예제 #1
        public void ShouldHaveEnterpriseFeeling()
            var abstractServiceHelperFactoryGeneratorMiddelwarePoolAdapter =
                new AbstractServiceHelperFactoryGeneratorMiddelwarePoolAdapter();

        public void ShouldHaveEnterpriseFeeling()
            // Arrange
            // In the arrange step, you setup all direct inputs.
            // You will also setup all dependent on components.

            // System under Test
            // Use this label as well. In Object oriented code,
            // you should always have an object. If you don't, for example
            // when you are using static functions, then your code will end up
            // procedural, not object oriented. The tests are trying to tell you that.

            // This here is actually really important. The constructor call is being made
            // WITHIN the test. Often, this will become very painfull, for example,
            // when the constructor has tons of dependencies, and needs many other objects
            // to work.
            // But again: LISTEN to your tests. If making a CTOR call here is too difficult for you
            // there might be something wrong with yout code. Maybe the object is doing too much
            // Maybe the setup is too complicated.
            // The name of the Ctor here is also important: You can tell the it is unclear, what this
            // Thing is supposed to do.
            // It is important not to call the object "SUT". This is the meta vocabulary
            // You should name the object after its role in the world and in the application
            // SUT labels the object after its role in the test. And you don't really care about
            // that. The test is a means to an end.

            var adapter = new AbstractServiceHelperFactoryGeneratorMiddelwarePoolAdapter();

            // Act
            // The act label is to call the method. You should only test direct effects
            // (so when you put A in, you should get B, but not B').
            // You should always test for behavior, never for state.

            // Assert
            // In the assert step, you test whether your direct inputs have actually caused
            // An immediate effect. You test for direct outputs, not for indirect outputs.
            // Indirect outputs are, for example, writing to a database or to a file.
            // These are sideeffects. You should test those things somewhere else.
            // Your units should all be modeled to cause immediate effects.
            // Listen to the functional programming guys. They have been trying to tell you
            // that for ages. Testing stuff that does not have side effects is super easy
            // The following is crap. You don't care about whether this thing exists.
            // You would, however care about its behavior.
            // Testing null for the result of the adapter's operation
            // is important