예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="abc"></param>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        public void Verify(AbcFile abc, AVM2Code code)
            if (!abc.VerifyMultinameIndex(_ExceptionType))
                AbcVerifierException ave = new AbcVerifierException("Invalid Exception type: " + _ExceptionType.ToString("d"));
                Log.Error(this, ave);
                throw ave;

            if (!abc.VerifyMultinameIndex(_VariableName))
                AbcVerifierException ave = new AbcVerifierException("Invalid exception variable name: " + _VariableName.ToString("d")); ;
                Log.Error(this, ave);
                throw ave;

                uint dummy = code.Address2Index(_From) + code.Address2Index(_To) + code.Address2Index(_Target);
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException aoor)
                AbcVerifierException ave = new AbcVerifierException("Exception to/from/target not on a instruction", aoor);
                Log.Error(this, ave);
                throw ave;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        public void Parse(Stream source)
            long positionBefore = source.Position;
            Method = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);
            MaxStack = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);
            LocalCount = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);
            InitScopeDepth = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);
            MaxScopeDepth = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);

            if (InitScopeDepth > MaxScopeDepth)
                String s = String.Format("Method_body_info InitScopeDepth ({0:d}) > MaxScopeDepth ({1:d})", InitScopeDepth, MaxScopeDepth);
                Log.Warn(this, s);

            UInt32 byteCodeLength = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);

            String s1 = String.Format("{0:d} bytes AVM2 code found, parsing now", byteCodeLength);
            //Log.Debug(this, s1);

            AVM2InstructionSequence avm2code = new AVM2InstructionSequence();
            byte[] rawBuffer = new byte[(int)byteCodeLength];
            source.Read(rawBuffer, 0, (int)byteCodeLength);
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(rawBuffer);
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms);
            while (br.BaseStream.Position < (long)byteCodeLength)
                AbstractInstruction ai = AVM2Factory.Create(br, Method);
            Code = new AVM2Code(avm2code, Method);
            if (Code.Length != byteCodeLength)
                String s2 = String.Format("AVM2Code calculated length {0:d} differs from declared length {1:d}", Code.Length, byteCodeLength);
                Log.Warn(this, s2);
                throw new Exception("This is likely to be a bug!");

            UInt32 exceptionCount = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);
            Exceptions = new List<Exception_info>((int)exceptionCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < exceptionCount; i++)
                Exception_info ei = new Exception_info();

            String s3 = String.Format("{0:d} Exceptions", Exceptions.Count);
            //Log.Debug(this, s3);

            UInt32 traitsCount = VariableLengthInteger.ReadU30(source);
            Traits = new List<Traits_info>((int)traitsCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < traitsCount; i++)
                Traits_info ti = new Traits_info();

            String s4 = String.Format("{0:d} Traits", Traits.Count);
            //Log.Debug(this, s4);

            long positionAfter = source.Position;
            source.Seek(positionBefore, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            this.dataOnRead = new byte[positionAfter - positionBefore];
            source.Read(dataOnRead, 0, dataOnRead.Length);