예제 #1
        public void TestGetNamesOfAllNonemptyCells()
            AbstractSpreadsheet s = buildSheet();

            // Remove some content
            s.SetContentsOfCell("A1", "");
            s.SetContentsOfCell("B1", "");
            s.SetContentsOfCell("B2", "");
            s.SetContentsOfCell("C1", "");

            IEnumerator <string> e = s.GetNamesOfAllNonemptyCells().GetEnumerator();

            string val1 = e.Current;

            string val2 = e.Current;

            string val3 = e.Current;

            Assert.IsTrue(val1 == "A3" || val1 == "B3" || val1 == "C2");
            Assert.IsTrue(val2 == "A3" || val2 == "B3" || val2 == "C2");
            Assert.IsTrue(val3 == "A3" || val3 == "B3" || val3 == "C2");
예제 #2
        public void TestSetContentsOfCellOverrideStr()
            AbstractSpreadsheet s = buildSheet();

            s.SetContentsOfCell("A1", "hi");    // Set formula to string
            s.SetContentsOfCell("B1", "hello"); // Set double to string
            s.SetContentsOfCell("A3", "test");  // Set string to string

            Assert.AreEqual("hi", s.GetCellContents("A1"));
            Assert.AreEqual("hello", s.GetCellContents("B1"));
            Assert.AreEqual("test", s.GetCellContents("A3"));
예제 #3
        public void TestSetContentsOfCellOverrideFormula()
            AbstractSpreadsheet s = buildSheet();

            s.SetContentsOfCell("A1", "=B1"); // Set formula to formula
            s.SetContentsOfCell("B1", "=C3"); // Set double to formula
            s.SetContentsOfCell("A3", "=C2"); // Set string to formula

            Assert.AreEqual(s.GetCellContents("A1").GetType(), typeof(Formula));
            Assert.AreEqual(s.GetCellContents("B1").GetType(), typeof(Formula));
            Assert.AreEqual(s.GetCellContents("A3").GetType(), typeof(Formula));
예제 #4
        public void TestSetContentsOfCellOverrideDbl()
            AbstractSpreadsheet s = buildSheet();

            s.SetContentsOfCell("A1", "5.5"); // Set formula to double
            s.SetContentsOfCell("B1", "8.3"); // Set double to double
            s.SetContentsOfCell("A3", "5.3"); // Set string to double

            Assert.AreEqual(5.5, s.GetCellContents("A1"));
            Assert.AreEqual(8.3, s.GetCellContents("B1"));
            Assert.AreEqual(5.3, s.GetCellContents("A3"));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Button to enter content into cell.
        /// </summary>
        private void enter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int col;
            int row;

            cells.GetSelection(out col, out row);                       //Get COL & ROW #
            string value = content.Text;
            string name  = getCellName(col, row);                       //From col and row # get the right name

                ISet <string> set = ss.SetContentsOfCell(name, value);  //Sets the contents of cell
                foreach (string s in set)                               //recalculate each cell that depends on the new cells value
                    getColRow(s, out col, out row);
                    cells.SetValue(col, row, ss.GetCellValue(s).ToString());
                cellValue.Text = ss.GetCellValue(name).ToString();      //Show the value in the cell box
            //Display error messages\\
            catch (FormulaFormatException) { MessageBox.Show("You have made a syntax error in your formula"); }
            catch (CircularException) { MessageBox.Show("It appears you have created a circular formula. Please revise your equation and try again"); }

            docName_TextChanged(sender, e);                     //Display on the gui that it has been modified by *
예제 #6
        //Background Worker Events

        /// <summary>
        /// This background worker event sets the contents of a cell in the spreadsheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The bg_worker</param>
        /// <param name="e">DoWorkEvent</param>
        private void SetCell(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            int col, row;

            grid_widget.GetSelection(out col, out row);
            Point  coordinate = new Point(col, row);
            string cellName   = letters[col] + (row + 1);

            if (!coordinateMap.ContainsKey(coordinate))
                coordinateMap.Add(coordinate, cellName);
                // Stores the list of dependencies to be accessed to recalculate dependent cells
                dependencies = spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(coordinateMap[coordinate], input);
                e.Result     = spreadsheet.GetCellValue(coordinateMap[coordinate].ToString());
            catch (FormulaFormatException)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid formula format.");
            catch (CircularException)
                MessageBox.Show("Circular Dependency found.");
예제 #7
        public void TestGetCellValueFormulaError()
            AbstractSpreadsheet s = buildSheet();

            s.SetContentsOfCell("B1", "apple");
            FormulaError val = (FormulaError)s.GetCellValue("A1");

            Assert.AreEqual("Lookup of a variable failed", val.Reason); // Lookup of B1 should fail since it does not map to number
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles ContentsChangeEvent.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleContentsChange(SpreadsheetPanel panel)
            panel.GetSelection(out int x, out int y);
            string        CellName   = (((char)('A' + x)).ToString()) + (y + 1).ToString();
            ISet <string> dependents = spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(CellName, window.CellContents);

            window.CellValue = spreadsheet.GetCellValue(CellName).ToString();
            foreach (string s in dependents)
                window.Update(s, spreadsheet.GetCellValue(s).ToString());
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Will add a cell and add its value to the cell value for the
        /// spreadsheet panel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void WriteCellContents(SpreadsheetPanel p)
            string contents = ContentsBox.Text;
            int    row, col;

            p.GetSelection(out col, out row);
            string        cellName = GetCellName(col, row);
            ISet <string> cells;
            MethodInvoker setValueTextBox = new MethodInvoker(() =>
                cellValueTextBox.Text = spreadsheet.GetCellValue(cellName).ToString();

                //Method that may throw the exception
                cells = spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(cellName, contents);

                // Iterates through and updates the SpreadsheetPanel to show the value of all cells that
                // may or may not have changed value due to updating this cell. (Will update this selected cell as well)
                DisplayCellValues(cells, p);
            catch (CircularException)
                MessageBox.Show("There are one or more circular references where a cell refers to its own " +
                                "cell either directly or indirectly. To fix this, change the references or remove them.",
                                this.Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
            catch (FormulaFormatException)
                MessageBox.Show("An incorrect reference to another cell was found. Check the cell name. " +
                                "Only the cells available in this spreadsheet can be referenced.",
                                this.Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles when the contents box is changed
 /// </summary>
 private void HandleContentsBoxChange()
         foreach (string s in spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(activeCell, window.Contents))
     catch (Exception e)
         window.Message = "Cannot change cell contents to " + window.Contents + " because: " + e.Message;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the display of the cells after the value of a cell is set. Uses similar logic
        /// If will simply find the cells that need to be changed and change them.
        /// If an exception is thrown when setting the contents of a cell, the function will show a message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ss"></param>
        private void DisplayPanelOnSet(SpreadsheetPanel ss)
            string           contents      = CellContents.Text;
            HashSet <string> CellsToChange = new HashSet <string>();

            // try getting the cells to change. If there is an error when processing the cell changes,
            // it will catch the exceptions and show a message.
                // this is where the exeception should throw. Getting only the cells whose value should change when the content
                // of the current cell is set.
                CellsToChange = new HashSet <string>(spread.SetContentsOfCell(CellName.Text, contents));
                // If the exception doesn't throw, set the CellValue input box to be the value of the currently selected cell.
                CellValue.Text = spread.GetCellValue(CellName.Text).ToString();
            catch (FormulaFormatException E)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Formula");
            catch (InvalidNameException)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Formula");

            if (contents == "")

            // Loop through CellsToChange if  it exists, and updating the displayed values of the cells.
            foreach (string cell in CellsToChange)
                int cellCol = cell[0];
                cellCol -= 65;
                string cellRowStr = cell.Substring(1);
                int.TryParse(cellRowStr, out int cellRow);
                cellRow -= 1;

                ss.SetValue(cellCol, cellRow, GetCellValueAsString(cell));
예제 #12
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: jimibue/cs3505
        /// <summary>
        /// This method given the row and col updates the Model and catches
        /// Circular exception and invalid formula exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        /// <param name="col"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        private bool updateModel(int row, int col)
                string content = textBox_content.Text;

                SSModel.SetContentsOfCell(getCellName(row, col), content);

                textBox_content.Text = getCellContents(row, col);

                textBox_value.Text = SSModel.GetCellValue(getCellName(row, col)).ToString();
                spreadsheetPanel1.SetValue(col, row, textBox_value.Text);
                cellChanged = false;
            catch (FormulaFormatException e)
                // SSModel.SetContentsOfCell(getCellName(row, col), "");
                // textBox_content.Text = "";
                MessageBox.Show(textBox_content.Text.Substring(1) + " is an invalid formula please change it");

            catch (CircularException e)
                MessageBox.Show("Found a Circular Depenedency");
                textBox_content.Text = "";
                spreadsheetPanel1.SetValue(col, row, SSModel.GetCellValue(getCellName(row, col)).ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry an Unexpected error occurred " + e.Message);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that sets the contents of the actual spreadsheet
        /// Called when user enters in new content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="col"></param>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        private void assign_content(int col, int row)
            string given_val = cell_content_textbox.Text;
            IEnumerable <string> dependentCells;
            string cellName = getCellName(col, row);

                dependentCells = spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(cellName, given_val);
            catch (CircularException)
                MessageBox.Show("WARNING: Circular dependency present");
            catch (FormulaFormatException)
                MessageBox.Show("WARNING: Invalid Format for Formula");

            savedRecently = false;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates cell content/value when text is entered into the textbox and the enter key is pressed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
                // Get rid of ANNOYING DING
                e.SuppressKeyPress = true;
                // Store the previous contents of cell if later needed.
                string OldContents = Spreadsheet.GetCellContents(CurrentCellName).ToString();

                // Try to set the contents of cell to the entered text.
                    Spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(CurrentCellName, CellContentsField.Text);
                // Supposed to catch argument exception (which is supposed to cause formula error in formula class), something is wrong here sadly :((((((
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "Error, error in formula calculation.", "Error");
                    Spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(CurrentCellName, OldContents);
                    CellContentsField.Text = OldContents;
                // If an invalid formula is entered, an error message pops up and the cell returns to its original contents.
                catch (FormulaFormatException)
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "Error, formula format is invalid.", "Error");
                    Spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(CurrentCellName, OldContents);
                    CellContentsField.Text = OldContents;

                // If a circular exception is encountered, an error message is show and the cell returns to its original contents.
                catch (CircularException)
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "Error, circular dependcy exists, check your formulas.", "Error");
                    Spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(CurrentCellName, OldContents);
                    CellContentsField.Text = OldContents;
                // Get the value of the current cell in the spreadsheet.
                object CellType = Spreadsheet.GetCellValue(CurrentCellName);

                // If a formula error was returned, an error message is shown and the cell returns to its original contents.
                if (CellType is FormulaError)
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "Error, formlua returns FormulaError.", "Error");
                    Spreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(CurrentCellName, OldContents);
                    CellContentsField.Text = OldContents;
                string CellValue = "";

                // If no errors are encountered, store the cell value as a string.
                    CellValue = CellType.ToString();
                catch (NullReferenceException)

                // Update the spreadsheetpanel with the new value.
                SpreadSheetPanel.SetValue(CurrentColumn, CurrentRow, CellValue);
                // Update corresponding label.
                this.CellValueDisplayLabel.Text = CellValue;

예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Caller method to set cells
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="col"></param>
 /// <param name="row"></param>
 /// <param name="contents"></param>
 public List <string> SetCellContents(int col, int row, string contents)
     return(ss.SetContentsOfCell(DigitToVar(col, row), contents).ToList());
예제 #16
        private void EnterPressed(SpreadsheetPanel ss)
            int row, col;

            ss.GetSelection(out col, out row);

            String name = CellNameField.Text;

            ISet <String> altered  = null;
            ISet <String> circular = null;

            Model.Model.Edit(name, ContentField.Text);

                altered  = sheet.SetContentsOfCell(name, ContentField.Text);
                circular = new HashSet <string>();

                HashSet <string> visited = new HashSet <string>();

                //CS 3505 changes ////////////////////////////////////

                foreach (string cell in sheet.GetDirectDependents(name))
                    if (!visited.Contains(cell))
                        CircularDependencyCheck(cell, cell, visited, circular);

                foreach (String s in altered)
                    updateCell(s, ss);

                foreach (string c in circular)
                    sheet.SetCellCircularStatus(c, false);

                //    //end ////////////////////////////////////////////////

            catch (FormulaFormatException e)
                MessageBox.Show("The formula you entered is not valid.");
            catch (CircularException e)
                MessageBox.Show("The formula you entered results in a circular exception.");
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to change cell value; " + e.Message);
예제 #17
        // For setting a spreadsheet cell.
        public IEnumerable <string> Set(AbstractSpreadsheet sheet, string name, string contents)
            List <string> result = new List <string>(sheet.SetContentsOfCell(name, contents));

        // Every time the selection changes, this method is called with the
        // Spreadsheet as its parameter. display the value of that cell

        private void displaySelection(SpreadsheetPanel ss)
            // if still computing, nothing will happen
            if (bg_worker.IsBusy)
            int    row, col;
            String value;

            ss.GetSelection(out col, out row);
            ss.GetValue(col, row, out value);
            // if we are on a different cell/ have left the previous cell, it will set the contents of the cell
            // else, does nothing
            if (row != prevRow || col != prevCol)
                //a string containing the name of the previous cell, the cell whose value is changing
                string name = column[prevCol] + (prevRow + 1);
                //if there was no change to the value, move to new cell and nothing else
                if (cells.GetCellContents(name).ToString() == toolStripTextBox1.Text)
                    // makes it so this cell is now the 'previous' cell
                    prevRow = row;
                    prevCol = col;

                    //overrides the name to be the new cell, so that it's contents can be put into the text box.
                    name = column[prevCol] + (prevRow + 1);
                    // set the text box content to what is currently stored in the newly selected cell.
                // sets the value of that cell to what is currently in the text box
                //updates other cells connected to this cell
                    // if there is a formula format exception, catch it and create a message.
                    changed = cells.SetContentsOfCell(name, toolStripTextBox1.Text);
                catch (FormulaFormatException)
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid Formula Entered By User: "******"Please Enter Valid Value");

                // displays the value of the changed cell
                ss.SetValue(prevCol, prevRow, cells.GetCellValue(name).ToString());
                //stores the change
                changes.Insert(0, name + "  :  " + cells.GetCellContents(name).ToString());
                //if there's more than 10 changes, remove the extra ones
                if (changes.Count == 11)
                // makes it so this cell is now the 'previous' cell
                prevRow = row;
                prevCol = col;

                //overrides the name to be the new cell, so that it's contents can be put into the text box.
                name = column[prevCol] + (prevRow + 1);
                // set the text box content to what is currently stored in the newly selected cell.