예제 #1
    public virtual void Load()
        abilityData = AbilityDataCache.GetDataForAbility(name);

        //Debug.Log("Ability Base is loading ability with cooldown" + abilityData.stats.cooldown);
        cooldown = abilityData.stats.cooldown;
예제 #2
    void Start()
        // Projectile will have "(Clone)" added to the name as it was instatiated after a template GO
        string correctName = name.Replace("(Clone)", "");

        speed = AbilityDataCache.GetProjectileSpeed(correctName);
예제 #3
    private void Awake()
        abilityData = AbilityDataCache.GetDataForAbility(name);
        speedBoost  = abilityData.stats.dotValue;

예제 #4
    //Vector3 direction;
    //float angle;
    //int angleCorrection = 90;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        // Cache transform to later check for cast range
        playerTransform = LocalPlayerReferences.playerTransform;

        string layerName = LayerMask.LayerToName(LocalPlayerReferences.playerGameObject.layer);

        layerName = layerName.Replace("Player", "Ability");

        projectileName = spawnedObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");

        // Load castRange based on projectile name
        string abilityBaseName = projectileName.Replace("Projectile", "");

        Debug.Log("SpawnAbility Start name for cast range config is " + abilityBaseName);
        castRange = AbilityDataCache.GetAbilityCastRange(abilityBaseName);

        // If it's an ice wall or a mana sphere leave the layer to be the default one so that all players can interact with it
        if (name.Contains("IceWall") || name.Contains("Mana"))

        if (isBuffForTeam)
            layerName = Utils.Instance.SwitchPlayerLayerName(layerName);

        projectileLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(layerName);
예제 #5
    private void Start()
        playerTransform = LocalPlayerReferences.playerTransform;
        teleportation   = LocalPlayerReferences.player.teleportation;

        // Load cast range from config
        castRange = AbilityDataCache.GetAbilityCastRange("Blink");
예제 #6
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        color          = spriteRenderer.color;

        objectVisibleTime = AbilityDataCache.GetDataForAbility(name).stats.duration;

예제 #7
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        outOfRangeSprite = AbilityDataCache.GetSpellIndicatorOutOfRangeSprite();

        outOfRangeIndicator = new GameObject("OutOfRangeIndicator");
        outOfRangeIndicator.transform.parent     = transform;
        outOfRangeIndicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.75f, 0.75f, 1);

        SpriteRenderer spRenderer = outOfRangeIndicator.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        spRenderer.sprite = outOfRangeSprite;

    void OnEnable()
        // Projectile will have "(Clone)" added to the name as it was instatiated after a template GO
        string correctName = name.Replace("(Clone)", "");

        speed = AbilityDataCache.GetProjectileSpeed(correctName);
        Debug.Log("MoveAbilityToPoint speed for " + name + " is " + speed);

        moveDirection   = Utils.Instance.GetMousePosition() - transform.position;
        moveDirection.z = 0;

        endPosition = Utils.Instance.GetMousePosition();
예제 #9
    private void Awake()
        abilityData = AbilityDataCache.GetDataForAbility(name);

        effect = GetComponent <AbilityEffect>();

        if (GetComponent <AbilityDuration>() != null)
            isStatic = true;
            isStatic = false;

        projectileVisuals = GetComponent <ProjectileVisuals>();
예제 #10
    private void Awake()
        duration = AbilityDataCache.GetDataForAbility(name).stats.duration;
        Debug.Log("AbilityDuration Duration for " + name + " is " + duration);

        if (duration <= 0f)
            Debug.Log("AbilityDuration Warning duration not set for ability " + name);

        AbilitySpawnTween tween = GetComponent <AbilitySpawnTween>();

        if (tween)
            duration += tween.duration;

        visuals = GetComponent <ProjectileVisuals>();
    private void Start()
        // Get duration for the Dust Dusk
        dustDuskDuration = AbilityDataCache.GetDataForAbility("Dust Dusk").stats.duration;

        // Store all the particle systems from the Dusk Dusk so we can stop the and the disable the DD object
        int duskDustParticlesSize = dustDusk.transform.childCount + 1;

        duskDuskParticles = new ParticleSystem[duskDustParticlesSize];

        Debug.Log("EnvironmentManager Start Dust Dusk duskDustParticlesSize" + duskDustParticlesSize);
        Debug.Log("EnvironmentManager Start Dust Dusk ParticleSystems in children" + dustDusk.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>().Length);

        // Cache the particlesystems from the children
        int index = 0;

        foreach (ParticleSystem pS in dustDusk.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>())
            Debug.Log("EnvironmentManager Start Dust Dusk Index " + index);
            duskDuskParticles[index] = pS;
예제 #12
    private void Start()
        Debug.Log("SpellIndicator for player " + playerID);

        playerTransform = LocalPlayerReferences.playerTransform;
        spriteRenderer  = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        Debug.Log("SpellIndicator before name is " + name);
        string spName = name.Replace("SpellIndicator(Clone)", "");

        Debug.Log("SpellIndicator after name is " + spName);

        castRange = AbilityDataCache.GetAbilityCastRange(spName);
        Debug.Log("SpellIndicator castRange is " + castRange);

        alphaInCastRange    = alphaInCastRange / 10;
        alphaOutOfCastRange = alphaOutOfCastRange / 10;

        inRangeSprite    = spriteRenderer.sprite;
        outOfRangeSprite = AbilityDataCache.GetSpellIndicatorOutOfRangeSprite();

        inRangeScale          = spriteRenderer.transform.localScale;
        outOfRangeSpriteScale = new Vector3(0.36f, 0.36f, 1);