예제 #1
    // Call this at the end of enemy's turn/start of player's turn so that we can see their intents in advance!
    // Enemy AI uses weights to determine cards to play. Higher weights are always prioritized; cards in the same weight are then randomly selected.
    // Once a card is selected, choose a target. If an attack was selected, check to see if any enemy arguments have the MUST_TARGET flag to select that as the target, else choose randomly
    public void CalculateIntents()
        intents.Clear();                                                           // clear old intents
        List <AbstractCard> currentHand = new List <AbstractCard>(this.GetHand()); // new keyword allows for "deep copy" since AbstractCard appears to be a primitive type... somehow

        int actionBudget = this.curAP;
        int iterations   = 0;

        while (actionBudget > 0 && currentHand.Count > 0 && iterations < 20)
            iterations++;                                  // prevent infinite loop
            int rand = Random.Range(0, currentHand.Count); // For now, just choose random cards

            AbstractCard selectedCard = currentHand[rand];
            if (selectedCard.COST > actionBudget)       // if it costs more than we can afford, don't use this card

            if (selectedCard.IsAttack())
            else if (selectedCard.IsSkill())
            else if (selectedCard.IsTrait())
                intents.Add(new EnemyIntent(selectedCard, this.GetCoreArgument()));    // Traits don't need to worry about targeting, really - just use core argument as target
                intents.Add(new EnemyIntent(selectedCard, this.GetCoreArgument()));    // This is stuff like Status cards that don't affect arguments themselves so no target is really necessary, but I don't want weird stuff happening, soo... just target core
            actionBudget -= selectedCard.COST;
        // Debug.Log("Intents generated; generated " + intents.Count + " intents");