예제 #1
        private static void startConnectionPool()
            MySession          temp       = new MySession();
            AbstractPoolSource defaultSrc = new ConnectionPoolSource()
                CxnSource = new mdo.DataSource()
                    Protocol = "PVISTA"
                Credentials  = new VistaCredentials(),
                LoadStrategy = (LoadingStrategy)Enum.Parse(typeof(LoadingStrategy),
                MaxPoolSize       = Convert.ToInt32(temp.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CONFIG_SECTION][conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_CXNS]),
                MinPoolSize       = Convert.ToInt32(temp.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CONFIG_SECTION][conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_MIN_CXNS]),
                PoolExpansionSize = Convert.ToInt32(temp.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CONFIG_SECTION][conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_EXPAND_SIZE]),
                WaitTime          = TimeSpan.Parse(temp.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CONFIG_SECTION][conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_WAIT_TIME]),
                Timeout           = TimeSpan.Parse(temp.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CONFIG_SECTION][conf.MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CXN_TIMEOUT])

            IList <AbstractPoolSource> sources = new List <AbstractPoolSource>();
            //AbstractPoolSource poolsSource = new ConnectionPoolsSource();
            //((ConnectionPoolsSource)poolsSource).CxnSources = new Dictionary<string, ConnectionPoolSource>();
            AbstractPoolSourceFactory factory = new ConnectionPoolSourceFactory(defaultSrc);         // instantiate the pool source factory
            AbstractPoolSource        result  = (ConnectionPoolsSource)factory.getPoolSources(temp.SiteTable);
            AbstractResourcePool      pools   = AbstractResourcePoolFactory.getResourcePool(result); // this starts the pool
예제 #2
 public ConnectionPools getPools(AbstractPoolSource source)
     if (source == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply pool source before connection pool can be built");
     ConnectionPools pool = ConnectionPools.getInstance();
     pool.PoolSource = (ConnectionPoolsSource)source;
     Thread poolThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(pool.run));
     poolThread.Name = "PoolOfPools";
     poolThread.IsBackground = true; // this allows the main process to terminate without the connection pool being forced to clean up - ok?
     return pool;
예제 #3
 public ConnectionPool getPool(AbstractPoolSource source)
     if (source == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply pool source before connection pool can be built");
     ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool();
     pool.PoolSource = (ConnectionPoolSource)source;
     Thread poolThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(pool.run));
     poolThread.Name = "MdwsConnectionPool" + ((ConnectionPoolSource)source).CxnSource.SiteId.Id;
     poolThread.IsBackground = true; // this allows the main process to terminate without the connection pool being forced to clean up - ok?
     return pool;
예제 #4
 void startPool(String site, AbstractPoolSource source)
     // System.Console.WriteLine("Instantiating connection pool");
     LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Instantiating connection pool for site " + site);
     if (_pools[site] == null)
         lock (_instantiationLocker)   // need to lock here so multiple threads don't try creating the same pool
             if (_pools[site] == null) // and then check again after lock is entered
                 _pools[site] = (ConnectionPool)ConnectionPoolFactory.getResourcePool(source);
예제 #5
        public ConnectionPools getPools(AbstractPoolSource source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply pool source before connection pool can be built");
            ConnectionPools pool = ConnectionPools.getInstance();

            pool.PoolSource = (ConnectionPoolsSource)source;
            Thread poolThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(pool.run));

            poolThread.Name         = "PoolOfPools";
            poolThread.IsBackground = true; // this allows the main process to terminate without the connection pool being forced to clean up - ok?
예제 #6
        public ConnectionPool getPool(AbstractPoolSource source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply pool source before connection pool can be built");
            ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool();

            pool.PoolSource = (ConnectionPoolSource)source;
            Thread poolThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(pool.run));

            poolThread.Name         = "MdwsConnectionPool" + ((ConnectionPoolSource)source).CxnSource.SiteId.Id;
            poolThread.IsBackground = true; // this allows the main process to terminate without the connection pool being forced to clean up - ok?
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate the factory with a specified default pool source
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="defaultSource">The default source to use for calls to getPoolSource(s)</param>
 public ConnectionPoolSourceFactory(AbstractPoolSource defaultSource)
     : base(defaultSource)
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate the factory with a specified default pool source
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="defaultSource">The default source to use for calls to getPoolSource(s)</param>
 public ConnectionPoolSourceFactory(AbstractPoolSource defaultSource) : base(defaultSource)