private IEnumerator LateAtk(Character _target, float delay, Skill skill) { skill.cast(this.character, _target); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); AbstractAI targetAI =; if (this.IsDied() || targetAI.IsDied() || !isInAttackArea(_target.gameObject, getAtkRange())) { yield break; } bool isCrit = IsCrit(skill, _target); bool isDodge = IsDodge(skill, _target); int damage = GetDamage(atkTarget, skill, isCrit, isDodge); _target.hp -= damage; Vector3 attackdir = this.transform.position - _target.gameObject.transform.position; attackdir[1] = 0f; attackdir = Vector3.Normalize(attackdir); if (_target.type == CharacterType.MONSTER && isCrit && !isDodge) { cameraCtrl.Hitcam(); } targetAI.OnHit(damage, attackdir, character, isCrit, isDodge); }
public override void Alert(Vector3 direction, bool origin, Vector3 point, AbstractAI alerter) { if (origin) { if (underFireTimer <= 0) { underFireTimer = evadeTime; evadeDirection = transform.up * data.hoverDelta * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1) + transform.right * evadeDistance * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1) - transform.forward * evadeDistance; } } else { if (protectTarget == null) { foreach (Transform drone in ManageFactions.instance.GetAllyFactionList(transform.GetComponent <Health>().faction)) { if (drone.GetComponent <DroneAI>().GetAttackTarget() == alerter.transform) { if (underFireTimer <= 0) { underFireTimer = evadeTime; evadeDirection = transform.up * data.hoverDelta * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1) + transform.right * evadeDistance * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1) - transform.forward * evadeDistance; } return; } } SetAttackTarget(alerter.transform); } } }
public override ActionState update(AbstractAI ai, float delta) { ActionState state = this; /* Check if player isn't seen anymore -> currentActionState == SEARCH * Check if waypoint reached -> waypoint index++ , currentActionState == IDLE */ if (ai.currentSenseState == AbstractAI.SenseStates.playerSpotted) //playerSpotted) { state = new Search(); } if (_timer > 0) { //... check if npc reach destination if (ai.navMeshAgent.remainingDistance <= ai.navMeshAgent.stoppingDistance && !ai.navMeshAgent.pathPending) { ai.IsWalking(); _timer = 0.0f; //STOP WALKING WHEN POINT REACHED! } } else if (ai.currentSenseState != AbstractAI.SenseStates.neverSeenPlayer) //Time ran out: next state: { state = new Search(); } else { state = new Idle(20); } _timer -= delta; return(state); }
void updateDist(Vector3 screenPos) { //Vector3 cursorScreenPosition = Input.mousePosition;//鼠标在屏幕上的位置 Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(screenPos);//在鼠标所在的屏幕位置发出一条射线 RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { String tag = hit.collider.gameObject.tag; Debug.Log("click tag is:" + tag + "hoverred object is :" + (UICamera.hoveredObject == null)); if (tag == "Terrain" && UICamera.hoveredObject == null) { var endposition = hit.point; //endposition.y += 4.6f;// 模型的中心点的问题,(模型的高度 * scale /2) setDist(endposition); atkTarget = null; } else if (tag == "Enemy") { AbstractAI ai = GetTargetAI(hit.collider.gameObject); if (ai != null) { atkTarget = ai.character; this.currentState = ATK; } } } }
public override void Alert(Vector3 direction, bool origin, Vector3 point, AbstractAI alerter) { if (underFireTimer <= 0) { underFireTimer = evadeTime; evadeDirection = transform.up * data.hoverDelta * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1) + transform.right * evadeDistance * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1); } }
public override void Alert(Vector3 direction, bool origin, Vector3 point, AbstractAI alerter) { if (underFireTimer <= 0) { underFireTimer = evadeTime; Vector3 moveDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.right, Vector3.up) * direction; evadePoint = transform.position + moveDirection * evadeDistance * (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f ? -1 : 1); } }
public void ChangeAI(AbstractAI ai) { if (AI != null) { AI.StopAITask(); } AI = ai; AI.StartAITask(); }
public static AbstractAI GetTargetAI(GameObject go) { if (go == null) { return(null); } AbstractAI ai = go.GetComponent <MonsterAI>(); if (ai == null) { ai = go.GetComponent <PlayerAI>(); } return(ai); }
public void atk() { if (atkTarget == null) { Debug.Log("target is null"); currentState = IDLE; return; } if (atk_ez_time > 0) { return; } GameObject target = atkTarget.gameObject; if (currentState != ATK) { currentState = ATK; } else if (isInAttackArea(target.gameObject, getAtkRange()) && ! { //Debug.Log("is attacked " + target.gameObject); currentState = ATK; //atk_ez_time = GetAnimaLen("attack1") + 0.2f; // TODO 如果有其它的硬直存在?, TODO,这里应该为技能的CD、攻击的CD等设置 atk_ez_time = character.atkSpeed; AbstractAI targetAI =; if (!targetAI.IsDied()) { Skill skill = getSkill(); PlayClip(skill.atkClip); animation.PlayQueued("idle"); float delay = 0.5f;// TODO 这里的delay应该是动作播放到到受击帧的时间 StartCoroutine(LateAtk(atkTarget, delay, skill)); } } gameObject.transform.LookAt(target.gameObject.transform.position); }
/// <summary> /// Activate the %SwitchToAIName% AI. /// And deactivate the other AI. /// </summary> public void SwitchAI(string SwitchToAIName) { if (CurrentAI != null) { if (CurrentAI.Name != SwitchToAIName) { CurrentAI.enabled = false; CurrentAI.StopAI(); AbstractAI newAI = AIDict [SwitchToAIName]; newAI.StartAI(); CurrentAI = newAI; } } else { AbstractAI newAI = AIDict [SwitchToAIName]; newAI.StartAI(); this.CurrentAI = newAI; } }
public override ActionState update(AbstractAI ai, float delta) { ActionState state = ai.IsIdle(); if (state == null) { return(this); } if (ai.currentSenseState != AbstractAI.SenseStates.neverSeenPlayer) { _lifetime = (ai.currentSenseState == AbstractAI.SenseStates.playerSpotted) ? 0 : _lifetime; _lifetime -= delta; if (_lifetime < 0) { return(new Search()); } } return(state); }
public override void Alert(Vector3 direction, bool origin, Vector3 point, AbstractAI alerter) { if (health == null || health.IsDead() || alerter == null) { return; } if (mode == BehaviorType.patrol) { SwitchMode(BehaviorType.alert); } if (origin) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, direction, out hit, 100, ~ManageFactions.instance.deployableShield, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { Vector3 investigatePoint = hit.point - direction * investigateDistance; if (Physics.Raycast(investigatePoint, Vector3.down, out hit, CurBehavior().data.hoverHeight.x, ~ManageFactions.instance.deployableShield, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { CurBehavior().Alert(direction, origin, hit.point + Vector3.up * CurBehavior().data.hoverHeight.x, alerter); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hit.point + Vector3.up * CurBehavior().data.hoverHeight.x, Color.cyan); } else { CurBehavior().Alert(direction, origin, investigatePoint, alerter); } foreach (Transform unit in ManageFactions.instance.GetAllyFactionList(health.faction)) { if (unit != null && unit != transform && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, unit.transform.position) < CurBehavior().data.searchRadius) { unit.GetComponent <AbstractAI>().Alert(direction, false, investigatePoint, alerter); } } } } else if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < investigateChance) { CurBehavior().Alert(direction, origin, point, alerter); } }
public override void Alert(Vector3 direction, bool origin, Vector3 point, AbstractAI alerter) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Activate the %SwitchToAIName% AI. /// And deactivate the other AI. /// </summary> public void SwitchAI(string SwitchToAIName) { if (CurrentAI != null) { if(CurrentAI.Name != SwitchToAIName) { CurrentAI.enabled = false; CurrentAI.StopAI(); AbstractAI newAI = AIDict [SwitchToAIName]; newAI.StartAI(); CurrentAI = newAI; } } else { AbstractAI newAI = AIDict [SwitchToAIName]; newAI.StartAI(); this.CurrentAI = newAI; } }
public ExecuteAIAction(AbstractAI ai, string description, double duration = 0) : base(description, duration) { this.AI = ai; }
public Monster(string name, EnemyData dataObject, MonsterTemplate template, AbstractAI ai) : base(name, ai) { Data = dataObject; Template = template; }
public void assumingDirectControl(AbstractAI _AI) { human = false; AI = _AI; }
protected Character(string name, AbstractAI ai) : base(name) { Level = 1; AI = ai; }
public Boss(string name, EnemyData dataObject, BossTemplate template, AbstractAI ai) : base(name, dataObject, template, ai) { }
public Player(string name, PlayerData dataObject, ClassTemplate template, AbstractAI ai) : base(name, ai) { Data = dataObject; Template = template; }
public Npc(string name, EnemyData dataObject, MonsterTemplate template, AbstractAI ai) : base(name, dataObject, template, ai) { }
void Awake() { mytransform = this.transform; plyaerAI = AbstractAI.GetTargetAI(player); }
public abstract void Alert(Vector3 direction, bool origin, Vector3 point, AbstractAI alerter);