예제 #1
        protected void btnAdd2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbItem2.Text))

            string maxSql = string.Format("select max( productId ) from ProductsTree");
            int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
            int    newId  = max + 1;

            OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, string.Format("INSERT INTO ProductsTree (ProductId, ProductName, ParentId,Username) VALUES({0}, '{1}', 0,'{2}')", newId, tbItem2.Text, Session["UserName"].ToString()));
            String qry = "select SUBSTRING([ProductName], 1, CASE CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), [ProductName]) WHEN 0 THEN LEN([ProductName]) ELSE CHARINDEX(char(10), [ProductName]) - 1 END) as ProductName from [ProductsTree] where ProductID=" + newId.ToString();

            ASTreeViewNode newNode = new ASTreeViewNode((string)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, qry), newId.ToString());

            ASTreeViewNode rootNode = astvMyTree2.FindByValue("root");

            XmlDocument doc = astvMyTree2.GetTreeViewXML();

            doc.Save(Server.MapPath("~/" + Session["UserName"] + ".xml"));
		protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
			if( Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd" )
				string addNodeText = HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["addNodeText"] );
				int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] ) );

				string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
				int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
				int newId = max + 1;

				string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
					, max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

				int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

				ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

				ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
				node.NavigateUrl = "#";
				node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

				root.AppendChild( node );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );

				foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
					string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
					string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
					string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
					int childNodesCount = 0;
					if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
						childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
					node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
					node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
					node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
					node.NavigateUrl = "#";
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );*/
				base.Render( writer );

예제 #3
        protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbItem.Text))
             *  return;

            string maxSql = string.Format("SELECT MAX(productId) from ProductsTree");
            int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
            int    newId  = max + 1;

            OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, string.Format("INSERT INTO ProductsTree (ProductId, ProductName, ParentId, Username) VALUES({0},'{1}',{3},'{2}')", newId, "Untitled", Session["UserName"].ToString(), ddlRoot1.SelectedValue));
            String qry = "SELECT SUBSTRING([ProductName], 1, CASE CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), [ProductName]) WHEN 0 THEN LEN([ProductName]) ELSE CHARINDEX(char(10), [ProductName]) - 1 END) as ProductName from [ProductsTree] where ProductID=" + newId.ToString();

            ASTreeViewNode newNode = new ASTreeViewNode((string)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, qry), newId.ToString());
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > attrib = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            ASTreeViewNode rootNode = astvMyTree1.FindByValue(ddlRoot1.Text);


            XmlDocument doc = astvMyTree1.GetTreeViewXML();

            doc.Save(Server.MapPath("~/" + ddlRoot1.SelectedValue + ".xml"));
예제 #4
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd")
                string addNodeText     = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["addNodeText"]);
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]));

                if (addNodeText.ToLower().IndexOf("a") >= 0)
                    ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("[Server Said]:You cannot add node with nodetext containing letter 'a'", "failed");
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("addfailed", "true"));


                    HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                    astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                    foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
                    string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                    int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                    int    newId  = max + 1;

                    string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                               , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                    int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                    ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                    node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                    HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                    astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                    foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
		protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
			if( Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd" )
				string addNodeText = HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["addNodeText"] );
				int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] ) );

				if( addNodeText.ToLower().IndexOf( "a" ) >= 0 )
					ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "[Server Said]:You cannot add node with nodetext containing letter 'a'", "failed" );
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "addfailed", "true" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

					HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
					astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
					foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
						c.RenderControl( writer );
					string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
					int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
					int newId = max + 1;

					string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
						, max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

					int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

					ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
					node.NavigateUrl = "#";
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

					HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
					astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
					foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
						c.RenderControl( writer );
				base.Render( writer );

        private void GenerateTree2()
            string para = "= 1";

            string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

            DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];

            ASTreeViewNode root = this.astvMyTree2.RootNode;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string productName     = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                string productId       = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                string parentId        = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                int    childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString());

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId);
                node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                node.VirtualParentKey  = productId;
                node.IsVirtualNode     = childNodesCount > 0;
                node.NavigateUrl       = "#";
                //List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> attrs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));
                //node.AdditionalAttributes = attrs;

예제 #7
        protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
            if( Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad" )
                string virtualParentKey = Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

                string para = string.Empty;// "= 1";
                if( virtualParentKey == null )
                    para = " is NULL";
                    para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

                string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
            FROM [Products] p1
            LEFT OUTER JOIN
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId
            FROM [Products] p2
            GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
            ) p3
            ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
            WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

                DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql ).Tables[0];

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

                foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                    string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                    string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                    string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                    int childNodesCount = 0;
                    if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
                        childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
                    node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                    node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
                    node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
                    node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

                    root.AppendChild( node );

                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
                foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
                    c.RenderControl( writer );
            else if( Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd" )
                string addNodeText = Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
                int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] );

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
                int newId = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                    , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

                root.AppendChild( node );

                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
                foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
                    c.RenderControl( writer );
                base.Render( writer );
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad")
                string virtualParentKey = Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

                string para = string.Empty;                // "= 1";
                if (virtualParentKey == null)
                    para = " is NULL";
                    para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

                string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

                DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string productName     = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                    string productId       = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                    string parentId        = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                    int    childNodesCount = 0;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()))
                        childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString());

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId);
                    node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                    node.VirtualParentKey  = productId;
                    node.IsVirtualNode     = childNodesCount > 0;
                    node.NavigateUrl       = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
            else if (Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd")
                string addNodeText     = Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]);

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                int    newId  = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                           , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (this.Page.Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad")
                #region ajaxLoad

                string virtualParentKey = this.Page.Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

                string para = string.Empty;                // "= 1";
                if (virtualParentKey == null)
                    para = " is NULL";
                    para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

                string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

                DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string productName     = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                    string productId       = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                    string parentId        = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                    int    childNodesCount = 0;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()))
                        childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString());

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId);
                    node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                    node.VirtualParentKey  = productId;
                    node.IsVirtualNode     = childNodesCount > 0;
                    node.NavigateUrl       = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));



                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)


            else if (this.Page.Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd")
                #region ajaxAdd

                string addNodeText     = this.Page.Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(this.Page.Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]);

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                int    newId  = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                           , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));



                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)



                #region render click script

                string clickScript = string.Format(@"
<script type='text/javascript'>
function nodeSelectHandler{0}(elem){{
	document.getElementById('{1}').value = encodeURIComponent(elem.innerHTML);
	document.getElementById('{2}').value = elem.parentNode.getAttribute(""treeNodeValue"");
                                                   , this.ClientID                     /*0*/
                                                   , this.hfSelectedNodeText.ClientID  /*1*/
                                                   , this.hfSelectedNodeValue.ClientID /*2*/
                                                   , this.btnPostBackTrigger.ClientID /*3*/);


        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd")
                string addNodeText     = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["addNodeText"]);
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]));

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                int    newId  = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                           , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)

                 * foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                 * {
                 *      string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                 *      string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                 *      string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                 *      int childNodesCount = 0;
                 *      if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
                 *              childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );
                 *      ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
                 *      node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                 *      node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
                 *      node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
                 *      node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                 *      node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );
                 *      root.AppendChild( node );
                 * }
                 * HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
                 * astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
                 * foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
                 *      c.RenderControl( writer );*/
		protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
			if( this.Page.Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad" )
				#region ajaxLoad

				string virtualParentKey = this.Page.Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

				string para = string.Empty;// "= 1";
				if( virtualParentKey == null )
					para = " is NULL";
					para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

				string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

				DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql ).Tables[0];

				ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

				foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
					string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
					string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
					string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
					int childNodesCount = 0;
					if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
						childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
					node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
					node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
					node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
					node.NavigateUrl = "#";
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseStartTag );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseEndTag );


			else if( this.Page.Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd" )
				#region ajaxAdd

				string addNodeText = this.Page.Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
				int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( this.Page.Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] );

				string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
				int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
				int newId = max + 1;

				string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
					, max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

				int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

				ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

				ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
				node.NavigateUrl = "#";
				node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

				root.AppendChild( node );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseStartTag );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseEndTag );

				base.Render( writer );

				#region render click script

				string clickScript = string.Format( @"
<script type='text/javascript'>
function nodeSelectHandler{0}(elem){{
	document.getElementById('{1}').value = encodeURIComponent(elem.innerHTML);
	document.getElementById('{2}').value = elem.parentNode.getAttribute(""treeNodeValue"");
					, this.ClientID /*0*/
					, this.hfSelectedNodeText.ClientID /*1*/
					, this.hfSelectedNodeValue.ClientID /*2*/
					, this.btnPostBackTrigger.ClientID /*3*/);

				writer.Write( clickScript );

