private AVVideoSettingsCompressed getVideoWriterSettings(nfloat bitrate, nfloat width, nfloat height)
            var outputSettings = new AVVideoSettingsCompressed()
                Height        = (int)height,
                Width         = (int)width,
                Codec         = AVVideoCodec.H264,
                CodecSettings = new AVVideoCodecSettings()
                    AverageBitRate     = (int)bitrate,
                    VideoCleanAperture = new AVVideoCleanApertureSettings(
                        new NSDictionary(
                            AVVideo.CleanApertureWidthKey, new NSNumber(width),
                            AVVideo.CleanApertureHeightKey, new NSNumber(height),
                            AVVideo.CleanApertureVerticalOffsetKey, new NSNumber(10),
                            AVVideo.CleanApertureHorizontalOffsetKey, new NSNumber(10)

                ScalingMode = AVVideoScalingMode.ResizeAspectFill

예제 #2
        void SetupAssetReaserWriterForVideo(AVAssetTrack videoTrack)
            if (videoTrack == null)

            // Decompress to ARGB with the asset reader
            var decompSettings = new AVVideoSettingsUncompressed {
                PixelFormatType       = CVPixelFormatType.CV32BGRA,
                AllocateWithIOSurface = null
            AVAssetReaderOutput output = new AVAssetReaderTrackOutput(videoTrack, decompSettings);


            // Get the format description of the track, to fill in attributes of the video stream that we don't want to change
            var formatDescription = (CMVideoFormatDescription)videoTrack.FormatDescriptions.FirstOrDefault();
            // Grab track dimensions from format description
            CGSize trackDimensions = formatDescription != null
                                ? formatDescription.GetPresentationDimensions(false, false)
                                : videoTrack.NaturalSize;

            // Grab clean aperture, pixel aspect ratio from format description
            AVVideoCodecSettings compressionSettings = null;

            if (formatDescription != null)
                var cleanApertureDescr    = (NSDictionary)formatDescription.GetExtension(CVImageBuffer.CleanApertureKey);
                var pixelAspectRatioDescr = (NSDictionary)formatDescription.GetExtension(CVImageBuffer.PixelAspectRatioKey);
                compressionSettings = CreateCodecSettingsFor(cleanApertureDescr, pixelAspectRatioDescr);

            // Compress to H.264 with the asset writer
            var videoSettings = new AVVideoSettingsCompressed {
                Codec         = AVVideoCodec.H264,
                Width         = (int)trackDimensions.Width,
                Height        = (int)trackDimensions.Height,
                CodecSettings = compressionSettings
            AVAssetWriterInput input = new AVAssetWriterInput(videoTrack.MediaType, videoSettings);

            input.Transform = videoTrack.PreferredTransform;

            // Create and save an instance of ReadWriteSampleBufferChannel,
            // which will coordinate the work of reading and writing sample buffers
            videoSampleBufferChannel = new VideoChannel(output, input, transformer);
예제 #3
		void SetupAssetReaserWriterForVideo (AVAssetTrack videoTrack)
			if (videoTrack == null)

			// Decompress to ARGB with the asset reader
			var decompSettings = new AVVideoSettingsUncompressed {
				PixelFormatType = CVPixelFormatType.CV32BGRA,
				AllocateWithIOSurface = null
			AVAssetReaderOutput output = new AVAssetReaderTrackOutput (videoTrack, decompSettings);
			assetReader.AddOutput (output);

			// Get the format description of the track, to fill in attributes of the video stream that we don't want to change
			var formatDescription = (CMVideoFormatDescription)videoTrack.FormatDescriptions.FirstOrDefault ();
			// Grab track dimensions from format description
			CGSize trackDimensions = formatDescription != null
				? formatDescription.GetPresentationDimensions (false, false)
				: videoTrack.NaturalSize;

			// Grab clean aperture, pixel aspect ratio from format description
			AVVideoCodecSettings compressionSettings = null;
			if (formatDescription != null) {
				var cleanApertureDescr = (NSDictionary)formatDescription.GetExtension (CVImageBuffer.CleanApertureKey);
				var pixelAspectRatioDescr = (NSDictionary)formatDescription.GetExtension (CVImageBuffer.PixelAspectRatioKey);
				compressionSettings = CreateCodecSettingsFor (cleanApertureDescr, pixelAspectRatioDescr);

			// Compress to H.264 with the asset writer
			var videoSettings = new AVVideoSettingsCompressed {
				Codec = AVVideoCodec.H264,
				Width = (int)trackDimensions.Width,
				Height = (int)trackDimensions.Height,
				CodecSettings = compressionSettings
			AVAssetWriterInput input = new AVAssetWriterInput (videoTrack.MediaType, videoSettings);
			input.Transform = videoTrack.PreferredTransform;
			assetWriter.AddInput (input);

			// Create and save an instance of ReadWriteSampleBufferChannel,
			// which will coordinate the work of reading and writing sample buffers
			videoSampleBufferChannel = new VideoChannel (output, input, transformer);