verify the real command-line arguments, compose a help message.

            //*****read the sheetset file and construct a dsd file accordingly*****

            //Console.WriteLine(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.TypeName(new AcSmSheetSetMgr()));
            //Console.WriteLine(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.TypeName(Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr.23"), true)));

            //IAcSmSheetSetMgr sheetSetMgr; = new AcSmSheetSetMgrClass();
            IAcSmSheetSetMgr sheetSetMgr;
            //sheetSetMgr = (IAcSmSheetSetMgr) new AcSmSheetSetMgr();
            //dynamic sheetSetMgr;

            Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr.23");

            sheetSetMgr = (IAcSmSheetSetMgr)Activator.CreateInstance(t, true);
            //dynamic sheetSetMgr = (dynamic)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr.23"), true);

            //    // Create a new instance of AcSmSheetSetMgr
            //    sheetSetMgr = (dynamic)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr.23"), true);
            //    // If an instance of AcSmSheetSetMgr is not created then message and exit
            //    Console.WriteLine("Instance of 'AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr.23' could not be created.");
            //    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
            //    Console.ReadKey();
            //    return;

            IAcSmDatabase sheetdb = sheetSetMgr.OpenDatabase(nameOfSheetsetFile, false);

            if (sheetdb.GetLockStatus() == 0)
            }                                                              //it may not be necessary tolock the sheetset, because I am only reading fromit, not writing to it.
            AcSmSheetSet sheetset = sheetdb.GetSheetSet();

            IAcSmEnumComponent myAcSmEnumComponent = sheetset.GetSheetEnumerator();
            IAcSmComponent     thisAcSmComponent;

            while ((thisAcSmComponent = myAcSmEnumComponent.Next()) != null)

            if (sheetdb.GetLockStatus() != 0)

            // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
예제 #9
 public AMRSheetSet()
     _currentSheetSet = null;
     _currentDatabase = null;
예제 #10
 public AMRSheetSet(AcSmDatabase sheetSetDbFromMgr)
     _currentDatabase = sheetSetDbFromMgr;
     _currentSheetSet = _currentDatabase.GetSheetSet();
예제 #11
 internal SheetSet(AcSmSheetSet sheetSetFromSSMgr)
     _curSheetSet  = sheetSetFromSSMgr;
     _curSheetSet2 = (IAcSmSheetSet2)sheetSetFromSSMgr;