void SetPlayerFile(NSUrl fileUrl) { NSError error; file = new AVAudioFile(fileUrl, out error); if (error != null) { throw new NSErrorException(error); } engine.Connect(player, engine.MainMixerNode, file.ProcessingFormat); }
public Voice Play(AudioClip clip) { var playerIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MaxPlayers && -1 == playerIndex; i++) { if (!_players[i].Done) { continue; } playerIndex = i; } if (-1 == playerIndex) { return(Voice.Error); } var player = _players[playerIndex]; player.Node.Stop(); _engine.DisconnectNodeOutput(player.Node); _engine.Connect(player.Node, _mixer, ((IOSAudioClip)clip).Format); player.PlayId++; player.Done = false; player.Node.Volume = 1.0f; player.Node.ScheduleBuffer(((IOSAudioClip)clip).Buffer, AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallbackType.PlayedBack, player.Callback); player.Node.Play(); return(Voice.Create(player.Id, player.PlayId)); }
public IOSAudioDriver( ) { _engine = new AVAudioEngine(); _mixer = new AVAudioMixerNode(); _engine.AttachNode(_mixer); _engine.Connect(_mixer, _engine.MainMixerNode, _engine.MainMixerNode.GetBusOutputFormat(0)); _players = new Player[MaxPlayers]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxPlayers; i++) { var player = new Player(); player.Callback = player.OnPlayedBack; player.Done = true; player.Node = new AVAudioPlayerNode(); player.PlayId = 1; player.Id = (uint)i; _players[i] = player; _engine.AttachNode(player.Node); //_engine.Connect(player.Node, _engine.MainMixerNode, _format); } _engine.Prepare(); _engine.StartAndReturnError(out var error); }
private void initPlayer() { audioEngine = new AVAudioEngine(); NSError error = new NSError(); if (!AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetPreferredSampleRate(sampleRate, out error)) { throw new Exception("Error setting preffered sample rate for player: " + error); } AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.PlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.InterruptSpokenAudioAndMixWithOthers); AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetActive(true); audioPlayer = new AVAudioPlayerNode(); setVolume(AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().OutputVolume); inputAudioFormat = new AVAudioFormat(AVAudioCommonFormat.PCMFloat32, sampleRate, (uint)channels, false); audioEngine.AttachNode(audioPlayer); audioEngine.Connect(audioPlayer, audioEngine.MainMixerNode, inputAudioFormat); audioEngine.Prepare(); if (!audioEngine.StartAndReturnError(out error)) { throw new Exception("Error starting playback audio engine: " + error); } audioPlayer.Play(); }
///<Summary> /// Load wave or mp3 audio file from the Android assets folder ///</Summary> public bool Load(string fileName) { DeletePlayer(); NSError error = new NSError(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).Substring(1); NSUrl url = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource(filename, extension, directory); audioFile = new AVAudioFile(url, out error); } if (audioFile != null) { componentDescription = new AudioComponentDescription(); componentDescription.ComponentType = AudioComponentType.FormatConverter; componentDescription.ComponentSubType = (int)AudioUnitSubType.Varispeed; engine = new AVAudioEngine(); player = new AVAudioPlayerNode(); pitch = new AVAudioUnitTimePitch(componentDescription); engine.AttachNode(player); engine.AttachNode(pitch); engine.Connect(player, pitch, audioFile.ProcessingFormat); engine.Connect(pitch, engine.MainMixerNode, audioFile.ProcessingFormat); engine.Prepare(); NSError startError = new NSError(); engine.StartAndReturnError(out startError); } return(true); }
public CoreMidiSynthesizer() { details = this; _engine = new AVAudioEngine(); _sampler = new AVAudioUnitSampler(); _engine.AttachNode(_sampler); _engine.Connect(_sampler, _engine.MainMixerNode, format: new AVAudioFormat(44100, 1)); LoadSoundFontIntoSampler(0); AddObservers(); StartEngine(); SetSessionPlayback(); }
void Init() { FrequenciesByOctave = new FrequencyDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < InFlightAudioBuffers; i++) { var buffer = new AVAudioPcmBuffer(AudioFormat, SamplesPerBuffer); AudioBuffers.Add(buffer); } PlayerNode = new AVAudioPlayerNode { Volume = .8f }; AudioEngine.AttachNode(PlayerNode); AudioEngine.Connect(PlayerNode, AudioEngine.MainMixerNode, AudioFormat); AudioEngine.StartAndReturnError(out var error); }
public void AudioSetupStart() { FloatQueue = new Queue <float>(); engine = new AVAudioEngine(); nodeEQ = new AVAudioUnitEQ(1); nodeEQ.GlobalGain = 1; engine.AttachNode(nodeEQ); AVAudioUnitEQFilterParameters filter = nodeEQ.Bands[0]; filter.FilterType = AVAudioUnitEQFilterType.LowPass; filter.Frequency = 1000; //In hertz filter.Bandwidth = 1; filter.Bypass = false; // in db -96 db through 24 d filter.Gain = 50; //not sure if this is necessary nodeEQ.Bands[0] = filter; //1 AVAudioFormat format2 = engine.MainMixerNode.GetBusOutputFormat(0); //2 //AVAudioPcmBuffer buffMix = new AVAudioPcmBuffer(engine.MainMixerNode.GetBusInputFormat(0),2); //AVAudioTime timeMix = engine.MainMixerNode.LastRenderTime; //AVAudioNodeTapBlock MixerBlock = new AVAudioNodeTapBlock((buffMix, timeMix) => //2 engine.MainMixerNode.InstallTapOnBus(0, 1024, format2, (AVAudioPcmBuffer buffMix, AVAudioTime when) => { //Console.WriteLine("Called"); //3 **Dont have an 'Updater' also not checking for null** IntPtr channelData = buffMix.FloatChannelData; int lengthOfBuffer = (int)buffMix.FrameLength; int frame_length = (int)buffMix.FrameLength; /* * byte[] bytesArray = new byte[lengthOfBuffer]; * * Marshal.Copy(channelData, bytesArray, 0, lengthOfBuffer); */ /* * double total = 0; * int nonZero = 0; * for (int a = 0; a < buffMix.FrameLength - 4; a+=1) * { * //float tempx = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytesArray, a); * float tempx = bytesArray[a]; * Console.WriteLine(tempx); * double temp = Math.Pow(tempx, 2); * total += temp; * if (temp.Equals(0)) * nonZero++; * } * int tester; * //Need to figure out how the buffer works, if at all * total = Math.Sqrt(total / nonZero); * double avgPower = 20 * Math.Log10(total); * avgPower /= 160; * * if (avgPower > .9) * High_Level_Detected++; * FloatQueue.Enqueue((float)avgPower); * //Console.WriteLine(avgPower); * * Marshal.FreeHGlobal(channelData); */ //var ns = buffMix.MutableCopy(); //test later T_Proccess tws = new T_Proccess(channelData, lengthOfBuffer, frame_length); Thread processer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tws.ThreadProc)); processer.Start(); }); AVAudioFormat format = engine.InputNode.GetBusInputFormat(0); engine.Connect(engine.InputNode, engine.MainMixerNode, format); engine.Connect(nodeEQ, engine.MainMixerNode, format); StartEngine(); started = true; }