예제 #1
 public void InOrderAtLeastAdditionalItemAtStartAndEndPassesTest()
         Items("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four"),
         AList.InOrder().WithAtLeast(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
예제 #2
        // #############################################################################################
        // Public interface
        // #############################################################################################

        /** ********************************************************************************************
         * Constructor for domain.
         * @param parent     The parent domain. For root domains, this is null.
         * @param name       The name of the domain. For root domains, this is null.
        public Domain(Domain parent, AString name)
            // store parameters
            this.Name   = name;
            this.Parent = parent;

            // create fields
            SubDomains = new List <Domain>(3);
            Data       = new List <LoggerData>(parent == null ? 2 : parent.Data.Count);

            // if we have a parent, we inherit all logger's verbosities
            if (parent != null)
                foreach (LoggerData ldParent in parent.Data)
                    LoggerData ld = new LoggerData(ldParent.Logger);
                    ld.LoggerVerbosity = ldParent.LoggerVerbosity;
                    ld.Priority        = ldParent.Priority;

            FullPath = new AString();
            Domain dom = this;

                if (dom != this || dom.Parent == null)
                    FullPath.InsertAt("/", 0);
                FullPath.InsertAt(dom.Name, 0);
                dom = dom.Parent;
            }while(dom != null);
 public void InAnyOrderAtLeastOutOfOrderItemsPassesTest()
         Items("two", "one", "three"),
         AList.InAnyOrder().WithAtLeast(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
 public void InAnyOrderAtLeastAdditionalItemPassesTest()
         Items("four", "three", "one", "two"),
         AList.InAnyOrder().WithAtLeast(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
        public void ReportIsCorrectlyGeneratedTest()
            PerformanceMetricsWriter metricsWriter;
            PerformanceReport        report;

            .Given(metricsWriter = PerformanceMetricsWriter.With().TestName("ReportIsCorrectlyGeneratedTest"))
                              .Tests(new MyPerfTest())
            .When(report = metricsWriter.BuildReport())
예제 #6
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Writes a string representation of the \e Verbosity and priority into the given
         * AString.
         * @param verbosity The enum value to retrieve a string representation for.
         * @param priority  The priority of the \p verbosity setting.
         * @param target    The target to write into.
         * @returns \p target to allow concatenated calls.
        public static AString ToString(Verbosity verbosity, int priority, AString target)
            target.Field()._(verbosity.ToString()).Field(8, Alignment.Left)

            if (priority == Lox.PrioSource)
                target._("Source)   ");
            else if (priority == Lox.PrioProtected)
            else if (priority == Configuration.PrioCmdLine)
                target._("CmdLine)  ");
            else if (priority == Configuration.PrioEnvVars)
                target._("EnvVars)  ");
            else if (priority == Configuration.PrioIniFile)
                target._("IniFile)  ");

 public void InAnyOrderWithMissingItemFailsTest()
         Items("one", "two"),
         AList.InAnyOrder().WithOnly(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
예제 #8
        public void trim(String source, String expected)
            AString x = new AString(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected, x.ToString());
예제 #9
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Invokes grand-parent's method and in addition, de-registers with
         * \ref cs::aworx::lib::ALIB::StdOutputStreamsLock "ALIB.StdOutputStreamsLock"
         * @param acquirer The acquirer to remove.
         * @return The new number of \e acquirers set.
        public override int   RemoveAcquirer(ThreadLock acquirer)
            // d-register with ALIB lockers (if not done yet)
            if (usesStdStreams)
                int stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter = --this.stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter;

                if (stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter == 0)

            // export autosizes to configuration
                AString autoSizes    = new AString();
                AString variableName = new AString(name); variableName._("_AUTO_SIZES");
                ALIB.Config.Save(ALox.ConfigCategoryName, variableName, autoSizes,
                                 "Auto size values of last run");

            // call parents' implementation
예제 #10
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * This is for debugging purposes. E.g. this enables the \e Monodevelop IDE to display
         * object descriptions in the debugger.
         * @returns A human readable string representation of this object.
        public override String ToString()
            AString target = new AString();

예제 #11
        public void EqualToWithKeyAndValueMatcher()
            AssertPasses(Pair("key", "val"), AKeyValuePair.EqualTo(AString.Containing("key"), AString.Containing("val")));

            AssertFails(Pair("key", "val"), AKeyValuePair.EqualTo(AString.Containing("key"), AString.Containing("not_val")));
            AssertFails(Pair("key", "val"), AKeyValuePair.EqualTo(AString.Containing("not_key"), AString.Containing("val")));
예제 #12
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         *  Converts variable value data. Replaces certain characters by escape sequences.
         *  @param os        The output stream to write to.
         *  @param value     The value to write
         *  @param temp      A temporary AString needed internally.
         *  @return The difference of length written and given value length.
        protected int addEscapeSequences(TextWriter os, Substring value, AString temp)
            int sizeDiff = 0;


            if (char.IsWhiteSpace(value.CharAtStart()) ||
                sizeDiff = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < EscapeSequences.Count;)
                String replacement = EscapeSequences[i++];
                String needle      = EscapeSequences[i++];
                sizeDiff += temp.SearchAndReplace(needle, replacement, 0) * (replacement.Length - needle.Length);

            os.Write(temp.Buffer(), 0, temp.Length());
예제 #13
 public void InOrderAtLeastDuplicateItemAtStartPassesTest()
         Items("one", "one", "two", "three", "three"),
         AList.InOrder().WithAtLeast(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
예제 #14
        /** ********************************************************************************************
         * Searches a domain. If not found, the domain is (or path of domains are) created in
         * the domain tree.
         * If the path string starts with the character defined in #PathSeparator, then
         * the search (and creation) is done starting from the root domain of this domain and not
         * from this domain.
         * @param       domainPathAS  Path and domain to search.
         * @param       sensitivity   Denotes if domain name search is treated case sensitive or not.
         * @param       maxCreate     The maximum number of sub domains that are created if not
         *                            found at the end of the path.
         * @param[out]  wasCreated    Output parameter that is set \c true if domain was not found
         *                            and hence created.
         * @return The domain found or created.
        public Domain Find(AString domainPathAS, Case sensitivity, int maxCreate, ref bool wasCreated)
            Substring domainPath = tSubstring;


            // set optional output parameter as default to false
            wasCreated = false;

            int lenBeforeTrim = domainPath.Length();

            // if string is empty (resp. contains only separator characters), return ourselves
            while (domainPath.Consume(PathSeparator))
            if (domainPath.IsEmpty())

            // Trailing domain separator found: call find on root domain
            Domain startDomain = this;

            if (lenBeforeTrim > domainPath.Length())
                while (startDomain.Parent != null)
                    startDomain = startDomain.Parent;

            // call find
            return(startDomain.findRecursive(domainPath, sensitivity, maxCreate, ref wasCreated));
예제 #15
 public void InOrderAtLeastMissingItemAtStartFailsTest()
         Items("two", "three"),
         AList.InOrder().WithAtLeast(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
예제 #16
        public string Get(MisIdiomas lang)
            string r = "";

            AString.TryGetValue(lang, out r);
//--- Test Constructors
void constructorTest( String inputString, AString result, bool trim )
    Substring tok= new Substring( inputString );
    if ( trim )
    tok.CopyTo( result );
예제 #18
        /** ************************************************************************************
         * Logs the header and invokes instRecursive()
         * @param o               The object to be logged.
         * @param maxRecursion    The maximum depth of recursion for logging nested object.
         * @param headLine        The headline to log.
        protected static void instMain(Object o, int maxRecursion, String headLine)
            // prepare fields
            if (toolBuf == null)
                toolBuf = new AString(1024);
            if (tempBuf == null)
                tempBuf = new AString(64);

            instLineNumber        = 0;
            instLineBeginIdx      = 0;
            instObject2LineNumber = new Dictionary <Object, UInt32>();

            // log headline if answer exception
            if (headLine != null)
                toolBuf._(headLine)._(' ');

            // dump the object
            instRecursive(o, maxRecursion, headLine != null ? 1 : 0);

            // dispose the dictionary
            instObject2LineNumber = null;
예제 #19
        public static void XML(String domain, Verbosity verbosity,
                               XElement xElement, String headLine = null,
                               Lox lox = null,
                               [CallerLineNumber] int cln = 0, [CallerFilePath] String csf = "", [CallerMemberName] String cmn = "")
            #if ALOX_DBG_LOG || ALOX_REL_LOG
            try { Lock.Acquire();

                  // create/clear toolBuf
                  if (toolBuf == null)
                      toolBuf = new AString(1024);

                  // dump exception to the Buffer
                  xmlElement(xElement, headLine, 0);

                  // if no lox given, use static Log.LOX or, if debug logging is not active, return
                  if (lox == null)
                        #if ALOX_DBG_LOG
                  { lox = Log.LOX; }
                  { return; }

                  // log it using the static Log interface
                  lox.Entry(domain, verbosity, toolBuf, cln, csf, cmn); } finally { Lock.Release(); }
예제 #20
        public void AMockFailsVerifyAllTest()
            .Given(AMock <ISpeaker>()
                   .WhereMethod(t => t.Says())
            .Then(() => { /*Scenario passes but verify should fail*/ });

            MockException thrown = null;

                //force scenario completion and assertions
            catch (Exception e)
                thrown = e.InnerException as MockException;

            .Message(AString.Containing("ISpeaker t => t.Says()"))
예제 #21
        public void removeDuplicates(String source, String expected)
            AString x = new AString(source);

            x.removeDuplicates(' ');
            Assert.Equal(expected, x.ToString());
예제 #22
 public void InOrderExactPassesTest()
         Items("one", "two", "three"),
         AList.InOrder().WithOnly(AString.EqualToValues("one", "two", "three"))
예제 #23
        // #############################################################################################
        // Reimplementing interface of grand-parent class SmartLock
        // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Invokes grand-parent's method and in addition, if field #usesStdStreams is set,
         * registers with
         * \ref cs::aworx::lib::ALIB::StdOutputStreamsLock "ALIB.StdOutputStreamsLock", respectively
         * @param newAcquirer The acquirer to add.
         * @return The new number of \e acquirers set.
        public override int   AddAcquirer(ThreadLock newAcquirer)
            // register with ALIB lockers (if not done yet)
            if (usesStdStreams)
                int stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter = this.stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter++;
                if (stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter == 0)

            // get auto sizes from last session
                AString autoSizes    = new AString();
                AString variableName = new AString(name); variableName._("_AUTO_SIZES");
                if (ALIB.Config.Get(ALox.ConfigCategoryName, variableName, autoSizes) != 0)

            // call parents' implementation
예제 #24
        void PerformanceTestRL()
            // create a lox for release logging
            Lox          lox       = new Lox("ReleaseLox");
            TextLogger   relLogger = Lox.CreateConsoleLogger();
            MemoryLogger ml        = new MemoryLogger();

            lox.SetVerbosity(relLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, "/CON");
            lox.SetVerbosity(ml, Verbosity.Verbose, "/MEM");

            lox.Info("/CON", "Logging simple info lines into a memory logger");

            AString msgBuf   = new AString( );
            long    fastest  = long.MaxValue;
            Ticks   timer    = new Ticks();
            int     qtyLines = 1000;
            int     qtyLoops = 2000; //1000

            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                qtyLines = qtyLoops = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < qtyLoops; i++)
            #if ALOX_DBG_LOG || ALOX_REL_LOG

                for (int ii = 0; ii < qtyLines; ii++)
                    lox.Info("/MEM", "Test Line");
                    if (i == 0 && ii == 0)
                long t = timer.Age().Raw();

                if (fastest > t)
                    fastest = t;
                    lox.Info("/CON", msgBuf.Clear()._("Pass ")._(i, 3)._(" is new fastest:  ")
                             ._((int)(new Ticks(fastest)).InMicros(), 0)
                             ._(" micros per ")._(qtyLines)._(" logs."));

            double microsPerLog  = ((double)(new Ticks(fastest)).InMicros()) / qtyLines;
            int    logsPerSecond = (int)(1000000.0 / microsPerLog);
            lox.Info("/CON", msgBuf._()._("  ")._(ESC.MAGENTA)._("Fastest Release Logging: ")
                     ._(microsPerLog)._(" micros per log (resp ")
                     ._(logsPerSecond)._(" logs per second) "));

예제 #25
        void SampleALibReport()
            Console.WriteLine("Sample: ALib Report via using ALox");

            Log.SetDomain("/SAMPLE", Scope.Filename);
            Log.SetVerbosity(Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Info, "");
            Log.Info("Method \"Log.AddDebugLogger()\" by default creates a replacement for ALibs'\n"
                     + "error/warning reporter. If this is a debug compiliation, let's have a try and\n"
                     + "create 3 Messages:");

            Report.GetDefault().PushHaltFlags(false, false);
            ALIB.ERROR("This is an error report!");
            ALIB.WARNING("And this is a warning!");
            AString illegalAccess = new AString(10);

            illegalAccess.SetCharAt_NC(5, '5');

            Log.SetVerbosity(Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, ALox.InternalDomains);
            ALIB.REPORT(2, "This is an ALib Report. Types other than '0' and '1' are user defined.\n"
                        + "Verbosity of ALox.InternalDomains has to be increased to see them when using"
                        + " ALoxReportWriter.");

            Log.Info("Note the domain prefix '" + ALox.InternalDomains.ToString() + "'. This addresses "
                     + "the tree of internal domains\nof the Lox, which the report writer is just "
                     + "using for ALib reports.");

예제 #26
        public void SubsequentFailAfterPassThenFailsTest()
            var whenStep = new Scenario().Given(DoNothingAction()).When(DoNothingAction());

            AssertFails(() => whenStep
                        .Then(() => "ok", AString.EqualTo("ok"))
                        .Then(() => "", AString.EqualTo("fail")));
예제 #27
        public void EqualsToNullTest()
            string nil = null;

            AssertPasses(nil, AString.EqualTo(nil));
            AssertFails("one", AString.EqualTo(nil));
            AssertFails("", AString.EqualTo(nil));
예제 #28
        public void EqualsToIgnoreCaseTest()
            AssertPasses("One", AString.EqualToIgnoringCase("One"));
            AssertPasses("ONE", AString.EqualToIgnoringCase("One"));

            AssertFails("", AString.EqualToIgnoringCase("One"));
            AssertFails((string)null, AString.EqualToIgnoringCase("One"));
예제 #29
        public void setStringIndex(int index, String expected)
            AString x = new AString("eric");
            AString y = new AString("    ");

            y.setString(x, index);
            Assert.Equal(expected, y.ToString());
예제 #30
        public void EqualsToTest()
            AssertPasses("One", AString.EqualTo("One"));

            AssertFails("one", AString.EqualTo("One"));
            AssertFails("", AString.EqualTo("One"));
            AssertFails((string)null, AString.EqualTo("One"));
예제 #31
 public void UT_EQ(AString exp, AString s, [CallerFilePath] String csf = "", [CallerLineNumber] int cln = 0, [CallerMemberName] String cmn = "")
     if (!exp.Equals(s))
         ASM(csf, cln, cmn, ASS.Clear()._("\"")._(exp)._("\", Given: \"")._(s)._("\"."));
     Assert.AreEqual(exp.ToString(), s.ToString());
    /** ********************************************************************************************
     * The conversion method.
     * @param o        The object to convert.
     * @param target   An AString that takes the result.
     * @return \c true, if the object was converted successfully, \c false otherwise.
    public override bool ConvertObject( Object o, AString target )
        // copy the string into our internal Buffer (or reassign if AString given)
             if ( o == null )       target._( FmtNullObject ); // <null>
        else                        target._( o )  ;           // let AString do the conversion

        // we always return true
        return true;
예제 #33
 protected bool logSubstring( AString buffer, int start, int length )
     #if !(ALOX_WP71 || ALOX_WP8)
         Console.Write( buffer.Buffer(), start, length );
         Console.Write( buffer.ToString( 0, start, length );
     return true;
예제 #34
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Writes a string representation of the priority value into the given AString.
         * @param priority  The priority of the \p verbosity setting.
         * @param target    The target to write into.
         * @returns \p target to allow concatenated calls.
        public static AString ToStringPriority( int priority, AString target )
            if ( priority == Configuration.PrioDefault   )  return target._( "Default  " );
            if ( priority == Configuration.PrioProtected )  return target._( "Protected" );
            if ( priority == Configuration.PrioCmdLine   )  return target._( "CmdLine  " );
            if ( priority == Configuration.PrioEnvironment   )  return target._( "EnvVars  " );
            if ( priority == Configuration.PrioIniFile   )  return target._( "IniFile  " );

            return target.Field()._( priority ).Field( 9, Alignment.Left );
public void SubstringConstructor()
    AString astr=   new AString();
    AString res=    new AString();

    constructorTest( "a"        , res, false ); UT_EQ( "a",        res );
    constructorTest( " a"       , res, false ); UT_EQ( " a",       res );
    constructorTest( "a "       , res, false ); UT_EQ( "a ",       res );
    constructorTest( "a b"      , res, false ); UT_EQ( "a b",      res );
    constructorTest( " a b"     , res, false ); UT_EQ( " a b",     res );
    constructorTest( "a b "     , res, false ); UT_EQ( "a b ",     res );

    constructorTest( "a"        , res, true  ); UT_EQ( "a",        res );
    constructorTest( " a"       , res, true  ); UT_EQ( "a",        res );
    constructorTest( "a "       , res, true  ); UT_EQ( "a",        res );
    constructorTest( "a b"      , res, true  ); UT_EQ( "a b",      res );
    constructorTest( " a b"     , res, true  ); UT_EQ( "a b",      res );
    constructorTest( "a b "     , res, true  ); UT_EQ( "a b",      res );

    // changing whitespaces
            astr.Clear()._( "xy xz abc xy" );
            Substring subs= new Substring();
            subs.Set(astr).Trim("xy ".ToCharArray()).CopyTo( res );
            UT_EQ( "z abc",      res );

            Substring subs= new Substring( "xy xz abc xy" );
            subs.TrimStart("xy ".ToCharArray());
            subs.TrimEnd("xy ".ToCharArray());
            subs.CopyTo( res );
            UT_EQ( "z abc",      res );

    // test other constructors
        astr.Clear()._( " astring ");
        UT_TRUE  ( (new Substring()).IsEmpty() );
        UT_TRUE  ( (new Substring()).IsNull() );
        UT_EQ( "astring",  (new Substring( astr)).Trim() .ToString() );
        UT_EQ( "str",      (new Substring( astr,  2, 3 )).ToString() );
        UT_EQ( "",         (new Substring( astr, 20, 3 )).ToString() );
        UT_TRUE (          (new Substring( astr, 20, 3 )).IsEmpty()  );
        UT_FALSE(          (new Substring( astr, 20, 3 )).IsNull()   );

        Substring s2= new Substring( astr);
        UT_EQ( "astring",  new Substring( s2.Trim().ToString() ).ToString() );
        UT_EQ( "str",      (new Substring( (new Substring( astr, 2,3  )))).ToString() );

예제 #36
  * Simple constructor copying values
  * @param categoryFallback     Value for field #CategoryFallback (treated as reference, value not copied)
  * @param category             Value for field #Category
  * @param name                 Value for field #Name
  * @param defaultValue         Value for field #DefaultValue
  * @param delim                Value for field #Delim
  * @param formatAttrAlignment  Value for field #FormatAttrAlignment
  * @param formatHints          Value for field #FormatHints
  * @param comments             Value for field #Comments
 public VariableDefinition( AString categoryFallback, String category, String name, String defaultValue,
                            char delim, String formatAttrAlignment, Variable.FormatHint formatHints,  String comments )
     this.CategoryFallback=     categoryFallback;
     this.Category=             category;
     this.Name=                 name;
     this.DefaultValue=         defaultValue;
     this.Delim=                delim;
     this.FormatAttrAlignment=  formatAttrAlignment;
     this.FormatHints=          formatHints;
     this.Comments=             comments;
예제 #37
    // #############################################################################################
    // static helpers
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Provides a string representation of the Scope enums.
         * @param scope        The enum value to retrieve a string representation for.
         * @param pathLevel    The path level.
         * @param target       The target string.
         * @returns A string representation of the provided Scope value.
        public static AString ToString( Scope scope, int pathLevel, AString target )
            target._( "Scope." );
            switch( scope )
                case Scope.Global:      { target._("Global");     break; }
                case Scope.ThreadOuter: { target._("ThreadOuter");break; }
                case Scope.Path:        { target._("Path")._("(L" )._( pathLevel )._( ")" ); break; }
                case Scope.Filename:    { target._("Filename");   break; }
                case Scope.Method:      { target._("Method");     break; }
                case Scope.ThreadInner: { target._("ThreadInner");break; }
            return target;
        public override bool ConvertObject( Object o, AString result )
            if ( o == null )
                result._( "MyObjectConverter: null" );
                return true;

            if ( o.GetType() == typeof(MyType) )
                result._( "my type" );
                return true;

            return false;
// SAMPLE code of class documentation

void documentationSampleTokenizer()
    UTSampleWriter utsw= new UTSampleWriter("DOC_SAMPLES_ALIB_LIB_STRING_TOKEN.txt");

    // data string to tokenize
    AString data= new AString( "test;  abc ; 1,2 , 3 ; xyz ; including;separator" );

    // create tokenizer on data with ';' as delimiter
    Tokenizer tknzr= new Tokenizer( data, ';' );

    // read tokens

    System.Console.WriteLine( tknzr.Next() ); // will print "test"
    System.Console.WriteLine( tknzr.Next() ); // will print "abc"
    System.Console.WriteLine( tknzr.Next() ); // will print "1,2 , 3"

    // tokenize actual (third) token (nested tokenizer)
    Tokenizer subTknzr= new Tokenizer( tknzr.Actual,  ',');
    System.Console.Write( subTknzr.Next().ToString() );

    while( subTknzr.HasNext() )
        System.Console.Write( "~" + subTknzr.Next().ToString() );


    // continue with the main tokenizer
    System.Console.WriteLine( tknzr.Next().ToString() ); // will print "xyz"

    // grab the rest, as we know that the last token might include our separator character
    System.Console.WriteLine( tknzr.GetRest().ToString() ); // will print "including;separator"

예제 #40
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Writes a list of comments to the file. Comment lines are started with '#'.
         * @param os       The output stream to write to.
         * @param comments The comment lines for the section.
         * @param tknzr    A temporary tokenizer needed internally.
        protected void writeComments( TextWriter os, AString comments, Tokenizer tknzr )
            // is empty when trimmed? (we are lenting tokeinizers field 'actual' to test)
            if ( tknzr.Actual.Set( comments ).Trim().IsEmpty() )

            // tokenize by NEWLINE character
            tknzr.Set( comments, '\n' );
            char[] oldWhiteSpaces= tknzr.Whitespaces;
            tknzr.Whitespaces=  " \r\t".ToCharArray(); // \n is not a whitespace

            while( tknzr.Next(Whitespaces.Keep).IsNotNull() )
                if ( !startsWithCommentSymbol( tknzr.Actual ) )
                    os.Write( DefaultCommentPrefix );
                os.WriteLine( tknzr.Actual.Buf, tknzr.Actual.Start, tknzr.Actual.Length() );
            tknzr.Whitespaces= oldWhiteSpaces;
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Searches the \ref cs::aworx::lib::config::InMemoryPlugin::Section "Section" with the given name.
         * If the section was not found, it is created.
         * If the section is found and has no comments, then the provided comments are appended.
         * @param name      The name of the section to be retrieved.
         * @param comments  The comment lines for the section, in the case the section is not
         *                  found. If this is null, no section is created.
         * @return Returns the section if it was found or created. \c null otherwise.
        public Section  SearchOrCreateSection( Object name, AString comments )
            Section s= SearchSection( name );
            if ( s == null )
                Sections.Add( s= createSection( name ) );

            if ( s.Comments.IsEmpty() )
                s.Comments._( comments );

            return s;
예제 #42
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Helper method for formatting attributes
  * @param value              The value to check
  * @param alignmentSeparator The string defining the separator.
  * @return Returns the position of the first '=' or ':' character
 protected static int getAssignmentPos( AString value, String alignmentSeparator )
     int idx= value.IndexOf( alignmentSeparator );
     if( idx > 0 )
         int idxQuote= value.IndexOf( '"' );
         if ( idxQuote < 0  || idxQuote > idx )
             return idx;
     return -1;
예제 #43
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Write all configuration data into the file.
         * @return Returns the #Status of the operation.
        public IniFile.Status  WriteFile()
            LastStatus= Status.OK;

            // open file
            StreamWriter file;
                file= new StreamWriter( FileName.ToString() );
            catch( Exception )
                return LastStatus= Status.ERROR_OPENING_FILE;

            Tokenizer tknzr=               new Tokenizer();
            AString   externalizedValue=   new AString();

            // write file header
            if ( FileComments.IsNotEmpty() )
                writeComments( file, FileComments, tknzr );

            // loop over all sections
            int cntVars= 0;
            foreach ( Section section in Sections )
                if ( cntVars > 0 )

                // write section comments and name
                writeComments( file, section.Comments, tknzr );
                if ( section.Name.IsNotEmpty() )
                    file.Write( section.Name.Buffer(), 0, section.Name.Length() );

                // variables
                int maxVarLength= 0;
                foreach ( Entry entry in section.Entries )
                    maxVarLength= Math.Max( maxVarLength, entry.Name.Length() );

                bool previousVarHasComments= true;
                foreach ( Entry entry in section.Entries )

                    // write comments
                    if( entry.Comments.IsNotEmpty() )
                        // we make an extra empty line if previous var had no comments
                        if( !previousVarHasComments)
                        writeComments( file, entry.Comments, tknzr );

                    // write name =
                    file.Write( entry.Name.Buffer(), 0, entry.Name.Length() );

                    // either write raw value (if it was not used by the application)
                    IniFile.Entry ifEntry= (IniFile.Entry) entry;
                    if ( ifEntry.RawValue.IsNotEmpty() )
                        file.Write( ifEntry.RawValue.Buffer(), 0, ifEntry.RawValue.Length() );

                    // or write the values parsed by the software
                        file.Write( '=' );
                        Util.WriteSpaces( file, maxVarLength - entry.Name.Length() + 1 );

                        bool     isFirst=      true;

                        //-------- write as single-line ----------
                        if ( 0 == ( entry.FormatHints & Variable.FormatHint.MultLine  ) )
                            bool delimSpaces=  (0 == ( entry.FormatHints & Variable.FormatHint.NoDelimSpaces ) );
                            foreach( AString value in entry.Values )
                                // write delim and backslash of previous line, newline and then spaces of actual line
                                if ( !isFirst )
                                    ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR( entry.Delim != 0,
                                                       "No delimiter given for multi-value variable \""
                                                       + entry.Name + "\"." );

                                    if( delimSpaces && FormatSpaceBeforeDelim)
                                        file.Write( ' ' );

                                    file.Write( entry.Delim );

                                    if( delimSpaces && FormatSpaceAfterDelim)
                                        file.Write( ' ' );

                                // externalize value
                                StringConverter.ExternalizeValue( value, externalizedValue, entry.Delim );
                                file.Write( externalizedValue.Buffer(), 0, externalizedValue.Length() );
                                isFirst= false;

                        // ---------- write as multi-line ----------
                            int      backSlashPos= 0;
                            int      lastLineLen=  0;

                            // Get maximum position of attribute assignment char '=' or ':' (if exists)
                            int maxAttributeAssignPos= 0;
                            bool allAttrHavePrecedingBlanks= true;
                            if (entry.FormatAttrAlignment != null )
                                foreach( AString value in entry.Values )
                                    int attributeAssignPos= getAssignmentPos( value, entry.FormatAttrAlignment );
                                    if ( attributeAssignPos > 0 )
                                        if ( maxAttributeAssignPos < attributeAssignPos )
                                            maxAttributeAssignPos= attributeAssignPos;
                                        allAttrHavePrecedingBlanks&= value.CharAt( attributeAssignPos - 1 ) == ' ';
                                if ( !allAttrHavePrecedingBlanks )
                                    maxAttributeAssignPos += 1;

                            // loop over values of entry
                            foreach( AString value in entry.Values )

                                // write delim and backslash of previous line, newline and then spaces of actual line
                                if ( !isFirst )
                                    ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR( entry.Delim != 0,
                                                       "No delimiter given for multi-value variable \""
                                                       + entry.Name + "\"." );

                                    file.Write( entry.Delim );

                                    if ( backSlashPos < lastLineLen + 1  )
                                         backSlashPos=  lastLineLen + 4;

                                    Util.WriteSpaces( file, backSlashPos - lastLineLen );

                                    file.WriteLine( '\\' );

                                    Util.WriteSpaces( file, maxVarLength + 2 ); // 2 for "= "

                                // externalize value
                                StringConverter.ExternalizeValue( value, externalizedValue, entry.Delim );

                                // if first character is a INI comment char, then escape it
                                char firstChar= externalizedValue.CharAt(0);
                                if( !isFirst && (firstChar == '#' || firstChar == ';' ) )
                                    externalizedValue.InsertAt("\\", 0 );

                                // if assignment, insert spaces to align assignments
                                if (entry.FormatAttrAlignment != null )
                                    int attributeAssignPos= getAssignmentPos( externalizedValue, entry.FormatAttrAlignment );
                                    if ( attributeAssignPos > 0 && attributeAssignPos < maxAttributeAssignPos )
                                        externalizedValue.InsertChars( ' ',
                                                                       attributeAssignPos + (FormatIncludeDelimInAttrAlignment ?
                                                                                              0 : entry.FormatAttrAlignment.Length )

                                file.Write( externalizedValue.Buffer(), 0, externalizedValue.Length() );

                                lastLineLen=  maxVarLength + 2  + externalizedValue.Length();
                                isFirst= false;

                    // add an empty line if we have comments
                    if( (previousVarHasComments= entry.Comments.IsNotEmpty() ) == true )

            // close file

            return LastStatus;
예제 #44
             * Overrides default method. If we have not parsed the INI file text value, yet,
             * we do this now.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public override void ToVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                // if we are still raw, then parse the INI file content
                if ( Values.Count == 0  )
                    ALIB.ASSERT( Delim == '\0' );
                    Delim= variable.Delim;
                    variable.Comments._()._( Comments );

                    //-----  remove INI-File specific from raw value -----
                    AString raw= new AString();
                    raw._( RawValue );

                    // remove '='
                    if ( raw.CharAtStart() != '=' )
                        ALIB.WARNING( "No equal sign in variable \"" + variable.Fullname + "\" of INI file." );

                    // remove "\\n"
                    int startIdx= 0;
                    while ( (startIdx= raw.IndexOf( '\n', startIdx )) >= 0 )
                        // find \\n and trim around this location
                        int delLen= 2;
                        if ( raw.CharAt( --startIdx) == '\r' )
                            delLen= 3;
                        ALIB.ASSERT( raw.CharAt(startIdx) == '\\' );
                        raw.Delete( startIdx, delLen );

                        startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                        // if now the next value is starting with a comment symbol, we remove to the next \n
                            char c= raw.CharAt( startIdx );
                            if (     c != '#'
                                &&   c != ';'
                                && ( c != '/' || raw.CharAt( startIdx + 1 ) != '/' ) )

                            int idx= raw.IndexOf( '\n' );
                            if (idx < 0 ) idx= raw.Length();
                            raw.Delete( startIdx, idx - startIdx + 1 );
                            if( startIdx >= raw.Length() )
                            startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                    // now convert
                    parent.StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, raw );

                    // copy the parsed values back to our entry and store the delimiter
                    for( int i= 0; i < variable.Size() ; i++ )
                        Values.Add( new AString( variable.GetString( i ) ) );

                // otherwise, use base method
                    base.ToVariable( parent, variable );
예제 #45
    // #############################################################################################
    // file IO
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Clears all configuration data and reads the file. It might happen that lines are
         * ignored or otherwise marked as faulty. All numbers of such lines get collected in
         * field LinesWithReadErrors.
         * @return Returns the #Status of the operation.
        public IniFile.Status  ReadFile()
            LastStatus= Status.OK;

            // read all variables
            StreamReader file;
                file= new StreamReader( FileName.ToString() );
            catch( Exception )
                return LastStatus= Status.ERROR_OPENING_FILE;

            String      lineS;
            AString     name=       new AString();
            AString     value=      new AString();
            AString     comments=   new AString();
            Section     actSection= (IniFile.Section) Sections[0];
            Substring   line=       new Substring();

            int         lineNo= 0;
            bool        fileHeaderRead= false;

            char[]      separatorCharacters= value._( "=" )._( CString.DefaultWhitespaces )

            while ( (lineS= file.ReadLine()) != null )

                bool isEmpty=       line.Set( lineS ).Trim().IsEmpty();
                bool isCommentLine= startsWithCommentSymbol( line );

                if ( isCommentLine )
                    if ( comments.IsNotEmpty() )

                // still processing file header?
                if ( !fileHeaderRead )
                    fileHeaderRead= true;
                    FileComments._()._( comments );

                // empty line?
                if ( isEmpty )
                    if ( comments.IsNotEmpty() )

                // section line
                if ( line.Consume( '[' ) )
                    fileHeaderRead= true;

                    // we do not care if there is no closing bracket. But if there is one, we remove it.
                    if( !line.ConsumeFromEnd(']') )
                        LinesWithReadErrors.Add( lineNo );

                    // search the section in our section list (if section existed already, new comments
                    // are dropped)
                    actSection= (IniFile.Section) SearchOrCreateSection( line, comments);


                // variable line?
                int idx= line.IndexOfAny( separatorCharacters, Inclusion.Include );
                if( idx < 0 )
                    name._()._( line );
                    name._()._( line.Buf, line.Start, idx );
                    line.Consume( idx );

                // read continues as long as lines end with '\' (must not be '\\')
                while (     line.CharAtEnd()  == '\\'
                        &&  line.CharAtEnd(1) != '\\' )

                    if ( (lineS= file.ReadLine()) == null  )
                        // last line of the file ended with '\' !
                    line.Set( lineS ).TrimEnd();
                    value._( line );

                // insert entry with raw value
                    IniFile.Entry entry= (IniFile.Entry) actSection.GetEntry( name, true );
                    entry.Values  .Clear();
                    entry.Comments._()._( comments );
                    entry.RawValue._()._( value );

                    // if there is just no raw value, we add an empty string to the entries' values
                    if ( value.IsEmpty() )
                        entry.Values.Add( new AString() );



            return LastStatus;
 void SaveTutorialOutput( string fileName, AString log )
     if ( outputPath.Length == 0 )
         System.IO.File.WriteAllText( outputPath + fileName,  log.ToString() );
예제 #47
        public void MeasureIncreasingDoublingLoop()


            Log.SetVerbosity( new ConsoleLogger(), Verbosity.Verbose, "/" );
            Log.MapThreadName( "UnitTest" );
            Log.SetDomain( "TickWatch", Scope.Method );

            Log.Info( "This test shows quite nicely, how the just in time compiler steps in when we are looping heavily!" );

            String testString= "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#";
            AString testAString= new AString( testString );

            TickWatch ttString= new TickWatch();
            TickWatch ttAString= new TickWatch();
            for (int run= 4; run < 20; run++ )
                int qtyLoops= (run == 0)  ? 0 : (1 << (run -1));

                // use String.IndexOf()
                    int nonOptimizableUsedResultValue= 0;
                    for (int i= 0; i < qtyLoops; i++ )
                        nonOptimizableUsedResultValue+= testString.IndexOf( '#' );
                Ticks sSample= ttString.Sample();

                // use AString.IndexOf()
                    for (int i= 0; i < qtyLoops; i++ )
                        nonOptimizableUsedResultValue+= testAString.IndexOf( '#' );
                Ticks aSample= ttAString.Sample();

                if ( nonOptimizableUsedResultValue > -1 ) // this is always true, just for the sake that the compiler does not optimize the whole code!
                    Log.Info(  Log.Buf()._( "Search loops " )     .Field()._( qtyLoops.ToString() )       .Field( 6 )
                                        ._( ":  time needed: " )  .Field()._( (int)    sSample.InNanos() ).Field( 8 )
                                        ._(  " / "  )             .Field()._( (int)    aSample.InNanos() ).Field( 8 )
                                        ._( "   Ratio String/AString: " ) ._( ((double) sSample.Raw()) / ((double) aSample.Raw()) )

예제 #48
        Variable   Define( VariableDefinition definition, params Object[] replacements )

            Delim=                  definition.Delim;
            FormatHints=            definition.FormatHints;
            FormatAttrAlignment=    definition.FormatAttrAlignment;

            // set Category, Name, Comment
            if(  definition.Category != null ) Category._( definition.Category );
            else                               Category._( definition.CategoryFallback );

            Name    ._( definition.Name    );
            Comments._( definition.Comments );
            if ( definition.DefaultValue != null )
                DefaultValue._()._( definition.DefaultValue );

            // replace strings
            if ( replacements != null && replacements.Length > 0 )
                AString search= Fullname;                        // just an alias name
                AString repl=   new AString(); values.Add(repl); // reuse this string later
                for( int i= 0; i < replacements.Length; i++ )
                    search._()._("%")._(i + 1);
                    repl  ._()._( replacements[i] );

                    Category    .SearchAndReplace( search, repl );
                    Name        .SearchAndReplace( search, repl );
                    Comments    .SearchAndReplace( search, repl );
                    DefaultValue.SearchAndReplace( search, repl );

            // set full name
            if( Category.IsNotEmpty() )
                Fullname._( Category )._( '_' );
            Fullname._( Name );

            ALIB.ASSERT_WARNING(  Name.IsNotEmpty(), "Empty variable name given" );

            return this;
    public static readonly String  EOMETA      = "\x001BA0";  ///< End of meta information in log string

    /** ************************************************************************************************
     * Replaces ESC codes in a string reversely to "ESC.XXX".
     * @param target   The string to replace in.
     * @param startIdx The index to start searching for ESC codes.
    public static void ReplaceToReadable( AString target, int startIdx )
        while( (startIdx= target.IndexOf( '\x001B', startIdx ) ) >= 0 )
            String val= "{ESC.";
            char c=  target.CharAt( startIdx + 1 );
            char c2= target.CharAt( startIdx + 2 );

            String code= "ERROR";

            // colors
            if( c == 'c' || c == 'C' )
                if ( c == 'C' )
                    val+= "BG_" ;
                switch( c2 - '0' )
                    case 0:  code= "RED"     ; break;
                    case 1:  code= "GREEN"   ; break;
                    case 2:  code= "YELLOW"  ; break;
                    case 3:  code= "BLUE"    ; break;
                    case 4:  code= "MAGENTA" ; break;
                    case 5:  code= "CYAN"    ; break;
                    case 6:  code= "BLACK"   ; break;
                    case 7:  code= "WHITE"   ; break;
                    case 8:  code= "GRAY"    ; break;
                    case 9:  code= "RESET"   ; break;
                    default: code= "COL_ERR"; break;


            // styles
            else if( c == 's' )
                switch( c2 )
                    case 'B': code= "BOLD"         ; break;
                    case 'I': code= "ITALICS"      ; break;
                    case 'r': code= "STYLE_RESET"  ; break;
                    case 'a': code= "RESET"        ; break;
                    default:  code= "STYLE_ERR"    ; break;

            // styles
            else if( c == 'l' )
                switch( c2 )
                    case 'S': code= "URL_START"    ; break;
                    case 'E': code= "URL_END"      ; break;
                    default:  code= "URL_ERR"      ; break;

            // others
            else if( c == 'l' && c2 == '0' )    code= "TAB";
            else if( c == 'A' && c2 == '0' )    code= "EOMETA";

            // Replace
            val+= code + '}';
            target.ReplaceSubstring( val, startIdx, 3 );
            startIdx+= 3;
예제 #50
    /** ********************************************************************************************
     * Searches a domain. If not found, the domain is (or path of domains are) created in
     * the domain tree.
     * If the path string starts with the character defined in #Separator, then
     * the search (and creation) is done starting from the root domain of this domain and not
     * from this domain.
     * @param       domainPathAS  Path and domain to search.
     * @param       sensitivity   Denotes if domain name search is treated case sensitive or not.
     * @param       maxCreate     The maximum number of sub domains that are created if not
     *                            found at the end of the path.
     * @param[out]  wasCreated    Output parameter that is set \c true if domain was not found
     *                            and hence created.
     * @return The domain found or created.
    public Domain Find( AString domainPathAS, Case sensitivity, int maxCreate, ref bool wasCreated )
        Substring domainPath= tSubstring;
        domainPath.Set( domainPathAS );

        // set optional output parameter as default to false
        wasCreated= false;

        int lenBeforeTrim= domainPath.Length();

        // if string is empty (resp. contains only separator characters), return ourselves
        while ( domainPath.Consume( Separator ) )
        if( domainPath.IsEmpty() )
            return this;

        // Trailing domain separator found: call find on root domain
        Domain startDomain= this;
        if ( lenBeforeTrim > domainPath.Length() )
            while (startDomain.Parent != null )
                startDomain= startDomain.Parent;

        // call find
        return startDomain.findRecursive( domainPath, sensitivity, maxCreate, ref wasCreated );
예제 #51
 public static void GetState( AString buf,  Lox.StateInfo flags,
 [CallerLineNumber] int cln= 0,[CallerFilePath] String csf="",[CallerMemberName] String cmn="" )
     #if ALOX_DBG_LOG
         LOX.GetState( buf, flags, cln,csf,cmn );
예제 #52
    /** ********************************************************************************************
     *  Helper function that logs a time given difference into the given buffer in a human readable
     *  format. Works from micro seconds to days.
     * @param buf         The buffer to write the time difference representation into.
     * @param diffNanos   The time difference to write in nanoseconds.
    protected virtual void writeTimeDiff( AString buf, long diffNanos )
        // unmeasurable?
        if ( diffNanos < TimeDiffMinimum )  { buf._( TimeDiffNone );                                 return; }

        if ( diffNanos < 1000 )             { buf._( (int) diffNanos, 3  )._( TimeDiffNanos );  return; }

        // we continue with micros
        long diffMicros= diffNanos / 1000L;

        // below 1000 microseconds?
        if ( diffMicros < 1000 )            { buf._( (int) diffMicros, 3 )._( TimeDiffMicros ); return; }

        // below 1000 ms?
        if ( diffMicros < 1000000 )         { buf._( (int) (diffMicros / 1000), 3 )._( TimeDiffMillis ); return; }

        // below 10 secs (rounded) ?
        if ( diffMicros < 9995000 )
            // convert to hundredth of secs
            long hundredthSecs=  ((diffMicros / 1000) + 5) / 10;

            // print two digits after dot x.xx
            buf._( (int) (hundredthSecs / 100), 1 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) (hundredthSecs % 100), 2 )
               ._( TimeDiffSecs );

        // convert to tenth of secs
        long tenthSecs=  ((diffMicros / 10000) + 5) / 10 ;

        // below 100 secs ?
        if ( tenthSecs < 1000 )
            // print one digits after dot xx.x (round value by adding 5 hundredth)
            buf._( (int) ( tenthSecs / 10 ), 2 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) ( tenthSecs % 10 ), 1 )
               ._( TimeDiffSecs );

        //     below 10 minutes ?
        if ( tenthSecs < 6000 )
            // convert to hundredth of minutes
            long hundredthMins=  tenthSecs / 6;

            // print two digits after dot x.xx
            buf._( (int) (hundredthMins / 100), 1 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) (hundredthMins % 100), 2 )
               ._( TimeDiffMins );

        // convert to tenth of minutes
        long tenthMins=  tenthSecs / 60;

        // below 100 minutes ?
        if ( tenthMins < 1000 )
            // print one digits after dot xx.x (round value by adding 5 hundredth)
            buf._( (int) (tenthMins / 10), 2 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) (tenthMins % 10), 1 )
               ._( TimeDiffMins );

        // below ten hours?
        if ( tenthMins < 6000 )
            // convert to hundredth of hours
            long hundredthHours=  tenthMins / 6;

            // print two digits after dot x.xx
            buf._( (int) (hundredthHours / 100), 1 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) (hundredthHours % 100), 2 )
               ._( TimeDiffHours );

        // convert to tenth of minutes
        long tenthHours=  tenthMins / 60;

        // below 10 hours ?
        if ( tenthHours < 1000 )
            // print two digits after dot x.xx
            buf._( (int) (tenthHours / 10), 2 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) (tenthHours % 10), 1 )
               ._( TimeDiffHours );

        // below 100 hours ?
        if ( tenthHours < 1000 )
            // print one digits after dot xx.x (round value by adding 5 hundredth)
            buf._( (int) (tenthHours / 10), 2 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) ((tenthHours / 10) % 10), 1 )
               ._( TimeDiffHours );

        // convert to hundredth of days
        long hundredthDays=  tenthHours * 10 / 24;

        // below 10 days ?
        if ( hundredthDays < 1000 )
            // print two digits after dot x.xx
            buf._( (int) (hundredthDays / 100), 1 )
               ._( '.' )
               ._( (int) (hundredthDays % 100), 2 )
               ._( TimeDiffDays );

        // 10 days or more (print days plus one digit after the comma)
        // print one digits after dot xx.x (round value by adding 5 hundredth)
        buf ._( (int) (hundredthDays / 100), 2 )
            ._( '.' )
            ._( (int) ((hundredthDays / 10) % 10), 1 )
            ._( TimeDiffDays );
예제 #53
    /** ********************************************************************************************
     *  Processes the next command found in the format string, by writing formatted information
     *  into the given buffer.
     *  The given Substring holds the next command. When method returns, the command is cut
     *  from the front.
     * @param logger    The logger that we are embedded in.
     * @param domain    The <em>Log Domain</em>.
     * @param verbosity The verbosity. This has been checked to be active already on this
     *                  stage and is provided to be able to be logged out only.
     * @param scope     Information about the scope of the <em>Log Statement</em>..
     * @param dest      The buffer to write meta information into.
     * @param variable  The variable to read (may have more characters appended)
     * @return The number of tab sequences that were written (by adding ESC::TAB to the buffer).
    protected virtual int processVariable( TextLogger logger, Domain  domain, Verbosity verbosity,
                                           ScopeInfo  scope,  AString dest,   Substring variable )
        // process commands
        char c2;
        switch ( variable.Consume() )
            // scope info
            case 'S':
                    // read sub command
                AString val;
                switch( c2= variable.Consume() )
                    case 'P':   // SP: full path
                        int    length;
                        String path= scope.GetFullPath( out length );
                        if ( length > 0 )
                            dest._( path, 0, length );
                            return 0;
                        val= NoSourceFileInfo;

                    } break;

                    case 'p':   // Sp: trimmed path
                        val= scope.GetTrimmedPath();
                        if ( val.IsEmpty() )
                            val= NoSourceFileInfo;
                    } break;

                    case 'F':   // file name
                        val= scope.GetFileName();
                        if ( val.IsEmpty() )
                            val= NoSourceFileInfo;
                    } break;

                    case 'f':   // file name without extension
                        val= scope.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();
                        if ( val.IsEmpty() )
                            val= NoSourceFileInfo;
                    } break;

                    case 'M':   // method name
                        String method= scope.GetMethod();
                        if ( method.Length == 0 )
                            dest._( NoMethodInfo );
                            dest._( method );
                        return 0;

                    case 'L':  // line number
                        dest._( scope.GetLineNumber() );
                        return 0;

                        if( !warnedOnce )
                            warnedOnce= true;
                            ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown format variable '%S" + c2 + "\' (only one warning)" );
                        dest._( "%ERROR" );
                        return 0;
                dest._( val );
                return 0;

            // %Tx: Time
            case 'T':
                // read sub command
                c2= variable.Consume();

                // %TD: Date
                if ( c2 == 'D' )
                    // get time stamp as DateTime once
                    if ( callerDateTime == null )
                        callerDateTime= scope.GetTimeStamp().InDotNetDateTime();

                    // avoid the allocation of a) a StringBuilder (yes, a string builder is allocated inside StringBuilder.AppendFormat!)
                    // and b) a DateTime object, if the format is the unchanged standard. And it is faster anyhow.
                    if ( DateFormat.Equals( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) )
                        dest ._( callerDateTime.Value.Year,  4 )._( '-' )
                             ._( callerDateTime.Value.Month, 2 )._( '-' )
                             ._( callerDateTime.Value.Day,   2 );

                    // support user defined standards
                        // detect changes of format string since last log
                        if ( detectDateFormatChanges != DateFormat )
                            detectDateFormatChanges= DateFormat;
                            dateFormatString= "{0:" + DateFormat + "}";

                        // get date string from system and append to log buffer
                        formatSB.AppendFormat( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, dateFormatString, callerDateTime );
                        dest._( formatSB );

                // %TT: Time of Day
                else if ( c2 == 'T' )
                    // get time stamp as DateTime once
                    if ( callerDateTime == null )
                        callerDateTime= scope.GetTimeStamp().InDotNetDateTime();

                    // avoid the allocation of a) a StringBuilder (yes, a string builder is allocated inside StringBuilder.AppendFormat!)
                    // and b) a DateTime object, if the format is the unchanged standard. And it is faster anyhow.
                    if ( TimeOfDayFormat.Equals( "HH:mm:ss" ) )
                        dest ._( callerDateTime.Value.Hour,   2 )._( ':' )
                             ._( callerDateTime.Value.Minute, 2 )._( ':' )
                             ._( callerDateTime.Value.Second, 2 );

                    // support user defined standards
                        // detect changes of format string since last log
                        if ( detectTimeOfDayFormatChanges != TimeOfDayFormat )
                            detectTimeOfDayFormatChanges= TimeOfDayFormat;
                            timeOfDayFormatString= "{0:" + TimeOfDayFormat + "}";

                        // get time string from system and append to log buffer
                        formatSB.AppendFormat( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, timeOfDayFormatString, callerDateTime);
                        dest     ._( formatSB );

                // %TC: Time elapsed since created
                else if ( c2 == 'C' )
                    elapsedTime.Set( scope.GetTimeStamp()  );
                    elapsedTime.Sub( logger.TimeOfCreation );

                    if( MaxElapsedTime.Raw() < elapsedTime.Raw() )
                        MaxElapsedTime.Set( elapsedTime );

                    long      maxElapsedSecs= MaxElapsedTime.InSeconds();
                    TimeSpan  elapsed= new TimeSpan( elapsedTime.Raw() );

                    if ( maxElapsedSecs >= 60*60*24 )  dest._( elapsed.Days  )._NC( TimeElapsedDays );
                    if ( maxElapsedSecs >= 60*60    )  dest._( elapsed.Hours  ,  maxElapsedSecs >= 60*60*10 ?  2 : 1 )._( ':' );
                    if ( maxElapsedSecs >= 60       )  dest._( elapsed.Minutes,  maxElapsedSecs >= 10*60    ?  2 : 1 )._( ':' );
                    dest._( elapsed.Seconds,  maxElapsedSecs > 9 ? 2 : 1          )._NC( '.' );
                    dest._( elapsed.Milliseconds,  3 );

                // %TL: Time elapsed since last log call
                else if ( c2 == 'L' )
                    writeTimeDiff( dest, scope.GetTimeStamp().Since(logger.TimeOfLastLog).InNanos() );

                    if( !warnedOnce )
                        warnedOnce= true;
                        ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown format variable '%T" + c2 + "\' (only one warning)" );
                    dest._( "%ERROR" );
                return 0;

            // thread name / ID
            case 't':
                c2= variable.Consume();

                if ( c2 == 'N' )
                        ._( scope.GetThreadName() )
                        .Field( logger.AutoSizes.Next( scope.GetThreadName().Length(), 0 ), Alignment.Center );
                else if ( c2 == 'I' )
                    tmpAString._()._( scope.GetThreadID() );
                        ._( tmpAString )
                        .Field( logger.AutoSizes.Next( tmpAString           .Length(), 0 ), Alignment.Center );
                    if( !warnedOnce )
                        warnedOnce= true;
                        ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown format variable '%t" + c2 + "\' (only one warning)" );
                    dest._( "%ERROR" );
                return 0;

            case 'L':
                c2= variable.Consume();
                     if ( c2 == 'G' )     dest._NC( logger.GetName() );
                else if ( c2 == 'X' )     dest._NC( scope.GetLoxName() );
                    if( !warnedOnce )
                        warnedOnce= true;
                        ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown format variable '%L" + c2 + "\' (only one warning)" );
                    dest._( "%ERROR" );
                    return 0;
                return 0;

            case 'P':
                dest._NC( Util.GetProcessName() );
                return 0;

            case 'V':   dest._ (    verbosity == Verbosity.Error    ? VerbosityError
                                  : verbosity == Verbosity.Warning  ? VerbosityWarning
                                  : verbosity == Verbosity.Info     ? VerbosityInfo
                                  :                               VerbosityVerbose    );
                        return 0;

            case 'D':
                dest.Field()._( domain.FullPath ).Field( logger.AutoSizes.Next( domain.FullPath.Length(), 0 ), Alignment.Left );
                return 0;

            case '#':    dest._( logger.CntLogs, LogNumberMinDigits );
                         return 0;

            // A: Auto tab
            case 'A':
                // read extra space from format string
                int oldStart=    variable.Start;
                int extraSpace;  variable.ConsumeInteger( out extraSpace );
                if ( oldStart == variable.Start )
                    extraSpace=         1;

                // insert ESC code to jump to next tab level
                extraSpace= Math.Min( extraSpace, 10 + ('Z'-'A') );
                char escNo= extraSpace < 10 ?   (char) ( '0' + extraSpace )
                                            :   (char) ( 'A' + extraSpace );

                dest._( "\x1Bt" )._( escNo );
                return 1;

                if( !warnedOnce )
                    warnedOnce= true;
                    ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown format variable \'" + variable.Buf[variable.Start - 1] + "\'" );
                dest._( "%ERROR" );
            return 0;

예제 #54
    /** ********************************************************************************************
     *  Parses the #Format string and logs meta information into the log buffer. For each
     *  variable found, method #processVariable is invoked. Hence, to add new variables,
     *  the latter method can be overwritten by descendants. Overwriting this method is
     *  recommended for formatter classes that do not rely on format strings.
     * @param logger    The logger that we are embedded in.
     * @param buffer    The buffer to write meta information into.
     * @param domain    The <em>Log Domain</em>.
     * @param verbosity The verbosity. This has been checked to be active already on this
     *                  stage and is provided to be able to be logged out only.
     * @param scope     Information about the scope of the <em>Log Statement</em>..
     * @return The number of tab sequences that were written (by adding ESC::TAB to the buffer).
    public virtual int Write( TextLogger logger, AString buffer, Domain domain, Verbosity verbosity, ScopeInfo scope )
        int qtyTabStops= 0;

        // check
        if ( Format == null || Format.IsEmpty() )
            return 0;

        // clear DateTime singleton
        callerDateTime= null ;

        // loop/switch over content specified in configuration array
        tTok.Set( Format, '%' );

        while ( true )
            // get next and log substring between commands
            if ( tTok.Next(Whitespaces.Keep).IsNotEmpty() )
                buffer._( tTok.Actual );

            // previous next did not find a delimiter
            if ( !tTok.HasNext() )

            // process the found variable
            qtyTabStops+= processVariable( logger, domain, verbosity, scope, buffer, tTok.Rest );

        return qtyTabStops;
예제 #55
    // #############################################################################################
    // Constructor
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Creates an AnsiLogger.
         * @param textWriter     The TextWriter object to write into.
         * @param usesStdStreams Denotes whether this logger writes to the
         *                       <em>standard output streams</em>.
         * @param name           The name of the \e Logger, defaults to what is provided with
         *                       parameter \p typeName.
         * @param typeName       The type of the \e Logger, defaults to "ANSI".
        public AnsiLogger( System.IO.TextWriter textWriter, bool usesStdStreams,
                           String name= null, String typeName= "ANSI" )
            : base( name, typeName, usesStdStreams )
            this.textWriter= textWriter;

            // evaluate environment variable "ALOX_CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND"
            Variable variable= new Variable( ALox.CONSOLE_HAS_LIGHT_BACKGROUND );
            if ( variable.Size() > 0 )
                IsBackgroundLight=  variable.IsTrue();
                // on ANSI terminals we can only guess. Our guess is: console windows have dark background
                IsBackgroundLight= false;

            // remove verbosity information and colorize the whole line
            MetaInfo.Format.SearchAndReplace( "]%V[", "][" );
            if ( IsBackgroundLight )
                MsgPrefixError           = ANSI_RED;
                MsgPrefixWarning         = ANSI_BLUE;
                MsgPrefixVerbose         = ANSI_GRAY;
                MsgPrefixError           = ANSI_LIGHT_RED;
                MsgPrefixWarning         = ANSI_LIGHT_BLUE;
                MsgPrefixVerbose         = ANSI_LIGHT_GRAY;

            // set source file background to gray
            AString ansiBGGray= new AString( ESC.BG_GRAY ); ansiBGGray._( "%SF(%SL):" )._( ANSI_BG_STD_COL );
            MetaInfo.Format.SearchAndReplace( "%SF(%SL):", ansiBGGray.ToString() );
    /** ****************************************************************************************
     *  Provides a string representation of a this object.
     *  @param target  The target AString.
     *  @returns The \p target, with string representation of the provided Scope value
     *           appended
    public AString ToString( AString target )
        target._( '[' );
        target._( '\"' )._( StringValue )._( "\"," );
        target._( IntegerValue );
        if ( ObjectValue != null )
            target._NC( ",<object>" );
        target._( ']' );

        return target;
예제 #57
    public static void PerformanceTestRL()
        // create a lox for release logging
        Lox lox= new Lox( "ReleaseLox" );
        TextLogger   relLogger= Lox.CreateConsoleLogger();
        MemoryLogger ml       = new MemoryLogger();

        lox.SetVerbosity( relLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, "/CON" );
        lox.SetVerbosity( ml       , Verbosity.Verbose, "/MEM" );

        lox.Info( "/CON", "Logging simple info lines into a memory logger" );

        AString  msgBuf=  new AString( );
        long     fastest= long.MaxValue;
        Ticks    timer=     new Ticks();
        int      qtyLines=   100;
        int      qtyLoops=  1000;
        if( System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached )
            qtyLines= qtyLoops= 10;

        for ( int i= 0 ; i < qtyLoops ; i++ )
            #if ALOX_DBG_LOG || ALOX_REL_LOG

                for ( int ii= 0 ; ii < qtyLines ; ii++ )
                    lox.Info( "/MEM", "Test Line" );
                    if( i== 0 && ii == 0) Console.WriteLine( ml.MemoryLog.ToString() );
            long t= timer.Age().Raw();

            if ( fastest > t )
                fastest= t;
                lox.Info( "/CON", msgBuf.Clear()._( "Pass " )._( i, 3)._( " is new fastest:  ")
                                       ._( (int) (new Ticks( fastest)).InMicros(), 0)
                                       ._( " micros per ")._(qtyLines)._(" logs.") );

        double microsPerLog=  ( (double) (new Ticks(fastest)).InMicros() ) / qtyLines;
        int    logsPerSecond= (int)( 1000000.0 / microsPerLog);
        lox.Info( "/CON", msgBuf._()._( "  " )._( ESC.MAGENTA )._( "Fastest Release Logging: " )
                                    ._( microsPerLog  )._( " micros per log (resp " )
                                    ._( logsPerSecond )._( " logs per second) " ) );

        lox.RemoveLogger( ml );
        lox.RemoveLogger( relLogger );
예제 #58
    public static void SampleALibReport()
        Console.WriteLine( "Sample: ALib Report via using ALox" );

        Log.SetDomain( "/SAMPLE", Scope.Filename);
        Log.SetVerbosity( Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Info, "" );
        Log.Info(   "Method \"Log.AddDebugLogger()\" by default creates a replacement for the\n"
                  + "standard ALib report writer. If this is a debug compiliation, let's have a try and\n"
                  + "create 3 Messages:"  );

            Report.GetDefault().PushHaltFlags( false, false );
                ALIB.ERROR(   "This is an error report!" );
                ALIB.WARNING( "And this is a warning!"   );
                AString illegalAccess= new AString(10);
                illegalAccess.SetCharAt_NC(5, '5');

            Log.SetVerbosity( Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, ALox.InternalDomains );
            ALIB.REPORT( 2,   "This is an ALib Report. Types other than '0' and '1' are user defined.\n"
                            + "Verbosity of ALox.InternalDomains has to be increased to see them when using"
                            + " ALoxReportWriter." );

        Log.Info(   "Note the domain prefix '" + ALox.InternalDomains.ToString() + "'. This addresses "
                  + "the tree of internal domains\nof the Lox, which the report writer is just "
                  + "using for ALib reports." );

예제 #59
    // #############################################################################################
    // logText
    // #############################################################################################

    /** ********************************************************************************************
     *  The implementation of the abstract method of parent class TextLogger. Logs messages to the
     *  application console and/or the VStudio output window.
     * @param domain      The <em>Log Domain</em>.
     * @param verbosity   The verbosity. This has been checked to be active already on this
     *                    stage and is provided to be able to be logged out only.
     * @param msg         The log message
     * @param scope       Information about the scope of the <em>Log Statement</em>..
     * @param lineNumber  The line number of a multi-line message, starting with 0. For
     *                    single line messages this is -1.
    override protected void logText(  Domain         domain,     Verbosity verbosity,
                                        AString        msg,
                                        ScopeInfo      scope,      int           lineNumber)
        // loop over message, print the parts between the escape sequences
        Tokenizer msgParts= new Tokenizer( msg, '\x001B' );
        Substring actual=   msgParts.Actual;
        Substring rest=     msgParts.Rest;
        int       column=   0;
            msgParts.Next( Whitespaces.Keep );

            // check if this is an ANSI sequence already
            if ( rest.CharAtStart() == '[' )
                // read the 'm'
                int idx= rest.IndexOf( 'm' );

                if ( idx < 0 ) // unknown ANSI Code
                    ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown ANSI ESC Code " );
                    textWriter.Write( actual.Buf, actual.Start, actual.Length() );

                column+= actual.Length();

                actual.End= rest.Start + idx ;
                rest.Start+= idx + 1;

                textWriter.Write( actual.Buf, actual.Start, actual.Length() );


            if ( actual.IsNotEmpty() )
                textWriter.Write( actual.Buf, actual.Start, actual.Length() );
                column+= actual.Length();

            // end of loop?
            if ( !msgParts.HasNext() )

            // found an ESC sequence
            char c= rest.Consume();

            // Colors
            bool isForeGround=  true;
            if( c == 'C' || c == 'c' )
                isForeGround=  c== 'c';

                c= rest.Consume();
                int colNo= c - '0';
                ALIB.ASSERT_WARNING( colNo >=0 && colNo <=9, "Unknown ESC-c code" );

                // add bg
                colNo+=  isForeGround ? 0 : 10;

                // add light
                colNo+=  (isForeGround ? !IsBackgroundLight : IsBackgroundLight )  ? 20 : 0;

                textWriter.Write( ansiCols[ colNo ] );


            // Styles
            else if ( c == 's' )
                // bold/italics style not supported in Windows console

                // reset all
                if ( rest.Consume() == 'a' )
                    textWriter.Write( ANSI_RESET );

            // auto tab / end of meta
            else if ( c == 't' || c == 'A')
                bool endOfMeta= c == 'A';
                c=  rest.Consume();
                int extraSpace=  c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? (int)  ( c - '0' )
                                                      : (int)  ( c - 'A' ) + 10;

                int tabStop= AutoSizes.Next( column, extraSpace );

                Util.WriteSpaces( textWriter, tabStop - column );
                column= tabStop;

                if ( endOfMeta )
                    String msgPrefix;
                    switch ( verbosity )
                        case lox.Verbosity.Verbose:   msgPrefix= MsgPrefixVerbose;     break;
                        case lox.Verbosity.Info:      msgPrefix= MsgPrefixInfo;        break;
                        case lox.Verbosity.Warning:   msgPrefix= MsgPrefixWarning;     break;
                        case lox.Verbosity.Error:     msgPrefix= MsgPrefixError;       break;
                        default:                  msgPrefix= "";                   break;
                    textWriter.Write( msgPrefix );

            // Link (we just colorize links here)
            else if ( c == 'l' )
                textWriter.Write( rest.Consume() == 'S'
                                       ?  ( IsBackgroundLight ? ANSI_LIGHT_BLUE : ANSI_LIGHT_BLUE )
                                       :  ANSI_STD_COL                             );

                ALIB.WARNING( "Unknown ESC code" );

        } // write loop

        textWriter.WriteLine( MsgSuffix );
예제 #60
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Adds a value to the end of the list of values.
         * @return A reference to the string which can be manipulated to set the value.
        public AString    AddString()
            int actIdx= qtyValues;
            if( actIdx < values.Count )
                return values[actIdx].Clear();

            AString newVal= new AString();
            values.Add( newVal );
            return newVal;