예제 #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     Ability.Manager = this;
     if (abilityTree == null)
         abilityTree = new AbilityTree();
         AbilityTreeUI.tree = abilityTree;
예제 #2
 private void AddMiddle(Ability a, int description = -1)
     if (MiddleBranch == null)
         MiddleBranch = new AbilityTree(a, root, description);
         MiddleBranch.Add(a, Branch.MIDDLE, description);
예제 #3
 private void AddRight(Ability a, int description = -1)
     if (RightBranch == null)
         RightBranch = new AbilityTree(a, root, description);
         RightBranch.Add(a, Branch.RIGHT, description);
예제 #4
 private void AddLeft(Ability a, int description = -1)
     if (LeftBranch == null)
         LeftBranch = new AbilityTree(a, root, description);
         LeftBranch.Add(a, Branch.LEFT, description);
예제 #5
    void Awake()
        if (!instance)
            instance       = this;
            abilities      = gameData.GetAbilities();
            units          = gameData.GetUnits();
            items          = gameData.GetItems();
            startingTroops = gameData.GetStartingTroops();
            rewardTables   = gameData.GetRewardTables();
            tileData       = gameData.GetTileDataSet();
            abilityTree    = gameData.abilityTree;

            itemDistributionValues = new int[items.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
                itemDistributionValues[i] = items[i].goldValue;
            string[] spritePaths = gameData.spriteDataPaths;
            sprites = new Dictionary <string, Sprite>();
            for (int i = 0; i < spritePaths.Length; ++i)
                Object[] spriteSheet = Resources.LoadAll(spritePaths[i]);
                if (spriteSheet != null && spriteSheet.Length > 0)
                    for (int ii = 1; ii < spriteSheet.Length; ++ii)
                        sprites[spriteSheet[ii].name] = (Sprite)spriteSheet[ii] as Sprite;
                    Debug.Log("cant load sprites: " + spritePaths[i]);
            string visualEffectsPath = gameData.visualEffectsPath;
            visualEffects = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();
            GameObject[] effects = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>(visualEffectsPath);
            if (effects != null && effects.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < effects.Length; ++i)
                    visualEffects[effects[i].name] = effects[i];
                Debug.Log("cant load visualEffectes : " + visualEffectsPath);
예제 #6
    public AbilityTree GetDublicate()
        AbilityTree returnObject = new AbilityTree();

        for (int i = 0; i < tree.Count; ++i)
            returnObject.tree.Add(new Branch());
            returnObject.tree[i].maxTier = tree[i].maxTier;
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < tree[i].branch.Count; ++i2)
                returnObject.tree[i].branch.Add(new AbilityInBranch(tree[i].branch[i2].ID, tree[i].branch[i2].learned, tree[i].branch[i2].tier));
예제 #7
 public AbilityTreeNode(Ability a, AbilityTreeNode parent, AbilityTree tree)
     this.parent = parent;
     tree.abilityNodesById.Add(a.id, this);
     ability = a;
     unlocks = new List <AbilityTreeNode>();
     foreach (string id in a.unlocksAbilities)
         if (!tree.abilityNodesById.TryGetValue(id, out AbilityTreeNode childNode) && tree.abilitiesById.TryGetValue(id, out Ability childAbility))
             AbilityTreeNode cNode = new AbilityTreeNode(childAbility, this, tree);
예제 #8
 public Hero(string _name)
     name               = _name;
     experience         = 0;
     level              = 1;
     stats              = new Stats(StatOwnerType.HERO);
     abilities          = new List <Ability>();
     spells             = new List <Spell>();
     abilityTree        = DataBase.instance.abilityTree;
     equipmentSlots     = new ItemType[3];
     equipmentSlots [0] = ItemType.WEAPON;
     equipmentSlots [1] = ItemType.ARMOR;
     equipmentSlots [2] = ItemType.ARTIFACT;
     equipments         = new ItemList();
     while (equipmentSlots.Length > equipments.items.Count)
     inventory = new ItemList();
예제 #9
    public void BuildAbilityTree(AbilityTree abilityTree)
        _buttons     = new List <AbilityTreeButton>();
        _buttonsById = new Dictionary <string, AbilityTreeButton>();

        int        treeBreadth          = abilityTree.rootAbilities.Count; // The max count of abilities at any depth
        int        treeDepth            = 1;
        List <int> breadthPerDepthLevel = new List <int>();
        List <List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> > depthLevels = new List <List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> >();


        float initialYOffset             = 100f;
        float minXDistanceBetweenButtons = 200f;
        float minYDistanceBetweenButtons = 200f;

        int widestDepth = 0;

        int curTreeDepth = 0;
        // Do the root nodes first and seperately
        List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> curAbilityTreeBreadthList = new List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode>();

        List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> childAbilityTreeBreadthList = new List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode>();

        for (int i = 0; i < abilityTree.rootAbilities.Count; i++)
            AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode node = abilityTree.rootAbilities[i];
            foreach (AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode child in node.unlocks)
            AbilityTreeButton button = AddButton(node);
            RectTransform     t      = button.transform as RectTransform;
            float             xPos   = (i * minXDistanceBetweenButtons) - ((breadthPerDepthLevel[curTreeDepth] - 1) * minXDistanceBetweenButtons / 2);
            t.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(xPos, initialYOffset + minYDistanceBetweenButtons * curTreeDepth);

        while (childAbilityTreeBreadthList.Count > 0)
            curAbilityTreeBreadthList = childAbilityTreeBreadthList;
            if (curAbilityTreeBreadthList.Count > treeBreadth)
                widestDepth = curTreeDepth;
                treeBreadth = curAbilityTreeBreadthList.Count;
            childAbilityTreeBreadthList = new List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode>();
            for (int i = 0; i < curAbilityTreeBreadthList.Count; i++)
                AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode node = curAbilityTreeBreadthList[i];
                foreach (AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode child in node.unlocks)
                AbilityTreeButton button = AddButton(node);
                RectTransform     t      = button.transform as RectTransform;
                float             xPos   = (i * minXDistanceBetweenButtons) - ((breadthPerDepthLevel[curTreeDepth] - 1) * minXDistanceBetweenButtons / 2);
                t.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(xPos, initialYOffset + minYDistanceBetweenButtons * curTreeDepth);

        List <List <Vector2> > spaceUsed = new List <List <Vector2> >();
        float minXOffset = 0f;
        float maxXOffset = 0f;

        HashSet <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> alreadyAdjusted = new HashSet <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode>();

        // Adjust positions moving up from widest
        for (int i = widestDepth; i < treeDepth; i++)
            List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> treeNodes = depthLevels[i];
            float childYPos = initialYOffset + minYDistanceBetweenButtons * (i + 1);
            foreach (AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode node in treeNodes)
                _buttonsById.TryGetValue(node.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton parentButton);
                RectTransform parentTransform = parentButton.transform as RectTransform;
                minXOffset = Mathf.Min(minXOffset, parentTransform.anchoredPosition.x);
                maxXOffset = Mathf.Max(maxXOffset, parentTransform.anchoredPosition.x);
                if (node.unlocks.Count > 0) // Has children to adjust
                    float centerX = parentTransform.anchoredPosition.x;
                    for (int index = 0; index < node.unlocks.Count; index++)
                        AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode child = node.unlocks[index];
                        _buttonsById.TryGetValue(child.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton childButton);
                        RectTransform childTransform = childButton.transform as RectTransform;
                        float         xpos           = (index * minXDistanceBetweenButtons) - ((node.unlocks.Count - 1) * minXDistanceBetweenButtons / 2) + centerX;
                        childTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(xpos, childYPos);
        // Adjust positions moving down from widest
        for (int i = widestDepth - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            List <AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode> treeNodes = depthLevels[i];
            float childYPos = initialYOffset + minYDistanceBetweenButtons * (i);
            foreach (AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode node in treeNodes)
                _buttonsById.TryGetValue(node.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton parentButton);
                RectTransform parentTransform = parentButton.transform as RectTransform;
                minXOffset = Mathf.Min(minXOffset, parentTransform.anchoredPosition.x);
                maxXOffset = Mathf.Max(maxXOffset, parentTransform.anchoredPosition.x);
                if (node.unlocks.Count > 0) // Has children to adjust by
                    // First adjust child siblings that haven't already been adjusted
                    for (int c = 0; c < node.unlocks.Count; c++)
                        AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode childNode = node.unlocks[c];
                        if (!alreadyAdjusted.Contains(childNode))
                            _buttonsById.TryGetValue(childNode.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton childButton);
                            RectTransform childTransform = childButton.transform as RectTransform;
                            // Check Left
                            if (c > 0)
                                AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode siblingNode = node.unlocks[c - 1];
                                _buttonsById.TryGetValue(siblingNode.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton siblingButton);
                                RectTransform siblingTransform = siblingButton.transform as RectTransform;
                                if (childTransform.anchoredPosition.x - siblingTransform.anchoredPosition.x < minXDistanceBetweenButtons)
                                    float newX = siblingTransform.anchoredPosition.x + minXDistanceBetweenButtons;
                                    childTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(newX, childTransform.anchoredPosition.y);
                                    minXOffset = Mathf.Min(minXOffset, newX);
                                    maxXOffset = Mathf.Max(maxXOffset, newX);
                            // Check Right
                            if (c < node.unlocks.Count - 1)
                                AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode siblingNode = node.unlocks[c + 1];
                                _buttonsById.TryGetValue(siblingNode.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton siblingButton);
                                RectTransform siblingTransform = siblingButton.transform as RectTransform;
                                if (siblingTransform.anchoredPosition.x - childTransform.anchoredPosition.x < minXDistanceBetweenButtons)
                                    float newX = siblingTransform.anchoredPosition.x - minXDistanceBetweenButtons;
                                    childTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(newX, childTransform.anchoredPosition.y);
                                    minXOffset = Mathf.Min(minXOffset, newX);
                                    maxXOffset = Mathf.Max(maxXOffset, newX);

                    float centerX = parentTransform.anchoredPosition.x;
                    AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode c1 = node.unlocks[0];
                    AbilityTree.AbilityTreeNode c2 = node.unlocks[node.unlocks.Count - 1];
                    _buttonsById.TryGetValue(c1.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton c1Button);
                    _buttonsById.TryGetValue(c2.ability.id, out AbilityTreeButton c2Button);
                    RectTransform c1Transform = c1Button.transform as RectTransform;
                    RectTransform c2Transform = c2Button.transform as RectTransform;
                    float         width       = Mathf.Abs((c1Transform.anchoredPosition.x - c2Transform.anchoredPosition.x));
                    float         xpos        = (c1Transform.anchoredPosition.x + c2Transform.anchoredPosition.x) / 2;
                    parentTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(xpos, childYPos);
                    Transform     linkToGroup = parentTransform.Find("LinkToGroup");
                    RectTransform joiner      = linkToGroup.Find("Joiner") as RectTransform;
                    joiner.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width + 4f, 4f);

        RectTransform thisTransform = transform as RectTransform;

        thisTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(maxXOffset + 100f, treeDepth * minYDistanceBetweenButtons);
        thisTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(minXOffset - 100f, 0f);
예제 #10
 public void SetUp(Player player, Ability[] abilities)
     _player     = player;
     abilityTree = new AbilityTree(abilities);